Gardiner sign list
𓉻, 𓉼 /aA/ā'ah/O29/wooden column
Glyph /MDC/ how to pronounce it/ Gardiner code/ what it is
*For further pronunciation help view uniliterals*
* When a letter is in a () it means it sometimes it is written and sometimes isn't*
I and z are interchangeable please review Uniliterals for more info
𓉻, 𓉼 /aA/ꜤꜢ/O29,O29v/wooden column
𓄏, 𓃁 /ab/Ꜥb/F16/ horn, leg crossed w/arm
𓎙, 𓎚 /ad/V26
𓎙, 𓎚, 𓆝 /aD/Ꜥdj/ V26,V27,K3/ mullet fish
𓌤, 𓉥 /aH/Ꜥḥ/T24/ fishing net, quiver and arrows
𓅧 /aq/Ꜥq/G35/cormorant
𓅀 /AA/ꜢꜢ/O29,O29v/double vulture
𓍋 /Ab/Ꜣb/U23
𓌗 /Ai/Ꜣȧ/T12/ snare
𓌗 /Ar/Ꜣr/T12/ snare
𓊨 /As/Ꜣs/aus/Q1
𓄹/As/ahs, aus/ F51/ pieace of flesh
𓄫 /Aw/Ꜣu/F40/ backbone and spinal cord
𓅜, 𓇇 /Ax/Ꜣḫ/G25, M15/ crested ibis, papyrus with downward facing buds
𓅡, 𓅽,𓃝 /bA/bꜢ/G29, G53, E10/ jabiru, human headed bird, ram
𓄑 /(i)bH/(ȧ)bḥ /F18/ elephant tusk
𓂞, 𓏙 /di/dȧ/D37, X8/ arm holding Conical Loaf, Conical Loaf
𓅙, 𓄏 /db/G22, F16/ ,horn
𓆱/Da/djꜤ/M3/ branch
𓍑 /DA/djꜢ/U28/ fire drill
𓅙, 𓂭 /Db/djb/G22/ hoopoe, vertical finger
𓊽 /Dd/djed/R11/djed pillar, reed column
𓇥 /Dr/djr/M36/ flax bundle
𓈋 /Dw/dju/N26/ mountain
𓅬 /gb/G38/ goose
𓅠 /gm/G28/ black ibis
𓐝, 𓐞 /gs/Aa15, Aa16
𓍁 /hb/U13
𓇉 /HA/ḥꜢ/ M16/ group of papyrus
𓎱 /Hb/ḥb/W3/ alabaster basin
𓌉, 𓌋 /HD/ḥdj/T3, T4/ mace, mace with tie
𓍛, 𓈞 Hm/ḥm/U36, N41/ club, well of water
𓆰, 𓎨, 𓌼 /Hn/ḥn/M2, V36, U8/ plant, receptacle,
𓐑 /Hp/ḥp/Aa5/
𓁷, 𓈐 /Hr/ḥr/D2, N31/full face, road way
𓎿 /Hs/ḥs/W14/ tall jar
𓄑 /Hw/ḥu/F18/ elephant tusk
𓄣, 𓃙 /ib/ȧb/ F34,E8/ heart, kid
𓌤,𓃽, 𓃾 /iH/ȧḥ/ T24,E1,F/ fishing net, ox, ox head
𓇍 /ii/ēē/M18/reed with legs
𓀗 /ik(w)/ȧk(u)/A19/old man with walking stick
𓏶, 𓐝 /im/ȧm/Z11,Aa15
𓆛, 𓏎, 𓀟, 𓏌 /in/ȧn/K1,W25, A27, W24/bulti fish, bowl with legs, man running, bowl
𓁹, 𓀹/ir/ȧr/D4, A48/ eye, man hold a knife
𓇩, 𓊄 /iz/is/ȧz/M40, O35/ reed bundle
𓎁 /iT(i)/ȧtj(ȧ)/V15/ tethering rope with legs
𓃛, 𓂻, 𓃡, 𓄹 /iw/ȧu/E9, D54, E14, F51/ newborn bubalis/ walking/ dog, piece of flesh
𓂓, 𓃒,𓃓 /kA/kꜢ/D28, E1, E2/ arm in kA pose, ox, charging bull
𓆎 /km/I6/ crocodile scales
𓌳, 𓌷, 𓁹 /mA/mꜢ/U1, U5, D4/ sickle, sickle w/ plinth, eye
𓌃 /md(w)/md(u)/S43/ walking stick or staff
𓎔 /mH/mḥ/V22/ whip
𓏇, 𓈘, 𓂟 /mi/mȧ/W19, N36, D38/ milk jug, water channel, arm holding bread
𓏠 /mn/min/Y5/ senet game board
𓌻, 𓌸, 𓈘, 𓍋 , 𓉕 /mr/mr/U7, U6, N36, U23, O5/ hoe, angled hoe, water channel, chisel, winding hall
𓄟 /ms/F31/ three fox skins tied
𓅐 ,𓂸, 𓂺 /mt/G14, D52, D53/ vulture, penis, penis with emission
𓈗 /mw/mu/N35A/ three ripples of water
𓎟 /nb/V30/ basket
𓐩 /nD/ndj/Aa27/
𓅘/nH/nḥ/G21/ guinea fowl
𓂜, 𓂢 /ni/nȧ/D35,D41/ negative arms, downward facing palm
𓌰,𓌱, 𓉕 /nm/T34, T35, O5/ butcher's knife, butcher's knife, winding hall
𓇒 /nn/M22-M22/ double rush
𓄓 /ns/F20/ tongue
𓋔 /nt/S3/ Crown of Lower Egypt
𓏌, 𓍇 /nw/nu/W24, U19/ bowl, adze
𓅮,𓅯 /pA/pꜢ/G40, G41/duck flying, duck landing
𓌒, 𓂾 /pd/T9, D56/ bow, knee
𓌒 /pD(t)/pdj(t)/ T9/bow
𓄖 /pH/pḥ/F22/hind quarters
𓉐 /pr/O1/house
𓇯 /pt/N1/sky
𓐖 /qn/
𓌟 /qs/ bone harpoon head
𓐪 /qd/
𓇳 /ra/rꜤ/N5/sun
𓌘 , 𓇔 /rs/ wood tied together/ sedge atop a mouth
𓃭 /rw/ru/E23/ laying down lion
𓐟, 𓐠, 𓎂, 𓎃 /sA/sꜢ/ ,V16, V17/ backbone, life saver rope
𓏴 /sD/sdj
𓎝 /sk/
𓌢 /sn/T22/arrowhead
𓊨,𓄝 /st/Q1/ seat or throne,
𓋫,𓄝 /sT/stj/S22, /shoulder knot
𓇓 /sw/su/M23/sedge
z or s
𓅭, 𓎃, 𓎂 /zA/zꜢ/G39/ duck, backbone
𓊗 /zp/O51/ threshing floor w/ grain
𓆷 /SA/shꜢ/M8/ pool with lotus
𓄞 /SD/shdj/F30/water skin
𓈝/Sm/shm/N40/pool with legs
𓍲, 𓍢 /Sn/shn/V7, V1/ cord loop facing up, rope coil
𓍱 /Ss/shs/V6/ cord loop facing down
𓆄 /Sw/shu/H6/ ostrich feather
𓇾, 𓍔 /tA/tꜢ/N16, U30/ land with sand, potter's kiln
𓍘 /ti/tēȧ/, Hoch /ta/ pestle
𓍃 /tm/U15/ sled
𓁶, 𓌑 /tp/side face, dagger
𓅷 /TA/tjꜢ/G47/ duckling
𓋭 /Ts/tjs/S24/ girdle knot, vertebra
𓋭 /Tz/tjz/S24/ girdle knot, vertebra
𓌡 /wa/uꜤ/T21/ harpoon
𓍯 /wA/uꜢ/V4/ lasso
𓎗,𓎘 /wd/ud/
𓎗,𓎘 /wD/udj/
𓃹,𓇬 /wn/un/E34, M42/ hare, flower
𓄋 /wp(t)/upt/F13/ ox horns
𓅨 /wr/ur/G36/ swallow
𓊨, 𓊩 /ws/us/Q1, Q2/ seat or thrown, portable seat
𓄹 /ws/us/ F51/
𓅳/ww /uu/ G44
𓈍 /xa/khꜤ/N28/hill with sun rays
𓆼, 𓆩 /xA/khꜢ/M12, L6/ the whole lily plant, shell
𓋉, 𓋊 /xm/khm/R22, R23/min emblem
𓅯 /xn/khn/G41/duck landing
𓆱 /xt/kht
𓂤 /xw/khu
𓆞 /XA/ ẖꜢ, ʰah, tshah/ K4/ oxyrhynchus
𓄚, 𓂙 /Xn/tshn, ʰn /F26, D33/ goat skin, arms holding oar
𓌨 /Xr/tshr, ʰr/ butcher block
𓄏, 𓃁 /ab/Ꜥb/F16/ horn, leg crossed w/arm
𓎙, 𓎚 /ad/V26
𓎙, 𓎚, 𓆝 /aD/Ꜥdj/ V26,V27,K3/ mullet fish
𓌤, 𓉥 /aH/Ꜥḥ/T24/ fishing net, quiver and arrows
𓅧 /aq/Ꜥq/G35/cormorant
𓅀 /AA/ꜢꜢ/O29,O29v/double vulture
𓍋 /Ab/Ꜣb/U23
𓌗 /Ai/Ꜣȧ/T12/ snare
𓌗 /Ar/Ꜣr/T12/ snare
𓊨 /As/Ꜣs/aus/Q1
𓄹/As/ahs, aus/ F51/ pieace of flesh
𓄫 /Aw/Ꜣu/F40/ backbone and spinal cord
𓅜, 𓇇 /Ax/Ꜣḫ/G25, M15/ crested ibis, papyrus with downward facing buds
𓅡, 𓅽,𓃝 /bA/bꜢ/G29, G53, E10/ jabiru, human headed bird, ram
𓄑 /(i)bH/(ȧ)bḥ /F18/ elephant tusk
𓂞, 𓏙 /di/dȧ/D37, X8/ arm holding Conical Loaf, Conical Loaf
𓅙, 𓄏 /db/G22, F16/ ,horn
𓆱/Da/djꜤ/M3/ branch
𓍑 /DA/djꜢ/U28/ fire drill
𓅙, 𓂭 /Db/djb/G22/ hoopoe, vertical finger
𓊽 /Dd/djed/R11/djed pillar, reed column
𓇥 /Dr/djr/M36/ flax bundle
𓈋 /Dw/dju/N26/ mountain
𓅬 /gb/G38/ goose
𓅠 /gm/G28/ black ibis
𓐝, 𓐞 /gs/Aa15, Aa16
𓍁 /hb/U13
𓇉 /HA/ḥꜢ/ M16/ group of papyrus
𓎱 /Hb/ḥb/W3/ alabaster basin
𓌉, 𓌋 /HD/ḥdj/T3, T4/ mace, mace with tie
𓍛, 𓈞 Hm/ḥm/U36, N41/ club, well of water
𓆰, 𓎨, 𓌼 /Hn/ḥn/M2, V36, U8/ plant, receptacle,
𓐑 /Hp/ḥp/Aa5/
𓁷, 𓈐 /Hr/ḥr/D2, N31/full face, road way
𓎿 /Hs/ḥs/W14/ tall jar
𓄑 /Hw/ḥu/F18/ elephant tusk
𓄣, 𓃙 /ib/ȧb/ F34,E8/ heart, kid
𓌤,𓃽, 𓃾 /iH/ȧḥ/ T24,E1,F/ fishing net, ox, ox head
𓇍 /ii/ēē/M18/reed with legs
𓀗 /ik(w)/ȧk(u)/A19/old man with walking stick
𓏶, 𓐝 /im/ȧm/Z11,Aa15
𓆛, 𓏎, 𓀟, 𓏌 /in/ȧn/K1,W25, A27, W24/bulti fish, bowl with legs, man running, bowl
𓁹, 𓀹/ir/ȧr/D4, A48/ eye, man hold a knife
𓇩, 𓊄 /iz/is/ȧz/M40, O35/ reed bundle
𓎁 /iT(i)/ȧtj(ȧ)/V15/ tethering rope with legs
𓃛, 𓂻, 𓃡, 𓄹 /iw/ȧu/E9, D54, E14, F51/ newborn bubalis/ walking/ dog, piece of flesh
𓂓, 𓃒,𓃓 /kA/kꜢ/D28, E1, E2/ arm in kA pose, ox, charging bull
𓆎 /km/I6/ crocodile scales
𓌳, 𓌷, 𓁹 /mA/mꜢ/U1, U5, D4/ sickle, sickle w/ plinth, eye
𓌃 /md(w)/md(u)/S43/ walking stick or staff
𓎔 /mH/mḥ/V22/ whip
𓏇, 𓈘, 𓂟 /mi/mȧ/W19, N36, D38/ milk jug, water channel, arm holding bread
𓏠 /mn/min/Y5/ senet game board
𓌻, 𓌸, 𓈘, 𓍋 , 𓉕 /mr/mr/U7, U6, N36, U23, O5/ hoe, angled hoe, water channel, chisel, winding hall
𓄟 /ms/F31/ three fox skins tied
𓅐 ,𓂸, 𓂺 /mt/G14, D52, D53/ vulture, penis, penis with emission
𓈗 /mw/mu/N35A/ three ripples of water
𓎟 /nb/V30/ basket
𓐩 /nD/ndj/Aa27/
𓅘/nH/nḥ/G21/ guinea fowl
𓂜, 𓂢 /ni/nȧ/D35,D41/ negative arms, downward facing palm
𓌰,𓌱, 𓉕 /nm/T34, T35, O5/ butcher's knife, butcher's knife, winding hall
𓇒 /nn/M22-M22/ double rush
𓄓 /ns/F20/ tongue
𓋔 /nt/S3/ Crown of Lower Egypt
𓏌, 𓍇 /nw/nu/W24, U19/ bowl, adze
𓅮,𓅯 /pA/pꜢ/G40, G41/duck flying, duck landing
𓌒, 𓂾 /pd/T9, D56/ bow, knee
𓌒 /pD(t)/pdj(t)/ T9/bow
𓄖 /pH/pḥ/F22/hind quarters
𓉐 /pr/O1/house
𓇯 /pt/N1/sky
𓐖 /qn/
𓌟 /qs/ bone harpoon head
𓐪 /qd/
𓇳 /ra/rꜤ/N5/sun
𓌘 , 𓇔 /rs/ wood tied together/ sedge atop a mouth
𓃭 /rw/ru/E23/ laying down lion
𓐟, 𓐠, 𓎂, 𓎃 /sA/sꜢ/ ,V16, V17/ backbone, life saver rope
𓏴 /sD/sdj
𓎝 /sk/
𓌢 /sn/T22/arrowhead
𓊨,𓄝 /st/Q1/ seat or throne,
𓋫,𓄝 /sT/stj/S22, /shoulder knot
𓇓 /sw/su/M23/sedge
z or s
𓅭, 𓎃, 𓎂 /zA/zꜢ/G39/ duck, backbone
𓊗 /zp/O51/ threshing floor w/ grain
𓆷 /SA/shꜢ/M8/ pool with lotus
𓄞 /SD/shdj/F30/water skin
𓈝/Sm/shm/N40/pool with legs
𓍲, 𓍢 /Sn/shn/V7, V1/ cord loop facing up, rope coil
𓍱 /Ss/shs/V6/ cord loop facing down
𓆄 /Sw/shu/H6/ ostrich feather
𓇾, 𓍔 /tA/tꜢ/N16, U30/ land with sand, potter's kiln
𓍘 /ti/tēȧ/, Hoch /ta/ pestle
𓍃 /tm/U15/ sled
𓁶, 𓌑 /tp/side face, dagger
𓅷 /TA/tjꜢ/G47/ duckling
𓋭 /Ts/tjs/S24/ girdle knot, vertebra
𓋭 /Tz/tjz/S24/ girdle knot, vertebra
𓌡 /wa/uꜤ/T21/ harpoon
𓍯 /wA/uꜢ/V4/ lasso
𓎗,𓎘 /wd/ud/
𓎗,𓎘 /wD/udj/
𓃹,𓇬 /wn/un/E34, M42/ hare, flower
𓄋 /wp(t)/upt/F13/ ox horns
𓅨 /wr/ur/G36/ swallow
𓊨, 𓊩 /ws/us/Q1, Q2/ seat or thrown, portable seat
𓄹 /ws/us/ F51/
𓅳/ww /uu/ G44
𓈍 /xa/khꜤ/N28/hill with sun rays
𓆼, 𓆩 /xA/khꜢ/M12, L6/ the whole lily plant, shell
𓋉, 𓋊 /xm/khm/R22, R23/min emblem
𓅯 /xn/khn/G41/duck landing
𓆱 /xt/kht
𓂤 /xw/khu
𓆞 /XA/ ẖꜢ, ʰah, tshah/ K4/ oxyrhynchus
𓄚, 𓂙 /Xn/tshn, ʰn /F26, D33/ goat skin, arms holding oar
𓌨 /Xr/tshr, ʰr/ butcher block