𓅃OK 𓎛𓁷𓂋𓅱𓅆Pyramid text 𓈐𓀭NK 𓁷𓂋𓊹
𓄑𓂋𓅆Greco-Roman 𓅄 𓅃𓉥OK 𓅆
𓎛𓁷𓂋𓅃 𓅃𓊹 𓅃𓀭 𓈅𓂋𓀭Budge
𓎛𓁷𓂋𓅆 𓅅𓀭
MDC: Hr, Hrw
Gardiner: Ḥr(.w)
Budge: Ḥeru, Ḥer
James P. Allen: ḥrw
Transliteration: Her, Herw
Northwest Semetic: ḥāruw became> ḥoruh
Cuneiform ḫu-ru
Akkadian: ḫār, ḫāra, ḫāru/ ḫūru
Neo-Assyrian (Akkadian): ḫûru/ 𒄷𒊒 (ref J.P.A AE Language)
Hittite: Ar < Ar-ma-a-aš < Hrw-Ms; Ḫara < Ḫaramašši/ḫa-a-ra-ma-aš-ši <Hrw-ms-sw
Assyrian: Ḫa-a-ra/𒄩𒀀𒊏 (Eagle), Ḫu-u-ru/Ḫūru (H.D. Baker)
Cuneiform: Ḫār, Ḫāra, Ḫāru, Ḥára / ḫūru (Danielito)
Meroitic: Ar (pronounced : ara) , Ara (Peust)
Meroitic Cursive: Ar/𐦠𐦫 (pronounced : ara)
Coptic: Ḥōr/Ϩⲱⲣ, Ḥor/ϩⲟⲣ , Ōr/Ⲱⲣ
Hebrew: Hwr /הורוס ,הור /hwrws
Old Greek: Ūr/ υρ
Greek: Hôros /Ὧρος, Hor(a)/Χορ; Ouranós/ ουρανός 'heaven'
Latin: Huris, Hyris, Horvs (v=u)
Late Kingdom: ḫu-ru
Demotic: Ḥr
Arabic: Ḥors/ حورس
English: Horus
Kemetic: Heru
Alt: Ḥāru, Ḥāruw, Hor , Ḥāraw , ḥr.w
Pronounced: Ḥōr , Ḥōrᵘ, Ḥṓru (J.P.A.)
IPA: ˈħaːɾuw (Old Egyptian, c. 2500 BCE) ,
(Middle Egyptian, c. 1700 BCE), ˈħaːɾəʔ
(New Kingdom) ħaːɾə
(Medio-Late Egyptian, c. 1350 BCE, ˈħoːɾ(ə) (Late Egyptian, c. 800 BCE) ,
ħɛr (modern Egyptological); ħa.ɾa (Hára) (JPA); ħoːɾo (JPA) (Demotic N)
Alt pronunciations: Hâru(w) (alt), Horos
Meaning: falcon, the distant one, one who is above, 'he who is the day'
Gardiner: Ḥr(.w)
Budge: Ḥeru, Ḥer
James P. Allen: ḥrw
Transliteration: Her, Herw
Northwest Semetic: ḥāruw became> ḥoruh
Cuneiform ḫu-ru
Akkadian: ḫār, ḫāra, ḫāru/ ḫūru
Neo-Assyrian (Akkadian): ḫûru/ 𒄷𒊒 (ref J.P.A AE Language)
Hittite: Ar < Ar-ma-a-aš < Hrw-Ms; Ḫara < Ḫaramašši/ḫa-a-ra-ma-aš-ši <Hrw-ms-sw
Assyrian: Ḫa-a-ra/𒄩𒀀𒊏 (Eagle), Ḫu-u-ru/Ḫūru (H.D. Baker)
Cuneiform: Ḫār, Ḫāra, Ḫāru, Ḥára / ḫūru (Danielito)
Meroitic: Ar (pronounced : ara) , Ara (Peust)
Meroitic Cursive: Ar/𐦠𐦫 (pronounced : ara)
Coptic: Ḥōr/Ϩⲱⲣ, Ḥor/ϩⲟⲣ , Ōr/Ⲱⲣ
Hebrew: Hwr /הורוס ,הור /hwrws
Old Greek: Ūr/ υρ
Greek: Hôros /Ὧρος, Hor(a)/Χορ; Ouranós/ ουρανός 'heaven'
Latin: Huris, Hyris, Horvs (v=u)
Late Kingdom: ḫu-ru
Demotic: Ḥr
Arabic: Ḥors/ حورس
English: Horus
Kemetic: Heru
Alt: Ḥāru, Ḥāruw, Hor , Ḥāraw , ḥr.w
Pronounced: Ḥōr , Ḥōrᵘ, Ḥṓru (J.P.A.)
IPA: ˈħaːɾuw (Old Egyptian, c. 2500 BCE) ,
(Middle Egyptian, c. 1700 BCE), ˈħaːɾəʔ
(New Kingdom) ħaːɾə
(Medio-Late Egyptian, c. 1350 BCE, ˈħoːɾ(ə) (Late Egyptian, c. 800 BCE) ,
ħɛr (modern Egyptological); ħa.ɾa (Hára) (JPA); ħoːɾo (JPA) (Demotic N)
Alt pronunciations: Hâru(w) (alt), Horos
Meaning: falcon, the distant one, one who is above, 'he who is the day'
Nekhen/ Hierakonpolis / Ἱεράκων πόλις / hierakōn polis 'City of Hawks' Upper Egypt white crown, the hedjet
Behdet/ Edfu/إدفو
btw /Qift/ قفط/ Ⲕⲉϥⲧ Keft or Kebto/ Κόπτος Koptos/
Hut-Horu/ Hathor (sometimes)
Hōrit (female counter part ot Hōru)
Wesir/ Osiris
Auset/ Isis
Hut-Horu/ Hathor (sometimes)
Step brother Anpu
Female/Male counter part
Ḥerit/ Hrt 𓎛𓁷𓂋𓏏𓊹, 𓅃𓏏𓆇𓁐
Alternative Parentage
Female/Male counter part
Horit/Ḥerit/Hrt 𓎛𓁷𓂋𓏏𓅆
Priest names
Falcon headed
Falcon/ bik
Sparrow hawk
Wadjet eye 𓂀 The Left eye is the eye of Horu/ Horus that was taken out by Sutekh/Set (Powerful protective, sacrifice, healing, restoration, and protection)
Acacia/ shendt
Shen 𓍶
ibw / tree scared to Horu/ Horus
God of the sun, sky, justice, victory and kingship, protection of his father.
Connection to other gods
Offering items
Anti-resin/ frankincense
Falcon or Hawk fetishes
Wadjet eye fetish
Saffron/ tiHnt (realted to eye of Horu/Horus)
Kapet/ Kyphi
Moringa oil
Strong Tea
Milk, Honey and Almonds
Lapis Lazuli
Hawk's Eye (kind of Tiger's eye)
Hybrid Gods
Hr ra: Hōru and Rā hybrid
anDti/ Andjety (Gau/ Djedu/ Busiris)
Other forms of Hrw
Hr Axty: Hōru of the Horizon
Hrw-dwnanwy: Hōru of the Shredding Claws
Hr smA tAwy, Hr smA n.f tAwy: Hōru uniter of the two lands
Hr bHdty--Horu of Behedty
Hr-wr-- Hōru the elder
Hr- Khenti-Kheti (Crocodile god who sometimes had a falcon head) ?
Other names
Hr sA Ast: Hōru son of Auset
Nekheny: Falcon
nfr-Hr: Child form The Good Horus
Harpocrates/Ἁρποκράτης Greek name
Mandulis, Mānrou/ⲙⲉⲛⲣⲟⲩ (Lower Nubian Sun God form of Horu, worshiped at Temple of Kalabsha)
aA HkAw 𓉻𓏛𓎛𓂓𓄿𓏲𓀁𓏫 (Ritner)
abxw = Living
bik nTr = divine falcon
bik nbw smA = The Golden Falcon that unites
Hrw aA HkA = Horu/ Horus great of magic 𓅃𓏺𓉻𓄖𓊾 (Ritner)
Hr(w) bHdt : Horu/Horus of Behdet/Edfu
Hr(w)-Hknw = Horu of the scared oil (Hr-Hgn Demotic)
Hrw ka-nakht = Horu the mighty bull
Hrw nbw xpr = Horu of gold who came into being
Hrw nD it.f = Harendotes/ Ἁρενδοτης Greek name - Horu protector of His Father
Hrw nTr =Devine Horu
Hr(w) nxn = Hōru of Nekhen Hieraconpolis
Hrw mAat-Xrw in wsir = Horu/Horus true of voice for Wesir/Osiris
Hr(w)-iwn-mwt.f = Horu/Horu the pillar of his mother
Hrw pwy ms n Ast = Horu/Horus this born of Auset Isis
Hrw-pA Xrd = Harpocrates/ Ἁρποκράτης Greek name "Horus the child"
Hrw-sA-Ast = Horu the son of Auset/Isis
Hrw-sA-Ast nTr aA nb mAat- = Horu the son of Auset/Isis great god, lord of law
Hr(w) sA nD it.f = Horu/Horus, the son who avenged his father
Hr(w) sHtp ib tAwy = Horu who satisfies the heart of the Two Lands.
Hrw-smA-tAwy = Horu, Uniter of the Two Lands
Hry-yb DwAt = dwell within Duat
iAby = Eastern
iqr irt Hrw = Perfect is the eye of Horu/Horus
iwa mnxy n wnn-nfr = Heir perfect of Unnefer(name for Wesir/Osiris)
iwa n nb HH = Heir of the lord of eternity
km-wr "Great black" (one) (embodiment of the deceased)
mn ib = be firm/establish of the heart
nb pt = Lord of the sky
nb Axt = Lord of the Horizon
nb tAwy = Lord of the two lands
nD-Hr-it.f = defender of his father
nfr-Hr psD-m-Dt.f sHD-pt-tA-m-wbn.f = Beautiful of face, sines in the morning and brightens the sky and earth at his rising
nTr aA = Great god
nTr dwAy = Morning star of heaven
rpat it.f ? = heir of his father
rpaty = Hereditary prince
sA Ast = Son of Auset/Isis
sAb-Swt-pr-m-Axt = Dappled plumage, who appears from the horizon
smsw = the first born
swAD = renew, make green
wbn m Axt : He who shines in the horizon
wpi-Sat-tAwy = Horu who decides the battle of the Two Lands
wp-rHwy = Separates the two contestants (ref to battle with stX/Set)
wr-pHty = Who has great strength
wr-wADtii = Great of Wadjetii
xnty anxw = presider over the living
xnty- pt = Foremost in heaven
xnty-sxm = Foremost of strength
xnty yAxw = presider over the spirits
xrw.f mAaw = His voice true
comes forth from the acacia tree
Ref., The Meroitic Language and Writing System By Claude Rilly, Alex de Voogt, Horus in the Pyramid Texts by Thomas George Allen,Egyptian Phonology An Introduction To The Phonology Of A Dead Language by Carsten Peust, , The Mechanics of Ancient. Egyptian Magical Practice by. Robert Kriech Ritner ,ḥr#Egyptian
Spells of Eye of Horu/ Horus
Invocations to Horu Hqt m nTr Hrw pw sA Ast sHq m Ast tf.f Asir
uded.nef ḥeqet em netjeru Ḥōru pu sa Auset seḥeq em set tef.ef Wesir
Now he that was commanded to rule among the gods Ḥōru/ Horus is, son of Auset/Isis
who is appointed to rule in the throne of his father Wesir/Ausir/Osiris
Hrw pw nD-Hr tf ir saHa Dd m DdDdw qaH pw n Hrw Xnty sxm HA Asir m mrw n Hbs
Ḥoru pu nedj-ḥry tef ir sāḥā Djed em Djeddjedu qāḥ pu en Ḥoru khenty (Se)khem
Horu/Horus is, the avenger of his father. Now the making to stand up the Djed pillar in DjedDjedu (city of the Djed pillars) is the shoulder of Horu/Horus president of the (Se)khem (City)
Ref. Budge book of the dead/ rw nw pert em Herw
Invocations to Horu Hqt m nTr Hrw pw sA Ast sHq m Ast tf.f Asir
uded.nef ḥeqet em netjeru Ḥōru pu sa Auset seḥeq em set tef.ef Wesir
Now he that was commanded to rule among the gods Ḥōru/ Horus is, son of Auset/Isis
who is appointed to rule in the throne of his father Wesir/Ausir/Osiris
Hrw pw nD-Hr tf ir saHa Dd m DdDdw qaH pw n Hrw Xnty sxm HA Asir m mrw n Hbs
Ḥoru pu nedj-ḥry tef ir sāḥā Djed em Djeddjedu qāḥ pu en Ḥoru khenty (Se)khem
Horu/Horus is, the avenger of his father. Now the making to stand up the Djed pillar in DjedDjedu (city of the Djed pillars) is the shoulder of Horu/Horus president of the (Se)khem (City)
Ref. Budge book of the dead/ rw nw pert em Herw
#Hr, #Hrw , #Horus