𓆓𓎛𓅱𓏏OK 𓅝OK, El-Bersheh 𓅝𓅆EMK
𓅝𓏏𓏭LK 𓆓𓎛𓅱𓏏𓏭𓁟MK 𓁟MK, El-Bersheh, Cairo 𓅞𓀭
𓏏𓁟 𓇋𓅆LK 𓃻𓏏𓏭 𓏏𓏐𓁟 𓅝𓀭Hieratic
𓂧𓎛𓅱𓏏𓏭MK-NK 𓊽𓎛𓏏𓅱𓁟Ptolemaic 𓅞Ptolemaic
𓐣𓆄𓁟GR 𓆄𓅝Cairo 𓇋𓊪𓄣𓁟Ptolemaic 𓅝𓁟El-Bersheh
𓍘𓎛𓏯𓏏𓅆 𓏏𓏐 𓏏𓐍𓅝/tx/Budge
𓆓𓎛𓅱𓏏OK 𓅝OK, El-Bersheh 𓅝𓅆EMK
𓅝𓏏𓏭LK 𓆓𓎛𓅱𓏏𓏭𓁟MK 𓁟MK, El-Bersheh, Cairo 𓅞𓀭
𓏏𓁟 𓇋𓅆LK 𓃻𓏏𓏭 𓏏𓏐𓁟 𓅝𓀭Hieratic
𓂧𓎛𓅱𓏏𓏭MK-NK 𓊽𓎛𓏏𓅱𓁟Ptolemaic 𓅞Ptolemaic
𓐣𓆄𓁟GR 𓆄𓅝Cairo 𓇋𓊪𓄣𓁟Ptolemaic 𓅝𓁟El-Bersheh
𓍘𓎛𓏯𓏏𓅆 𓏏𓏐 𓏏𓐍𓅝/tx/Budge
MDC : DHwty
Gardiner : ḏḥwty
Budge : Teḥuti , Teḥu (original name)
Faulkner : Ḏḥwty
James P. Allen : ḏḥwti
Loprieno : ḏiḥautī
Adolf Erman : Ḏḥwtï
R. Lepsius : ḏḥwtj
Alt Egyptian : DHwtj, ḏḥwtỉ, dHwty, diHwt, DdHwti, DHwtj, DdHw, Hyw?, aHwTy
Transliteration : Djehuty
Old Kingdom : DHwt (funerary) 𓆓𓎛𓅱𓏏 (to Coptic Tʰout /Ⲑⲟⲩⲧ; d became t )
Middle Kingdom : DHwt (funerary), DHw𓆓𓎛𓅱𓀭 , HDt 𓎛𓆓𓏏𓀭
Middle Kingdom-New : dHwt 𓂧𓎛𓏲𓏏
New Kingdom-Late : dHwt 𓂧𓎛𓏲𓏏 , dHw 𓂧𓎛𓅱, tiHwy 𓍘𓎛𓅱𓏭
Late Kingdom : DdHtw 𓊽𓎛𓏏𓅱𓁟 (Ptolemaic)
Demotic : Tahuti
Philo : Tautos
Phoenician : (according to scribe Sanchuniathon) Thavt, Taautus of Byblos (Phoenician influence) ; was the inventor of writing and the son of Misor who Khonsu/Cronus bequeathed the land of Egypt to. "These things being so, Sanchuniathon, who was a man of much learning and great curiosity, and desirous of knowing the earliest history of all nations from the creation of the world, searched out with great care the history of Taautus, knowing that of all men under the sun Taautus was the first who thought of the invention of letters, and began the writing of records: and he laid the foundation, as it were, of his history, by beginning with him, whom the Egyptians called Thoyth, and the Alexandrians Thoth, translated by the Greeks into Hermes.” ~ Philo translation of Sanchuniathon works; Taautos (Velde, Aram)
Neo-Babylonian : Tiḫut , Ti-ḫu-ut-ar-ta-i-iš , Ti-ḫu-ut-ar-ṭi-e-ši 𓅆𓇋𓀁𓁹𓂞𓋴 Ḏḥw.t-y i-ir dy-s(w) (Vycichl) Thotortuis/Θοτορτἁϊς
Akkadian : tiḫur (Velde)
Aramaic Hebrew : Thħjt/ Tħjt ﬨחיﬨ ; tḥwt , tḥwtmꜤ (Velde)
Hebrew : ג'הוטי /Ja'hot, תהוטי /Thoti, טאהוטי /Tahoti, זהוטי /Zhoti, טצ'ו /Tʼtz'o, טטו /Tʼto ; ṭuḥôt (Velde)
Greek Hebrew : תחות , כ"ג'חוטי" (DHwty)
Coptic Sahidic : Tʰoout/ⲑⲟⲟⲩⲧ, Tʰóout/ⲑóⲟⲩⲧ, Tʰōout/ⲑⲱⲟⲩⲧ, Tʰoot/ⲑⲟⲟⲧ, TʰōTʰ/ⲑⲱⲑ,
TʰoTʰ/ⲑⲟⲑ, Tʰaut/ ⲑⲁⲩⲧ, Tʰōttʰ/ⲑⲱⲧⲑ
Coptic Bohairic : Tʰᵉwt, Tʰōout/ Ⲑⲱⲟⲩⲧ , Tʰōttʰ/ⲑⲱⲧⲑ
Coptic Fayyumic : TʰaouTʰ/ⲑⲁⲟⲩⲑ , Tʰavd/ⲑⲁⲩⲇ
Coptic : Tʰout /Ⲑⲟⲩⲧ, Tʰavt/ⲑⲁⲩⲧ (Sa), Tʰout/ⲑⲁⲟⲩⲧ (Sa), Tout/ⲧϩⲟⲩⲧ, Tʰōt/ ⲐⲰⲦ; Tōoun/ⲧⲱⲟⲩⲛ (S),Tʰōtʰ/ⲑⲱⲑ, Tʰoot /Ⲑⲟⲟⲧ, Tʰaut /Ⲑⲁⲩⲧ
ⲉⲧⲉϣⲓ , ⲧⲓϧⲓ (grue) < 𓂧𓎛𓅱𓅞 < 𓎛𓂧𓅱𓏏𓏭𓀭
Greco-Coptic : Θῶθ
Greek : Thṓth/ tʰɔːtʰ /Θώθ; Thot /Θωτ, That /Θατ, Theúth /Θϵύθ (Plato)
Thoũth /Θοῦθ (Rosetta), Thouth /Θωυθ, Thóuth/Θώουθ, Thout /Θωυτ; Thothis /Θῶθις (need ref) ?; Thōuth, Thōth, Thouth (Velde)
Greek (from names) : Thet /Θϵτ, Theth/Θϵθ, Thos /Θως, Thot /Θοτ (Older Greek)
Latin : Theuth, Theut, Thoyth, Thoth, Thōt
Arabic : Tūḥt/توت, Tût/ تحوت
English : Thoth (from Greek Thṓth/ Θώθ)
Kemetic : Djehuty
Possible Evolution : Thet /Θϵτ from Thout/ Ⲑⲟⲩⲧ from Tḥᵉwt < Thoout/ Ⲑⲟⲟⲩⲧ;
Thouth /Θουθ (Rosetta) from Coptic Thōt /ⲐⲰⲦ; Thouth /Θωυθ and Thout /Θωυτ from Coptic Thōout/ Ⲑⲱⲟⲩⲧ
Alt names : Jehuti, Tahuti, Tehuti, Tehut, Zehuti, Techu, Tetu, Tōt, tA /t-nxn (bird or bread)< txn (Ibis OK)
Pronounced : Djeḥuty (Traditional LE), Djouḥuty (probably more accurate UE), Dᵉ-howty (MK? needs ref) , Te-hoo-ty or Te-how-ty (LK), Thoout, Thōth, Thoot, Thaut (UE, S), Thōout (LE, B)
IPA reconstruction : t͡ʃʼi.ˈħau.tʰiː
cʼaˈħawtij, cˀaˈħawtʰi (Old Egyptian, c. 2500 BCE),
tʼaˈħawtij (Middle Egyptian, c. 1700 BCE) ,
tˀə'ħawtʰə prounced (touwtah) (New Egyptian)
tʼəˈħawt , tˀħɔwtʰ prounced (Touwt) (Late Egyptian, c. 800 BCE)
Alt Pronunciation : Dihawtij, Dje-ḥowti or Te-ḥow-ti from Thoout/ Ⲑⲟⲟⲩⲧ
Modern Egyptology IPA : d͡ʒɛħuːti
Meaning : "Like the ibis" - /DHw/"ibis", /txn/𓏏𓐍𓈖𓅞 "ibis", /tx(i)/𓏏𓐍𓅞 "ibis" teḥu (Budge , budge claims the /ty/ was added to mean "like" and /tx/𓏏𓐍𓄣 "weight" or "Plummet "(used for blanace on the scales, determinative is a heart and that the ibis is closely associated with the heart) [Hopfner, Budge tGotE p402] One of Djeḥuty's Epitaphs is /tx/𓏏𓐍𓄣𓅝 "The god of weight" as we know Djeḥuty is associated with the weighing of the heart.
Gardiner : ḏḥwty
Budge : Teḥuti , Teḥu (original name)
Faulkner : Ḏḥwty
James P. Allen : ḏḥwti
Loprieno : ḏiḥautī
Adolf Erman : Ḏḥwtï
R. Lepsius : ḏḥwtj
Alt Egyptian : DHwtj, ḏḥwtỉ, dHwty, diHwt, DdHwti, DHwtj, DdHw, Hyw?, aHwTy
Transliteration : Djehuty
Old Kingdom : DHwt (funerary) 𓆓𓎛𓅱𓏏 (to Coptic Tʰout /Ⲑⲟⲩⲧ; d became t )
Middle Kingdom : DHwt (funerary), DHw𓆓𓎛𓅱𓀭 , HDt 𓎛𓆓𓏏𓀭
Middle Kingdom-New : dHwt 𓂧𓎛𓏲𓏏
New Kingdom-Late : dHwt 𓂧𓎛𓏲𓏏 , dHw 𓂧𓎛𓅱, tiHwy 𓍘𓎛𓅱𓏭
Late Kingdom : DdHtw 𓊽𓎛𓏏𓅱𓁟 (Ptolemaic)
Demotic : Tahuti
Philo : Tautos
Phoenician : (according to scribe Sanchuniathon) Thavt, Taautus of Byblos (Phoenician influence) ; was the inventor of writing and the son of Misor who Khonsu/Cronus bequeathed the land of Egypt to. "These things being so, Sanchuniathon, who was a man of much learning and great curiosity, and desirous of knowing the earliest history of all nations from the creation of the world, searched out with great care the history of Taautus, knowing that of all men under the sun Taautus was the first who thought of the invention of letters, and began the writing of records: and he laid the foundation, as it were, of his history, by beginning with him, whom the Egyptians called Thoyth, and the Alexandrians Thoth, translated by the Greeks into Hermes.” ~ Philo translation of Sanchuniathon works; Taautos (Velde, Aram)
Neo-Babylonian : Tiḫut , Ti-ḫu-ut-ar-ta-i-iš , Ti-ḫu-ut-ar-ṭi-e-ši 𓅆𓇋𓀁𓁹𓂞𓋴 Ḏḥw.t-y i-ir dy-s(w) (Vycichl) Thotortuis/Θοτορτἁϊς
Akkadian : tiḫur (Velde)
Aramaic Hebrew : Thħjt/ Tħjt ﬨחיﬨ ; tḥwt , tḥwtmꜤ (Velde)
Hebrew : ג'הוטי /Ja'hot, תהוטי /Thoti, טאהוטי /Tahoti, זהוטי /Zhoti, טצ'ו /Tʼtz'o, טטו /Tʼto ; ṭuḥôt (Velde)
Greek Hebrew : תחות , כ"ג'חוטי" (DHwty)
Coptic Sahidic : Tʰoout/ⲑⲟⲟⲩⲧ, Tʰóout/ⲑóⲟⲩⲧ, Tʰōout/ⲑⲱⲟⲩⲧ, Tʰoot/ⲑⲟⲟⲧ, TʰōTʰ/ⲑⲱⲑ,
TʰoTʰ/ⲑⲟⲑ, Tʰaut/ ⲑⲁⲩⲧ, Tʰōttʰ/ⲑⲱⲧⲑ
Coptic Bohairic : Tʰᵉwt, Tʰōout/ Ⲑⲱⲟⲩⲧ , Tʰōttʰ/ⲑⲱⲧⲑ
Coptic Fayyumic : TʰaouTʰ/ⲑⲁⲟⲩⲑ , Tʰavd/ⲑⲁⲩⲇ
Coptic : Tʰout /Ⲑⲟⲩⲧ, Tʰavt/ⲑⲁⲩⲧ (Sa), Tʰout/ⲑⲁⲟⲩⲧ (Sa), Tout/ⲧϩⲟⲩⲧ, Tʰōt/ ⲐⲰⲦ; Tōoun/ⲧⲱⲟⲩⲛ (S),Tʰōtʰ/ⲑⲱⲑ, Tʰoot /Ⲑⲟⲟⲧ, Tʰaut /Ⲑⲁⲩⲧ
ⲉⲧⲉϣⲓ , ⲧⲓϧⲓ (grue) < 𓂧𓎛𓅱𓅞 < 𓎛𓂧𓅱𓏏𓏭𓀭
Greco-Coptic : Θῶθ
Greek : Thṓth/ tʰɔːtʰ /Θώθ; Thot /Θωτ, That /Θατ, Theúth /Θϵύθ (Plato)
Thoũth /Θοῦθ (Rosetta), Thouth /Θωυθ, Thóuth/Θώουθ, Thout /Θωυτ; Thothis /Θῶθις (need ref) ?; Thōuth, Thōth, Thouth (Velde)
Greek (from names) : Thet /Θϵτ, Theth/Θϵθ, Thos /Θως, Thot /Θοτ (Older Greek)
Latin : Theuth, Theut, Thoyth, Thoth, Thōt
Arabic : Tūḥt/توت, Tût/ تحوت
English : Thoth (from Greek Thṓth/ Θώθ)
Kemetic : Djehuty
Possible Evolution : Thet /Θϵτ from Thout/ Ⲑⲟⲩⲧ from Tḥᵉwt < Thoout/ Ⲑⲟⲟⲩⲧ;
Thouth /Θουθ (Rosetta) from Coptic Thōt /ⲐⲰⲦ; Thouth /Θωυθ and Thout /Θωυτ from Coptic Thōout/ Ⲑⲱⲟⲩⲧ
Alt names : Jehuti, Tahuti, Tehuti, Tehut, Zehuti, Techu, Tetu, Tōt, tA /t-nxn (bird or bread)< txn (Ibis OK)
Pronounced : Djeḥuty (Traditional LE), Djouḥuty (probably more accurate UE), Dᵉ-howty (MK? needs ref) , Te-hoo-ty or Te-how-ty (LK), Thoout, Thōth, Thoot, Thaut (UE, S), Thōout (LE, B)
IPA reconstruction : t͡ʃʼi.ˈħau.tʰiː
cʼaˈħawtij, cˀaˈħawtʰi (Old Egyptian, c. 2500 BCE),
tʼaˈħawtij (Middle Egyptian, c. 1700 BCE) ,
tˀə'ħawtʰə prounced (touwtah) (New Egyptian)
tʼəˈħawt , tˀħɔwtʰ prounced (Touwt) (Late Egyptian, c. 800 BCE)
Alt Pronunciation : Dihawtij, Dje-ḥowti or Te-ḥow-ti from Thoout/ Ⲑⲟⲟⲩⲧ
Modern Egyptology IPA : d͡ʒɛħuːti
Meaning : "Like the ibis" - /DHw/"ibis", /txn/𓏏𓐍𓈖𓅞 "ibis", /tx(i)/𓏏𓐍𓅞 "ibis" teḥu (Budge , budge claims the /ty/ was added to mean "like" and /tx/𓏏𓐍𓄣 "weight" or "Plummet "(used for blanace on the scales, determinative is a heart and that the ibis is closely associated with the heart) [Hopfner, Budge tGotE p402] One of Djeḥuty's Epitaphs is /tx/𓏏𓐍𓄣𓅝 "The god of weight" as we know Djeḥuty is associated with the weighing of the heart.
Home: Duat
Temple: Chief temple at Khmun Greek name Hermopolis Magna/Ἑρμοῦ πόλις μεγάλη ; at Abydos called Hesert, Urit, Per-Ab, Rekhui, Ta-ur, Sep, Hat, Pselket, Talmsis, Antcha-Mutet, Bah, Amen-heri-ab, and Ta-kens ; Ḫmnw "City of eight"
Hut-Hor, Hathor
Seshat (in some cases)
Alternative Parentage
Priest names
Hmt-nTr DHwty (Priestess)
director of the double throne-- Priests at Nome Wenet
great one of the five--Priests at Nome Wenet
Wears the headdress of the West, goddess of fertility and rebirth
papyrus scroll
Writing tablet
Baboon, apes
God of Documentation, Lord of Time, God of knowledge, maintaining the universe, arbitration of godly disputes, the arts of magic, the system of writing, the development of science, and the judgment of the dead. Wrote the divine book and book of magic.
Connection to other gods
Hermes/Ἑρμῆς, Hrmes ΕΡΜΗΣ, Coptic Shmounein /Ϣⲙⲟⲩⲛⲉⲓⲛ
Eshmun/ lʾšmn (Phoenician god of healing).....Asclepius
Hybrid gods
Trismegistus/τρισμεγιστος (Three-times great,great) (Greek God) Hermes
iaH-DHwty (moon god hybrid)
1 Axt
DHwtyt : festival of Thoth
𓎱𓇳𓅝𓅆 -The festival and month name in the administration calendar
𓅝𓎱𓇳 -The festival and month name in the administration calendar
𓅝𓏏𓏏𓎱/DHwtyt, DHwtt-The festival and month name in the lunar calendar
𓅝𓇋𓇋𓏏𓎱/DHwtyt, DHwtt-The festival and month name in the lunar calendar
𓂟𓉪/DHwtyt, DHwtt
Offering items
Writing tablet
Pens, pencils
Paper such as papyrus
Wood sent
Old book
Siting Baboon fetish
Other names
aan/A'an-- dog-headed ape, connection to the moon
fnDy-- Fenedjy in Egyptian. Nick name for him it means Nosey, Long Nose, or Beaky.
hAb/Hab/ ϩⲓⲃⲱⲓ/ hibōi-- Ibis
ỉ 𓇋𓀭 , 𓇋𓁟 , 𓇋𓊹 , 𓃻𓇋 (Greco-Romen ?)
iaH-DHwty-- God of the moon Djehuty
Isdes, /Astennu, isdn/ Asten, Istes-- Baboon form, a helper 𓏏𓊔
snbw--Lord of Khemennu
StA--shetah Mysterious one
tx--The god of weight
tx-- (Ibis) 𓏏𓐍𓄣𓅜
wp-rHwy , Ȧp-reḥui 𓄋𓂋𓎛𓎛𓏲𓏭𓀭𓀭𓏪 'Jduge of the two combatants'
Trismégistos, Hermes Trismegistus , wrote Corpus Hermeticum (Greek)
aA aA = Twice great (479 Engraved, Millawi Museum)
aAwy (wr) =Twice great (Ibis dead)
aAaAaA= Hermes Trismegistos; Greek equivalent (ΕΡΜΗΣ Ο ΜΕΓΑΕ ΚΑΙ ΜΕΓΑΕ)
aAaAaA wr=Three times great, great (hawk headed)
aA imy wnt = The great one in the wnt (nome) Hermopolis
arq ib = gain full knowledge
bA ra= soul of Ra
bnti= ape
bxn-Snw=Does not except bribes
di anx mi ra Dt = giving life like Re forever (479 Engraved, Millawi Museum)
DHwty imy Xmnw = Djehuty/Thoth in the Hermopolis (Book of the Dead)
DHwty iqr= The excellent Djehuty/Thoth
DHwty nb mdw nTr aA nTr nb imntt= Djehuty/Thoth lord of divine words, great god, lord of the Underworld (Inner Coffin of Nesi-Pa-Ur-Shef)
DHwty nb mdw nTr = Djehuty/Thoth lord of divine words
DHwty nb mdw nTr sS n nTrw=Djehuty/Thoth lord of divine words, scribe of the gods (Inner Coffin of Nesi-Pa-Ur-Shef)
DHwty nswt HH = Djehuty/Thoth the King of eternity (Book of the Dead)
DHwty rdi mdw drf = Djehuty/Thoth gives the speech of the divine books (Book of the Dead)
DHwty smAa-xrw wsir r xftA.f = Djehuty/Thoth makes Wesir/Osiris victorious over his enemies. (Book of the Dead)
DHwty srs nTr iAmw nTrw= Djehuty/Thoth who awakens the gods (Line 13 mortuary temple of Seti I at Abydos)
fnDy pri m Xmnw = The one with the beak comes from the Hermopolis
hb(y) mnx HqA= Ibis excellent of magic (Faulkner p.191)
hby wr=Great Ibis
HD-itn= Silver Aton (Late Period)
HkA wr 𓎛𓂓𓀗= Great Magician (Boylan)
HqA Dd =Ruler of eternity
HqA Hr irt = Ruler of the Eye of Horu/Horus (Boylan)
HqA mDAt =Ruler of the books (Boylan)
HqA wDa mdw = Ruler of the judging (Boylan)
Hr-ib Hr mAat = delighted in righteousness (Boylan)
Hr-ib pr-anx = Dweller in the Per-ankh 'library' (Boylan, Ptolemaic)
hrw tAwy =Who gives contentment to the two lands
Hry tp DADA mAat = Chief of the Just magistrates (at the judgement of the dead)
Hry tp mDAt = Chief of the books (Boylan)
Hry mxAty 𓁷𓏺𓂋𓇯𓅖𓆼𓇋𓇋𓍝 = He that sits on the balance
Hsb = The reckoner (Boylan)
Hsb aHaw = reckoner of time (Boylan)
Hsb inw = reckoner of gifts (Boylan)
Hsb rnpwt = reckoner of years (Boylan)
Hsrt , Hs-rx = He who praises knowledge (Book of Thoth)
Hsy n Ra = Praised of Rā (Boylan)
Htp Hr mAat = Pleased with mAat (Boylan)
iaH iAxw m Hrt =The moon shinning in heaven
ib mAat= True of heart
ib nw ra = Heart of Ra (Boylan)
ib ra/ Heart of Ra (Boylan)
i mnx HqA nb mdw-nTr= Oh excellent in magic lord of Hieroglyphics (Faulkner p.93 1933; p.53 1938)
ip.f ibw =he who discerns of the hearts (Book of the Dead)
ipy ib 𓇋𓊪𓏭𓄣𓏺𓁟 = discerns the hearts (Boylan, Thoth the Hermes of Egypt)
ip(y) ib nTr = discerns the heart of the god (Ptolemaic Period)
ini wDA = who brings the Wdjat eye (Boylan, Thoth the Hermes of Egypt)
iqr = the excellent one (Boylan)
iqr Dd = excellent in speech (Boylan)
iry Hmw = guardian/master of the rudder
iry mnx nbw = Universal benefactor (Boylan)
iry mty = Who accomplishes truth/straightforward, mə/ⲙⲉ (Coptic) (Boylan)
iry n mri nTrwt =Who does what the Goddesses love (Boylan, Edfu)
iry tit =Who fasioned signs (Boylan)
iry tp nfr 𓁹𓁶𓄤𓁟= Who does good
irt n ra =Eye of Ra
itn HD(t) = The silver sun (Boylan)
iw = a term for Djehuty/Thoth
mAa =the guide
mAa ib = true of heart
mAa pt tA dwAt = Guide of heaven, earth and the underworld
mAat (H20-X1:Z2) 𓆀𓏏𓏥 = be in oder (of balance)
mH ib-= Filler of hearts
mk.n Axw.f ms sw=Whose spells protect the one who bore him (Faulkner p.186)
mnx HqA= great of Magic
mnx sH = excellent in counsel
mri mAat = One who loves Ma'at (Boylan)
mrw DHwty = beloved of Djehuty/Thoth
mtr = bear witness (Boylan)
mtr mAat = righteousness witness (Boylan)
mtr mAat n nTrw=righteousness witness for the Gods (Boylan)
nb abw = lord of purification (Boylan)
nb anx = lord of life (Boylan)
nb Awy-ib =Lord of gladness (Boylan)
nb Dt= lord of everlastingness
nb iSwm?= Lord of Eshmun
nb HH = Lord of eternity (Boylan)
nb hpw = Lord of laws (Boylan)
nb HqA= Lord of magic (Faulkner p.189)
nb imntt = Lord of the Underworld
nb mAa t= Lord of Ma'at (justice/ righteousness)
nb mdw =Lord of words (Boylan)
nb mdw nTr = Lord of hieroglyphics 'words of god'
nb pt = lord of heaven
nb Sat = Lord of Terror (Boylan)
nb sS = Lord of writing (Boylan)
nb wp = lord of judging
nb xmnw = Lord of Khemnu (Lord of Hermopolis)
nb xrw = Lord of speech
ntf ir nn m sXA m Dbaw.f = He is the one who made this in writing with his fingers (CT IV, 411) (J.P.A.)
nTr aA= The great god
ns n itm = tongue of Atum (Boylan)
ns n ra = tongue of Rā (Boylan)
nswt sS= Royal scribe
nswt tn HH = King of eternity (Boylan)
n xm n ib.f = whose heart is not ignorant (Boylan, Edfu)
nxt nTrw = strong of the gods (Boylan)
pA grw= the silent one (Boylan)
pr-anx=dweller in the library
ra pwy psD m grH = Ra that shines in the night (Boylan)
rdi aHa nty m Hsi.f = who gives length of life to him who is in his favor (Boylan)
rdi wDAt n nb.s=Who gives the Wdjat eye to it's owner (Boylan)
rdi xrw drf =Who gave words and script (Boylan, Karnak Thutmosis) ; To make writing speak (Budge)
rdwy hpw = who gives the laws
rdwy Spsi n nTrw nbw = Who gives praise to all the Gods
rx tp-Hsb = knowledge of the reckoning (Boylan, Edfu)
rx mrxt = who knows the balance
rx-sw=The knowing one
SAa ti.t nxb HqAw= Who first fashioned signs and wrote magic (Faulkner p.198) (Boylan)
sAb m r(A) sS sxm sS m sbxt aAt = dignitary of the mouth of the scribe the mighty scribe of the Hall of the Supreme Court
at Heliopolis (P. Boylan, Thoth the Hermes of Egypt)
sAb sbxti = dignitary of the (legal title)
SA hpw = Who decide the laws (Boylan, Stela of Tutankhamun)
sA ra = Son of Rā
shri ib nTrw m Dd.f 𓊃𓉔𓂋𓄣𓏛𓅆𓅆𓅆𓐝𓆓𓂧𓆑=Who makes content the heart of the gods with his words (Boylan)
sHtp nsrt = to appease the royal serpent
sHtp nTrw = Who appeases the gods (Boylan)
sHt snwy 𓋴𓏛𓏏𓊪𓅇𓅇𓌢𓈖𓏌𓅱𓀭𓀭 =Who appeases the two brother gods (Boylan)
siA = the knowing one (Boylan, Stela of Tutanchamon)
siA m HqA= knowledgeable in magic (Faulkner "wise in magic" p. 125)
smA wsir r xfty = Who makes Osiris triumphant against his foes
smAa-xrw =Justifies (the living and dead)
smn hpw = Who establishes the laws (Boylan, Edfu)
srA dwAyt = Who announces the morning (Boylan)
sS = The scribe
sS mAa n psDt =righteous scribe of the Ennead/ Ἐννεάς (Pesdjet)
SaA m rxw = skilled in the knowledge (Boylan, Karnak)
sS mAat n pAwt nTrw aA = righteous scribe of the offering bread of the great gods
sS iqr = Excellent/skilled Scribe
sS mAat=Scribe of Ma'at
sS mAat n psDt wrt=Scribe of righteousness for the Great Ennead
sS mAat m wsxt aAt= Scribe of righteousness in the Hall
sS mDAt nTr 𓏞𓀀𓊹𓏜𓏏𓍼𓀀 =scribe of the divine book
sS m rx = skilled in knowledge (Boylan, Karnak, Hypostyle)
sS nTr= scribe of God
sSm = the guide
sSm pt tA dwAt= Guide of heaven, earth and the underworld
sStA = The mysterious one
sStAt imnt imyt dwAt= The secret one in west in the midst of the underworld
st itm = Throne of Atum (Boylan)
st(y) ra = Throne of Rā (Boylan, Book of Heavenly Cow)
swDA wDAt = who makes the eye whole (P. Boylan, Thoth the Hermes of Egypt)
sxm nTrw= power of the gods
sxm nTry 𓌂𓏺𓀭𓊹𓏏𓂋𓏭 = divine power (Boylan)
sxm wr= great in power (Pyr 1725b)
TAti = the vizier (Boylan, Philae)
tp sS = chief scribe
Txn 𓏏𓐍𓄣𓁟= ibis as the ape that sits on the balance
wa waw 𓌡𓏺𓂝𓌡𓏲𓂝𓅪= the unique one (Boylan, Edfu)
wb awy = clean of hands (Boylan)
wDA d(t) = sound of hand (Boylan)
wDA ib = sound of heart (Boylan)
wDa mAat=Weighing of righteousness (Boylan)
wDa-mAa psDt (nTrw) aAt = righteous judge of the great Ennead (of the Gods)
wDa mdt=Weighing of the words
wp = Judge
wp rHyw =Judge of two combating gods (Rivals Horus and Set) 𓄋𓂋𓎛𓎛𓏲𓏭𓀭𓀭𓏪 (Book of Dead)
wpwty𓄋𓊪𓏏𓏴𓃻 = Messenger
wr =The great one (Boylan)
wr wr wr = Three times great , thrice great one (Book of Thoth)
wr HkA(w)= great of magic (Faulkner p.184) 𓅨𓂋𓎛𓂓𓏥𓀭 , 𓅨𓂋𓄖𓊾𓀭 (Ritner)
wr mdw nTr = great in mdw nTr/ word of god/ Hieroglyphics
wr xmwn= The Great One in Khmoun (Hermopolis Megale) (Anastasi V 9.3)
wsr Ddw.f = mighty in his words (Dendereh) (Boylan)
xk aHaw = the time-determiner (Boylan)
xpr mwt sp tp=He who came into being at the beginning (Boylan)
Xr Hb /ẖry-ḥꜢb.t (Demotic) = lector priest
xrp ssA m wsxt ȧ -= Make wise the governor in the great hall
Xnw pt= inside of the sky
xnty pr-mDAt= foremost of the house of books
ar tr ? = measurer of time
Coptic Epitaphs to Ⲑⲟⲟⲩⲧ
pio pio/ⲡⲓⲟ ⲡⲓⲟ : twice great
psabā/ⲡⲥⲁⲃⲉ : The wise one
pio pio psabā/ ⲡⲓⲟ ⲡⲓⲟ ⲡⲥⲁⲃⲉ : twice great the wise one
Hermēs ptrismegisthos/ϩⲉⲣⲙⲏⲥ ⲡⲧⲣⲓⲥⲙⲉⲅⲓⲥⲑⲟⲥ “Hermes thrice-great”
Thōout pio pio/ⲑⲱⲟⲩⲧ ⲡⲓⲟ ⲡⲓⲟ "Thōout twice great"
Greek Epitaphs
Trismégistos/τρισμέγιστοϛ : Thrice greatest 'three times' (applied to Hermes as well)
Ermea o melae/ ΕΡΜΗΣ Ο ΜΕΓΑΕ ΚΑΙ ΜΕΓΑΕ : Hermes Trismegistos
Θωνθ ω ω ω νοβ Ζμουν / ⲑⲱⲩⲑ ⲱ ⲱ ⲱ ⲛⲟⲃ 𐋵ⲙⲟⲩⲛ (Old Coptic), ⲑⲟⲟⲩⲧ (ⲱ , ⲟ , ⲁⲓ) ⲛⲉⲃ/ⲛⲏⲃ ϣⲙⲟⲩⲛ / DHwti aA aA aA nb xmnw : Thoth, thrice great, lord of Hermopolis
Ermês ho Trismégistos/Ἑρμῆς ὁ Τρισμέγιστος, "Hermes thrice-great";
Thoth lord of the priests
Thoth lord of the scribes
Ref. Thoth The Hermes of Egypt by Patrick Boylan,, Papyrus BM 10188, col. 33/17-18 Raymond Faulkner (thanks to Michael J. Masley for posting the info),, The Mechanics of Ancient. Egyptian Magical Practice by Robert Kriech Ritner.
Temple: Chief temple at Khmun Greek name Hermopolis Magna/Ἑρμοῦ πόλις μεγάλη ; at Abydos called Hesert, Urit, Per-Ab, Rekhui, Ta-ur, Sep, Hat, Pselket, Talmsis, Antcha-Mutet, Bah, Amen-heri-ab, and Ta-kens ; Ḫmnw "City of eight"
Hut-Hor, Hathor
Seshat (in some cases)
Alternative Parentage
Priest names
Hmt-nTr DHwty (Priestess)
director of the double throne-- Priests at Nome Wenet
great one of the five--Priests at Nome Wenet
Wears the headdress of the West, goddess of fertility and rebirth
papyrus scroll
Writing tablet
Baboon, apes
God of Documentation, Lord of Time, God of knowledge, maintaining the universe, arbitration of godly disputes, the arts of magic, the system of writing, the development of science, and the judgment of the dead. Wrote the divine book and book of magic.
Connection to other gods
Hermes/Ἑρμῆς, Hrmes ΕΡΜΗΣ, Coptic Shmounein /Ϣⲙⲟⲩⲛⲉⲓⲛ
Eshmun/ lʾšmn (Phoenician god of healing).....Asclepius
Hybrid gods
Trismegistus/τρισμεγιστος (Three-times great,great) (Greek God) Hermes
iaH-DHwty (moon god hybrid)
1 Axt
DHwtyt : festival of Thoth
𓎱𓇳𓅝𓅆 -The festival and month name in the administration calendar
𓅝𓎱𓇳 -The festival and month name in the administration calendar
𓅝𓏏𓏏𓎱/DHwtyt, DHwtt-The festival and month name in the lunar calendar
𓅝𓇋𓇋𓏏𓎱/DHwtyt, DHwtt-The festival and month name in the lunar calendar
𓂟𓉪/DHwtyt, DHwtt
Offering items
Writing tablet
Pens, pencils
Paper such as papyrus
Wood sent
Old book
Siting Baboon fetish
Other names
aan/A'an-- dog-headed ape, connection to the moon
fnDy-- Fenedjy in Egyptian. Nick name for him it means Nosey, Long Nose, or Beaky.
hAb/Hab/ ϩⲓⲃⲱⲓ/ hibōi-- Ibis
ỉ 𓇋𓀭 , 𓇋𓁟 , 𓇋𓊹 , 𓃻𓇋 (Greco-Romen ?)
iaH-DHwty-- God of the moon Djehuty
Isdes, /Astennu, isdn/ Asten, Istes-- Baboon form, a helper 𓏏𓊔
snbw--Lord of Khemennu
StA--shetah Mysterious one
tx--The god of weight
tx-- (Ibis) 𓏏𓐍𓄣𓅜
wp-rHwy , Ȧp-reḥui 𓄋𓂋𓎛𓎛𓏲𓏭𓀭𓀭𓏪 'Jduge of the two combatants'
Trismégistos, Hermes Trismegistus , wrote Corpus Hermeticum (Greek)
aA aA = Twice great (479 Engraved, Millawi Museum)
aAwy (wr) =Twice great (Ibis dead)
aAaAaA= Hermes Trismegistos; Greek equivalent (ΕΡΜΗΣ Ο ΜΕΓΑΕ ΚΑΙ ΜΕΓΑΕ)
aAaAaA wr=Three times great, great (hawk headed)
aA imy wnt = The great one in the wnt (nome) Hermopolis
arq ib = gain full knowledge
bA ra= soul of Ra
bnti= ape
bxn-Snw=Does not except bribes
di anx mi ra Dt = giving life like Re forever (479 Engraved, Millawi Museum)
DHwty imy Xmnw = Djehuty/Thoth in the Hermopolis (Book of the Dead)
DHwty iqr= The excellent Djehuty/Thoth
DHwty nb mdw nTr aA nTr nb imntt= Djehuty/Thoth lord of divine words, great god, lord of the Underworld (Inner Coffin of Nesi-Pa-Ur-Shef)
DHwty nb mdw nTr = Djehuty/Thoth lord of divine words
DHwty nb mdw nTr sS n nTrw=Djehuty/Thoth lord of divine words, scribe of the gods (Inner Coffin of Nesi-Pa-Ur-Shef)
DHwty nswt HH = Djehuty/Thoth the King of eternity (Book of the Dead)
DHwty rdi mdw drf = Djehuty/Thoth gives the speech of the divine books (Book of the Dead)
DHwty smAa-xrw wsir r xftA.f = Djehuty/Thoth makes Wesir/Osiris victorious over his enemies. (Book of the Dead)
DHwty srs nTr iAmw nTrw= Djehuty/Thoth who awakens the gods (Line 13 mortuary temple of Seti I at Abydos)
fnDy pri m Xmnw = The one with the beak comes from the Hermopolis
hb(y) mnx HqA= Ibis excellent of magic (Faulkner p.191)
hby wr=Great Ibis
HD-itn= Silver Aton (Late Period)
HkA wr 𓎛𓂓𓀗= Great Magician (Boylan)
HqA Dd =Ruler of eternity
HqA Hr irt = Ruler of the Eye of Horu/Horus (Boylan)
HqA mDAt =Ruler of the books (Boylan)
HqA wDa mdw = Ruler of the judging (Boylan)
Hr-ib Hr mAat = delighted in righteousness (Boylan)
Hr-ib pr-anx = Dweller in the Per-ankh 'library' (Boylan, Ptolemaic)
hrw tAwy =Who gives contentment to the two lands
Hry tp DADA mAat = Chief of the Just magistrates (at the judgement of the dead)
Hry tp mDAt = Chief of the books (Boylan)
Hry mxAty 𓁷𓏺𓂋𓇯𓅖𓆼𓇋𓇋𓍝 = He that sits on the balance
Hsb = The reckoner (Boylan)
Hsb aHaw = reckoner of time (Boylan)
Hsb inw = reckoner of gifts (Boylan)
Hsb rnpwt = reckoner of years (Boylan)
Hsrt , Hs-rx = He who praises knowledge (Book of Thoth)
Hsy n Ra = Praised of Rā (Boylan)
Htp Hr mAat = Pleased with mAat (Boylan)
iaH iAxw m Hrt =The moon shinning in heaven
ib mAat= True of heart
ib nw ra = Heart of Ra (Boylan)
ib ra/ Heart of Ra (Boylan)
i mnx HqA nb mdw-nTr= Oh excellent in magic lord of Hieroglyphics (Faulkner p.93 1933; p.53 1938)
ip.f ibw =he who discerns of the hearts (Book of the Dead)
ipy ib 𓇋𓊪𓏭𓄣𓏺𓁟 = discerns the hearts (Boylan, Thoth the Hermes of Egypt)
ip(y) ib nTr = discerns the heart of the god (Ptolemaic Period)
ini wDA = who brings the Wdjat eye (Boylan, Thoth the Hermes of Egypt)
iqr = the excellent one (Boylan)
iqr Dd = excellent in speech (Boylan)
iry Hmw = guardian/master of the rudder
iry mnx nbw = Universal benefactor (Boylan)
iry mty = Who accomplishes truth/straightforward, mə/ⲙⲉ (Coptic) (Boylan)
iry n mri nTrwt =Who does what the Goddesses love (Boylan, Edfu)
iry tit =Who fasioned signs (Boylan)
iry tp nfr 𓁹𓁶𓄤𓁟= Who does good
irt n ra =Eye of Ra
itn HD(t) = The silver sun (Boylan)
iw = a term for Djehuty/Thoth
mAa =the guide
mAa ib = true of heart
mAa pt tA dwAt = Guide of heaven, earth and the underworld
mAat (H20-X1:Z2) 𓆀𓏏𓏥 = be in oder (of balance)
mH ib-= Filler of hearts
mk.n Axw.f ms sw=Whose spells protect the one who bore him (Faulkner p.186)
mnx HqA= great of Magic
mnx sH = excellent in counsel
mri mAat = One who loves Ma'at (Boylan)
mrw DHwty = beloved of Djehuty/Thoth
mtr = bear witness (Boylan)
mtr mAat = righteousness witness (Boylan)
mtr mAat n nTrw=righteousness witness for the Gods (Boylan)
nb abw = lord of purification (Boylan)
nb anx = lord of life (Boylan)
nb Awy-ib =Lord of gladness (Boylan)
nb Dt= lord of everlastingness
nb iSwm?= Lord of Eshmun
nb HH = Lord of eternity (Boylan)
nb hpw = Lord of laws (Boylan)
nb HqA= Lord of magic (Faulkner p.189)
nb imntt = Lord of the Underworld
nb mAa t= Lord of Ma'at (justice/ righteousness)
nb mdw =Lord of words (Boylan)
nb mdw nTr = Lord of hieroglyphics 'words of god'
nb pt = lord of heaven
nb Sat = Lord of Terror (Boylan)
nb sS = Lord of writing (Boylan)
nb wp = lord of judging
nb xmnw = Lord of Khemnu (Lord of Hermopolis)
nb xrw = Lord of speech
ntf ir nn m sXA m Dbaw.f = He is the one who made this in writing with his fingers (CT IV, 411) (J.P.A.)
nTr aA= The great god
ns n itm = tongue of Atum (Boylan)
ns n ra = tongue of Rā (Boylan)
nswt sS= Royal scribe
nswt tn HH = King of eternity (Boylan)
n xm n ib.f = whose heart is not ignorant (Boylan, Edfu)
nxt nTrw = strong of the gods (Boylan)
pA grw= the silent one (Boylan)
pr-anx=dweller in the library
ra pwy psD m grH = Ra that shines in the night (Boylan)
rdi aHa nty m Hsi.f = who gives length of life to him who is in his favor (Boylan)
rdi wDAt n nb.s=Who gives the Wdjat eye to it's owner (Boylan)
rdi xrw drf =Who gave words and script (Boylan, Karnak Thutmosis) ; To make writing speak (Budge)
rdwy hpw = who gives the laws
rdwy Spsi n nTrw nbw = Who gives praise to all the Gods
rx tp-Hsb = knowledge of the reckoning (Boylan, Edfu)
rx mrxt = who knows the balance
rx-sw=The knowing one
SAa ti.t nxb HqAw= Who first fashioned signs and wrote magic (Faulkner p.198) (Boylan)
sAb m r(A) sS sxm sS m sbxt aAt = dignitary of the mouth of the scribe the mighty scribe of the Hall of the Supreme Court
at Heliopolis (P. Boylan, Thoth the Hermes of Egypt)
sAb sbxti = dignitary of the (legal title)
SA hpw = Who decide the laws (Boylan, Stela of Tutankhamun)
sA ra = Son of Rā
shri ib nTrw m Dd.f 𓊃𓉔𓂋𓄣𓏛𓅆𓅆𓅆𓐝𓆓𓂧𓆑=Who makes content the heart of the gods with his words (Boylan)
sHtp nsrt = to appease the royal serpent
sHtp nTrw = Who appeases the gods (Boylan)
sHt snwy 𓋴𓏛𓏏𓊪𓅇𓅇𓌢𓈖𓏌𓅱𓀭𓀭 =Who appeases the two brother gods (Boylan)
siA = the knowing one (Boylan, Stela of Tutanchamon)
siA m HqA= knowledgeable in magic (Faulkner "wise in magic" p. 125)
smA wsir r xfty = Who makes Osiris triumphant against his foes
smAa-xrw =Justifies (the living and dead)
smn hpw = Who establishes the laws (Boylan, Edfu)
srA dwAyt = Who announces the morning (Boylan)
sS = The scribe
sS mAa n psDt =righteous scribe of the Ennead/ Ἐννεάς (Pesdjet)
SaA m rxw = skilled in the knowledge (Boylan, Karnak)
sS mAat n pAwt nTrw aA = righteous scribe of the offering bread of the great gods
sS iqr = Excellent/skilled Scribe
sS mAat=Scribe of Ma'at
sS mAat n psDt wrt=Scribe of righteousness for the Great Ennead
sS mAat m wsxt aAt= Scribe of righteousness in the Hall
sS mDAt nTr 𓏞𓀀𓊹𓏜𓏏𓍼𓀀 =scribe of the divine book
sS m rx = skilled in knowledge (Boylan, Karnak, Hypostyle)
sS nTr= scribe of God
sSm = the guide
sSm pt tA dwAt= Guide of heaven, earth and the underworld
sStA = The mysterious one
sStAt imnt imyt dwAt= The secret one in west in the midst of the underworld
st itm = Throne of Atum (Boylan)
st(y) ra = Throne of Rā (Boylan, Book of Heavenly Cow)
swDA wDAt = who makes the eye whole (P. Boylan, Thoth the Hermes of Egypt)
sxm nTrw= power of the gods
sxm nTry 𓌂𓏺𓀭𓊹𓏏𓂋𓏭 = divine power (Boylan)
sxm wr= great in power (Pyr 1725b)
TAti = the vizier (Boylan, Philae)
tp sS = chief scribe
Txn 𓏏𓐍𓄣𓁟= ibis as the ape that sits on the balance
wa waw 𓌡𓏺𓂝𓌡𓏲𓂝𓅪= the unique one (Boylan, Edfu)
wb awy = clean of hands (Boylan)
wDA d(t) = sound of hand (Boylan)
wDA ib = sound of heart (Boylan)
wDa mAat=Weighing of righteousness (Boylan)
wDa-mAa psDt (nTrw) aAt = righteous judge of the great Ennead (of the Gods)
wDa mdt=Weighing of the words
wp = Judge
wp rHyw =Judge of two combating gods (Rivals Horus and Set) 𓄋𓂋𓎛𓎛𓏲𓏭𓀭𓀭𓏪 (Book of Dead)
wpwty𓄋𓊪𓏏𓏴𓃻 = Messenger
wr =The great one (Boylan)
wr wr wr = Three times great , thrice great one (Book of Thoth)
wr HkA(w)= great of magic (Faulkner p.184) 𓅨𓂋𓎛𓂓𓏥𓀭 , 𓅨𓂋𓄖𓊾𓀭 (Ritner)
wr mdw nTr = great in mdw nTr/ word of god/ Hieroglyphics
wr xmwn= The Great One in Khmoun (Hermopolis Megale) (Anastasi V 9.3)
wsr Ddw.f = mighty in his words (Dendereh) (Boylan)
xk aHaw = the time-determiner (Boylan)
xpr mwt sp tp=He who came into being at the beginning (Boylan)
Xr Hb /ẖry-ḥꜢb.t (Demotic) = lector priest
xrp ssA m wsxt ȧ -= Make wise the governor in the great hall
Xnw pt= inside of the sky
xnty pr-mDAt= foremost of the house of books
ar tr ? = measurer of time
Coptic Epitaphs to Ⲑⲟⲟⲩⲧ
pio pio/ⲡⲓⲟ ⲡⲓⲟ : twice great
psabā/ⲡⲥⲁⲃⲉ : The wise one
pio pio psabā/ ⲡⲓⲟ ⲡⲓⲟ ⲡⲥⲁⲃⲉ : twice great the wise one
Hermēs ptrismegisthos/ϩⲉⲣⲙⲏⲥ ⲡⲧⲣⲓⲥⲙⲉⲅⲓⲥⲑⲟⲥ “Hermes thrice-great”
Thōout pio pio/ⲑⲱⲟⲩⲧ ⲡⲓⲟ ⲡⲓⲟ "Thōout twice great"
Greek Epitaphs
Trismégistos/τρισμέγιστοϛ : Thrice greatest 'three times' (applied to Hermes as well)
Ermea o melae/ ΕΡΜΗΣ Ο ΜΕΓΑΕ ΚΑΙ ΜΕΓΑΕ : Hermes Trismegistos
Θωνθ ω ω ω νοβ Ζμουν / ⲑⲱⲩⲑ ⲱ ⲱ ⲱ ⲛⲟⲃ 𐋵ⲙⲟⲩⲛ (Old Coptic), ⲑⲟⲟⲩⲧ (ⲱ , ⲟ , ⲁⲓ) ⲛⲉⲃ/ⲛⲏⲃ ϣⲙⲟⲩⲛ / DHwti aA aA aA nb xmnw : Thoth, thrice great, lord of Hermopolis
Ermês ho Trismégistos/Ἑρμῆς ὁ Τρισμέγιστος, "Hermes thrice-great";
Thoth lord of the priests
Thoth lord of the scribes
Ref. Thoth The Hermes of Egypt by Patrick Boylan,, Papyrus BM 10188, col. 33/17-18 Raymond Faulkner (thanks to Michael J. Masley for posting the info),, The Mechanics of Ancient. Egyptian Magical Practice by Robert Kriech Ritner.
Invocation to Djehuty
inD Hr.k iaH DHwty wpi ns n xAst r kt
Hail to thee, Moon-Thoth, who made different the tongue of one country from another
~ref Thoth as Creator of Languages by Jaroslav Černý
Djeḥuty ur per em ma'ā-kheru iabet shesepu unemet iḥ iyu er ses.ef
Thoth the great has come forth in justification, the left eye having united to the right, and the moon having arrived at the proper time.
i DHwty smAaxrw Asir/Wsir r xftA.f smAaxrw Asir/Wsir
i Djeḥuty sema'ākheru Auser/Wesir er khefta.ef sema'ākheru Ausir/ Wesir
Hail Djeḥuty/Thoth, making victorious Ausir/ Wesir/ Osiris over his enemies, make victorious Ausir/ Wesir/ Osiris
ref. Budge book of the dead/ rw nw pert em Herw
O Djehuty, take me to Khmun (Hermopolis Megale),
Your City where it is pleasant ,
You supply me what I need in bread and beer,
and watching over the words I utter.
If only Djehuty would be near me tomorrow!
'Come', They say,
and I go into the presence of the Lords of Righteousness.
May I come forth vindicated!
O great doum-palm sixty cubits high,
the one with nuts upon it,
with fruit within the nuts
and water in the fruit,
O you who can bring water from a far off place,
come, rescue me, a thoughtful man!
O Djehuty, a well is sweet
when a man is thirsty in the desert:
it it sealed to one who uncovers his mouth unwisely,
but it is open to the thoughtful man.
Let the thoughtful man come
that he may discover the well for the hot-headed man.
And you shall be filled.
~Papyrus Sallier I (Translation from Foster, Hymns, Prayers)
Papyrus Sallier I Thoth Prayer
DHwty immi wi m xmnw pAy.k dmyt nDmt anx
O Thoth, take me to Hermopolis, to Thy city where it is pleasant to live
iw.k irt xrt tw.i m aqw Hr Hnqt
Thou suppliest what I need in bread and beer
iw.k sAw rA.i m mdwt HAw n rAw n.i
And Thou keepest watch over my mouth when I speak
DHwty m-HA.i dwAw
Would that I had Thoth behind me tomorrow
mi xr tw iw.i aqw.kwi m-bAH nbw mAat
Come to me when I enter before the Lords of Ma'at
pri kwi m mAa-xrw
And so shall I come forth justified
pA mAmA aA n sisiw mH pA nt qwqw imy.f
Thou Great Dom Palm, sixty cubits high, whereon are fruits
wnn xAnyny m-Xnw qwqw iw mw m-Xnw hAnyny
Stones are in the fruits and water is in the stones
pA iTA mw st wAw
Thou Who bringest water to a distant place
mi Sdi.k wi pA grw
Come deliver me, the silent man
DHwty tA Xnmt nDmt mi zi ibw Hr xAst
Thoth, Thou Sweet Well for one who thirsts in the desert
sw xtmti n pA gmi rA.f sw
It is sealed off to one who finds words
wnti n pA grw
But open to him who keeps silence
iw pA grw gmi.f tA Xnmt
The silent one comes and finds the well
pA Smw tw.k mHtt tw
With the heated one, Thou hast had enough
translation Frankfort
Praise to Thoth
“Praised be thee, Lord of the great gods,
Possessor of the secrets that are in heaven and on earth,
Good god of eternity of old,
Who gave (us) the language and the scripture,
Who has the houses pass by inheritance,
Who founds the temples,
Who sees that the gods remain within the limits of their competence,
Each guild fulfils its obligations,
The countries know their frontiers,
And the fields their appurtenances.”
~Bleeker, C.J 1973, Hathor and Thoth: Two Key Figures of the Ancient Egyptian Religion, p. 1
Ptolemaic invocation of Thoth
I am Thoth and I speak to you in the language of Rê anew, for it was spoken to you even before my words were heard.
I am Thoth, lord of divine speech, He who sets things in their proper place.
I render divine offerings to the Gods, invocation offerings to the Akhu.
I am Thoth, He who grants Maat to the Ennead and all that comes from my mouth is made manifest, just as what issues from the mouth of Rê.
I am he whom none can expel from heaven or earth, for I know what is hidden in the heavens, what is inaccessible on earth, hidden in the Nun.
I am the creator of heaven, I am he who formed the mountains, I am he who creates the stream by means of thought, who creates the arms of the river, and when I bring forth the flood, I fertilize the fields, giving life unto Gods and men.
Hearken O Gods! Hear my words which are the words of Rê himself
~Ptolemaic liturgical funerary papyrus of Imutes (Papyrus New York 35.9.21, col. 28, 9-13)
Quoted from: Youri Volokhine, Le dieu Thot et la parole
Translated from french by J.P.Feliciano
Prayer to Thoth – papyrus Sallier I
Thoth, thou, sweet well for someone
who suffers thirst in the desert.
He is closed for him who speaks
and he is open for him who is silent.
If the silent one comes, then he finds the well,
when the hot one (comes), then thou art (hidden?)
~Sallier, I, 8,2 sq.; Erman, Literatur, p.377
Quoted from: C.J.Bleeker “Hathor and Thoth. Two key figures of Ancient-Egyptian religion”
Philae Great Hall Hymn to Thoth
Hail to thee, Khonsu-Djehuty, on this glorious day
Hail to thee, saith Re to thee, who rejoicest the heart of Atum,
and providest sacrifices for the gods.
May thy heart rejoice thereat, on this glorious day
when thou shinest forth.
Thou art the god that is high on his standard,
who came forth from the god himself;
for whom opened the doors of the eastern horizon of Re
by whom he was begotten.
Every god came forth at his command – -
what he spoke was accomplished.
Thou art the god who protected Horus by his great Eye,
do thou protect King Ptolemy, for he is Thoth, the Dweller in Hmnw.
Hail to thee, Thoth who appeasest the gods ;
by whose deeds every god is appeased.
Thou shinest forth in the eastern heavens :
Thou smitest the dwellers of the desert.
Thou providest sacrifice for every god and goddess.
Hail to thee, thou Eye of Horus which thou didst bring,
which thou didst embrace when thou didst rise aloft:
Thou didst set thy arms about it, in thy name iaHw ;
because of it thou wast sent forth in thy name hAbi
Turin stela
Giving praise to Thoth :
Homage to the Lord of Hermopolis.
What is this that thou givest me, thou fair one ?
Be merciful ; lo, great is thy power ;
Thou causest me to see a darkness of thy making.
Be merciful to me that I may see thee.“
~The sacred books and early literature of the East with an historical survey and descriptions. Vol. 2. Breasted, J.H. Egypt
am ii.n DHwty pA h(A)by
Come to me, Djehuty! O glorious sacred Ibis,
pA nTr Abw wnw
The God, who loves (Elephantine Hermopolis?)
pA sS wsty psDt
The scribe of letters to the Ennead.
aA imy wnw
great in Heliopolis!
ma ii.n iri.k n sxr(w)
Come to me that you may give good counsel
di.k sSA
and make me wise in your affairs.
Your calling is splendid above any other -
it makes for greatness;
One discovers knowledge in it
to form a distinguished man.
I have seen the many men you favored,
and they are high officials, seated on the Council of the Thirty,
Strong and powerful because of what you do;
and it is you who gave them wisdom.
And it is you who give good counsel to him without a mother;
fate and good fortune are in your hand.
O come to me that you may give me wisdom!
I am a devotee of your domain,
Let me recount your mighty deeds
wherever I may be.
Then shall the multitudes of people say,
“Great are the things Djehuty has accomplished.”
Then they shall come bringing their children,
offering them to your service.
The service of the Lord of Power is perfection!
And happy he who is allowed to follow it.
Quoted from J.L.Foster – “Hymns, Prayers and Songs, an Anthology of Ancient Egyptian Lyric Poetry”, p.147
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Djehuty the great god of Kemet. He the god in heaven
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To Where did the gods go, there is no lotus, the flower of Re, ibis the bird of Thoth… the Egyptian cows… the animal of
Hut-Hor/Hathor… or even the mysterious beast of Seth in Egypt now..
~ ref.
#DHwty , #ḏḥwty , #Djehuty , #Thoth, #Toth