Royal titles and Epitaphs
ii m Htp (MDC)/ ēē em ḥotep or ii em ḥotep (transliteration into phonetics): Come in peace, return safely (what it means)
I have given an acceptable transliteration but all over the world people write Egyptian slightly different
For more help on phonetics check out Alphabet>uniliterals
ii can be written many ways ēē, ii or even y but it's a long e sound
w is normally translated to u but at the beginning of a word sometimes it's w. Either is ok.
ḥ is a hard h sound a bit in the back of the throat.
i and ȧ are interchangeable it is like a iah sound, but quick emphasis on ah. If that is too hard it is ok to translate i as an i. but in the beginning of worst it's more of an ah and everywhere else it's more of an e.
y is normally a long ē
Axt-n-hy.s/ akhə : Effective for her husband
bitt / bitāt : Queen (Lower Egypt)
bnrt-mrwt/ bēnirāt-məriut : Sweet of Love
Hmt-mrrty-aAt/ ḥimāt-māratā-āaht : greatly beloved wife
Hmt-niswt/ ḥimāt-nisut : King's wife, Queen
Hmt-niswt-aAt-mryt.f/ ḥimāt-nisut-ā'ahet-merit.ef: Main king's wife, his beloved
Hmt-niswt mrỉỉt.f / ḥimāt-nisut māriit.ef : King's Beloved Wife
Hmt-niswt-wrt/ ḥimāt-nisut-owwrāt , Ouēr-Oursh/Ⲟⲩⲏⲣ Ⲟⲩⲣϣ : Great King's Wife, principal wife of the pharaoh 𓇓𓈞𓏏𓅨𓏏
Hmt-nTr : "God's Wife" royal women, Priestess (passed from mother to daughter)
Hmt-niswt-wrt-mryt.f/ ḥimāt-nisut-owwrāt-mārit.ef : Great king's wife, his beloved
Hn(w)t-Hmwt-nbwt/ ḥen(u)t-ḥemut-nebut: Lady of all women, Female follower of all women
Hn(w)t-SmAw-mHw/ ḥen(u)t-shemau-meḥu: Mistress of Upper and Lower Egypt, Female follower of Upper and Lower Egypt
Hn(w)t-tAwy/ ḥen(u)t-tauy: mistress of the two lands
Hnwt-tAwy-tm : mistress of the entire two lands
Hn(w)t tA-mHw/ ḥenut-ta-meḥu : mistress of Lower Egypt
Hn(w)t tA-Smaw/ ḥenut-ta-shemau : mistress of Upper Egypt
Hsyt-nt-Hwt-Hrw/ ḥōsit-net-Ḥut-Ḥōru : Songstress of Hathor
ityt : Queen regnant
iryt-pat/ ȧryt-pāt : Hereditary princess, crown princess , noble lady
xkrt-nswt/ Khekeret-nisut : lady in waiting , king's ornament 𓇓𓐬
mwt-nsw : King's mother, Mother of the King
nbt, nēbet, nebet : mistress, lady 𓎟𓏏
nbt-imAt/ nēbet-ȧmat: Lady of Grace
nbt-r-Dr/ nēbet-er-djer : Lady of the universe 'Lady to the end'
nbt-tAwy/ nēbet-tauy: Lady of two lands
niswt / nisut: Queen (Upper Egypt)
niswt-bitt/ nisut-bitāt Queen (Upper and Lower Egypt)
nisw-Hmt/ nisu ḥimāt: Kings women, Queen
nyst/nist : Queen
n(y).t-sw.t /nyt-swt : Queen
rmnt-Hrw : One who Carries Horus, exclusive by queen consorts 𓅃𓂝
~ rmnt-Hrw : One who Carries Horus
~ mnt-stS : One who Carries Seth
~ mAAt-Hrw : One who Sees Horus
~ xt-Hrw : Attendant of Horus
~ smrt-Hrw (or) tist-Hrw : Companion of Horus
~ mAAt-Hrw-stS : One who Sees Horus and Seth
rxt nisw/ rakhēt nisu : honorific title given by the King or Queen for kinsmen who were officials
sAt-nsw(t)/ sat-nisu(t) or shərət-nisu (LK-Coptic) : King's daughter , royal daughter
snt-niswt : king's sister
smAyt/ semahēt : consort (royal)
Smayt-nt-imnw/ shemāit-net-Ȧmnu : Songstress of Amun
smr(t) : Friend of the King
snt-niswt : King Sister
Spst-nsw/ shepset-nisu : King's Lady 'Lady (of the ) King'
sr : prince
sr aA kmt : The great prince of Egypt
sr wr : The great prince
tA-Srit-n(t)-nTrw/ tah-shārit-n(et)-noutjeru : the daughter of the gods
wpwty nsw r xAs.t nb(.t) : the king’s envoy to every foreign land
wrt-hswt/ weret-hasut > owwrāt-hasïut : Great of Praises , Great of Honors, exclusively by the King's Great Wife 𓅨𓏏𓎿𓏏𓏥
Xnmt-nfr-HDt : united with the white crown
xnty : Formost of Women, queen consorts
bAk n ipAt-nsw / servant of the royal harem
bw Hry-tp / chief of everyone
HAty-a/ ḥaty-ā : 'foremost in position' local prince or mayor
HqA / ḥeka : ruler
HqA xAswt / ḥeka khasut : ruler of the foreign lands
Hm : Majesty 𓍛𓀀
idnw/ ȧdnu : Deputy of the king of two lands (Child Pharaoh or an older leader who is older under the Child king)
inpw/ ȧnpu : royal child (of princess)
iri-pat / ȧrē-pāt : prince-regent
iry-pt/ ȧry-pet : Hereditary prince, crown prince, hereditary nobleman, the patricians, noblemen
it(i)-nTr/ ȧt(ē)-noutjer or iti-noutjer : divine father 'Father of the Gods' title
Ity, jty : sire, sovereign 𓇋𓍘𓇋𓇋𓀛
nb, nēb, neb, nēb/ⲛⲏⲃ (B Coptic) : lord 𓎟
nb-r-Dr/ Lord of the universe 'Lord to the end'
nb-tAwy/ neb-tauy : Lord of the two lands
nisw / nisu : King
nisw(t)-bity : nisut-bity or nisu-bity King of Upper and lower Egypt
nTr-nfr/ netjer-nefer or netjer-noufer : Beautiful god
pr-aA : great house, later became word for King (Pharaoh/φαραώ) Greek
HqA : nomarchs, governors of foreign regions, foremen of estates (OK), King, God (MK) 𓋾𓈎𓄿𓀀
rpat/ rpāt: Hereditary prince, crown prince
rx nisw/ rekh nisu : honorific title given by the King or Queen for kinsmen who were officials
sA-nsw/ sa-nisu: King's son
smr/ smer : Friend of the King
smr wat(i)/ smer uāt(ē) : Only Friend of the King
sS mSa/ sess meshā: Military scribe
xtmw-bity/ khetemu-bity : royal seal-keeper
ii m Htp (MDC)/ ēē em ḥotep or ii em ḥotep (transliteration into phonetics): Come in peace, return safely (what it means)
I have given an acceptable transliteration but all over the world people write Egyptian slightly different
For more help on phonetics check out Alphabet>uniliterals
ii can be written many ways ēē, ii or even y but it's a long e sound
w is normally translated to u but at the beginning of a word sometimes it's w. Either is ok.
ḥ is a hard h sound a bit in the back of the throat.
i and ȧ are interchangeable it is like a iah sound, but quick emphasis on ah. If that is too hard it is ok to translate i as an i. but in the beginning of worst it's more of an ah and everywhere else it's more of an e.
y is normally a long ē
Axt-n-hy.s/ akhə : Effective for her husband
bitt / bitāt : Queen (Lower Egypt)
bnrt-mrwt/ bēnirāt-məriut : Sweet of Love
Hmt-mrrty-aAt/ ḥimāt-māratā-āaht : greatly beloved wife
Hmt-niswt/ ḥimāt-nisut : King's wife, Queen
Hmt-niswt-aAt-mryt.f/ ḥimāt-nisut-ā'ahet-merit.ef: Main king's wife, his beloved
Hmt-niswt mrỉỉt.f / ḥimāt-nisut māriit.ef : King's Beloved Wife
Hmt-niswt-wrt/ ḥimāt-nisut-owwrāt , Ouēr-Oursh/Ⲟⲩⲏⲣ Ⲟⲩⲣϣ : Great King's Wife, principal wife of the pharaoh 𓇓𓈞𓏏𓅨𓏏
Hmt-nTr : "God's Wife" royal women, Priestess (passed from mother to daughter)
Hmt-niswt-wrt-mryt.f/ ḥimāt-nisut-owwrāt-mārit.ef : Great king's wife, his beloved
Hn(w)t-Hmwt-nbwt/ ḥen(u)t-ḥemut-nebut: Lady of all women, Female follower of all women
Hn(w)t-SmAw-mHw/ ḥen(u)t-shemau-meḥu: Mistress of Upper and Lower Egypt, Female follower of Upper and Lower Egypt
Hn(w)t-tAwy/ ḥen(u)t-tauy: mistress of the two lands
Hnwt-tAwy-tm : mistress of the entire two lands
Hn(w)t tA-mHw/ ḥenut-ta-meḥu : mistress of Lower Egypt
Hn(w)t tA-Smaw/ ḥenut-ta-shemau : mistress of Upper Egypt
Hsyt-nt-Hwt-Hrw/ ḥōsit-net-Ḥut-Ḥōru : Songstress of Hathor
ityt : Queen regnant
iryt-pat/ ȧryt-pāt : Hereditary princess, crown princess , noble lady
xkrt-nswt/ Khekeret-nisut : lady in waiting , king's ornament 𓇓𓐬
mwt-nsw : King's mother, Mother of the King
nbt, nēbet, nebet : mistress, lady 𓎟𓏏
nbt-imAt/ nēbet-ȧmat: Lady of Grace
nbt-r-Dr/ nēbet-er-djer : Lady of the universe 'Lady to the end'
nbt-tAwy/ nēbet-tauy: Lady of two lands
niswt / nisut: Queen (Upper Egypt)
niswt-bitt/ nisut-bitāt Queen (Upper and Lower Egypt)
nisw-Hmt/ nisu ḥimāt: Kings women, Queen
nyst/nist : Queen
n(y).t-sw.t /nyt-swt : Queen
rmnt-Hrw : One who Carries Horus, exclusive by queen consorts 𓅃𓂝
~ rmnt-Hrw : One who Carries Horus
~ mnt-stS : One who Carries Seth
~ mAAt-Hrw : One who Sees Horus
~ xt-Hrw : Attendant of Horus
~ smrt-Hrw (or) tist-Hrw : Companion of Horus
~ mAAt-Hrw-stS : One who Sees Horus and Seth
rxt nisw/ rakhēt nisu : honorific title given by the King or Queen for kinsmen who were officials
sAt-nsw(t)/ sat-nisu(t) or shərət-nisu (LK-Coptic) : King's daughter , royal daughter
snt-niswt : king's sister
smAyt/ semahēt : consort (royal)
Smayt-nt-imnw/ shemāit-net-Ȧmnu : Songstress of Amun
smr(t) : Friend of the King
snt-niswt : King Sister
Spst-nsw/ shepset-nisu : King's Lady 'Lady (of the ) King'
sr : prince
sr aA kmt : The great prince of Egypt
sr wr : The great prince
tA-Srit-n(t)-nTrw/ tah-shārit-n(et)-noutjeru : the daughter of the gods
wpwty nsw r xAs.t nb(.t) : the king’s envoy to every foreign land
wrt-hswt/ weret-hasut > owwrāt-hasïut : Great of Praises , Great of Honors, exclusively by the King's Great Wife 𓅨𓏏𓎿𓏏𓏥
Xnmt-nfr-HDt : united with the white crown
xnty : Formost of Women, queen consorts
bAk n ipAt-nsw / servant of the royal harem
bw Hry-tp / chief of everyone
HAty-a/ ḥaty-ā : 'foremost in position' local prince or mayor
HqA / ḥeka : ruler
HqA xAswt / ḥeka khasut : ruler of the foreign lands
Hm : Majesty 𓍛𓀀
idnw/ ȧdnu : Deputy of the king of two lands (Child Pharaoh or an older leader who is older under the Child king)
inpw/ ȧnpu : royal child (of princess)
iri-pat / ȧrē-pāt : prince-regent
iry-pt/ ȧry-pet : Hereditary prince, crown prince, hereditary nobleman, the patricians, noblemen
it(i)-nTr/ ȧt(ē)-noutjer or iti-noutjer : divine father 'Father of the Gods' title
Ity, jty : sire, sovereign 𓇋𓍘𓇋𓇋𓀛
nb, nēb, neb, nēb/ⲛⲏⲃ (B Coptic) : lord 𓎟
nb-r-Dr/ Lord of the universe 'Lord to the end'
nb-tAwy/ neb-tauy : Lord of the two lands
nisw / nisu : King
nisw(t)-bity : nisut-bity or nisu-bity King of Upper and lower Egypt
nTr-nfr/ netjer-nefer or netjer-noufer : Beautiful god
pr-aA : great house, later became word for King (Pharaoh/φαραώ) Greek
HqA : nomarchs, governors of foreign regions, foremen of estates (OK), King, God (MK) 𓋾𓈎𓄿𓀀
rpat/ rpāt: Hereditary prince, crown prince
rx nisw/ rekh nisu : honorific title given by the King or Queen for kinsmen who were officials
sA-nsw/ sa-nisu: King's son
smr/ smer : Friend of the King
smr wat(i)/ smer uāt(ē) : Only Friend of the King
sS mSa/ sess meshā: Military scribe
xtmw-bity/ khetemu-bity : royal seal-keeper