Offering Formula
Htp di.i (God’s name fallowed by an Epitaph if you wish can be found on each god's page) Hna nTrw nbw
[An offering I give to (god’s name Epitaphs) and all the gods]
di.i prt xrw xA-m, t, Hnqt, irp, Hswt, mhe, kAw, Apdw, mnxt, kApw, snTr, mrHt
[give a voice offering of a thousand, loaves of bread, beer, wine, water jugs, milk jugs, bulls, linen, perfumes, incense, oil]
xt nbt nfrt wab(t) anx(t) nTr im
[Everything good and pure the gods live on]
di anx nHH Dt mi xt imn-ra
[give life eternally and forever like Ȧmun-Rā]
n kA n (your name)
[for the ka of (then your name)]
ḥotep di.i (name) ḥanā noutjru nebu
[An offering I give to (name) and all the gods]
di.i poret kheru kha-em, et, ḥenqet, erp, ḥosut, mehr, kau, apedu, menkhet, kapu, senoutjer, merḥet
[give a voice offering of a thousand, loaves of bread, beer, wine, water jugs, milk jugs, bulls, ducks, linen, perfumes, incense, oil]
khet nibet noufret wābet ānkhet noutjr im
[Everything good and pure the gods live on]
di ānkh enḥeḥ djet mi khet Ȧmun-Rā
[give life eternally and forever like Ȧmun-Rā]
en ka en (your name)
[for the ka of (then your name)]
~invocation I wrote for Robert Yamanu Brandum
(reconstructed vowels using Coptic)
My Invocation to the Gods
dwA nTr aA imn xpr Ds.f, sxm pt, qmAw nbw
(pronounced) dua noutjer ā’a Ȧmun kheper djas.ef, sekhem pet, qmau nēbu
Praise the great god Amun the self created one, power of heaven, creator of all.
sA.i Hna sAx.i m iry.i nbw
(pronounced) sah.ē ḥenā seakh.ē em ȧry.ē nēbu
protect me and bless me in all I do
inD Hr ptH aA, msw Hmw.wi, sanx tA, sqdi.n.m qmA.i
(pronounced) ȧnudj ḥor Ptaḥ ā’a, mēsu ḥmu.uē, seānkh tah, seqdi.en.em qema.ē
Hail great Ptaḥ, creator of crafts, sculptor of earth, who has bestowed creation upon me
hnw nbt wrt mAat, nfr Hr, mAa xrw, n sDmt-snmHw m mAa,
(pronounced) hanw ēbu uret Ma’āt, nufer ḥor, mah’ā kharu, en sedjmet-senmeḥu em mah’ā
praise great lady Ma’āt, beautiful of face, true of voice, who hears prayers of the righteous,
hy n.k i sxm inpw, bA m bA.i, iry maxAt, sA Ast Hna sA wsr
(pronounced) hy en.ek ē sekhem Ȧnpu, ba em ba.ē, ȧry mākhat, sa Ȧset ḥenā sa Wesir
hail to you oh mighty one Anpu, ba of my ba, master of the scales, son of Auset/Isis and son of Osiris,
my ty.i iri wdi kkw,
(pronounced) my ty.i ȧri udē keku
likewise I pray, let darkness depart.
ink bAk-im r nTrw, wpwty aq r nTr wa mAa, nDty n Ahd,
(pronounced) ȧnuk bak-im er noutjer, uputy āq er noutjer uā ma’ā, nudjety en ahed
I am a humble servant to the gods, messenger and loyal friend to the one true god, protector of the powerless,
Dar m rx, mi hby wr DHwty, qmAw xrw, rx nbw wa
(pronounced) djar em rekh, mē heby ur Djeḥuty, qemahu kharu, rekh nebu uā
seeker of knowledge, like the great Ibis Djeḥuty/Thoth, creator of words, the all knowing one
sHtmw m isfty, SAy nfr n.i , m.n.i imAxwt.k
(pronounced) seḥtemu em īsefty, shaēē noufer en.ē, em.en.ē ȧmakhut.ek
destroyer of evildoers , bring good luck unto me, as I have praised and horned you.
Offering Formula
Htp di.i (God’s name fallowed by an Epitaph if you wish can be found on each god's page) Hna nTrw nbw
[An offering I give to (god’s name Epitaphs) and all the gods]
di.i prt xrw xA-m, t, Hnqt, irp, Hswt, mhe, kAw, Apdw, mnxt, kApw, snTr, mrHt
[give a voice offering of a thousand, loaves of bread, beer, wine, water jugs, milk jugs, bulls, linen, perfumes, incense, oil]
xt nbt nfrt wab(t) anx(t) nTr im
[Everything good and pure the gods live on]
di anx nHH Dt mi xt imn-ra
[give life eternally and forever like Ȧmun-Rā]
n kA n (your name)
[for the ka of (then your name)]
ḥotep di.i (name) ḥanā noutjru nebu
[An offering I give to (name) and all the gods]
di.i poret kheru kha-em, et, ḥenqet, erp, ḥosut, mehr, kau, apedu, menkhet, kapu, senoutjer, merḥet
[give a voice offering of a thousand, loaves of bread, beer, wine, water jugs, milk jugs, bulls, ducks, linen, perfumes, incense, oil]
khet nibet noufret wābet ānkhet noutjr im
[Everything good and pure the gods live on]
di ānkh enḥeḥ djet mi khet Ȧmun-Rā
[give life eternally and forever like Ȧmun-Rā]
en ka en (your name)
[for the ka of (then your name)]
~invocation I wrote for Robert Yamanu Brandum
(reconstructed vowels using Coptic)
My Invocation to the Gods
dwA nTr aA imn xpr Ds.f, sxm pt, qmAw nbw
(pronounced) dua noutjer ā’a Ȧmun kheper djas.ef, sekhem pet, qmau nēbu
Praise the great god Amun the self created one, power of heaven, creator of all.
sA.i Hna sAx.i m iry.i nbw
(pronounced) sah.ē ḥenā seakh.ē em ȧry.ē nēbu
protect me and bless me in all I do
inD Hr ptH aA, msw Hmw.wi, sanx tA, sqdi.n.m qmA.i
(pronounced) ȧnudj ḥor Ptaḥ ā’a, mēsu ḥmu.uē, seānkh tah, seqdi.en.em qema.ē
Hail great Ptaḥ, creator of crafts, sculptor of earth, who has bestowed creation upon me
hnw nbt wrt mAat, nfr Hr, mAa xrw, n sDmt-snmHw m mAa,
(pronounced) hanw ēbu uret Ma’āt, nufer ḥor, mah’ā kharu, en sedjmet-senmeḥu em mah’ā
praise great lady Ma’āt, beautiful of face, true of voice, who hears prayers of the righteous,
hy n.k i sxm inpw, bA m bA.i, iry maxAt, sA Ast Hna sA wsr
(pronounced) hy en.ek ē sekhem Ȧnpu, ba em ba.ē, ȧry mākhat, sa Ȧset ḥenā sa Wesir
hail to you oh mighty one Anpu, ba of my ba, master of the scales, son of Auset/Isis and son of Osiris,
my ty.i iri wdi kkw,
(pronounced) my ty.i ȧri udē keku
likewise I pray, let darkness depart.
ink bAk-im r nTrw, wpwty aq r nTr wa mAa, nDty n Ahd,
(pronounced) ȧnuk bak-im er noutjer, uputy āq er noutjer uā ma’ā, nudjety en ahed
I am a humble servant to the gods, messenger and loyal friend to the one true god, protector of the powerless,
Dar m rx, mi hby wr DHwty, qmAw xrw, rx nbw wa
(pronounced) djar em rekh, mē heby ur Djeḥuty, qemahu kharu, rekh nebu uā
seeker of knowledge, like the great Ibis Djeḥuty/Thoth, creator of words, the all knowing one
sHtmw m isfty, SAy nfr n.i , m.n.i imAxwt.k
(pronounced) seḥtemu em īsefty, shaēē noufer en.ē, em.en.ē ȧmakhut.ek
destroyer of evildoers , bring good luck unto me, as I have praised and horned you.
Spell for bring a man's (magic) to him in the Necropolis
CT VI, 175k-176g [572] (M9C)
HkA.i pn my n.i (175k)
oh my magic, come to me!
rx.n rA.i (176a)
My mouth knows,
Dd.n spty.i m n ib.i pn (b)
because my lips have said "Come to this my interior"
mk rA.i pn Hr Ssp n ib.i (c)
Look, this my mouth is receiving for my interior,
Drt.i wab.t(i) sSp.s (d)
and my hand is clean when it receives (3976)
wn im.s (e)
that which was in it.
n xm ib[.i] st.f iw.f mn Hr mkA.f (f)
[My] interior has not forgotten its place it is firm on its base.
iw.i rx.kwi rn.i n xm.i sw (g)
I know my name and have not forgotten it.
~Breathing Flesh: Conceptions of the Body in the Ancient Egyptian Coffin Texts By Rune Nyord
Spell for not letting a man's heart sit down against him
(not witness/oppose against him)
rA n tm rdi Hms ib n s r.f
Let not the mouth give lay down against him
~Spell 112 of CT
rdjt ib.k r st.f m Xrt-nTr Hr nHH
Giving your heart to its place in the necropolis for eternity
~sarcophagus of Siptah
ref. http://eprints.nbu.bg/90/1/The_Formula_of_the.pdf
ii m HHy xsfwt
kAp-Hr sHD kAp.f
ink aHa HA Dd
ink irf aHa HA Dd hrw xsf Sat
iw.i m sA wsir N
O one who comes in search for the approach
Veiled of face who illuminates his veil
I am the one who stands behind the djed pillar
I am indeed the one who stands behind the djed pillar, the day of repelling slaughter
I am the protector of the Osiris
~Spell 151 The Djed Pillar
ref. http://www.ucl.ac.uk/museums-static/digitalegypt/literature/religious/hpres151.html
Htp di niswt imn raw itmw Hrw-Axty
And offering prayer to Amun-Ra, Atum Harakhty
xpry bA imntt (Hrw iAbtt)
Khepery, the ba of the west (Horu/ Horus of the east)
ity nTrw nTrwt
sovereign of the Gods and Goddesses
nb nbw niswt psDt
Lord of lord, King of the Ennead (group of nine gods)
iti itiw mwt mwwt
father of the fathers, mother of the mothers
Hry-tp m pt tA dwAt
Authority in heaven, earth and the underworld
aHaw dmDw m xfa.k
Lifetime is assembled together in your fist
di.k n (mr) n.k
You give to those you love
(TAw) mw qrs (r) Xt.k
(Air) water and burial are under your command
wDt.k xprwt nbwt
Everything that happens has been commanded by you
ref. Egyptian Solar Religion By Assmann
Liturgy of Karnak
Memphite Theology
Through the heart and through the tongue something developed into Atum’s image.
And great and important is Ptah,
who gave life to all the gods and their kas as well
through this heart and this tongue
through which Horus and Thoth both became Ptah.
It has developed that the heart and tongue have control of all limbs,
showing that he is preeminent in every body and in every mouth--
of all the gods, and all people, all animals, and all crawling things that live--
planning and governing everything he wishes.
His Ennead is before him, in teeth and lips--
that seed and those hands of Atum:
for it is through his seed and his fingers that Atum’s Ennead developed,
but the Ennead is teeth and lips in this mouth that pronounced the identity of everything,
and from which Shu and Tefnut emerged
and gave birth to the Ennead.
The eyes’ seeing, the ears’ hearing, the nose’s breathing of air send up to the heart,
and it is what causes every conclusion to emerge;
it is the tongue that repeats what the heart plans.
So were all the gods born,
Atum and his Ennead as well,
for it is through what the heart plans and the tongue commands that
every divine speech has developed.
So were the male life-principles made
and the female life-principles set in place-
they who make all sustenance and every offering--
through that word that makes what is loved and what is hated.
So has life been given to him who has calm
and death given to him who has wrongdoing.
So was made all construction and all craft,
the hands’ doing, the feet’s going, and every limb’s movement,
according as he governs that which the heart thinks,
which emerges through the tongue,
and which facilitates everything.
It has developed that Ptah is called “He who made all and caused the gods to develop,”
since he is Ta-tenen, who gave birth to the gods,
from whom everything has emerged--
food-offerings and sustenance, gods’ offerings, and every perfect thing.
So is it found and recognized that his physical strength is greater than the gods’.
So has Ptah come to rest after his making everything and every divine speech as well,
having given birth to the gods,
having made their villages,
having founded their nomes,
having set the gods in their cult-places,
having made sure their bread-offerings,
having founded their shrines,
having made their bodies resemble what contents them.
So have the gods entered their bodies--
of every kind of wood, every kind of mineral, every kind of frit,
everything that grows all over him, in which they have developed.
So were gathered to him all the gods and their kas as well,
content and combined in the lord of the Two Lands.
~ Genesis in Egypt. The Philosophy of Ancient Egyptian Creation Accounts,
by J.P.Allen
Praisegiving to Khonsu in Thebes, Neferhotep:
Horus, Lord of gladness.
I give him praise:
I propitiate his Ka,
That he be merciful to me every day.
Lo, thou causest me to see a darkness of thy making,
If thou be merciful to me I will declare it.
How sweet is thy mercy, O Khonsu,
To the helpless one of thy city!
For the Ka of the lady Wazet-ronpet, justified.
Her son made this memorial in the name of his Lord Khonsu, the draughtsman Pay, justified, who said :
Turn thy face, do mercy:
Harken to me…
~The sacred books and early literature of the East, volume II, Egypt”, – pt.IX – “Prayers for Mercy”, 1917