𓌂 /abA /ābah/S42/ Scepter of authority
Glyph /MDC/ how to pronounce it/ Gardiners code/what it is
*For further pronunciation help view uniliterals*
* When a letter is in a () it means it sometimes it is written and sometimes isn't*
I and z are interchangeable please review Uniliterals for more info
𓌂 /abA/ābah/S42/Scepter of authority
𓊢 /aHa/āḥā/P6/ mast
𓋹 /anx/ānkh/S34/sandal strap
𓐢 /apr/āper/
𓆈 /aSA/āshah/ lizard
𓋿 /awt/āut/
𓈌 /Axt/akhet/N27/ sun in the horizon
𓅿 /Apd/aped/H1/ duck head
𓂸, 𓂺 /bAH/baḥ/D52, D53/ penis, penis with emission
𓎰 /bAs/bahs/W2/ oil jar without ties
𓄑 /biA/bȧa, bēa/F18/ elephant tusk
𓌥 /dbA/debah/ reed float
𓇼 /dwA/duah//N14/ star
𓋬 /dmD; dmd/demedj; demed/S23/ shen symbol with two flails atop
𓅟 /dSr/desher/G27/ flamingo
𓌀 /Dam/djem/S40/staff with head of Setesh
𓌥 /DbA/djeda/T25/ Reed flaot
𓅙 /Dbt/djebt/G22/ hoopoe
𓂉 /fnd/fend/D19/ upper side face
𓂉 /fnD/fendj/D19/ upper side face
𓎣 /gAw/gau/V32/wicker satchel
𓍅 /grg/greg/U17/ pick w/ tool
𓄹 /Haw/ḥau/F51/ piece of flesh
𓄂 /HAt/ḥat/F4/ forepart of a lion
𓋾 /HqA(t)/ḥqa(t)/S38/ crook
𓊵 /Htp/ḥotep/R4/ alter with bread
𓉗 /Hwt/ḥut/O6/ house, mansion, temple
𓈅 idb/ȧdeb,ēdeb/N21/tongue of land
𓄔 /idn/ȧden, ēden/F21/ox ear
𓀗 /ikw/ȧku, ēku/A19/ old man with walking stick
𓆭 /imA/ȧmah, ēmah/M1/ tree
𓀹, 𓁹 /iri/ȧrȧ, ērē, ȧrē/A48/ man holding knife, eye
𓁹 /irt/ȧrt, ērt /D4/ eye
𓄯 /isw/ȧsu, ēsu/F44/
𓎁 /iTi /ȧtjȧ, ētjē, ȧtjē/V15
𓄹 /iwf/ȧuf, ēuf/F51
𓉺 / iwn/ȧun, ēun/O28/ column w/ tenon
𓊶 /kAp/kahp/R5/ censer
𓐙, 𓌶 /mAa/mah'ā/Aa11/ plinth Ma'āt's symbol, sickle with plinth
𓌃 /mdw/medu/S43
𓋜 /mDH/medjeḥ
𓍊 /mnx/minkh, menkh/U22/Chisel
𓎣 /msn/mesen/V32/
𓅐 /mwt/mut/G14/ vulture
𓋞 /nbw/nebu/S12/collar
𓇛 /nDm/nedjem/ sweet bean pod
𓄤 /nfr/nefer/F35/ heart and windpipe
𓀔 /nni/nenē/A17/ child with hand in mouth
𓊹 /nTr/netjer/R8/flag
𓇑 /nxb/nekheb/M22/rush with shoots
𓆀,𓆁 /pAq/pahq
𓇷,𓇸 /psD/pesdj
𓌗/rwd/rud/T12/ bowstring
𓌗 /rwD/rudj/T12/ bowstring
z or s
𓄥 /zmA/zema/ lung and windpip
𓏴 /zwA/zua
𓌕 /zwn/zun
𓄜, 𓃥 /sAb/sahb/, E17/ cowskin, jackal
𓋫 /sAT/saht
𓇼 /sbA/sebah/N14/ star
𓂾 /sbq/sebeq/D56/ leg
𓄔 /sDm/sedjem/F21/ ox ear
𓋷 /siA/sēah
𓎝 /sk(i)/skē
𓃓, 𓄥 /smA/sema/ E2, F36/ charging bull, lung and windpipe
𓅾 /snd/sened/G54/ plucked bird
𓅾 /snD/senedj/G54/ plucked bird
𓄭 /spr/seper/F42/ rib
𓌬 ,𓌪 /sSm/seshem/T32, T31/ knife sharpener, knife sharpener w/ legs
𓍉 /stp/setep
𓏴 /swA/suah
𓌂 /sxm/sekhem/ scepter of authority
𓇗 /Sma/shemā/M26/sedge with blossoms
𓌞 /Sms/shemes/T18/ crook w/ package
𓍁 /Sna/shenā
𓍶 /Snw/shenu/V9/ rounded cartouche
𓍱 /Ssr/sheser/V6/ cord loop facing down
𓋺/Swt/shut/S35/sun shade
𓊏, 𓊐 /Szp/shezep/O42/fence
𓎬 /tit/tȧt, tēt/V39/strap of Auset
𓄿 /tyw/tēēu/G4/buzzard
𓋭 /Tst/Tjset/S24/Griddle knot, vertebra
𓃂 /wab/uāb/D60/foot with jug of water streaming out
𓇅 /wAD/uadj, wadj/M13/papyrus stem
𓎝/wAH/uaḥ/V29/ swab
𓌀, 𓋆/wAs/uahs/S40, R19/Setesh headed scepter
𓇶 wbn/uben/N8/ sun with rays
𓊠 /wHa/uḥā/P4/boat w/ net
𓄙 /wHm/uḥm/F25/ox leg
𓄋/wp(t)/upet/F13/ox horns
𓄊/wsr/user/F12/jackal scepter
𓏅 , 𓂉 /xnt/khenet/ jars in a rack, upper side face
𓆣 /xpr/kheper/L1/ scarab
𓄗 /xpS/khepesh/F24/ foreleg, arm
𓊤 /xrw/kheru/P8/ oar
𓍙 /xsf/khesef
𓋩, 𓋨 /xtm/khetm/S20, S19/ seal
𓎸 /Xnm/tshenem, khenem/W9/ stone jug
𓄚 /Xn(t)/tshenet, khenet/ goat skin