**Please keep all emails, and guestbook posts related to this site, such as 'medu netjer' the language of Ancient Egypt or the God's!!! Other wise it will be deleted and ignored, especially racist comments about the Coptic people**
Please note all ignorant, faux historian or pan-African "Kemeticism", Hotep based comments will be immediately deleted then blocked. This is strictly a historical facts teaching site using MDC and is not open to uneducated, opinion based comments.
Please read through the FAQ page first before emailing me a question. This will cut down on a lot of duplicate questions being asked. Please also note I have no time to do research for you. I am very busy. That is why I created this site (15 years in the making) to make research easy for you.
Right now I am not excepting commissions.
If you have a quick question that is not addressed on the FAQ page please feel free to email me.
Sadly we lost the old guestbook, I would greatly appreciate it if you would leave feed back in the new guestbook and how the site has helped you or what content you'd like to see more of. I do read it when I get a chance.
𓀢𓇼Thank you.𓇼𓀢
~ senebty pa sekha Unishka/ farewell the Wolf-Spirit Scribe
Please note all ignorant, faux historian or pan-African "Kemeticism", Hotep based comments will be immediately deleted then blocked. This is strictly a historical facts teaching site using MDC and is not open to uneducated, opinion based comments.
Please read through the FAQ page first before emailing me a question. This will cut down on a lot of duplicate questions being asked. Please also note I have no time to do research for you. I am very busy. That is why I created this site (15 years in the making) to make research easy for you.
Right now I am not excepting commissions.
If you have a quick question that is not addressed on the FAQ page please feel free to email me.
Sadly we lost the old guestbook, I would greatly appreciate it if you would leave feed back in the new guestbook and how the site has helped you or what content you'd like to see more of. I do read it when I get a chance.
𓀢𓇼Thank you.𓇼𓀢
~ senebty pa sekha Unishka/ farewell the Wolf-Spirit Scribe
Medjat em Ḥemsy
Sadly the old guest book went down, I had to start over. So please leave a comment if you enjoyed the web site, or something you enjoyed or would like to see more of.
Thank you.
Sadly the old guest book went down, I had to start over. So please leave a comment if you enjoyed the web site, or something you enjoyed or would like to see more of.
Thank you.
[email protected]
Please feel free to email links you would like me to add to the resources page. I'm always looking for more reference.
Please feel free to email links you would like me to add to the resources page. I'm always looking for more reference.