JSesh help
JSesh is a hieroglyphics writing program basically like word processor for Hieroglyphics. It's free but can be a little hard to navigate. Download here jsesh.qenherkhopeshef.org. JSesh works off of Gardiner's Sign List code. Open a new doc File> new now go to window and open Hieroglyphics pallet. This is how you write and allows you to access all the hieroglyphics in their Gardiner sign list. The code will appear at the bottom of the document in it's own section. Here you can edit the hieroglyphics.
How to write
How to make a glyph sit on the back of another. Go to the Hieroglyphics pallet select at the top, Family> G.Birds scroll and select bA (G29). If you soft select it information will appear in the pallet if you double click it will send the glyph to your document. Double click and observe the Gardiner code at the bottom of the doc, it should say (G29). This is the bA glyph. Now we need to add the stroke over it's back. Go back to the Hieroglyphics pallet, Family> Z. strokes, we need the first glyph (Z1) double click it and it should appear back on the document page next to the "bA glyph" (G29), but we need it over it's back. To make a glyph sit on top and next to another glyph go into the Gardiner sign list code section at the bottom of the document. It should look like (G29-Z1) Next to (G29) "bA bird" put ( ** ) replace the (-), and then put {{700,0,70}}, which the position of the glyph over it, put it after the (Z1) "single stroke" to make the "stroke" sit over the "bA bird's" back. Your code should look like:
To make a glyph sit on top two other glyph. Go to the Hieroglyphics pallet. I'm gonna teach your a trick in the Hieroglyphics pallet if you know the code to your sign type it into the Search section to the right. So try it, type R4 into the Search and hit enter. It will pull up the the papyrus role sign (R4). R means it's in the Gardiner sign list R. Temple furniture and sacred emblems, and the number refers to the position it is in the list. Every Glyph is listed in the manor. Double click (R4) glyph. You should now have a papyrus role glyph in your document. Go down to the bottom of the doc page and put the cursor behind (R4) now type a (:) next to it this signals the (R4) that it should be on top. Now next to the (:) type (X1) which is the bread "t" glyph. Then next to the (X1) glyph type (*) which indicates the next glyph also needs to be under the main glyph but next to the last glyph. Then next to the (*) write (Q3) which is the "p" glyph. Your code should look like:
To make two glyph to converge. Write (I10) which is a papyrus pillar. Then next to (I10) write (##) then next to that write (M13) which is the cobra glyph. The (##) makes both the glyphs converge. Your code should look like:
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