𓇋𓏏𓈖𓇳𓀭 𓇋𓏏𓈖𓇳
MDC: itn
Gardiner: ỉtn
Budge: Ȧten
Hannig: jtn
Alt Egyptian: Atonu, Ra-Hor-Akhty, Ra-Horu-Aten
Transliteration: Aten
Coptic: Iōit/ⲓⲱⲓⲧ?
Cuneiform: ia-a-ti/𒅀𒀀𒋾 (from) ma-ia-a-ti /𒈠𒅀𒀀𒋾 (Meritaten "beloved of Aton”)
Hebrew: Aton אתון, Atoon אַתּוּן
Greek Hellenized: Atun/Άτων, Atún/Ατών
Greek: Atón/Ατόν, Atén/Ατέν
Arabic: ʾĀtun آتون
English: Aten
Kemetic: Yiten, Aton
Alt: Atonu, jātin, jāti
IPA: ˈjaːtin (Old Egyptian 2500 B.C.), ˈjaːtin (Middle Egyptian 1700 B.C.), ˈjaːtəj (Middle-Late Egyptian 1350 B.C.),ˈjoːtəj (Late Egyptian 800 B.C.), itɛn (modern Egyptological)
Traditional Pronounced: Aten
Pronounced: Ȧton, Ȧten (more common); Ȧātin/Ȧatin/ʲahtin (MK), ʲahti (LK) (probably more accurate)
Meaning: Sun disk
Gardiner: ỉtn
Budge: Ȧten
Hannig: jtn
Alt Egyptian: Atonu, Ra-Hor-Akhty, Ra-Horu-Aten
Transliteration: Aten
Coptic: Iōit/ⲓⲱⲓⲧ?
Cuneiform: ia-a-ti/𒅀𒀀𒋾 (from) ma-ia-a-ti /𒈠𒅀𒀀𒋾 (Meritaten "beloved of Aton”)
Hebrew: Aton אתון, Atoon אַתּוּן
Greek Hellenized: Atun/Άτων, Atún/Ατών
Greek: Atón/Ατόν, Atén/Ατέν
Arabic: ʾĀtun آتون
English: Aten
Kemetic: Yiten, Aton
Alt: Atonu, jātin, jāti
IPA: ˈjaːtin (Old Egyptian 2500 B.C.), ˈjaːtin (Middle Egyptian 1700 B.C.), ˈjaːtəj (Middle-Late Egyptian 1350 B.C.),ˈjoːtəj (Late Egyptian 800 B.C.), itɛn (modern Egyptological)
Traditional Pronounced: Aten
Pronounced: Ȧton, Ȧten (more common); Ȧātin/Ȧatin/ʲahtin (MK), ʲahti (LK) (probably more accurate)
Meaning: Sun disk
Temple(s): Thebes, and Heliopolis, Akhetaton /The Horizon of the Aten/ el-Amarna/ العمارنة
Cult: Atenist
Nome: Akhetaton
Aspect of Ra
Alternative Parentage
Priest names
a sun disk with rays shooting out from the middle at the base hands stretch out to the worshipers face sometimes the hands will have ankhs in them.
sun disk
sun rays
Originally an aspect of Ra, During the Amarna period Akhenaten worshiped the Aten in possible the first documented evidence of monolatristic or even henotheistic. Akhenaten forbade the worship of other gods and during this time Aten was considered the king of all and so his name would be written inside a cartouche. No statues of Aten were allowed this was seen as idolatry. The worship of Aten was eradicated by Horemheb.
Connection to other gods
Offering items
*Do not make or pray to a statue of the Aten it is seen as idolatry*
Make alter either outside or under a window or skylight. Burn Incense. Play harp music or sing the Aten Hymn.
use a wand or a sector and wave it once in front of the sun for daily offerings.
You can leave fruits, flowers, cakes by an alter but it is not necessary daily.
Other names
Ra-Horu/ Horus, who rejoices in the horizon in his name of the light which is in the sun disc
Temple(s): Thebes, and Heliopolis, Akhetaton /The Horizon of the Aten/ el-Amarna/ العمارنة
Cult: Atenist
Nome: Akhetaton
Aspect of Ra
Alternative Parentage
Priest names
a sun disk with rays shooting out from the middle at the base hands stretch out to the worshipers face sometimes the hands will have ankhs in them.
sun disk
sun rays
Originally an aspect of Ra, During the Amarna period Akhenaten worshiped the Aten in possible the first documented evidence of monolatristic or even henotheistic. Akhenaten forbade the worship of other gods and during this time Aten was considered the king of all and so his name would be written inside a cartouche. No statues of Aten were allowed this was seen as idolatry. The worship of Aten was eradicated by Horemheb.
Connection to other gods
Offering items
*Do not make or pray to a statue of the Aten it is seen as idolatry*
Make alter either outside or under a window or skylight. Burn Incense. Play harp music or sing the Aten Hymn.
use a wand or a sector and wave it once in front of the sun for daily offerings.
You can leave fruits, flowers, cakes by an alter but it is not necessary daily.
Other names
Ra-Horu/ Horus, who rejoices in the horizon in his name of the light which is in the sun disc
Hymns to Aten
The Great Hymn to the Aten
*My translation it is not finished yet
If you wish to view it in hieroglyphics click here
dwA (anx-ra-Hrw-Axty-Hay-m-Axt)|
Praise The Living Ra high in the two horizon
In his name of Shu who is in Aten
anx(w) Dt (n)HH itn anx wr imy Hb-sd nb
Living forever and ever, living Aten, great in every celebration
Snnt nb itn nb pt nb tA nb n pr itn m Axt itn nsw bity anx mAat nb tAwy
The lord of the circles (of sun) Aten is the lord of heaven the lord of the earth the lord of the house of Aten, Aten is on the horizon. King of Upper and Lower Egypt. Lives in righteousness lord of the two lands.
(nfr-xprw-ra-wa-n-ra)| sA
the form of goodness Ra the one and only Ra, son of Ra
anx mAat nb Axtw (itn Ax n)|
Lives in righteousness lord of the crowns spirit of Aten
aA m aHa.f Hmt mryt.f nbt tAwy (nfr-nfrw-itn nfrt-iiti)|
great of his lifetime. His beloved wife lady of the two lands, Beauty of beauties of Aten beauty has come.
anxt snbti rnp ti Dt tA nHH
live in health and youth for ever and ever
Dd.f xay.k nfr m Axt nt pt
Says he you cause to appear beautiful from the horizon of heaven,
pA itn anx SAa anx
The living Aton, origin of life.
iw.k wbn.ti m Axt
You rise from the eastern horizon,
mH.n.k tA nb m nfrw.k
You have filled all land with your beauty
iw.k anti wr.ti THn.ti
You, bright of face (beautiful), great, gleaming,
qA.ti Hr-tp tA nb
High over above every land
stwt.k tAw
Your rays embrace the lands
r ra irt.n.k nb
Thanks to the sun the limit of all you have made
iw.k m ra in.k r
You are the sun, you have reach their end
waf.k sn (n) sA-mr.k
You subdue them (for) your beloved son
iw.k wA.ti stwt.k Hr tA
(though)You are far, your rays are on the land
tw.k m bnw Smw.k
You are in their face (body part), your travel
Htp.k m Axt imntt
You are satisfied in the western horizon,
tA m kkw m sxr n mwt
The earth is in darkness ready to give birth in the overthrow of death.
sDrw m Ssp(t) tpw Hbs
Asleep in a chapel, heads covered in cloths,
n ptr.n irt snwt.s
The eye does not behold its brethren nb iw.w Xr n
All their offerings stolen are under their heads, (but) they do not know
mAi nb pr(t) m rwty.f
Every lion goes out of his lion's den,
Ddft nb
All snakes bite them.
kkw HAw tA m sgr pA Htp m Axt.f
Darkness (is when the fire goes out?) the earth is silent. The who gave them shape and form, is content on his horizon.
HD-tA wbn.ti m Axt psd.ti m itn m h(rw)
Dawn comes up on the Horizon shine of Aten in the day.
rwi.k kkw di.k stwt.k
You expel the darkness, you give your rays
tAwy m Hb rs aHa Hr rdwy
The two lands in celebration (of) light, awaken standing on (their) two legs
Tsy.n.k sn wab Sspw wnxw
You have raised them up, pure (is) their bodies receiving clothing
4 m iAw n xaw.k
Their two arms (lifted) in prayer for your raising
tA r-Dr.f
All his world they do their craft
iAt(w) nb Htp Hr
All the cattle contented in their pastures.
Snw smw Hr AxAxw
(The) trees (and all types of) plants in green.
Apdw pAw m
Birds fly from their nest. m iAw n kA.k
Their wings in adoration for your soul.
awt nb Hr Tbhn Hr rdwy
All the cattle on (earth) jump upon (their) feet
pAyw xnnt nbt
All birds (take) flight wbn n.k sn(w)
They live when you shine for them
aHaw m xd xnty m-mitt
The ship (sails) on down stream likewise up stream (in front)
wAt nb wn n xa.k
The road way all open (when) you (rise) from the hill
rmw Hr itrw Hr tft n Hr.k
The fish in river leap before you
stwt.k m-Xn wAD-wr
Your rays within the sea (the great green)
sxpr mAyw m Hmwt
(You) create fetuses in women
iri mw m rmT
(And) begets the water of mankind.
sanx sA m Xt n mwt.f
(You) make live the Son in the womb of his mother
sgrH sw m tmt rmy.f
(You) Calm him down so he ceases crying
mnat m Xt dyw TAw r sanx irt.f nb
The nurse of the womb giving breath to revive for all his creation
hAy.f m Xt r tpt hrw msw.f
It leaves the body to breath the day of his birth
wpw.k rA.f Hr qd
You opening his mouth of his form
iri.k xrt(w).f
You satisfy his needs
iw TA m swHt mdw m inr
The chicken in the egg speaks in the shell
di.k n.f TAw m-Xnw.s r sanx.f
You give to him breath with in to sustain him
iri.n.k n.f dmdy.f r sd.s m swHt
You have created him to be complete
pr.f m swHt r mdt r dmdy.f
Sm.f Hr rdwy.fy pr.f im.s
aSA.wy siry.k iw.w StAw m Hr
pA nTr wa nn ky Hr-xw.f
qmA.k tA n ib.k iw.k wa.ti
m rmT mnmnt awt nb
nty Hr tASm.w Hr rdwy
nty m ax Hr pAyw m
xAswt xAr kS pA tA n kmt
di.k s nb r st.f
wa nb Xry r wnmw.f Hsb aHa.f
nsw wpw m mdwt m mitt stnw stn.k xAswt
ir.k Hapy m dwAt in.k sw r mr.k
r sanx rxyt mi ir.k sn n.k
nb r-Aw
pA nb n tA nb wbn pA itn n hrw aA Sft
xAst nb wAt ir.k
di.n.k Hapy m pt hAy.f
ir.f hnw Hr Dww mi wAD-wr
r txb m
smnx.wy sy sxrw.k pA nb HH
Hapy m pt sw n xAstyw n awt xAst nb Smw rdwy
Hapy iy.f m dwAt n tA mri
stwt.k Hr mna SA nb
wbn.k n.k
ir.k trw r sxpr iry.k nb
prt r hh dp.f st tw
ir.n.k pt wA.ti r wbn im.s
r mA iry.k nb iw.k wa.ti wbn.ti m xprw.k m itn anx
xa.ti psd.ti wA.ti Xn.ti
ir.k HHw n xprw im.k way
niwt dmiw AHt mtn itrw
gmH tw irt nb r
iw.k m itn n hrw Hr tp n Sm.n.k
n wnn irt nb qmA.k Hr st r tm.k mA Haw [...] wa irt.n.k
iw.k m ib.i nn wn ky
wp Hr sA.k nfr-xprw-ra wa-n-ra
di.k sSA.f m sxrw.k m pHty.k
xpr tA Hr a.k
mi ir.k sn
ntk aHa r Haw.k im.k
wn irw Hr nfrw.k r Htp.k kAt nb
Htp.k Hr imny
wbn srwd [...] nswt
wn m rd nb Dr snT.k tA
wTs.k sn n sA.k pr m Haw.k
nswt anx m mAat nb tAwy
nfr-xprw-ra wa-n-ra
sA ra anx m mAat nb xaw
ax-n-itn wr m aHa.f
Hmt nswt wrt mrt.f nbt tAwy
nfr-nfrw-itn nfrt-ii.ti anx.ti Dt
English vertion
*The English ones starts at the second stanza from my transition
He says: Thou appearest beautifully on the horizon of heaven,
Thou living Aton, the beginning of life!
When thou art risen on the eastern horizon,
Thou hast filled every land with thy beauty.
Thou art gracious, great, glistening, and high over every land;
Thy rays encompass the lands to the limit of all that thou hast made:
As thou art Re, thou reachest to the end of them;
(Thou) subduest them (for) thy beloved son.
Though thou art far away, thy rays are on earth;
Though thou art in their faces, no one knows thy going.
When thou settest in the western horizon,
The land is in darkness, in the manner of death.
They sleep in a room, with heads wrapped up,
Nor sees one eye the other.
All their goods which are under their heads might be stolen,
(But) they would not perceive (it).
Every lion is come forth from his den;
All creeping things, they sting.
Darkness is a shroud, and the earth is in stillness,
For he who made them rests in his horizon.
At daybreak, when thou arisest on the horizon,
When thou shinest as the Aton by day,
Thou drivest away the darkness and givest thy rays.
The Two Lands are in festivity every day,
Awake and standing upon (their) feet,
For thou hast raised them up.
Washing their bodies, taking (their) clothing,
Their arms are (raised) in praise at thy appearance.
All the world, they do their work.
All beasts are content with their pasturage;
Trees and plants are flourishing.
The birds which fly from their nests,
Their wings are (stretched out) in praise to thy ka.
All beasts spring upon (their) feeet.
Whatever flies and alights,
They live when thou hast risen (for) them.
The ships are sailing north and south as well,
For every way is open at thy appearance.
The fish in the river dart before thy face;
Thy rays are in the midst of the great green sea.
Creator of seed in women,
Thou who makest fluid into man,
Who maintainest the son in the womb of his mother,
Who soothest him with that which stills his weeping,
Thou nurse (even) in the womb,
Who givest breath to sustain all that he has made!
When he descends from the womb to breathe
On the day when he is born,
Thou openest his mouth completely,
Thou suppliest his necessities.
When the chick in the egg speaks within the shell,
Thou givest him breath within it to maintain him.
When thou hast made him his fulfillment within the egg, to break it,
He comes forth from the egg to speak at his completed (time);
He walks upon his legs when he comes forth from it.
How manifold it is, what thou hast made!
They are hidden from the face (of man).
O sole god, like whom there is no other!
Thou didst create the world according to thy desire,
Whilst thou wert alone: All men, cattle, and wild beasts,
Whatever is on earth, going upon (its) feet,
And what is on high, flying with its wings.
The countries of Syria and Nubia, the land of Egypt,
Thou settest every man in his place,
Thou suppliest their necessities:
Everyone has his food, and his time of life is reckoned.
Their tongues are separate in speech,
And their natures as well;
Their skins are distinguished,
As thou distinguishest the foreign peoples.
Thou makest a Nile in the underworld,
Thou bringest forth as thou desirest
To maintain the people (of Egypt)
According as thou madest them for thyself,
The lord of all of them, wearying (himself) with them,
The lord of every land, rising for them,
The Aton of the day, great of majesty.
All distant foreign countries, thou makest their life (also),
For thou hast set a Nile in heaven,
That it may descend for them and make waves upon the mountains,
Like the great green sea,
To water their fields in their towns.
How effective they are, thy plans, O lord of eternity!
The Nile in heaven, it is for the foreign peoples
And for the beasts of every desert that go upon (their) feet;
(While the true) Nile comes from the underworld for Egypt.
Thy rays suckle every meadow.
When thou risest, they live, they grow for thee.
Thou makest the seasons in order to rear all that thou hast made,
The winter to cool them,
And the heat that they may taste thee.
Thou hast made the distant sky in order to rise therein,
In order to see all that thou dost make.
Whilst thou wert alone,
Rising in thy form as the living Aton,
Appearing, shining, withdrawing or aproaching,
Thou madest millions of forms of thyself alone.
Cities, towns, fields, road, and river --
Every eye beholds thee over against them,
For thou art the Aton of the day over the earth....
Thou are in my heart,
And there is no other that knows thee
Save thy son Nefer-kheperu-Re Wa-en-Re,
For thou hast made him well-versed in thy plans and in thy strength.
The world came into being by thy hand,
According as thou hast made them.
When thou hast risen they live,
When thou settest they die.
Thou art lifetime thy own self,
For one lives (only) through thee.
Eyes are (fixed) on beauty until thou settest.
All work is laid aside when thou settest in the west.
(But) when (thou) risest (again),
[Everything is] made to flourish for the king,...
Since thou didst found the earth
And raise them up for thy son,
Who came forth from thy body: the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, ...
Ak-en-Aton, ... and the Chief Wife of the King ... Nefert-iti, living
and youthful forever and ever.