Site Key
• To search
to search for certain words in any of the pages
Mac: hit command + f then write the word either in English or MDC
and hit enter then scroll through the hits.
PC: Ctrl + f then write the word either in English or MDC
and hit enter then scroll through the hits.
* Help I see boxes ☒□ all over the place instead of letters
• For the purpose of this web site it is good to become familiar with these terms and their aberrations.
IPA International Phonetic Association
MdC: Manuel de Codage (most common used online)
Different Transliterations (other then MDC)
(AE) Ancient Egyptian
(EP) Early Dynastic period 3000-2686 BC
(OK) or (OE) : Old Kingdom 2686-2181 BC
(FI): First Intermediate period 2181-2025 BC
(ME): Middle Kingdom 2125-1773BC
(SI) : Second Intermediate period 1773–1550 BC
(NK) : New Kingdom 1550-1069 BC
(TI) : Third Intermediate period 1069–656 BC
(LE) : Late Kingdom 664–525 BC
(GR) : Greco-Roman 332 BC–395 AD
What does (V) mean?
It means that we suspect there is a vowl in this possition in the word, but not sure as to what vowl it was. It's used a place holder.
Coptic dialects
Upper Egypt (UE)
(S) : Sahidic or Thebaic
~ (Sa) Sahidic /Achmimic
~ (Sf) Sahidic /Fayyumic
(A) : Achmimic
~ (sA) sub Achmimic
(L) Lycopolitan or Subakhmimic or Assiutic
(NH) Nag Hammadi
Lower Egypt (LE)
(B) : Bohairic or Memphitic
(F) Fayyumic
(Fb) Fayyumic/Bohairic
(M) Oxyrhynchite or Mesokemic (M)
• If you see a code such as U36-X1-B1 it is what is referred to as Gardiner's code or list and is the way to call up glyphs. Check out and the program for more info.
to search for certain words in any of the pages
Mac: hit command + f then write the word either in English or MDC
and hit enter then scroll through the hits.
PC: Ctrl + f then write the word either in English or MDC
and hit enter then scroll through the hits.
* Help I see boxes ☒□ all over the place instead of letters
• For the purpose of this web site it is good to become familiar with these terms and their aberrations.
IPA International Phonetic Association
MdC: Manuel de Codage (most common used online)
Different Transliterations (other then MDC)
(AE) Ancient Egyptian
(EP) Early Dynastic period 3000-2686 BC
(OK) or (OE) : Old Kingdom 2686-2181 BC
(FI): First Intermediate period 2181-2025 BC
(ME): Middle Kingdom 2125-1773BC
(SI) : Second Intermediate period 1773–1550 BC
(NK) : New Kingdom 1550-1069 BC
(TI) : Third Intermediate period 1069–656 BC
(LE) : Late Kingdom 664–525 BC
(GR) : Greco-Roman 332 BC–395 AD
What does (V) mean?
It means that we suspect there is a vowl in this possition in the word, but not sure as to what vowl it was. It's used a place holder.
Coptic dialects
Upper Egypt (UE)
(S) : Sahidic or Thebaic
~ (Sa) Sahidic /Achmimic
~ (Sf) Sahidic /Fayyumic
(A) : Achmimic
~ (sA) sub Achmimic
(L) Lycopolitan or Subakhmimic or Assiutic
(NH) Nag Hammadi
Lower Egypt (LE)
(B) : Bohairic or Memphitic
(F) Fayyumic
(Fb) Fayyumic/Bohairic
(M) Oxyrhynchite or Mesokemic (M)
• If you see a code such as U36-X1-B1 it is what is referred to as Gardiner's code or list and is the way to call up glyphs. Check out and the program for more info.