Titles and Jobs
ii m Htp (MDC)/ ēē em ḥotep or ii em ḥotep (transliteration into phonetics): Come in peace, return safely (what it means)
I have given expectable transliteration but all over the world people write Egyptian slightly different
For more help on phonetics check out Alphabet>uniliterals
ii can be written many ways ēē, ii or even y but it's a long e sound
w is normally translated to u but at the beginning of a word sometimes it's w. Either is ok.
ḥ is a hard h sound a bit in the back of the throat.
i and ȧ are interchangeable it is like a iah sound, but quick emphasis on ah. If that is too hard it is ok to translate i as an i. but in the beginning of worst it's more of an ah and everywhere else it's more of an e.
y is normally a long ē
*For titles of priest and priestess of certain gods please visit the given gods page for the exact titles
aqyt : female servant
bAkt : maidservant
dwAt nTr n imn (2nd title after God's wife of Amun) : Divine Adoratrice of Amun, chief priestess of Amun 𓊹𓇼𓏏𓈖𓇋𓏠𓈖
Hmt : female servant
Hmt-nTr : God's consort, priestess 𓊹𓍛𓏏
Hmt-nTr n imn : God's Wife of Amun, highest-ranking priestess Amun 𓊹𓈞𓏏𓈖𓇋𓏠𓈖, 𓊹𓈞𓏏(shorter)
Hmt-ntr Hwt-Hrt : Priestess of Hathor
irit-at : domectic administrator
mAdt : priestess *
mr-Smayt.w : Overseer of the Chantresses, Chief of the Entertainers (= to Overseer of the Priests) 𓅓𓂋𓇗𓂝𓇋𓇋𓏏𓏪
mrwt nb.f : beloved of his lord
mrt : weavers, servants, underlingsnbt, nēbet, nebet : mistress, lady 𓎟𓏏
nbt-pr : female head of the house
Smayt : Chantress, Singer, Entertainer or Systrum Player, priestess, each god had one (Hmt-nTr replaced NK) 𓇗𓂝𓇋𓇋𓏏𓁐
sSyt : female scribe, make up artist
wabt : wab priestess (pure priestess) *
wbAyt : maid servant
xnwt : musician priestess
aAw-mw : interpreter of the urine (medical doctor)
aA-n-mSa : army chief
aDmr : Administrator, keeping a register of official records.
bAk : servant
DA(y) : funerary priest
DbAti : Titles of the high priest of Memphis
DHwty-nxt-anx : priest title
fkty : shorn priest *
gnwty : sculptor
HAbw n wp
HAty-a : Mayor, Governor, local administrator in charge of a city/ town/village, served their local Nomarch, and nome
capital (goes in front of the name); 'foremost in position' local prince
HAty-aA : count, prince, mayor or nomarchs 𓄂𓂝𓀀
Hm : servant, priest *
Hm kA : soul priest * , sem-priest, funerary priest 𓍛𓂓𓀀
Hm nTr , ḥont/ϩⲟⲛⲧ, ant /annata/ 𐦠𐦩𐦴 : servant of god 'ordinary servant of the temple', Priest 𓊹𓍛 *
Hm-nTr-HkA : priest of god (HkA) *
Hm-nTr-tpy : first servant of the god, high priest, head of the priestly hierarchy, highest-ranking 𓊹𓍛𓁶𓏭𓊪 ,𓊹𓍛𓌐 *
~ Hm-nTr-tpy-imn : first servant of the god, high priest, head of the priestly hierarchy 𓊹𓍛𓌐𓈖𓇋𓏠𓈖𓇳
~ Hm nTr tpy n imn : Chief Prophet of Amun (Karnak)
~ Hm nTr snnw n imn : Second Prophet of Amun
~ Hm nTr xmtnw n imn xmt-nw : Third Prophet of Amun
~ Hm nTr ifdw n imn : Fourth Prophet of Amun, fourth highest-ranking priest of Amun
~ dwAt nTr n imn : Divine Adoratrice of Amun (= God's Wife of Amun) 𓊹𓇼𓏏𓈖𓇋𓏠𓈖
~ Hm-nTr-tpy-n-wsir : High preist of Wesir/Osiris 𓊹𓍛𓌐𓈖𓊨𓁹
Hm-tA : priest
Hmw : servants
Hmw-kA : funeral priest
Hnwty : servant
HqA : nomarchs, governors of foreign regions, foremen of estates (OK), King, God (MK) 𓋾𓈎𓄿𓀀
~ HqAw : chief
~ HqA-Hwt : local ruler, mayor 𓋾𓉗𓏏𓊖𓀀
Hry sStA : overseer of mysteries (head embamler) Gk. archentaphiastns/ ἀρ𝛘ενταΦιαστή𝝵*
Hry sSt n ni-swt : [Over the secrets] of the king (ref. reshafim.org.il)
Hry sSt n wDt-mdw nt ni-swt : [Over the secrets] of all commands of the king (ref. reshafim.org.il)
Hry-tp : master (of a servant), having authority over, lector (priest), chief, headman*
Hry-tp : Magician (LK)
Hry tp aA : Great Chief, provincial governor, nomarch, governor of a territorial division, usually Mayor of the nome's
capital city & supervised the mayors, νομάρχης 𓁷𓂋𓏭𓁶𓏤𓉻
Hwn : priest in Dendera
Hwtyw : leader
iAs : the bald one, priest *
ibd : monthly priest *
iHy : sistrum player (son of Hut-Hor/ Hathor) title of a priest *
imy-ib n nswt : favorite of King
imy-r : overseer, commander, keeper, superintendent
iry-aA : gate or door keeper
(i)m-r-Hm-nTr.w : Overseer of the Priests 𓅓𓂋𓊹𓍛𓏪
imy-r iHw , imy-iHw : Overseer of cattle "qnbt aAt/high council" led my Vizier 𓅓𓂋𓃽𓏥
imy-r-iwayt : garrison commander
imy-r kAt nbt : overseer of all the work
imy-r zXA.ww a ni-swt : [Attendant] of the scribes of the archives of the King (Scribe zXA.ww = sS.ww) (reshafim.org.il)
imy-r(A)-Hmw--kA: overseer of kA priests *
imy-r(A)-Hmw-nTr : overseer of priests *
imy-r(A)-Hmw-sHm : overseer of the Ka priests
imy-r(A)-Hs.ww : head of singer(s)
imy-r-is : overseer of workshop
imy-r kAt : Overseer of the Works, Chief Architect, high offical who was in charge of building projects and
supervised construction 𓅓𓂋𓂓𓏏𓀋𓏛𓏥
~ imy-r kAt nbt nt nswt : Overseer of All Royal Works
imy-r kAt nbt nt ni-swt : [Attendant] of all the works of the King (reshafim.org.il)
imy-rA mDAy : Chief of the Police or Overseer of the Medjay , small local army for their Nomarch or Mayor in order
to protect citizens and maintain local law and order 𓅓𓂋𓅓𓂝𓍑𓄿𓇋𓇋𓅱𓌙𓀀𓏥
~ mDAy : Medjay, elite Nubian police 𓅓𓂝𓍑𓄿𓇋𓇋𓅱𓌙𓀀𓏥
imy-r m st-mAat : Foreman in the Place of Truth or Chief in the Place of Truth, Overseer of the Works and Mayor
of the workmen's village 𓅓𓂋𓐝𓊨𓆄
imy-rA mSw wr : Overseer of the Army, Chief Commander of the Army, highest military rank 𓅓𓂋𓀎𓏪𓅨
~ imy-rA mSw : Commander of the Troops or Commander of the Army, high ranking military 𓅓𓂋𓀎𓏪
imy-r pr HD : overseer of the treasury, administrating the resources of the country 𓅓𓂋𓉐𓌉
~ imy-r pr wr : Chief Steward or Great Overseer of the House 𓅓𓂋𓉐𓅨
~ imy-r pr : overseer of the house, steward 𓅓𓂋𓉐
~ imy-r pr wr n Hm.t nTr : Chief Steward of the God's Wife, in charge of the estates of the God's Wife
~ imy-r prwy HD : overseer of the treasuries, overseer of the two treasuries 𓅓𓂋𓉐𓌉𓉐𓌉
imy-r(A)-qsty : Head of the sculptor(s)
imy-r rwyt : overseer of the gate
imy-r(A)-Sma.ww : head of singer(s)
imy-r-Snw.t : overseer of the granary
imy-r spAt : Overseer of the Fields, high offical, charge of the fieldwork and supervised grain scribes 𓅓𓂋𓈈𓏏
imy-r(A)-wabt : overseer of the wab priest
imy-r(A)-wabw : director of the wab priests
imy-r(A)-wnt : overseer of the wab priest
imy-r(A)-wrHw : overseer of the wab priest
imy-r xtmt 'name' , imy-r xtm 'name' : Chancellor, Treasurer, overseer of the seal , Treasurer administration of the resources
of the country (name of person goes behind) 𓅓𓂋𓋩𓏏
imy-xnt : lector priest (embalming and funerary rites) *
irw-qd : sculptor of reliefs
it nTr : Gods father (priest title) *
iti : master
ity : sovereign (MK)
iwn-mwt.f : priest (Who wears a leopard skin) *
qnbt(i) : Civil servant
mDAt : engraver, relief sculptor
mhr : soldiers scribe, scout, surveyor
mn-bit : high priest
mniw : herdsman
mr : Overseer of the temple
mrit-ptH : Chief Physician
mrrw nb.f : beloved of his lord
mrw : servants, underlings, partisans, supporters
ms-aAt : sculptor 𓄟𓉻𓏏𓀀
~ imy r ms-aAwt : Overseer of the Sculptors 𓅓𓂋𓄟𓉻𓏏𓀀𓏥
msdmtw : makeup artist
nb, nēb, neb, nēb/ⲛⲏⲃ (B Coptic) : lord 𓎟nDs : commoner
nDti : farm servants
nTr-wr : priest
nxbi : High Priest of Heliopolis
rwd : administrator
rx xt : wise man
saH : dignitary
sanx : sculptor
sA-ra : 'Son of Ra' a throne name
sA-mr.f : priests who assisted in the funerary ceremonies
sA-nsw : Prince
sA-niswt-n-kAS : Viceroy of Kush or King's Son of Kush, Vizier of the Egyptian colony Kush in Nubia 𓇓𓅭𓈖𓎡𓈙𓌙𓈉
sA nsw tp : first king's son (a priest)
sAb tAjtj TA : [High court] judge and vizier (ref. reshafim.org.il)
sbA.w-Hs.ww-nswt : Conductor of the singers of the King
sDm-aS m st mAat : Servant in the Place of Truth 𓄔𓐝𓂝𓈙𓐝𓊨𓆄
sDm aS : servant
sHD-n-Hs.ww : Overseer of singers
sHD-sSw : inspector of the scribes
sm : High Priest of Memphis
~ sm n ptH : High Priest of Ptah
smA : priest (who clothes the god)
smr waty/ Sole companion (King's close friend)
spAtyw : nomesmen
sr : office-holder
sS/ Sesh : scribe, writer, artist, inscribe, paint, draw (Names goes behind) 𓏞𓀀
~ sS nsw : King's scribe, Scribe of the King's Altar, Royal Scribe 𓏞𓇓𓀀 ,𓇓𓏞
~ sS a n nsw : King's recording scribe 𓇓𓏏𓈖𓂝𓈖𓏞𓀀
~ sS kdwt : painter, draftsmen
~ sS-n-Htp.w-nTr : record keeper of offerings at temple & mortuary cults, Scribe of the Divine Offerings
~ sS nTr : scribe of the holy book, professor of the book
~ sS nTrw : recruit recorder , recruiter scribe
~ sS-mAat : "scribe of Maat", judicial record keepers or court clerks, criminal cases that were judged at the supreme
high court by the Pharaoh
~ sS m st-mAat : Scribe in the Place of Truth, Scribe at the workmen's village Set-Maat "Place of Truth" 𓏞𓐝𓊨𓆄
~ sS n(y) Hwt-nTr : scribe of the temple
~ sS pr nswt : scribe of the royal domain
swab : temple servants (cleanse, purify, decorate a building)
swnw : physician, doctor 𓌕𓏌𓀀
~ wr-swnw : Chief Physician 𓅨𓂋𓌕𓏌𓀀
~ mr-swnw : Overseer of the Physicians 𓅓𓂋𓌕𓏌𓀀
tpy : high priest
TAw-mDAt : sculptor
TAyty : Title of the Vizier 'The shrouded one (of Osiris)' 𓏏𓏤𓀀𓅷
TAy-xw Hr inmy n nsw, TAy-xw Hr wnmy n nsw : Fan-bearer on the Right Side of the King,
official relationship with the pharaoh 𓅷𓋽𓁷𓏤𓋀𓂝𓈖𓇓
wab : wab priest (pure priest)* 𓀇
~ imy-ra-wabw : Head of the Wab Priests 𓅓𓂋𓀇𓀇𓀇
~ wab-niswt : wab priest of the King (pure priest) 𓀇𓇓𓏏
wHm-nsw : royal herald
wnr : priest title *
wn-rA : High priest in Letopolis
wr-Hmwt : greatest of the master craftsmen, high priests of Ptah in Memphis
wrHw : priest in charge of unction
wr-mAw : High Priest in Heliopolis, greatest of seers, High priest of Ra 𓅨𓌳 , 𓅨𓂋𓌳𓏥
~ mAa-wr : High Priest in Heliopolis, greatest of seers, High priest of Ra 𓌳𓅨
wr-xrp-Hmwt : High preist of Ptah, "the Greatest of the Directors of Craftsmanship" (Memphis)
wt : embalmer 𓅱𓐎𓏏𓏯𓀝𓀀
xnw : musician
xpr : controller, chief administrator of a specific temple or palace domain 𓌂
xrp-mr.t-Sma-mH.w : Head of the singers of Upper and Lower Egypt
xrp-zXA.ww : Head of the scribes (Scribe zXA.ww = sS.ww)
xtm xtmt nbt m pr jmn : seal-keeper of all that is sealed in the temple of Amun
xtmty bity : Royal sealer, Royal seal-bearer, keeper of the seal of Lower Egypt 𓆤𓋨𓏏
~ imy-r xtmt : overseer of sealed things, head of the economic administration with equal status to the vizier 𓅓𓂋𓋨𓏏
~ imy-r xnrt : organisation of corvee labour throughout the country, commander of the royal guard , nomarchs
xtmty nisw: seal-bearer of the king
xtt pr : house servant
Xry-HAb : lector priest, "the carrier of the book of ritual"
Xry-Hb : priest who had great magical power wore leopard skins performed 'opening of the mouth', lector priest
Xry-Hb Hrj-DADA zXA.w dmDt : Chief lector priest, scribe of the divine books (reshafim.org.il)
Xry-Hbt : lector priest, ritualistic priest 'the carrier of the book of ritual' *
Xry-Hbt Hry-tp : chief of the lector/ritualistic priests > Hry-tp : Magician (LE)
ref. Signwriter, Aaou, reshafim.org.il