Egyptian Sayings and Phrases
𓇍 𓅓 𓊵𓏏𓊪
ii em ḥotep
ii m Htp (MDC)/ ēē em ḥotep or ii em ḥotep (transliteration into phonetics): Come in peace, return safely (what it means)
I have given academically accepted transliterations and pronunciations based off Coptic , but all over the world people write Egyptian slightly different. No one 100% agrees on pronunciations of words, but if you study the Etymology it's pretty easy to at least get some idea. For more help on phonetics check out Alphabet>uniliterals
H or ḥ is a hard h sound a bit in the back of the throat. Like and Arabic h.
i or ȧ are interchangeable it is like a iah sound, but quick emphasis on ah. If that is too hard it is ok to translate i as an i.
But in the beginning of words it's more of an ah and everywhere else it's more of an ī or and ē sound.
ii can be written many ways ēē, ii or even y but it's a long e sound ē
y is normally a long ē similar to ii
w is normally translated to u but at the beginning of a word sometimes it's w. Either is ok.
anx(w) Dt/ 'lord of the two lands?' : May (you) live forever
anx wDA snb/ ānkh udja seneb : Life prosperity and health. Abbreviated to AUS 𓋹𓍑𓋴
di n.k anx wDA snb/di en.ek ānkh udja seneb : given to you life, prosperity and health
hm-mi-nA/ hem-mē-nah (estimated) : congratulations
ianw/ ȧānu : greeting, to greet
ii m Htp/ ēē em ḥotep : Come in peace, return safely
iiti/ēētē : Hello
iiti m Htp/ ēētē em ḥotep : Hello in peace, welcome in peace
iiT m Htp/ ēētj em ḥotep : Welcome in peace
ii wy m Htp/ ēē uy em ḥotep : Come in peace, return safely
inD Hr.k/ ȧnudj ḥar.ek : Hello!
iry ra nfr/ īrē rā nōfer : Make a good day 'eat, drink and be merry'
iy/ ȧy (estimated): Hey!
m Htp/ em ḥotep: 'in peace' (*Kemetic slang version*) of /ii wy m Htp/ : Come in peace, return safely
m Htp nfr wrt/ em ḥotep nōfer uret: in very good peace (greeting)
nD Hr/ nudj ḥar: Greet, greetings, Hail to, protect
n-kA.k /en ka.ek : cheers!, here's to you (m)
n-kA.T /en ka.tjā : cheers!, here's to you (f)
inD Hr / ȧnudj ḥar : hail to
inD Hr.k itm/ ȧnudj ḥar.ek (Ȧtem (name) : Greetings to you, (Atem) [replace Atem with the name you wish to use] (m)
inD Hr.t imnt/ ȧnudj ḥar.tā (Ȧmunet (name) : Greetings to you, (Amunet) [replace Amunet with the name you wish to use] (f)
inD-Hr.k/ ȧnudj-ḥar.ek: hello (male)
inD-Hr.T/ ȧnudj-ḥar.tjā : hello (female)
inD-Hr.Tn/ ȧnudj-ḥar.tjen: hello (plr)
nD Hr/ nudj ḥar : greet, protect, protection
nD Hr.y/ nudj ḥar.tā : Hello, Hi (female)
nD hrw/ nudj heru: Protect your day
nD r / nudj er : greet
nD xrt/ nudj kharet: to greet, greetings, pay one's respect
nfr snb.k/ May your health be good (Neveu& Cannata p82)
nwn / nun : to greet, to do homage to
nini/ nēnē: Greetings!
ny/ nēē: Greetings!
nyny/ nēēnēē: Greetings!
ra nfr wbn m iqr/ rā nōfer uben em īkar/yakar : Beautiful day, rise in excellence
wDA Hr tnw/ udja ḥar tenu : Salutations to you
wDAy/ udjaēē : Greetings, salutations
yH/ ēēḥ : Hey!, Hi
Dd mdw in itn/ djed mōdu in (Ȧten) : Words spoken by (Aten) [replace Aten with the name you wish]
ii/ēē: Welcome
ii.ti/ ēē.ti : Welcome 'you have come'
ii ti m Htp/ēē ti em ḥotep : Welcome in peace
iiw/ēēu : Welcome
iiwi/ēēuē : Welcome
iiw n ssAw/ ēēu en sesau :Welcome in Satisfaction
iiwy m Htp/ ēēuy em ḥotep: Welcome in peace
iw/ iu : welcome to me
iw m Htp/ ȧu m Hotep: Welcome in peace
m.k iiw/em.ek ēēu: you are welcome here(m)
m.t iiw/ em.tā ēēu; m.T iiw/ em.tjā ēēu: You are welcome here (f)
ntk iiw/ netek ēēu : You are welcome here(m)
ntT iiw/ netetj ēēu : you are welcome here(f)
ntTn iiw/ netetjen ēēu: you are welcome here(plr)
sA/ sa: Welcome
THn nfr/ tjeḥn nōfer : good welcome
Good Day, morning or night
dwAw nfr/dua nōfer: good morning
bkA nfr/ bahka nōfer: Good morning
hrw nfr/ heru nōfer (Coptic) heru nefer (common): good day, happy day, holiday
nfr grH/ nōfer kōreḥ (Coptic), nōfer gōreḥ (Coptic) or nefer gereḥ (common): good night 'Good of night'
mSrw nfr/ meshru nōfer (Coptic) : good evening
ra nfr/ rā nōfer (Coptic) rā nefer (common): Good day
ra nfr wbn m iqr/ rā nōfer uben em īkar/yakar (Coptic) rā nefer wben em iker (common): Beautiful day, rise in excellence
iw-Xr hrw HD/ iu-khar haru ḥedj : Have a white day 'have a white day'
Dd mdw in/ djed medu in (common), djud mōdu ȧn (Coptic) : words spoken by ēē.ku : I have come
ii.nw/ ēē.nu :We returned
prt.i/ porter.i : I come
dwA /dua : Slang for Thank you, praise, thanks
dwA.k / dua.ek : Thank you (m)
dwA.T /dua.tjā : Thank you (f)
duA.t/dua.tā : Thank you (f) dua.ten : Thank you (plural)
Hknw / ḥeknu : praise (to King/God) Thanksgiving
Hsi-ra/ ḥōsi rā (Coptic) : thank someone
nhm.k/ nehem.ek : thank you (M)
nhm.t/ nehem.tā : thank you (f)
nhm.T/ nehem.tjā : thank you (f) nehem.ten : thank you (plr)
nhm.Tn/ nehem.tjen : thank you (plr)
ra-a/ rā-ā : thank to
Praise or utterance
dwA/ dua: Praise, thanks
HA/ ḥah: would that, ah! , if !, O!, cry out, groan
Hknw/ ḥekenu : praise to a kind or a god, thanksgiving nTrw nTrwt / May the gods goddesses bless you
hm mi nA : congratulations
hy : Hail
hy n.k/ hy en.ek: Hail to thee
i/ ȧ: O!, say, utterance
iA/ ȧ'a : O!
rSwt it mwt/ reshut it mut : let father and mother be glad.
ms aA wr tpy imn/ mus ā'ah ur tepy (Ȧmun) : the very great first child of (Amen) [replace the Amun with the name]
You are welcome
Ams.t-jb-Hr-sDm-spr.w / amet ȧb Her sedjem speru: 'hand to heart upon hearing petition' which enjoys the answer to the request (happy to help)
I am sorry
ink mr ib n/ anuk mer ȧb en: I am sorry for, I have compassion on
Letter Greetings and farewell
swDA ib/sudjah ȧb : Make glad the heart or keep safe the heart. (A greeting at beginning of a letter)
bAk im/ bak ȧm : yours truly, your humble servant (written at the end of a letter)
Parting Farewell
anx wDA snb/ānkh wadja seneb : Life, prosperity and health. Abbreviated to AUS
imi anx.k/ ȧmȧ ānkh.ek: May you live
imi snb.k/ ȧmȧ seneb.ek : May you be healthy
ir.k hrw nfr/ ȧr.ek heru nōfer Have a good day!
iw.f pw HAt.f pHwy.fy/ ȧu.ef pau ḥat.ef pḥuy.fy : it has come from beging to end
nfr snb.k/ nōfer seneb.ek: Farewell , May your health be good (greetings are the end of a letter) (Neveu& Cannata p82)
n-kA.T/en-ka.tjā cheers!, here's to you! (possibly female)
Sm m Htp/ shem em ḥotep: go in peace, to depart in peace, depart with satisfaction, leave in peace
snb ti/ seneb ti: be well
snb.ti r pr.k/ seneb.ti er per.ek: Bon voyage (M)
snbt sp(y)/ senebet sep(y) : farewell
snbty/ senebty: Farewell
wAH-tp-tA/ uaḥ-tep-tah : Live long life on earth
wnn pt wnn.T xr.i/ unen pet unen.etj kher. : as long as the sky exists, you will exist with me. (J.P.A. p.431)
ia-iH/ ȧā-ȧḥ : what is the point?, What is the use for?
nD xrt/ nudj kheret : How are you?, greet, pay one's respects, greeting!
ptr st Tn Hmst.k / poter set tjeni ḥemeset.ek: What place where you live? (m)
ptr st Tn Hmst.T / poter set tjeni hemese.tjā: What place where you live? (f)
ptr pw/ poter pau : What is this? (m) (f) (plr)
xy qd.k/ khē qad.ek : How are you ? (m)
xy qd.t/ khē qad.tā : How are you ? (f)
xy qd.T/ khē qad.tjā : How are you ? (f)
xy /khē qad.ten : How are you ? (plr)
xy qd.Tn /khē qad.tjen : How are you ? (plr)
ptr rn.k /poter ran.ek ? : what is your name (to a male)**
ptr rn.t /poter ran.tā ? : what is your name (to a female)**
bi/ bē: no
ink iqr/ ȧnuk īkar/yakar : I am excellent
ink nfr/ ȧnuk nōfer , anuk nefer (common) : I am good
ink pw/ ȧnuk pau : it is I
iri ib/ īrē ȧb: Please
m biA/ em bia : no (m)
m biAt/ em biat: no (f)
nn/nin: no
ni/ nē : no
snb kw/ seneb ku: I am healthy (m?)
tiw/ tiu: yes
tiw wr/ tiu ur: yes
wDA ib .k / wedja ȧb.ek : my it please you
rn.i (name) / ran.i (name) : my name is (name) (genderless) **
im(i) Hr.k / imy ḥer.ek : Pay attention (M)
im(i) Hr.t / imy ḥer.tā : Pay attention (F)
in mrwt Htp.n/ in merut ḥotep.en : through love and forgiveness
ir Htp / ir ḥotep : be merciful
m snD/ em sendj : do not worry
sDm n.i / sōdjem en.i : listen to me
ink pw Hm.k / ȧnuk pau ḥem.ek : I am your servant (M)
ink pw Hmt.t / ȧnuk pau ḥem.tā : I am your servant (M)
In Love
ant irty gmH / ānt ïrty gemḥ : seductive in her eyes when she glances
bnri spt.s mdwt/ benri mōdut : sweet in her lips when she speaks (~ref Beginning of the incantations of The Great Leisure,
bw rx.f nAy.i Aby Hpt.f/ bu rekh.ef nahy.i ahby ḥopet.ef : He does not realize how I wish to embrace him
Dbaw.s mi sSnw/ djebā mi seshnu : her fingers are like lotus flowers
ibib: favorite, my love, darling
ir mri.k Hmt.k/ ȧr meri.ek ḥemet.ek: Do you love your wife?
ir mri.t hi.t/ ȧr meri.tā hi.tā : Do you love your husband?
iT.s ib.i m Hpt.s / ēb.ē em ḥ : She has stolen my heart with her embrace.
iT wi mrwt.f/ ȧtj ui merut.ef : love of him has stolen me.
mrr.i tw / merer.ē tu : I love you.
nfr Hr-nb/ nōfer ḥar-nēb : most beautiful of all '(most) beautiful (out of ) everyone' (~ref Beginning of the incantations of The Great Leisure, : how beautiful are they buttocks! (~ref G.W.Griffitt)
nfrwy-Hr.k : How fair is your face (~ref Parkindon 70)
rSwt Hpty st nbt/ reshut ḥopety set nebet : Whoever embraces her is happy
sn hAy tw.i wD.kwi xr.k/ son hahy tu.i udj.kui kher.ek: Brother/Lover, yes! I am destined to be yours
sn.i Hr stAH ib.i m xrw.f/ son.i ḥar setaḥ ib.i em kheru.ef : My brother/Lover overwhelms my heart with his words.
sn iwt n.i/ son iut en.i : bother come to me. (brother also means husabnd or love)
snt nn snw.s/ sōnet nin : Sister without rival (sister also means wife or love)
sw in tw st n.k xnmw st sty baHy rdit txw/ su ȧn tu set en.ek khenmu set sety bā ḥy redi tekhu : She comes to you, her fragrance inudates your senses causes (you) to be drunk
Sspt iqrt wbxt inw/ shespet īkaret/yakar ubakhet ȧnu : Perfect and bright, shining skin
wat snt nn nw.s r nfr Hr nbwt/ uāt sōnet nin er noufer : Sister with out rival, most beautiful of all, (Alt translation: My one love, she is first in beauty amung ladies; My only love no other is more beauitful amung ladies. ) (sister also means wife or love)
wi mri hi.i / ui meri hi.i : I love my husband
wi mri Hmt.i / ui meri ḥemet.i : I love my wife
wnn pt wnn.T xr.i/ ounn pət ounn.tjə kher.ē : As long as the sky exists, you will exist with me (J.P.A)
xsbD mAa Snw.s/ khesbedj mah'ā : her hair is true lapis
HAty.k m mi xA/ ḥaty.ek em mȧ kha : Your mind is like an empty room
HDi.wsy pr nb Hr ns.k wiAwiA.wsy Tsw.k : How slanderous is everything which passes your tongue! How ineffectual are your utterances! (Late Kingdom) (Junge)
ib.k tftf HAty.k mHy / ib.ek teftef ḥaty.ek meḥy : Your heart is confused and your thought scattered !
in ntk aA/ Are you a donkey?
kAt-tAHt /kat-taḥt : vagina prostitute (needs ref)
m ir wxA/ em ȧr ukha/ : Don't be stupid
myt HwAt/ mēēt ḥuat : filthy cat (Budge)
ninty HAty/ ninty ḥaty : means heartless, with out sense, stupid
nk.Tw aA/ nek.tju ā'ah : May a donkey fuck you!
nk pA aA Hnt.f xrdw.f/ : May a donkey copulate with your wife and children (der Esel soll ihn beschlafen, seine Frau und seine)
(ref Wilhelm Spiegelberg 192)
nk sw aA nk aA Hmt.f pA nty iw.f (r) dd bAk r wa im.w/May a donkey violate him, may a donkey violate his wife, whoever
will treat as a slave one among them!’ : May a donkey copulate with (Neveu& Cannata p82)
in ntk aA / Are you a donkey? (Neveu& Cannata p168)
r Sbk Hna.f /to Sobek with it : go to hell ?
swrd pw Dd n.k / sured pau djed en.ek : Just talking to you is wearisome
tAy.k mrwt.i xtxt.i, bw rx.i sfxt.s/ Your loving me repulses me. I cannot release it (ref the art of love lyrics Edited by Krzysztof Modras, OP)
wxA xm xt pnq mw/ : Fool! Igonrat man! Expender of water!
mk baH rn.i m-a.k r sTAsw m hrww Smw pt tA.ty/ : Behold My name reek through you more than the smell of bird droppings on summer days when the sky is hot. (Dispute of a man with his ba)
m pr-Xry pr-Hry/ em per-kharē per-ḥarē / : from bottom to top
irt m irt/ ȧret em ȧret / : eye to eye
ink wab rA wab awy Ddw n.f iiwy iiwy m Htp in mAAw sw/ ȧnuk uāb rah uāb āuy djedu en.ef ēēuē ēēuē em ḥotep in mah'ahu su : I am pure of mouth, pure of two arms, told come, come in peace by those who sees him -Book of dead
wD rf pw ir(i) n irr r rDit ir.f / udj ref pau ār(ē) en ȧrer er erdjēt ȧr.ef : This is the Commandment , do for doer, to cause him to act; (Other translations) "This is the precept: act for him who acts, to make him act" (link), "This is the precept: Do to the doer to make him do" (R.B. Parkinson) That which you hate to be done to you, do not do to another.
iri n (X) / īrē en (X) / made by (X their name)
nfr tw / noufr tu/ You are good (Dependent) (M)
nfr Tw / noufer tju/ You are good (older Egyptian) (Dependent) (M)
ntk nfr / ᵉntok noufr/ You are good (Independent) (M)
Twt nfr / tjut noufer/ You are good (older Egyptian) (Independent) (M)
nfr.k / noufer.ak / You are good (Suffix) (F)
nfr tn / noufer tan/ You are good (Dependent) (F)
nfr Tn / noufer tjan/ You are good (older Egyptian) (Dependent) (F)
ntT nfr / ntetj noufer / You are good (Independent) (F)
ntt nfr / ntat noufer / You are good (Independent) (F)
Twt nfr / tjut noufr / You are good (older Egyptian) (Independent) (F)
nfr.t / noufer.tā/ You are good (Suffix) (F)
nfr.T / noufer.tjā / You are good (Suffix) (F)
nfr sw / noufr su/ he is good
English sayings in medu netjer
hrw mwt nfr/ heru mut noufer : Happy mother's day
hrw mswt nfr / heru mesut noufer : Happy Birthday 'Happy day of birth'
Hb mswt nfrt : Happy birth celebration
hrw n mswt n wrHw nfr/ heru en mesut en urḥu noufer: Happy day of the birth of the anointed One (Merry Christmas)
hrw n mswt n nHm nfr/ heru en mesut en neḥem noufer: Happy day of the birth of the savior (Merry Christmas)
hrw n mswt n ysw-isw nfr/ heru en mesut en Yesu-isu noufer: Happy day of the birth of the Jesus (Merry Christmas)
mswt (name) Hb / mesut (name) ḥeb : Happy Birthday 'birth celebration'
prw-nfr/Peru-nefer : Bon Voyage
wpt rnpt nfrt / wepet renpet neferet : Happy New year
rnp.t Aw.t-ib/ renpet aut-ȧb : happy new year (Meeks 14)
Coptic says (for more)
ⲛⲟϥⲣ ϩⲟⲟⲩ ⲙ︦ⲙⲓⲥⲉ ⲙ︦ⲡⲉⲭ︦ⲥ︦ /nofr ḥòou ᵉmmisā ᵉmpikhristos: Happy Day of the Birth of Christ (S)
ⲛⲟϥⲩⲣⲓ ⲡⲓⲭ⳰ⲗⲟⲙ ⲛ⳰ⲧⲉ ϯⲣⲟⲙⲡⲓ /noufiri pikhelom netā tirompi: Happy Crown of the Year (Happy new year) (S)
ⲛⲟϥⲣⲓ ⲣⲟⲙⲡⲓ ⲙ⳰ⲃⲉⲣⲓ/ nofri rawmpi em-veri : Happy New Year (B)
ⲛⲟϥⲣⲓ ⲣⲱⲙⲡⲓ ⲙ⳰ⲃⲉⲣⲓ/ nofri rōmpi em-veri : Happy New Year (?)
ref. Write Your Own Egyptian Hieroglyphs By Angela McDonald, ref., Late Egyptian Grammer by Junge
ancient Egyptian, sayings, how to say in ancient Egyptian.
this is bold red
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