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Elder Futhark
ᚠᚢᚦᚩᚱᚲ (Fuþark)(Proto-Germanic) (Old Futhark)(Germanic Futhark) ᚠ - f - /f/ - Fehu - [sheep, cattle]
ᚢ - u - /u(:)/ - Üruz [wild ox] ᚦ - þ - /θ/ - Thurisaz [giant] ᚨ - a - /a(:)/ - Ansuz [God] ᚱ - r - /r/ - Raidō [ride, journey] ᚲ - k (c) - /k/ - Kaunan [ulcer] ᚷ - g - /g/ - Gebō [generosity] ᚹ - w - /w/ - Wunjō - [joy] ᚺ - h - /h/ - Hagalaz [hail] ᚾ - n - /n/ - Naudiz [need] ᛁ - i - /i(:)/ - īsaz [ice] ᛃ - j - /j/ - Jēra [year, harvest] ᛇ - ï (æ) - /æ:/ - Ihwaz [Yew] ᛈ - p - /p/ - Perþ ᛉ - z - /z/ - Algiz - [protection] ᛊ , ᛋ - s - /s/ - Sōwilō [sun] ᛏ - t - /t/ - Ttīwaz - [Týr] ᛒ - b - /b/ - Berkanan - [birch] ᛖ - e - /e(:)/ - Ehwaz - [horse] ᛗ - m - /m/ - Mannaz [man] ᛚ - l - /l/ - Laguz - [water] ᛜ, ᛝ - ŋ - /ŋ/ - Ingwaz [fertility] ᛞ - d - /d/ - Dagaz [daylight] ᛟ - o - /o(:)/ - Ōthila [heritage] |
Younger Futhar
ᚠᚢᚦᚬᚱᚴ, ᚠᚢᚦᚨᚱᚴ (Old Norse)(Scandinavian runes)(Recent Futhark) ᚠ - f, v - Fé - [wealth]
ᚢ - u/v/w,y, - Úr - [iron, rain] ᚦ - þ ,θ, ð/- Thurs - [Giant] ᚨ, ᚬ, ᚭ - ą o, æ - As/Oss - [God] ᚱ - r - Reið - [ride] ᚴ - k, g, ŋ - Kaun - [ulcer] ᚴ - k, g, ŋ - Kaun - [ulcer] - ᚼ, ᚽ - h - Hagall - [hail] ᚾ, ᚿ - n - Nauðr - [need] ᛁ - i , e, /í/ - Ísa/íss - [ice] ᛅ, ᛆ - a, æ, e - Ár - [plenty] ᛅ, ᛆ - a, æ, e - Ár - [plenty] - ᛦ - r - Yr - [yew] ᛋ, ᛌ - s - Sól - [Sun] ᛏ/ᛐ - t, d - Týr - [Týr] ᛒ - b , p - Björk - [birch] - ᛘ - m - Maðr - [man, human] ᛚ - l - Lögr - [sea] - - - |
ᚠᚢᚦᚩᚱᚳ (Futhorc)(Old English) ᚠ- f - Feoh - [wealth]
ᚢ - u - /u:/ Úr- [aurochs cattle] ᚦ - þ - /θ, ð/- Thorn - [thron] ᚨ - ǽ - /æ(:)/ - Æsc - [Ash tree] ᚱ - r - /r/ - Rada - [ride] ᚳ - c - /k,tʃ/ - Cen - [torch] ᚷ - g - /g,d͡ʒ/ - Geofu - [gift] ᚹ - w - /w/ - Wyn [joy] ᚻ - h - /h, x, ç/ - Hægil - [hail] ᚾ - n - /n/ - Næd - [need] ᛁ - i - /i,i:/ - Ís - [ice] ᛄ - j - /j/ - Jær- [year] ᛇ - ï ,í, h -/i(:),x, ç/ - Ih - [yew] ᛈ - p - /p/ - Peord - [game] ᛉ - x - /ks, x/ - Ilcs [elk sedge] ᛋ - s - /s, z/ - Sygil - [sun] ᛏ - t - Ti - [Tyr] ᛒ - b - /b/ - Beorc - [birch] ᛖ - e, é - /e, e:/ - Eh - [horse] ᛗ - m - /m/ - Mon, Mann - [man] ᛚ - l - /l/ - Lagu - [lake] ᛝ - ŋ, ng - /ŋ(g)/ - Ing - [Ing] ᛞ - d- /d/ - Dæg - [day] ᛟ - ø,ǿ - /ø(ː)/ - Ødil - [estate] ᚪ - a,á - /ɑ(ː)/ - Ac - [Oak] ᚩ - o - /o,o:/ - Ós - [god] ᛠ - éa - /æ(ː)ɑ/ - Ear [earth] ᚣ - y, ý -Yr /y(:)/ - [bow] ᛡ - ia - Iar - [serpant] ᛣ - k - /k/ - Kalc - [chalice] ᛤ - kk - /k/ - Kealc - [chalice] ᚸ - g - /ɣ, g/ - Gar - [spear] ᛢ - c,q - Speorð - [fire] ᛥ - st - Stan - [stone] |
Medieveal Rune
medieval Scandinavian rune (Fuork) |
ᚠ- f (round)
ᚢ - u - - ᚦ - d (round) ᛆ - a ᚱ - r ᚴ - c ᚴ - ḱ ᚴ - g (round) ᚹ - l ᛡ(-) - h ᚳ - n ᛁ - i ᛁ - j - ᛒ - p - ᛋ - s ᛏ - t ᛒ - b ᛂ - é (:) ᛉ - m (round) ᚹ - l - ᚦ - d (round) ᚮ - o |
ᚠ- f (round)
ᚢ - u (round) ᚦ - þ - /θ/ (round) ᚧ - ð ᛑ - d ᛆ - a ᚱ - r ᚴ- k, q (round) ᚴ(ᛌ) - c ᚵ - g ᛚ - l ᛡ - h ᚿ - n ᛁ - i - - ᛔ - p - ᛍ , ᛋ , ᛌ - s ᛐ - t ᛒ - b (round) ᛂ - e ᛉ - m (round) ᚹ - l - ᛑ - d ᚮ - o ᚯ - 0̷ ᛅ - æ ᚢ , ᚡ- v (round) ᚤ, ᛣ- y (round) ᚴ(ᛌ) - z |
Bind Runes
Healing : ᛚ/l - Laguz (water) + ᛖ/e - Eihwaz (defense) + ᛉ/z - Algiz (protection)
Love : ᚹ/w - Wunjō (joy) + ᛒ/b - Berkanan (growth)
Protection : ᛉ/z - Algiz (protection) + ᛏ/t - Tīwaz (justice) + ᛖ/e - Eihwaz (defense)
Strength : ᛉ/z - Maðr (Man) + ᛆ /æ - Ár (plenty) + ᚴ/k - Kaun + ᚿ/n - Nauðr (need) (Younger Futhark)
Success : ᚠ/ f - Fehu (wealth) + ᛃ/j - Jēra (harvest) + ᛜ/ŋ - Ingwaz (fertility)
Courage : ᛟ/o (heritage) + ᛁ/i (ice)
Bind rune web site
Love : ᚹ/w - Wunjō (joy) + ᛒ/b - Berkanan (growth)
Protection : ᛉ/z - Algiz (protection) + ᛏ/t - Tīwaz (justice) + ᛖ/e - Eihwaz (defense)
Strength : ᛉ/z - Maðr (Man) + ᛆ /æ - Ár (plenty) + ᚴ/k - Kaun + ᚿ/n - Nauðr (need) (Younger Futhark)
Success : ᚠ/ f - Fehu (wealth) + ᛃ/j - Jēra (harvest) + ᛜ/ŋ - Ingwaz (fertility)
Courage : ᛟ/o (heritage) + ᛁ/i (ice)
Bind rune web site
Old Norse & Elder Futhark
FuÞark - ᚠᚢᚦᚨᚱᚲ
FuÞark - ᚠᚢᚦᛅᚱᚴ (Younger Futhark)
FuÞark - ᚠᚢᚦᚨᚱᚲ
FuÞark - ᚠᚢᚦᛅᚱᚴ (Younger Futhark)
rúnar - ᚱᚢᚾᚱ
[ᚠ - F ] [ᚢ - U] [ᚦ - θ] [ᚨ - A] [ᚱ - R] [ᚲ - K] [ᚷ- G] [ᚹ- W] [ᚺ - H] [ᚾ - N] [ᛁ - I] [ᛃ - J [ᛇ - Ï]
[ᛈ - P] [ᛉ - Z] [ᛊ , ᛋ - S] [ᛏ - T] [ᛒ - B] [ᛖ - E] [ᛗ - M] [ᛚ - L] [ᛜ - ŋ] [ᛞ - D] [ᛟ - O]
Þ/ th - thin , ð/ th - then
[ᚠ - F ] [ᚢ - U] [ᚦ - θ] [ᚨ - A] [ᚱ - R] [ᚲ - K] [ᚷ- G] [ᚹ- W] [ᚺ - H] [ᚾ - N] [ᛁ - I] [ᛃ - J [ᛇ - Ï]
[ᛈ - P] [ᛉ - Z] [ᛊ , ᛋ - S] [ᛏ - T] [ᛒ - B] [ᛖ - E] [ᛗ - M] [ᛚ - L] [ᛜ - ŋ] [ᛞ - D] [ᛟ - O]
Þ/ th - thin , ð/ th - then
Freyja's ætt
Internal and divine forces
Internal and divine forces
ᚠ - F
ᚠ- Fehu - ᚠᛖᚺᚢ [fay-who] - "cattle" , "weath"? (Elder Futhark)
ᚠ- Fé - "cattle","weath" /f/, /v/ (Younger Futhark)
ᚠ- Feoh, Feh - "cattle" "weath" /f/, /v/ (Anglo-Saxon)(Furthoric)(Old English)
Freyr, Baldur, Gefion
June 29 - July 14
Divination : money, fertility, gold, fire, abundance monetary wealth or support as well as spiritual, material needs, prosperity, productivity, reward, gain, abundance, lighting, property, possession, promotion, well-being, luck, fortune, share your abundance, positive for fertility, fertile fields, strength to start anew, helps with creativity, goals, helps create or maintain wealth, helps to clean negativity , material, new beginning, income earned or won, hope, fulfilment, don't hoard
Reversed : loss of self esteem or personal property, a failure, frustration, loss, greed, poverty, enslavement, stupidity, trouble in relationships and personal life , plans abandon, disappointment, jealousy of wealth
Rune use : write in gold for passion and love, use with gardening, grain, herbs, seeds, green candle
ᚠ- Fé - "cattle","weath" /f/, /v/ (Younger Futhark)
ᚠ- Feoh, Feh - "cattle" "weath" /f/, /v/ (Anglo-Saxon)(Furthoric)(Old English)
Freyr, Baldur, Gefion
June 29 - July 14
Divination : money, fertility, gold, fire, abundance monetary wealth or support as well as spiritual, material needs, prosperity, productivity, reward, gain, abundance, lighting, property, possession, promotion, well-being, luck, fortune, share your abundance, positive for fertility, fertile fields, strength to start anew, helps with creativity, goals, helps create or maintain wealth, helps to clean negativity , material, new beginning, income earned or won, hope, fulfilment, don't hoard
Reversed : loss of self esteem or personal property, a failure, frustration, loss, greed, poverty, enslavement, stupidity, trouble in relationships and personal life , plans abandon, disappointment, jealousy of wealth
Rune use : write in gold for passion and love, use with gardening, grain, herbs, seeds, green candle
Wealth is a source of discord among kinsmen; the wolf lives in the forest./ Fé vældr frænda róge; føðesk ulfr í skóge. |
Wealth Source of discor kinsmen and signal of the flood and path of the golden king./ Fé er frænda róg ok flæðar viti ok grafseiðs gata aurum fylkir. |
Wealth is a comfort to all men; yet must every man bestow it freely, if he wish to gain honour in the sight of the Lord./ Feoh byþ frofur fira gehwylcum; sceal ðeah manna gehwylc miclun hyt dælan(gif he wile for drihtne domes hleotan. |
Faihido - ᚠᚨᛁᚺᛁᛞᛟ : painted, wrote? (Elder Futhark)
Fara - to go, travel (Elder Futhark)
Faþir : Father
~ Fôður - ᚠᛅᚢᚦᚱ : father (Younger Futhark)
~ Alfǫðr - ᛅᛚᚠᛅᚦᚱ: "All-Father" Name of Odina; Al-faðir, all-föðr (Elder Futhark)
Fjallvættir : mountain spirits
Fenrir - ᚠᛖᚾᚱᛁᚱ : Wolf of Týr, fed his arm (Elder Futhark)
Fimm - ᚠᛁᛘ : five (Younger Futhark)
Forseti - ᚠᛟᚱᛋᛖᛏᛁ "the presiding one" God : of justice (Elder Futhark)
Freyja - ᚠᚱᛖᛃᚨ "lady" Goddess : witchcraft, love, beauty, fertility, sex, war, gold, glory, pleasure, and seiðr (magic for seeing and influencing the future), chariot pulled by two silver cats, gold and amber assicated with cats, falcons, rabbits, cuckoos, ladybugs, oxen, swallows, and boars.: five (Elder Futhark)
Freyr - ᚠᚱᛖᛃᚱ "lord" God : kingship, fertility, peace, prosperity, fair weather, and good harvest. (Elder Futhark)
Fríðr - ᚡᚱᛁᚦ : beautiful (Elder Futhark)
Friðill - : lover (Younger Futhark?)
Frigg - ᚠᚱᛁᚷᚷ Goddess of Æsir : marriage, prophecy, clairvoyance and motherhood married to Óðr (Elder Futhark)
Fulla , Volla - "bountiful" Goddess : Helps heal wounds, Frigg's sister (Elder Futhark)
Fuþorc - ᚠᚢᚦᚩᚱᚳ : Futhorc (Anglo-Saxon)(Furthoric)(Old English)
Fara - to go, travel (Elder Futhark)
Faþir : Father
~ Fôður - ᚠᛅᚢᚦᚱ : father (Younger Futhark)
~ Alfǫðr - ᛅᛚᚠᛅᚦᚱ: "All-Father" Name of Odina; Al-faðir, all-föðr (Elder Futhark)
Fjallvættir : mountain spirits
Fenrir - ᚠᛖᚾᚱᛁᚱ : Wolf of Týr, fed his arm (Elder Futhark)
Fimm - ᚠᛁᛘ : five (Younger Futhark)
Forseti - ᚠᛟᚱᛋᛖᛏᛁ "the presiding one" God : of justice (Elder Futhark)
Freyja - ᚠᚱᛖᛃᚨ "lady" Goddess : witchcraft, love, beauty, fertility, sex, war, gold, glory, pleasure, and seiðr (magic for seeing and influencing the future), chariot pulled by two silver cats, gold and amber assicated with cats, falcons, rabbits, cuckoos, ladybugs, oxen, swallows, and boars.: five (Elder Futhark)
Freyr - ᚠᚱᛖᛃᚱ "lord" God : kingship, fertility, peace, prosperity, fair weather, and good harvest. (Elder Futhark)
Fríðr - ᚡᚱᛁᚦ : beautiful (Elder Futhark)
Friðill - : lover (Younger Futhark?)
Frigg - ᚠᚱᛁᚷᚷ Goddess of Æsir : marriage, prophecy, clairvoyance and motherhood married to Óðr (Elder Futhark)
Fulla , Volla - "bountiful" Goddess : Helps heal wounds, Frigg's sister (Elder Futhark)
Fuþorc - ᚠᚢᚦᚩᚱᚳ : Futhorc (Anglo-Saxon)(Furthoric)(Old English)
Vættir : spirit [ˈwɛːtːez̠] (Elder Futhark)
~ Vættr : spirit (singular)[ˈwɛːtːz̠] (Elder Futhark)
Vargr - ᚢᛅᚱᚴᛦ : wolf "dangerous, a monster " (Elder Futhark)
Vinr : friend (Elder Futhark)
~ Vættr : spirit (singular)[ˈwɛːtːz̠] (Elder Futhark)
Vargr - ᚢᛅᚱᚴᛦ : wolf "dangerous, a monster " (Elder Futhark)
Vinr : friend (Elder Futhark)
ᚢ - U
ᚢ - Ūraz - ᚢᚱᚢᛉ [oor-ooz] "aurochs/wild ox" /u(ː)/ (Photo-Germanic)(Elder Futhark)
ᚢ - Ūrą - "shower", "water" /u(ː)/ (Elder Futhark)
ᚢ - Úr - "Iron", "rain" [u(ː)], [y(ː)], [o(ː)], [w] (Old Norse)(Younger Futhark)
ᚢ - Ūr - "aurochs/wild ox" /u(ː)/ (Anglo-Saxon)(Furthoric)(Old English)
ᚣ - Ȳr - ? /y/ (Anglo-Saxon)(Furthoric)(Old English)
Urðr/Wyrd (one of the norns), Auðumbla
Orox (prehistoric ox)
water, rain
July 14 - July 29
Divination : endurance, determination, perseverance, physical strength, fearless, breaks down and renews, energy, breaks through fear and mental and emotional barriers, inspires strength and courage, cleaning, shape creation, nourishment, creative force, survival, power, changes, endurance, vitality, impatience, primal, aggressive, physical power, increase energy and power, helps overcome illness, sexual activity, strength, health, fighting spirit, unconscious, independent, manifestation, love on all sides, desire, resistance, manifestation, life force, house, inner feelings, spirit strength, use when fear impacts daily life, or feeling vulnerable or weak, aides in self preservation and protection.
Reversed : no motivation, weak will, missed abilities
Rune use : can help other runes,
ᚢ - Ūrą - "shower", "water" /u(ː)/ (Elder Futhark)
ᚢ - Úr - "Iron", "rain" [u(ː)], [y(ː)], [o(ː)], [w] (Old Norse)(Younger Futhark)
ᚢ - Ūr - "aurochs/wild ox" /u(ː)/ (Anglo-Saxon)(Furthoric)(Old English)
ᚣ - Ȳr - ? /y/ (Anglo-Saxon)(Furthoric)(Old English)
Urðr/Wyrd (one of the norns), Auðumbla
Orox (prehistoric ox)
water, rain
July 14 - July 29
Divination : endurance, determination, perseverance, physical strength, fearless, breaks down and renews, energy, breaks through fear and mental and emotional barriers, inspires strength and courage, cleaning, shape creation, nourishment, creative force, survival, power, changes, endurance, vitality, impatience, primal, aggressive, physical power, increase energy and power, helps overcome illness, sexual activity, strength, health, fighting spirit, unconscious, independent, manifestation, love on all sides, desire, resistance, manifestation, life force, house, inner feelings, spirit strength, use when fear impacts daily life, or feeling vulnerable or weak, aides in self preservation and protection.
Reversed : no motivation, weak will, missed abilities
Rune use : can help other runes,
Dross comes from bad iron; the reindeer often races over the frozen snow./ Úr er af illu jarne; opt løypr ræinn á hjarne |
Shower Lamentation of the clouds and ruin of the hay-harvest and abomination of the shepherd./ Úr er skýja grátr ok skára þverrir ok hirðis hatr umbre vísi |
Úlfr - ᚢᛚᚠᛦ - wolf (male)(Elder Futhark)(Norwegian)
~ Yylgr : wolf (she) (Elder Futhark)
Ullr, Ull- ᚢᛚᛚᚱ "glory" God : associated winter, skiing and snow sports (Elder Futhark)
Varnaðr - ᚢᛅᚱᚾᛅᚦᚱ : safeguard, protection, keeping, caution (Younger Futhark)
Verja - ᚢᛁᚱᛁᛅ : protection, protect, guard (Younger Futhark)
Verna - ᚢᛁᚱᚾᛅ : to protect, defend (Younger Futhark)
Verðu - ᚢᛁᚱᚦᚢ : protection, protect, guard (Younger Futhark)
Vördr , vǫrdr - ᚢᚢᚱᛏᚱ : guard, watch and ward (Elder Futhark)
~ Yylgr : wolf (she) (Elder Futhark)
Ullr, Ull- ᚢᛚᛚᚱ "glory" God : associated winter, skiing and snow sports (Elder Futhark)
Varnaðr - ᚢᛅᚱᚾᛅᚦᚱ : safeguard, protection, keeping, caution (Younger Futhark)
Verja - ᚢᛁᚱᛁᛅ : protection, protect, guard (Younger Futhark)
Verna - ᚢᛁᚱᚾᛅ : to protect, defend (Younger Futhark)
Verðu - ᚢᛁᚱᚦᚢ : protection, protect, guard (Younger Futhark)
Vördr , vǫrdr - ᚢᚢᚱᛏᚱ : guard, watch and ward (Elder Futhark)
ᚦ- θ
ᚦ - Þorna/Thorna, þurisaz/Thurisaz - ᚦᚢᚱᛁᛋᚫᛘ - "giant", "the god Thunraz" /θ/ (Proto-Germanic)(Elder Futhark)
ᚦ - Þurs/Thurs - "giant" /θ/, /ð/ (Old Norse)(Younger Futhark)
ᚦ - þorn/ðorn - "thorn", "giant" /θ/, /ð/ (Anglo-Saxon)(Furthoric)(Old English)
/θ/ th - thin
Thor, jötunn, Thurse "giant"
July 29 - August 13
Divination : obstacle, hardship and pain to overcome, introspective, brutal force, must go through it, frees, strong one, conflict, tool, weapon, defense, protection, fights violence and foes, focus, solving problems quickly, masculine, catharsis, represents Thor's hammer, use for personal battles, unexpected change, truth seeking, opening obstacles to the future
Reversed : stubborn, not heeding information
Rune use : very powerful in magic, draw with thorn facing out for powerful ward and protection
ᚦ - Þurs/Thurs - "giant" /θ/, /ð/ (Old Norse)(Younger Futhark)
ᚦ - þorn/ðorn - "thorn", "giant" /θ/, /ð/ (Anglo-Saxon)(Furthoric)(Old English)
/θ/ th - thin
Thor, jötunn, Thurse "giant"
July 29 - August 13
Divination : obstacle, hardship and pain to overcome, introspective, brutal force, must go through it, frees, strong one, conflict, tool, weapon, defense, protection, fights violence and foes, focus, solving problems quickly, masculine, catharsis, represents Thor's hammer, use for personal battles, unexpected change, truth seeking, opening obstacles to the future
Reversed : stubborn, not heeding information
Rune use : very powerful in magic, draw with thorn facing out for powerful ward and protection
Old Norwegian
Thurs ["Giant"] causes anguish to women, misfortune makes few men cheerful./ ᚦ Þurs vældr kvinna kvillu, kátr værðr fár af illu. (possibe metaphor for mental cycle) |
Old Icelandic
Thurs ["Giant"] is torture of women and cliff-dweller and husband of a giantess Saturn's thegn. [The source of this line in the poem is unclear.]/ ᚦ Þurs er kvenna kvöl ok kletta búi ok varðrúnar verr. Saturnus þengill. |
The thorn is exceedingly sharp, an evil thing for any thegn to touch, uncommonly severe on all who sit among them./ ᚦ Ðorn bẏþ ðearle scearp; ðegna gehƿẏlcum anfeng ẏs ẏfẏl, ungemetum reþe manna gehƿẏlcun, ðe him mid resteð. |
Thor, Þórr - ᚦoᚱᚱ "Thunder" God (ᚦ) : hammer-wielding Mjölnir, associated with lightning, thunder, storms, sacred groves and trees, strength, the protection of humankind, hallowing, and fertility. Married to Sif and lover of the jötunn Járnsaxa. Thor is the son of Odin and Jörð. He wears the belt Megingjörð and the iron gloves Járngreipr, and owns the staff Gríðarvölr. (Elder Futhark)
~ Þórsdagr : Thursday (Elder Futhark)
~ Þórsdagr : Thursday (Elder Futhark)
ᚨ - A
/a/, /a:/
ᚫ - Ansuz - ᚫᚾᛋᚢᛘ - "god" (Elder Futhark)
ᚩ - O
ᚩ Ós "god", "mouth" /o/, /o:/ (Futhorc)
ᚪ Āc "oak tree" /a/, /a:/ (Futhorc)
ᚫ Æsc "ash tree" /æ/, /æ:/ (Futhorc)
ᚬ, ᚭ - O, Ą
/ą/, /o/, /ɑ̃/
Óss - "God" "mouth of river/Fjord" (Younger Futhark)
Odin's rune, Æsir
August 13 - August 29
ᚫ - Ansuz - ᚫᚾᛋᚢᛘ - "god" (Elder Futhark)
ᚩ - O
ᚩ Ós "god", "mouth" /o/, /o:/ (Futhorc)
ᚪ Āc "oak tree" /a/, /a:/ (Futhorc)
ᚫ Æsc "ash tree" /æ/, /æ:/ (Futhorc)
ᚬ, ᚭ - O, Ą
/ą/, /o/, /ɑ̃/
Óss - "God" "mouth of river/Fjord" (Younger Futhark)
Odin's rune, Æsir
August 13 - August 29
Divination : journey for wisdom, enlightenment, spiritual awakening, with accompanying runes it can mean rough road, insight, comfort, chieftain of all speech, wisdom, intelligence, leader, justice, truth, order, communication, breath, teaching, gods, healing, meaning, ancestral sovereign, spirit, poetic inspiration, introspection, lessons, communication, protection, helps Odin to communicate to you, chance meeting, listen to your inner voice and advice, think carefully, don't waist words on fools, balance, mental or creative activities as well as verbal, eloquence, writers
Reversed : failed communication, trickery, plans will be interfered, watch for darkness in attitude
Rune use :
Divination : journey for wisdom, enlightenment, spiritual awakening, with accompanying runes it can mean rough road, insight, comfort, chieftain of all speech, wisdom, intelligence, leader, justice, truth, order, communication, breath, teaching, gods, healing, meaning, ancestral sovereign, spirit, poetic inspiration, introspection, lessons, communication, protection, helps Odin to communicate to you, chance meeting, listen to your inner voice and advice, think carefully, don't waist words on fools, balance, mental or creative activities as well as verbal, eloquence, writers
Reversed : failed communication, trickery, plans will be interfered, watch for darkness in attitude
Rune use :
Old Norwegian
The River is the way of most journeys; but a scabbard is of swords./ ᚬ Óss er flæstra færða fǫr; en skalpr er sværða. |
Old Icelandic
God is the Old father (Odin) prince of Ásgardr and lord of Vallhalla./ ᚬ Óss er algingautr ok ásgarðs jöfurr, ok valhallar vísi. |
Old English
The mouth is the source of all language, a pillar of wisdom and a comfort to wise men, a blessing and a joy to every knight./ ᚩ Ōs bẏþ ordfruma ælcre spræce wisdomes wraþu and witena frofur, and eorla gehwam eadnẏs and tohiht. |
Álfar : elves
Ann ek þér ? - ᛅᚾ᛫ᛁᚴ᛫ᚦᛁᛣ: I love you, "I bestow upon you" , "I grant to you" (Younger Futhark)
Vanir - ᚨᚾᛁᚱ : gods (Elder Futhark)
Ann ek þér ? - ᛅᚾ᛫ᛁᚴ᛫ᚦᛁᛣ: I love you, "I bestow upon you" , "I grant to you" (Younger Futhark)
Vanir - ᚨᚾᛁᚱ : gods (Elder Futhark)
ᚱ - R
Raidō - ᚱᚫᛁᛞᚺᛟ, Raiðu - "ride", "journey"
(Elder Futhark)
Forseti, Baldur
August 29 - September 13
Divination : character positive or negative, vacation, relocation, road, travel, respite, change, chariot and map, time to talk out problems with relationships and be clear about what you say, ride, movement, either physical journey or spiritual, introspective journey, vehicle, righteousness, inner compass, nobility, the path, journey to healing
Reversed : plans upet, lost of ticket, unpleasant journey, problems with transit, unexpected
Raidō - ᚱᚫᛁᛞᚺᛟ, Raiðu - "ride", "journey"
(Elder Futhark)
Forseti, Baldur
August 29 - September 13
Divination : character positive or negative, vacation, relocation, road, travel, respite, change, chariot and map, time to talk out problems with relationships and be clear about what you say, ride, movement, either physical journey or spiritual, introspective journey, vehicle, righteousness, inner compass, nobility, the path, journey to healing
Reversed : plans upet, lost of ticket, unpleasant journey, problems with transit, unexpected
Riding seems easy to every warrior while he is indoors and very courageous to him who traverses the high-roaads on the back of a stout horse./ ᚱ Rad bẏþ on recẏde rinca gehƿẏlcum sefte ond sƿiþhƿæt, ðamðe sitteþ on ufan meare mægenheardum ofer milpaþas. |
Old Norwegian
Riding is said to be the worst thing for horses; Reginn forged the finest sword./ ᚱ Ræið kveða rossom væsta; Reginn sló sværðet bæzta. |
Old Icelandic
Riding is of sitting a blessing and swift journey and horses toiling/ ᚱ Reið er sitjandi sæla ok snúðig ferð ok jórs erfiði. iter ræsir. |
Ragn - ᚱᛅᚼᚾ (Elder Futhark), ragin, rǫgn (Old Norse); ragina - ᚱᚨᚷᛁᚾᚨ (Proto-Norse) : gods, ruling powers
Ríkr - : powerful
Rit - ᚱᛁᛏ : wrote (Younger Futhark)
Rúnar - ᚱᚢᚾᚱ : runes (Younger Futhark); rūna ᚱᚢᚾᚪ (Old Eng)
Ríkr - : powerful
Rit - ᚱᛁᛏ : wrote (Younger Futhark)
Rúnar - ᚱᚢᚾᚱ : runes (Younger Futhark); rūna ᚱᚢᚾᚪ (Old Eng)
ᚲ - K
Kauna "absess", "sore"
Kaunan, Kenam, ᚲᛖᚾᚫᛘ - "ulcer", "torch"
(Elder Futhark)
Heimdall, Freyja, Frey
September 13 - September 28
Divination : new insight, torch, enlightenment, revelation, intuitive, power within, passion, inspiration, knowledge, craft, tradition, controlled fire, hearth, experience, insperation, new understanding, personal creativity, banishing darkness, wisdom, positive attitude, transforms harth and hall, helps bring light to darkness and opens your true possiblities, warmth, energy
Reversed : loss, anxiety, withdrawal ; toxic actions of others, possible illness, hard times,?
Kauna "absess", "sore"
Kaunan, Kenam, ᚲᛖᚾᚫᛘ - "ulcer", "torch"
(Elder Futhark)
Heimdall, Freyja, Frey
September 13 - September 28
Divination : new insight, torch, enlightenment, revelation, intuitive, power within, passion, inspiration, knowledge, craft, tradition, controlled fire, hearth, experience, insperation, new understanding, personal creativity, banishing darkness, wisdom, positive attitude, transforms harth and hall, helps bring light to darkness and opens your true possiblities, warmth, energy
Reversed : loss, anxiety, withdrawal ; toxic actions of others, possible illness, hard times,?
Old Norwegian
Ulcer is fatal to children; death makes a corpse pale./ ᚴ Kaun er barna bǫlvan; bǫl gørver nán fǫlvan. |
Old Icelandic
disease fatal to children and painful spot and abode of mortification./ ᚴ Kaun er barna böl ok bardaga [för] ok holdfúa hús. flagella konungr. |
The torch is known to every living man by its pale, bright flame; it always burns where princes sit within./ ᚳ Cen bẏþ cƿicera gehƿam, cuþ on fẏre blac ond beorhtlic, bẏrneþ oftust ðær hi æþelingas inne restaþ. |
ᚷ - G
/g/ , /ɣ/
Gebō - ᚷᛖᛒᛟ - "gift" , "generosity" (Elder Futhark)
Kaun - ᚴ "ulcer" (Younger Futhark)
September 28 - October 13
Divination : strengthened bonds friendships and spirit allies that are important, greater good, binding energy, magical exchange and growth, partnership, a gift, balance, exchange of energy equally, unity with self, higher self and others, sacrifice, sacred union/marriage, innate, talents, generosity, honor, protection in unions, marriages, guards a romantic relationship, use if something is threatening your relationship, can be used as a waning sign in physical and spiritual world to ward negativity away from a union
Reversed : none
Gebō - ᚷᛖᛒᛟ - "gift" , "generosity" (Elder Futhark)
Kaun - ᚴ "ulcer" (Younger Futhark)
September 28 - October 13
Divination : strengthened bonds friendships and spirit allies that are important, greater good, binding energy, magical exchange and growth, partnership, a gift, balance, exchange of energy equally, unity with self, higher self and others, sacrifice, sacred union/marriage, innate, talents, generosity, honor, protection in unions, marriages, guards a romantic relationship, use if something is threatening your relationship, can be used as a waning sign in physical and spiritual world to ward negativity away from a union
Reversed : none
Generosity brings credit and honour, which support one's dignity;
it furnishes help and subsistence
to all broken men who are devoid of aught else./
ᚷ Gẏfu gumena bẏþ gleng and herenẏs,
ƿraþu and ƿẏrþscẏpe and ƿræcna gehƿam
ar and ætƿist, ðe bẏþ oþra leas.
Generosity brings credit and honour, which support one's dignity;
it furnishes help and subsistence
to all broken men who are devoid of aught else./
ᚷ Gẏfu gumena bẏþ gleng and herenẏs,
ƿraþu and ƿẏrþscẏpe and ƿræcna gehƿam
ar and ætƿist, ðe bẏþ oþra leas.
Guð - ᚴᚢᚦ : God, deity (Younger Futhark)
Gǫfugr : noble, distinguished
Gufihtar : good spirit
Gǫfugr : noble, distinguished
Gufihtar : good spirit
ᚹ - W
/w/ ; /u/, /v/
Wynn, Wunjō - ᚹᚢᚾᛃᛟ - "joy" , "bliss"
(Elder Futhark)
October 13 - October 28
Divination : joy, bliss, hope, harmony, fellowship, perfection, friendship, family, kindred, prosperity, commitment, positivity, stability, bliss, good times coming, good luck and fortune, happiness, peace, serenity, pleasure, good results, content, love, laughter, fun, enjoyment, protective omen of well being, pleasure, recognition
Reversed : disappointment, friction, possession by higher forces, sorrow, dissatisfaction, delays
Wynn, Wunjō - ᚹᚢᚾᛃᛟ - "joy" , "bliss"
(Elder Futhark)
October 13 - October 28
Divination : joy, bliss, hope, harmony, fellowship, perfection, friendship, family, kindred, prosperity, commitment, positivity, stability, bliss, good times coming, good luck and fortune, happiness, peace, serenity, pleasure, good results, content, love, laughter, fun, enjoyment, protective omen of well being, pleasure, recognition
Reversed : disappointment, friction, possession by higher forces, sorrow, dissatisfaction, delays
Who uses it knows no pain, sorrow nor anxiety, and he himself has prosperity and bliss, and also enough shelter./ ᚹ Ƿenne brūceþ, þe can ƿēana lẏt sāres and sorge and him sẏlfa hæf blǣd and blẏsse and eac bẏrga geniht. |
Vafþrúþnismál - : The words of the Might Weaver
Valhǫll : Valhalla
Valkyrja - ᚹᚨᛚᚲᛃᚱᛁᛖ : Valkyrie
Volf - ᚹᛟᛚᚠ : Wolf (Elder Futhark)
Völundr , Vǫlundr, Velent , Wplodu - ᚹᛖᛚᚩᛞᚢ : Wayland the Smith
Valhǫll : Valhalla
Valkyrja - ᚹᚨᛚᚲᛃᚱᛁᛖ : Valkyrie
Volf - ᚹᛟᛚᚠ : Wolf (Elder Futhark)
Völundr , Vǫlundr, Velent , Wplodu - ᚹᛖᛚᚩᛞᚢ : Wayland the Smith
Heimdallr's ætt
Destructive and external forces
Destructive and external forces
ᚺ, ᚼ - H
Haglaz , Hagalaz - ᚺᚫᚷᚫᛚᚫᛘ - ᚺ, ᚻ -"hail" (Elder Futhark)(Proto German)
Hægl - ᚺ, ᚻ - "hail" (Futhorc)(Old Eng)
Hagall - ᚼ, ᚽ "hail" (Younger Futhark)(Old Norse)
October 28 - November 13
Divination : can not control situation, sadness, dread, anger, frustration, hail, catastrophe, crisis, radical change, acceptance, surrender, opportunity, negative turns to positive, destructive forces of nature
Reversed : none
Haglaz , Hagalaz - ᚺᚫᚷᚫᛚᚫᛘ - ᚺ, ᚻ -"hail" (Elder Futhark)(Proto German)
Hægl - ᚺ, ᚻ - "hail" (Futhorc)(Old Eng)
Hagall - ᚼ, ᚽ "hail" (Younger Futhark)(Old Norse)
October 28 - November 13
Divination : can not control situation, sadness, dread, anger, frustration, hail, catastrophe, crisis, radical change, acceptance, surrender, opportunity, negative turns to positive, destructive forces of nature
Reversed : none
Old Norwegian
Hail is the coldest of grain; Christ created the world of old./ Hagall er kaldastr korna; Kristr skóp hæimenn forna. |
Old Icelandic
Hail cold grain and shower of sleet and sickness of serpents./ Hagall er kaldakorn ok krapadrífa ok snáka sótt. |
Hail is the whitest of grain; it is whirled from the vault of heaven and is tossed about by gusts of wind and then it melts into water./ Hægl bẏþ hƿitust corna; hƿẏrft hit of heofones lẏfte, ƿealcaþ hit ƿindes scura; ƿeorþeþ hit to ƿætere sẏððan. |
Haimaz - ᚺᚨᛁᛗᚨᛉ : home (proto-Germanic)
Hati - ᚺᚨᛏᛁ : "He Who Hates", or "Enemy", full name Hati Hróðvitnisson, White Wolf giant monster a jötun, who eats the moon Máni God, brother Sköll ᛋᚲᛟᛚ, both sons of Fenrir, they represent both destruction and protection (Elder Futhark)
Has - ᚼᛅᛋ : has (Elder Futhark)
Heil(l) - ᚺᛖᛁᛚᛚ : heil, whole, healthy, complete, happy. (Elder Futhark)
~ Heill Óðinn : heil Odin
Heil og sæl - : greeting
~ Heill ok sæll : greetings to male
~ Heil ok sæl : greetings to female
~ Heill : greetings "healthy"
Heimdall - ᚺᛖᛁᛗᛞᚨᛚᛚ God : son of Odin, keeps watch for invaders and the onset of Ragnarök from his dwelling (Elder Futhark)
Heimr - world
Hialbi - ᚼᛁᛅᛚᛒᛁ : soul , spirit (Younger Futhark)
Himinbjörg : where the burning rainbow bridge Bifröst meets the sky. He is a Seer, a god of foresight. Excellent eyesight and hearing.
Hjarta : soul mate
Hel - ᚺᛖᛚ (Elder Futhark), ᚼᛅᛚ, ᚼᛁᛚ (Younger Futhark) "underworld" Goddess : receives the dead
Hermóðr , Hermod "war-spirit" God - ᚺᛖᚱᛗᛟᛞ : a son of the god Odin and brother of Baldr. Messenger of the gods
Höðr - ᚺᛟᛞᚱ “Warrior” God : blind god who was tricked by Loki and shot with a mistletoe arrow which was the only thing he was not amune to.
Horna - ᚼᚢᚱᚾᛅ: thorn (Younger Futhark)
Húsvættir : house spirits
Hati - ᚺᚨᛏᛁ : "He Who Hates", or "Enemy", full name Hati Hróðvitnisson, White Wolf giant monster a jötun, who eats the moon Máni God, brother Sköll ᛋᚲᛟᛚ, both sons of Fenrir, they represent both destruction and protection (Elder Futhark)
Has - ᚼᛅᛋ : has (Elder Futhark)
Heil(l) - ᚺᛖᛁᛚᛚ : heil, whole, healthy, complete, happy. (Elder Futhark)
~ Heill Óðinn : heil Odin
Heil og sæl - : greeting
~ Heill ok sæll : greetings to male
~ Heil ok sæl : greetings to female
~ Heill : greetings "healthy"
Heimdall - ᚺᛖᛁᛗᛞᚨᛚᛚ God : son of Odin, keeps watch for invaders and the onset of Ragnarök from his dwelling (Elder Futhark)
Heimr - world
Hialbi - ᚼᛁᛅᛚᛒᛁ : soul , spirit (Younger Futhark)
Himinbjörg : where the burning rainbow bridge Bifröst meets the sky. He is a Seer, a god of foresight. Excellent eyesight and hearing.
Hjarta : soul mate
Hel - ᚺᛖᛚ (Elder Futhark), ᚼᛅᛚ, ᚼᛁᛚ (Younger Futhark) "underworld" Goddess : receives the dead
Hermóðr , Hermod "war-spirit" God - ᚺᛖᚱᛗᛟᛞ : a son of the god Odin and brother of Baldr. Messenger of the gods
Höðr - ᚺᛟᛞᚱ “Warrior” God : blind god who was tricked by Loki and shot with a mistletoe arrow which was the only thing he was not amune to.
Horna - ᚼᚢᚱᚾᛅ: thorn (Younger Futhark)
Húsvættir : house spirits
ᚾ - N
Naudhiz, Naudiz - ᚾᚫᚢᚦᛁ- "need"
(Elder Futhark)
Nornir, Ægir
Lapis Lazuli
November 13 - November 28
Divination : urgency for fulfillment, betrayal recognized, need, hold, distress, duty, hardship, resistance, necessity, friction, restraint, innovation, life lessons, urgency, constraint, patience, delay, improves stagnant relationships, look to other runes around to help discern, caution, seeing a side of yourself you may not like
Reversed : don't make hasty judgments, think swice before taking action or making a decision
Naudhiz, Naudiz - ᚾᚫᚢᚦᛁ- "need"
(Elder Futhark)
Nornir, Ægir
Lapis Lazuli
November 13 - November 28
Divination : urgency for fulfillment, betrayal recognized, need, hold, distress, duty, hardship, resistance, necessity, friction, restraint, innovation, life lessons, urgency, constraint, patience, delay, improves stagnant relationships, look to other runes around to help discern, caution, seeing a side of yourself you may not like
Reversed : don't make hasty judgments, think swice before taking action or making a decision
Old Icelandic
Constraint is grief of the bond-maid and state of oppression and toilsome work./ ᚾ Nauð er Þýjar þrá ok þungr kostr ok vássamlig verk. opera niflungr. |
Trouble is oppressive to the heart; yet often it proves a source of help and salvation to the children of men, to everyone who heeds it betimes./ ᚾ Nẏd bẏþ nearu on breostan; ƿeorþeþ hi þeah oft niþa bearnum to helpe and to hæle gehƿæþre, gif hi his hlẏstaþ æror. |
Old Norwegian
Constraint gives scant choice; a naked man is chilled by the frost./ ᚾ Nauðr gerer næppa koste; nøktan kælr í froste. |
Naglfari - ᚾᚨ (Elder Futhark)
Nanna - ᚾᚨᚾᚾᚨ "women" Goddess : Baldr's wife, son Forseti. She dies of grief when her husband dies. (Elder Futhark)
Njörðr - ᚾᛃᛟᚱᛞ : associated with the sea, seafaring, wind, fishing, wealth, and crop fertility, ill fated marriage to Skaði (Elder Futhark)
Niðsi - gnome "dear little relative"
Nótt - ᚾᛟᛏᛏ "night" Goddess : night Daughter of Nörvi or Naglfari, son Dagr with 3rd husband Dellingr. (Elder Futhark)
Nanna - ᚾᚨᚾᚾᚨ "women" Goddess : Baldr's wife, son Forseti. She dies of grief when her husband dies. (Elder Futhark)
Njörðr - ᚾᛃᛟᚱᛞ : associated with the sea, seafaring, wind, fishing, wealth, and crop fertility, ill fated marriage to Skaði (Elder Futhark)
Niðsi - gnome "dear little relative"
Nótt - ᚾᛟᛏᛏ "night" Goddess : night Daughter of Nörvi or Naglfari, son Dagr with 3rd husband Dellingr. (Elder Futhark)
ᛁ - I
Isaz - ᛁᛋᚨ - "ice" (Proto-Germanic, Elder Futhark)
Īs - "ice" (Old English, Furthoric)
Íss - "ice" (Old Norse, Younger Furthark)
November 28 - December 13
Divination : introspective, serenity, reflect, avoid making quick decision, no action, blacked by emotion, let go of ego, time for rest, stasis, stillness, self, control, identity, focus, standstill
Reversed : none
Isaz - ᛁᛋᚨ - "ice" (Proto-Germanic, Elder Futhark)
Īs - "ice" (Old English, Furthoric)
Íss - "ice" (Old Norse, Younger Furthark)
November 28 - December 13
Divination : introspective, serenity, reflect, avoid making quick decision, no action, blacked by emotion, let go of ego, time for rest, stasis, stillness, self, control, identity, focus, standstill
Reversed : none
Ice is very cold and immeasurably slippery; it glistens as clear as glass and most like to gems; it is a floor wrought by the frost, fair to look upon./ ᛁ Is bẏþ oferceald, ungemetum slidor, glisnaþ glæshluttur gimmum gelicust, flor forste geƿoruht, fæger ansẏne. |
Old Icelandic
Ice is bark of rivers and roof of the wave and destruction of the doomed./ ᛁ Íss er árbörkr ok unnar þak ok feigra manna fár. glacies jöfurr. |
Old Norwegian
Ice is called the broad bridge; the blind man must be led./ ᛁ Ís kǫllum brú bræiða; blindan þarf at læiða. |
Iftir - ᛁᚡᛏᛁᛦ : memory (Younger Furthark)
Innan - ᛁᚾᚨᚾᚨ : grandma (Elder Futhark)
Innan - ᛁᚾᚨᚾᚨ : grandma (Elder Futhark)
ᛃ - J
/j/, /y/
Jēra - ᛃᛖᚱᚨ - "year", "harvest" /j/ (Proto-Germanic, Elder Futhark)
Gēr - ᛡ, ᛄ - "year", "harvest" /j/ (Old English, Futhoric)
Īor - ᛡ -"eel" /io/, /jo/ (Old English, Futhoric)
December 13 - December 28
Divination : positive progress, good year and harvest, patience, cycles, time, orbits, right effort, reward after harvest, reaping reward,
Reversed : none
Jēra - ᛃᛖᚱᚨ - "year", "harvest" /j/ (Proto-Germanic, Elder Futhark)
Gēr - ᛡ, ᛄ - "year", "harvest" /j/ (Old English, Futhoric)
Īor - ᛡ -"eel" /io/, /jo/ (Old English, Futhoric)
December 13 - December 28
Divination : positive progress, good year and harvest, patience, cycles, time, orbits, right effort, reward after harvest, reaping reward,
Reversed : none
Jörmungandr , Jǫrmungandr - ᛃᛟᚱᛗᚢᚾᚷᚨᚾᛞᚱ : Midgard Serpent or World Serpent (Elder Futhark)
Jötnar : giant
Jötun(n) : giant, troll-animals who shape shift
Yggdrasil , Yggdrasill - ᛃᚷᚷᛞᚱᚫᛋᛁᛚ (Elder Futhark) : sacred ash tree
Jötnar : giant
Jötun(n) : giant, troll-animals who shape shift
Yggdrasil , Yggdrasill - ᛃᚷᚷᛞᚱᚫᛋᛁᛚ (Elder Futhark) : sacred ash tree
ᛅ - æ
Ár - ᛅ,ᛆ -"harvest", "plenty" /a/ (Old Norse, Younger Futhark)
December 13 - December 28
Divination : positive progress, good year and harvest, patience, cycles, time, orbits, right effort, reward after harvest, reaping reward,
Reversed : none
December 13 - December 28
Divination : positive progress, good year and harvest, patience, cycles, time, orbits, right effort, reward after harvest, reaping reward,
Reversed : none
Æsir - ᛅᚴᛁᛦ : Gods (Younger Futhark)
ᛇ - Ï
Ihwaz , Eihwaz, Eihwas - ᛖᛁᚺᚹᚨᛘ - "Yggdrasil, Yew-tree" /iː/, /ç/ (Proto-Germanic, Elder Futhark)
Ēoh "Yew-tree" ï - [iː], [x], [ç] (Old Enlgish, Futhorc)
Ullr, Ull, Balder
December 28 - January 13
Divination : confidence, clarity, conquer, success possibly with some sacrifice, current problems will be resolved in your favor, over coming, initiation, death mysteries, life and death, light over dark, illumitnation in dark spots of our soul, the timeless, transformation, eternity, immortality, defense, facilitator and protection, passing form one situation to another, former dies and gives way to new, strength, endurance, defense, confrontation of fear, transformation, world binding, protects aginst evil spirits & maladies, when things are cold and dead use to preserve mental faculties, protects against depression, will keep you safe while sleeping, strength, good vanquish evil, victory, positive force of attack, positive change, health
Reversed : none
Ēoh "Yew-tree" ï - [iː], [x], [ç] (Old Enlgish, Futhorc)
Ullr, Ull, Balder
December 28 - January 13
Divination : confidence, clarity, conquer, success possibly with some sacrifice, current problems will be resolved in your favor, over coming, initiation, death mysteries, life and death, light over dark, illumitnation in dark spots of our soul, the timeless, transformation, eternity, immortality, defense, facilitator and protection, passing form one situation to another, former dies and gives way to new, strength, endurance, defense, confrontation of fear, transformation, world binding, protects aginst evil spirits & maladies, when things are cold and dead use to preserve mental faculties, protects against depression, will keep you safe while sleeping, strength, good vanquish evil, victory, positive force of attack, positive change, health
Reversed : none
The yew is a tree with rough bark,
hard and fast in the earth, supported by its roots,
a guardian of flame and a joy on native land./
ᛇ Eoh bẏþ utan unsmeþe treoƿ,
heard hrusan fæst, hẏrde fẏres,
ƿẏrtrumun underƿreþẏd, ƿẏn on eþle.
The yew is a tree with rough bark,
hard and fast in the earth, supported by its roots,
a guardian of flame and a joy on native land./
ᛇ Eoh bẏþ utan unsmeþe treoƿ,
heard hrusan fæst, hẏrde fẏres,
ƿẏrtrumun underƿreþẏd, ƿẏn on eþle.
ᛈ - p
Perþō?, Perthro, Perþ - ᛈᛖᚱᚦᚱᛟ - " chance" , "fate" (Proto-Germanic, Elder Futhark)
Peorð /p/ (Old English, Futhorc)
The Norns
January 13 - January 28
Divination : chance will be taken if you can stay through reward will come, Luck, chance, fate, the unknowable, recreation, amusement, play, games, change, helps you stay calm it what you need to face, helps to let go, and to deal with things thta need to be delt with, enlightenment, with stillness brings security and strength
Perþō?, Perthro, Perþ - ᛈᛖᚱᚦᚱᛟ - " chance" , "fate" (Proto-Germanic, Elder Futhark)
Peorð /p/ (Old English, Futhorc)
The Norns
January 13 - January 28
Divination : chance will be taken if you can stay through reward will come, Luck, chance, fate, the unknowable, recreation, amusement, play, games, change, helps you stay calm it what you need to face, helps to let go, and to deal with things thta need to be delt with, enlightenment, with stillness brings security and strength
Old Norse
Earth shall be rent, and the heavens above./
Jörð skal rifna ok upphiminn.
Earth shall be rent, and the heavens above./
Jörð skal rifna ok upphiminn.
ᛉ - Z
Algiz - ᚨᛚᚷᛁᛘ - ᛘ -"elk sedge" "protection" (Proto-Germanic, Elder Futhark)
Elhaz, Eolhx - "elk sedge" (Elder Futhark, Futhorc)
Yr - ᛦ, ᛨ, ᛧ - "yew" (Old Norse, Younger Futhark)
January 28 - February 13
Divination : wards off evil, guardian, security, connection to the Gods, awaken higher self, god's blessing, mentor, thriving, care, protection, higher self, divinity, teaching, spiritual connection, shield, defense, totem for protection
Reversed : exercise caution, possible threat to well being, exposure, vulnerability, possible death
Algiz - ᚨᛚᚷᛁᛘ - ᛘ -"elk sedge" "protection" (Proto-Germanic, Elder Futhark)
Elhaz, Eolhx - "elk sedge" (Elder Futhark, Futhorc)
Yr - ᛦ, ᛨ, ᛧ - "yew" (Old Norse, Younger Futhark)
January 28 - February 13
Divination : wards off evil, guardian, security, connection to the Gods, awaken higher self, god's blessing, mentor, thriving, care, protection, higher self, divinity, teaching, spiritual connection, shield, defense, totem for protection
Reversed : exercise caution, possible threat to well being, exposure, vulnerability, possible death
The Elk-sedge usually lives in the fen,
growing in the water. It wounds severely,
staining with blood any man
who makes a grab at it./
ᛉ sec[g e]ard hæfþ oftust on fenne
ƿexeð on ƿature, ƿundaþ grimme
blode breneð beorna gehƿẏlcne
ðe him ænigne onfeng gedeþ.
The Elk-sedge usually lives in the fen,
growing in the water. It wounds severely,
staining with blood any man
who makes a grab at it./
ᛉ sec[g e]ard hæfþ oftust on fenne
ƿexeð on ƿature, ƿundaþ grimme
blode breneð beorna gehƿẏlcne
ðe him ænigne onfeng gedeþ.
ᛊ , ᛋ - S
Sōwilō - ᛋᛟᚹᛁᛚᛟ - ᛊ , ᛋ- "sun" (Proto-Germanic, Elder Futhark)
Sól or Sunna
Sigel - ᛋ - "sun" (Old English, Futhorc)
Sól - ᛋ, ᛌ - "sun" (Old Norse, Younger Futhark)
February 13 - February 27
Divination : bring forward personal talents and strength, victory, guidance, mastery, wholeness, seat of the soul, goals, guiding light
Sōwilō - ᛋᛟᚹᛁᛚᛟ - ᛊ , ᛋ- "sun" (Proto-Germanic, Elder Futhark)
Sól or Sunna
Sigel - ᛋ - "sun" (Old English, Futhorc)
Sól - ᛋ, ᛌ - "sun" (Old Norse, Younger Futhark)
February 13 - February 27
Divination : bring forward personal talents and strength, victory, guidance, mastery, wholeness, seat of the soul, goals, guiding light
Old Norwegian
Sun is the light of the world; I bow to the divine decree./ ᛋ Sól er landa ljóme; lúti ek helgum dóme. |
Old Icelandic
Sun is the shield of the clouds and shining ray and destroyer of ice./ ᛋ Sól er skýja skjöldr ok skínandi röðull ok ísa aldrtregi. rota siklingr. |
The sun is ever a joy in the hopes of seafarers when they journey away over the fishes' bath, until the courser of the deep bears them to land./ ᛋ Sigel semannum sẏmble biþ on hihte, ðonne hi hine feriaþ ofer fisces beþ, oþ hi brimhengest bringeþ to lande. |
Sif "connection, by marriage" - Goddess : golden-haired, associated with earth, married to Thor god of thunder.
Sin - ᛋᛁᚾ : their (Younger Futhark)
Sjóvættir : sea spirits
Skaði - ᛋᚲᚨᛞᛁ 'shadow', 'harm' ? Goddess - : associated with bow hunting, skiing, winter, and mountains, ill fated marriage to Njörðr (Elder Futhark)
Skál : cheers ?, bowl
Sköll - ᛋᚲᛟᛚ : from Old Norse Skǫll means "Treachery" or "Mockery", Black Wolf giant monster a jötun, who chases the sun goddess Sól and before Ragnarök will eat the sun, brother Hati ᚺᚨᛏᛁ, both sons of Fenrir, they represent both destruction and protection (Elder Futhark)
Skogvættir : forest spirits
Skrípi : horror, phantom
Sleipnir - ᛋᛚᛖᛁᛈᚾᛁᚱ : 8 legged horse ridden by Odin. (Elder Futhark)
Sól or Sunna - ᛋᛟᛚ? "sun" Goddess : Sun, rides chariot across the sky, husband Glenr "opening in the clouds" (Elder Futhark)
Stin - ᛋᛏᛅᛁᚾ : stone (Younger Futhark); stain - ᛋᛏᛡᛁᚾ , stain - ᛋᛏᛅᛁᚾ, stin - ᛋᛏᛁᚾ (Old Norse) ; stainaʀ - ᛊᛏᚨᛁᚾᚨᛉ (Proto-Nors)
Sun - ᛋᚢᚾ : son (Elder Futhark)
Svartálfar : black elves , "swarthy elves" synonymous with dwarfs / dwarves, dwell in Svartálfheim "home of the black-elves"
~ Svartálfr : singurla
Svefn : sleep
~ Svefn-gaman, svefngaman : dream-joy, sleep-joy
~ Svefna sýnir : dream visions
Svefn - ᛋᚢᛁᚱᚦ : sword (Elder Futhark)
Sin - ᛋᛁᚾ : their (Younger Futhark)
Sjóvættir : sea spirits
Skaði - ᛋᚲᚨᛞᛁ 'shadow', 'harm' ? Goddess - : associated with bow hunting, skiing, winter, and mountains, ill fated marriage to Njörðr (Elder Futhark)
Skál : cheers ?, bowl
Sköll - ᛋᚲᛟᛚ : from Old Norse Skǫll means "Treachery" or "Mockery", Black Wolf giant monster a jötun, who chases the sun goddess Sól and before Ragnarök will eat the sun, brother Hati ᚺᚨᛏᛁ, both sons of Fenrir, they represent both destruction and protection (Elder Futhark)
Skogvættir : forest spirits
Skrípi : horror, phantom
Sleipnir - ᛋᛚᛖᛁᛈᚾᛁᚱ : 8 legged horse ridden by Odin. (Elder Futhark)
Sól or Sunna - ᛋᛟᛚ? "sun" Goddess : Sun, rides chariot across the sky, husband Glenr "opening in the clouds" (Elder Futhark)
Stin - ᛋᛏᛅᛁᚾ : stone (Younger Futhark); stain - ᛋᛏᛡᛁᚾ , stain - ᛋᛏᛅᛁᚾ, stin - ᛋᛏᛁᚾ (Old Norse) ; stainaʀ - ᛊᛏᚨᛁᚾᚨᛉ (Proto-Nors)
Sun - ᛋᚢᚾ : son (Elder Futhark)
Svartálfar : black elves , "swarthy elves" synonymous with dwarfs / dwarves, dwell in Svartálfheim "home of the black-elves"
~ Svartálfr : singurla
Svefn : sleep
~ Svefn-gaman, svefngaman : dream-joy, sleep-joy
~ Svefna sýnir : dream visions
Svefn - ᛋᚢᛁᚱᚦ : sword (Elder Futhark)
Tyr's ætt
Creation and the 'Life Cycle'
Creation and the 'Life Cycle'
ᛏ - T
Tīwaz - ᛏᛁᚹᚫᛘ - ᛏ - "Týr" (Proto-Germanic, Elder Futhark)
Tī , Tīr - ᛏ - "Týr" /t/ (Old Enlgish, Futhorc)
Týr - ᛏ, ᛐ - /t/, /d/ (Old Norse, Younger Futhark)
(draw on hilt)
February 27 - March 14
Divination : be careful moving forward, do not act selfishly in your endeavors be prepared for sacrifice. Strength, honesty, courage and justice, winning, sacrifice, sovereign order, laws, principles, spiritual warrior, victory, protection of family and loved ones form harm
Tīwaz - ᛏᛁᚹᚫᛘ - ᛏ - "Týr" (Proto-Germanic, Elder Futhark)
Tī , Tīr - ᛏ - "Týr" /t/ (Old Enlgish, Futhorc)
Týr - ᛏ, ᛐ - /t/, /d/ (Old Norse, Younger Futhark)
(draw on hilt)
February 27 - March 14
Divination : be careful moving forward, do not act selfishly in your endeavors be prepared for sacrifice. Strength, honesty, courage and justice, winning, sacrifice, sovereign order, laws, principles, spiritual warrior, victory, protection of family and loved ones form harm
Old Norwegian
Tyr is a one-handed god; often has the smith to blow./ ᛏ Týr er æinendr ása; opt værðr smiðr blása. |
Old Icelandic
Tyr with one hand and leavings of the wolf and prince of temples./ ᛏ Týr er einhendr áss ok ulfs leifar ok hofa hilmir Mars tiggi. |
Old English
is a (guiding) star; well does it keep faith with princes; it is ever on its course over the mists of night and never fails./ ᛏ Tir biþ tacna sum, healdeð trẏƿa ƿel ƿiþ æþelingas; a biþ on færylde ofer nihta genipu, næfre sƿiceþ. |
Tungl - moon
Týr - ᛏᛁᚱ "god" God : legislative body among German people, patron of warriors and mythological heroes, sacrifices his hand to the monstrous wolf Fenrir, bites it off. Associated with the tribal counsel thing. Tuesday is named after Týr's day. (Elder Futhark)
Týr - ᛏᛁᚱ "god" God : legislative body among German people, patron of warriors and mythological heroes, sacrifices his hand to the monstrous wolf Fenrir, bites it off. Associated with the tribal counsel thing. Tuesday is named after Týr's day. (Elder Futhark)
ᛒ - B
Berkana, Berkanan - ᛒᛖᚱᚲᚨᚾᛟ "birch tree" /β/, /b/ (Elder Futhark)
Frigg/Freya, Berchta, Nerthus
Bride & mother
Beorc - ᛒ - "birch", "popular" /b/ (Old English, Futhorc)
Bjarkan - ᛒ, ᛓ - "birch" /b/, /p/ (Old Norse, YOunger Futhark)
March 14 - March 30
Divination : nurturing parental figure, pay attention to advice, healing, positive prospect, rejuvenation, joyous occasion, good luck, new relationship or journey, trust of loved ones, dependence, pure & genuine love, popular, regeneration, rebirth, fertility, completion, sanctuary, plant life, mature wisdom, healing, growth, safety, family joyous, rebirth, protections for mothers and children, work in cycles, life in cycles sleep is also part of this
Berkana, Berkanan - ᛒᛖᚱᚲᚨᚾᛟ "birch tree" /β/, /b/ (Elder Futhark)
Frigg/Freya, Berchta, Nerthus
Bride & mother
Beorc - ᛒ - "birch", "popular" /b/ (Old English, Futhorc)
Bjarkan - ᛒ, ᛓ - "birch" /b/, /p/ (Old Norse, YOunger Futhark)
March 14 - March 30
Divination : nurturing parental figure, pay attention to advice, healing, positive prospect, rejuvenation, joyous occasion, good luck, new relationship or journey, trust of loved ones, dependence, pure & genuine love, popular, regeneration, rebirth, fertility, completion, sanctuary, plant life, mature wisdom, healing, growth, safety, family joyous, rebirth, protections for mothers and children, work in cycles, life in cycles sleep is also part of this
Old Norwegian
Birch has the greenest leaves of any shrub; Loki was fortunate in his deceit./ ᛒ Bjarkan er laufgrønstr líma; Loki bar flærða tíma. |
The poplar bears no fruit; yet without seed it brings forth suckers, for it is generated from its leaves. Splendid are its branches and gloriously adorned its lofty crown which reaches to the skies./ ᛒ Beorc bẏþ bleda leas, bereþ efne sƿa ðeah tanas butan tudder, biþ on telgum ƿlitig, heah on helme hrẏsted fægere, geloden leafum, lẏfte getenge. |
Old Icelandic
Birch is a leafy twig and little tree and fresh young shrub./ ᛒ Bjarkan er laufgat lim ok lítit tré ok ungsamligr viðr. |
Baldr, Baldur - ᛒᚨᛚᛞᚢᚱ "hero", "lord" , "prince" God : son of the god Odin and the goddess Frigg, Thor is his brother, wife Nanna, son Forseti (Elder Futhark)
Bestla Goddess : is a jötunn, mother of the Gods Odin, Vili and Vé with Borr (father)
Björn , bjǫrn - ᛒᛃᛟᚱᚾ : bear (Elder Futhark)
BrøÞr - ᛒᚱᛅᚦᚱ : brother (Younger Futhark)
Bestla Goddess : is a jötunn, mother of the Gods Odin, Vili and Vé with Borr (father)
Björn , bjǫrn - ᛒᛃᛟᚱᚾ : bear (Elder Futhark)
BrøÞr - ᛒᚱᛅᚦᚱ : brother (Younger Futhark)
ᛖ - E
Ehwaz - ᛖᚺᚹᚫᛉ - "horse" (Proto-Germanic, Elder Futhark)
E(o)h "horse"(Old English, Futhorc)
March 30 - April 14
Divination : important task will take will power to finish, trust, teamwork, love, partnership, animals, emotion, extended energy, speedy escape, connection between humans and Gods, protection, carry into any kind of battle
Ehwaz - ᛖᚺᚹᚫᛉ - "horse" (Proto-Germanic, Elder Futhark)
E(o)h "horse"(Old English, Futhorc)
March 30 - April 14
Divination : important task will take will power to finish, trust, teamwork, love, partnership, animals, emotion, extended energy, speedy escape, connection between humans and Gods, protection, carry into any kind of battle
The horse is a joy to princes in the presence of warriors. A steed in the pride of its hoofs, when rich men on horseback bandy words about it; and it is ever a source of comfort to the restless./ ᛖ Eh bẏþ for eorlum æþelinga ƿẏn, hors hofum ƿlanc, ðær him hæleþ ẏmb[e] ƿelege on ƿicgum ƿrixlaþ spræce and biþ unstẏllum æfre frofur. |
Eir - ᛖᛁᚱ- goddess : Valkyrie, medical skill, healing goddess (Elder Futhark)
Ek - ᛖᚲ (Elder Futhark) ; ᛁᚴ(Younger Futhark) : I, myself
~ Ek ann þér - ᛁᚴ᛫ᛅᚾ᛫ᚦᛁᛣ , Ann ek þér ? - ᛅᚾ᛫ᛁᚴ᛫ᚦᛁᛣ: I love you. "I bestow upon you" ,
"I grant to you" (Younger Futhark)
~ Ek elska þig : I love you (Younger Futhark)
~ Ek elska þik : affection or deep caring (Younger Futhark)
Elska : to Love (Younger Futhark)
Elskug : love between a women and a man, sex?
Ek - ᛖᚲ (Elder Futhark) ; ᛁᚴ(Younger Futhark) : I, myself
~ Ek ann þér - ᛁᚴ᛫ᛅᚾ᛫ᚦᛁᛣ , Ann ek þér ? - ᛅᚾ᛫ᛁᚴ᛫ᚦᛁᛣ: I love you. "I bestow upon you" ,
"I grant to you" (Younger Futhark)
~ Ek elska þig : I love you (Younger Futhark)
~ Ek elska þik : affection or deep caring (Younger Futhark)
Elska : to Love (Younger Futhark)
Elskug : love between a women and a man, sex?
ᛗ - M
Mannaz - ᛗᚨᚾᚾᚨᛉ - "man, human" (Proto-Germanic, Elder Futhark)
Mann - ᛗ - "man, human" (Old English, Futhorc)
Maðr - ᛘ, ᛙ - "man, human" (Old Norse, Younger Futhark)
April 14 - April 29
Divination : relationship of community and man, apprication and belonging, mind, memory, learning, divine structures within humanity, every man is master
Mannaz - ᛗᚨᚾᚾᚨᛉ - "man, human" (Proto-Germanic, Elder Futhark)
Mann - ᛗ - "man, human" (Old English, Futhorc)
Maðr - ᛘ, ᛙ - "man, human" (Old Norse, Younger Futhark)
April 14 - April 29
Divination : relationship of community and man, apprication and belonging, mind, memory, learning, divine structures within humanity, every man is master
Old Norwegian
Man is an augmentation of the soil; great is the claw of the hawk./ ᛉ Maðr er moldar auki; mikil er græip á hauki. |
The joyous man is dear to his kinsmen; yet every man is doomed to fail his fellow, since the Lord by his decree will commit the vile carrion to the earth./ ᛗ Man bẏþ on mẏrgþe his magan leof: sceal þeah anra gehƿẏlc oðrum sƿican, forðum drẏhten ƿẏle dome sine þæt earme flæsc eorþan betæcan. |
Old Icelandic
Man is the joy of man and augmentation of the soil and adorner of ships./ ᛉ Maðr er manns gaman ok moldar auki ok skipa skreytir. |
Mær : maid, girl, virgin
Máni "moon" God : Moon personified, man in the moon
MaÞr - ᛘᛅᚦᚱ (Elder Futhark) : man
Mér - ᛘᛁᚱ : me (Younger Futhark)
Mjölnir , Mjöllnir - ᛖᛃᛟᛚᛚᚾᛁᚱ (Elder Futhark) : Thor's hammer
Mjǫðr : mead
Miðgarðr : "Midgard" Middle Earth
Miðnótt : midnight
Mǫgr : son, boy
Móðir - ᛘᚬᚦᛁᛦ (Younger Futhark) : mother
Morginn : morning
~ á morginn : tomorrow
Muþur - ᛘᚢᚦᚢᚱ : mother (Younger Futhark)
Myrkálfar : dark elves, "dusky elves"
~ Myrkálfr : singular
Máni "moon" God : Moon personified, man in the moon
MaÞr - ᛘᛅᚦᚱ (Elder Futhark) : man
Mér - ᛘᛁᚱ : me (Younger Futhark)
Mjölnir , Mjöllnir - ᛖᛃᛟᛚᛚᚾᛁᚱ (Elder Futhark) : Thor's hammer
Mjǫðr : mead
Miðgarðr : "Midgard" Middle Earth
Miðnótt : midnight
Mǫgr : son, boy
Móðir - ᛘᚬᚦᛁᛦ (Younger Futhark) : mother
Morginn : morning
~ á morginn : tomorrow
Muþur - ᛘᚢᚦᚢᚱ : mother (Younger Futhark)
Myrkálfar : dark elves, "dusky elves"
~ Myrkálfr : singular
ᛚ - L
Laguz , Laukaz - ᛚᚨᚷᚢᛉ - "lake", "leek" (Proto-Germanic, Elder Futhark)
April 29 - May 14
Lagu "Ocean", "sea" (Old English, Futhorc)
Lögr "water", "waterfall" (Old Norse, Younger Futhark)
Divination : fate, let a situation ride out don't fight it, river, unconscious, subconscious, collective memory, unity, psychic powers, dreams, imagination, every flowing, evergy flow towrds what you need
Laguz , Laukaz - ᛚᚨᚷᚢᛉ - "lake", "leek" (Proto-Germanic, Elder Futhark)
April 29 - May 14
Lagu "Ocean", "sea" (Old English, Futhorc)
Lögr "water", "waterfall" (Old Norse, Younger Futhark)
Divination : fate, let a situation ride out don't fight it, river, unconscious, subconscious, collective memory, unity, psychic powers, dreams, imagination, every flowing, evergy flow towrds what you need
Old Norwegian
A waterfall is a River which falls from a mountain-side; but ornaments are of gold./ ᛚ Lögr er, fællr ór fjalle foss; en gull ero nosser. |
The ocean seems interminable to men, if they venture on the rolling bark and the waves of the sea terrify them and the stallion of the deep heed not its bridle./ ᛚ Lagu bẏþ leodum langsum geþuht, gif hi sculun neþan on nacan tealtum and hi sæẏþa sƿẏþe bregaþ and se brimhengest bridles ne gẏm[eð]. |
Old Icelandic
Water is eddying stream and broad geysir and land of the fish./ ᛚ Lögr er vellanda vatn ok viðr ketill ok glömmungr grund. lacus lofðungr. |
Landvættir : nature spirits
Litil - ᛚᛁᛏᛁᛚ : little (Younger Futhark)
Ljósálfar - "Light Elves" : Light Elves, "fairer than the sun to look at", dwells in Álfheimr "Elf Home" , "Elf World"
Lof ᛚᛟᚠ : praise , glory (Elder Futhark)
Loki - ᛚᛟᚲᛁ God : shape shifter, trickster god (Elder Futhark)
Litil - ᛚᛁᛏᛁᛚ : little (Younger Futhark)
Ljósálfar - "Light Elves" : Light Elves, "fairer than the sun to look at", dwells in Álfheimr "Elf Home" , "Elf World"
Lof ᛚᛟᚠ : praise , glory (Elder Futhark)
Loki - ᛚᛟᚲᛁ God : shape shifter, trickster god (Elder Futhark)
ᛜ, ᛝ - ŋ
/ŋ/ /ing/ /ng/
Yngvi, Ingwaz - ᛁᛝᚹᚨᛉ - "fertility" (Proto-Germanic, Elder Futhark)
Freyr, Yngvi
May 14 - May 29
April 29 - May 14
Ing (Old English, Futhorc)
Divination : positive impact, can give advice from wisdom, potential, trustworthy confident, seed, creation, genesis, process, evolution, energetic burst, life and growth, cyclical nature of existence, peace, whipsers of the old ways, protection for those who want peace, Freyr protects the hearth and home, helps with scatter thoughts, as a talisman masculine power, protect home, fertility rituals
Yngvi, Ingwaz - ᛁᛝᚹᚨᛉ - "fertility" (Proto-Germanic, Elder Futhark)
Freyr, Yngvi
May 14 - May 29
April 29 - May 14
Ing (Old English, Futhorc)
Divination : positive impact, can give advice from wisdom, potential, trustworthy confident, seed, creation, genesis, process, evolution, energetic burst, life and growth, cyclical nature of existence, peace, whipsers of the old ways, protection for those who want peace, Freyr protects the hearth and home, helps with scatter thoughts, as a talisman masculine power, protect home, fertility rituals
Old English
ᛝ Ing was first amidst the East Danes
seen by men, until he eastward
over the sea departed; his wagon ran after.
Thus the Heardings named that hero./
ᛝ Ing ƿæs ærest mid Eástdenum
geseƿen secgum, oð he síððan e[á]st
ofer ƿæg geƿát. ƿæn æfter ran.
þus Heardingas þone hæle nemdon.
ᛝ Ing was first amidst the East Danes
seen by men, until he eastward
over the sea departed; his wagon ran after.
Thus the Heardings named that hero./
ᛝ Ing ƿæs ærest mid Eástdenum
geseƿen secgum, oð he síððan e[á]st
ofer ƿæg geƿát. ƿæn æfter ran.
þus Heardingas þone hæle nemdon.
ᛞ - D
Dagaz - ᛞᚨᚷᚨᛉ - "day" , "daylight" /d/ , /ð/ (Proto-Germanic, Elder Futhark)
Dagr , Heimdall
fire, air
June 14 - June 29
Dæg /ð/ (Old English, Futhorc)
Divination : begin anew, new projects, burst of energy, forgive the mistakes you made, heal deep wounds, hope, positivity, optimistic, divine light guides towards goals, higher consciousness, you are protected by light, remain true and good fortune will fallow, clear vision to avoid danger, remain thankful and humble and good things will come. Esoteric knowledge hits you, truth will be reviled that was previously unattainable, internal wisdom, vanquished darkness brings light, key to ancient memory, happiness, wisdom, hope, growth through music, rituals and meditation, fallow intuition, don't loose hope, time heals all with relationship, awakening, enlightenment, awareness, breakthrough, clarity, invisibility, incommunicable paradox, non-duality
Dagr , Heimdall
fire, air
June 14 - June 29
Dæg /ð/ (Old English, Futhorc)
Divination : begin anew, new projects, burst of energy, forgive the mistakes you made, heal deep wounds, hope, positivity, optimistic, divine light guides towards goals, higher consciousness, you are protected by light, remain true and good fortune will fallow, clear vision to avoid danger, remain thankful and humble and good things will come. Esoteric knowledge hits you, truth will be reviled that was previously unattainable, internal wisdom, vanquished darkness brings light, key to ancient memory, happiness, wisdom, hope, growth through music, rituals and meditation, fallow intuition, don't loose hope, time heals all with relationship, awakening, enlightenment, awareness, breakthrough, clarity, invisibility, incommunicable paradox, non-duality
Day, the glorious light of the Creator, is sent by the Lord;
it is beloved of men, a source of hope and happiness to rich and poor,
and of service to all./
ᛞ Dæg bẏþ drihtnes sond, deore mannum,
mære metodes leoht, mẏrgþ and tohiht
eadgum and earmum, eallum brice.
Day, the glorious light of the Creator, is sent by the Lord;
it is beloved of men, a source of hope and happiness to rich and poor,
and of service to all./
ᛞ Dæg bẏþ drihtnes sond, deore mannum,
mære metodes leoht, mẏrgþ and tohiht
eadgum and earmum, eallum brice.
Dagr,ˈdɑɣz̠ - "day" God : personification of the day, son of Nótt "night" and Nörvi or Naglfari
~ Dags faþir : the Father of Day
Dökkálfar - "Dark Elves" : Dark Elves, "blacker than pitch" dwell underground
Døkkr - : dark
Draumr : dream
~ Drauma-maðr : great dreamer
~ Drauma-ráðning : reading of dreams
~ Drauma-skrimsl : dream monster, phantasm
~ Draumnjōrun : goddess of dreams
Draugr - (plur) : is a spirit or ghost, is an undead creature inhabitants of a cairn (human-made stone mounds)
~ Draugar - (singular) : Icelandic: draugur ; Faroese: dreygur and Danish, Swedish ; Norwegian: draug
Dvergar - (plur) : dwarfs / dwarves , associated with rocks, the earth, craft and metal work, wisdom, and greed.
~ Dvergr (singular) :
~ Dags faþir : the Father of Day
Dökkálfar - "Dark Elves" : Dark Elves, "blacker than pitch" dwell underground
Døkkr - : dark
Draumr : dream
~ Drauma-maðr : great dreamer
~ Drauma-ráðning : reading of dreams
~ Drauma-skrimsl : dream monster, phantasm
~ Draumnjōrun : goddess of dreams
Draugr - (plur) : is a spirit or ghost, is an undead creature inhabitants of a cairn (human-made stone mounds)
~ Draugar - (singular) : Icelandic: draugur ; Faroese: dreygur and Danish, Swedish ; Norwegian: draug
Dvergar - (plur) : dwarfs / dwarves , associated with rocks, the earth, craft and metal work, wisdom, and greed.
~ Dvergr (singular) :
ᛟ - O
Othila, Ōþala - ᛟᚦᚨᛚᚨ - "heritage" , "estate" o, ō - /o(ː)/ (Proto-Germanic, Elder Futhark)
May 29 - June 14
Ēðel - "heritage" , "estate" œ, oe, ōe - /eː/, /ø(ː)/ (Old English, Futhorc)
Divination : connect with ancestors, inheritance is coming, heritage, homeland, estate, possession, inheritance, legacy, greater peace, heaven on hearth, clan and kindred, mind and body, helps with real esatet, protects and strengthens family
Othila, Ōþala - ᛟᚦᚨᛚᚨ - "heritage" , "estate" o, ō - /o(ː)/ (Proto-Germanic, Elder Futhark)
May 29 - June 14
Ēðel - "heritage" , "estate" œ, oe, ōe - /eː/, /ø(ː)/ (Old English, Futhorc)
Divination : connect with ancestors, inheritance is coming, heritage, homeland, estate, possession, inheritance, legacy, greater peace, heaven on hearth, clan and kindred, mind and body, helps with real esatet, protects and strengthens family
Odin - Óðinn - ᛟᛞᛁᚾ (EF) ᛫ Óthin - ᛟᚦᛁᚾ (EF) ᛫ Óðinn - ᛟᛞᛁᚾᚾ ᛫ Óþin, Uþin - ᚢᚦᛁᚾ (EF,YF) ᛫ Uþin - ᚢᚦᛁᚿ (YF) ᛫ Udin - ᚢᛞᛁᚾ (EF) ᛫ Wōðinz - ᚹᛟᛞᛁᚾᛣ (pre Viking) ᛫ Wōðan - ᚹᛟᛞᚨᚾ (HighG) ᛫ Wōdanaz/Wōþanaz - ᚹᛟᚦᚨᚾᚨᛉ (EF, ProtoG) ᛫ Wōtan - ᚹᛟᛏᚨᚾ (EF) ᛫ Wōðen - ᚹᛟᛞᛖᚾ (EF) ᛫ Wōðinʀ - ᚹᛟᛞᛁᚾᛦ (ProtoN) ᛫ Wōðīnaʀ - ᚹᛟᛞᛁᚾᚨᛉ (ProtoN) ᛫ Oðen- ᚮᚧᛂᚿ (MedR, ST-F) ᛫ Otin- ᚬᛏᛁᚾ (ST-F) ᛫ Oðin - ᚩᛞᛁᚾ (AS) ᛫ ᛬ "lord of frenzy" : wisdom, healing, death, royalty, the gallows, knowledge, war, battle, victory, sorcery, poetry, frenzy, and the runic alphabet, married to Frigg, son of Bestla and Borr, brothers Vili and Vé, his sons Thor (Jörð) and Baldr (Frigg). One-eyed and long-bearded, wielding a spear named Gungnir or appearing in disguise wearing a cloak and a broad hat. His Animal familiars—the wolves Geri and Freki and the ravens Huginn and Muninn. His eight-legged steed Sleipnir. Obtained the Mead of Poetry. He tries to stop Ragnarok from happening, "All-Father", Hawk's Eye stone, symbol Valknut. Woden
~ Names :
Sigtýr “god of victory”
Gangleri “wanderer”
Sanngetall “truth finder”
Gagnráðr, “one whose counsel is profitable”
~ Óðinsdagr : Wednesday "day of Odin"
Óðr - ᛟᛞᚱ "Divine Madness" God : married to Frigg / ᚠᚱᛁᚷᚷ (Elder Futhark)
~ Names :
Sigtýr “god of victory”
Gangleri “wanderer”
Sanngetall “truth finder”
Gagnráðr, “one whose counsel is profitable”
~ Óðinsdagr : Wednesday "day of Odin"
Óðr - ᛟᛞᚱ "Divine Madness" God : married to Frigg / ᚠᚱᛁᚷᚷ (Elder Futhark)