Needs MDC more ref. temple of Sobek at Tebtunis (Rosati 1998).
The daily offering ritual for the cult of Amun at Karnak, as recorded in manuscript Papyrus Berlin 3055Title of manuscriptBeginning of the formulae of offerings to the god made at the temple of Amun-Ra king of the gods in the course of every day by the principal pure-priest who is in his day of service
Preparations1. Formula for lighting the fire
2. Formula for taking the censer
3. Formula for placing the offering-cup on the censer
4. Formula for placing the incense on the flame
5. Formula for proceeding to the sacred place
6. Another formula
Opening the shrine7. Formula for breaking the seal-tie
8. Formula for breaking the clay seal
9. Formula for untying the seal-cord
Facing the image - hymns to the deity10. Formula for opening the face (= introducing light to the face of the image)
11. Formula for seeing the deity
12. Formula for kissing the earth
13. Formula for placing oneself on one's stomach
14. Formula for placing oneself on one's stomach and stretching out
15. Formula for kissing the earth, face down
16. Another formula
17. Another formula
18. Formula for adoring Amun
19. Another adoration of Amun
Ointment and incense20. Formula for the oil -festival-perfume' with honey
21. Formula for incense
Entry22. Formula for entering the temple
23. Formula for entering the sanctuary of the deity
24. Another formula
25. Formula for going to the stairway
Facing the image26. Formula for opening the face in festivity (= introducing light to the face of the image)
27. Formula for opening the face (= introducing light to the face of the image) (= no.10)
28. Formula for seeing the deity (= no.11)
29. Formula for kissing the earth (= no.12)
30. Formula for placing oneself on one's stomach (= no.13)
31. Formula for placing oneself on one's stomach and stretching out (= no.14)
32. Formula for kissing the earth, face down (= no.15)
33. Another formula (= no.16)
34. Another formula (= no.17)
Incense35. Formula for incense
36. Another formula
Hymns to the deity37. Adoration of Amun
38. Another
39. Another
40. Another adoration of Amun
41. Another adoration of Amun at dawn
The offering of the goddess personifying What is Right Maat)42. Formula for the offering of Maat
Incense43. Formula for incense for the Nine Gods (= the other deities in the same temple)
Robing the deity44. Formula for placing one's hands on the deity
45. Formula for placing one's hands on the box for performing the purification
46. Formula for the four purifications of the four nemset-vessels of water
47. Formula for the four purifications of the four red vessels of water
48. Performing the purification with incense
49. Formula for the white cloth
50. Formula for donning the cloth
51. Formula for donning the plant-fresh cloth
52. Formula for donning the cloth of red-soaked linen
53. Formula for donning the idemi-cloth
Adorning the deity with scented oil and eye-paint54. Formula for the offering of oil
55. Formula for the offering of oil for the daily offerings
56. Formula for offering the copper eye-paint
57. Formula for offering the lead eye-paint
Closing the ritual58. Formula for spreading the sand
59. Formula for smin-natron at circuiting four times
60. Formula for the cup of natron
61. Formula for the cup of incense
62. Performing the purifications
63. Formula for smin-natron (= abbreviated version of no.59)
64. Formula for the cup of water
65. Formula for incense (= version of no.21/48)
66. Formula for censing with antyu (= myrrh?)
Ritual Washing Before The Senut
This translation from English to mdw nTr was done by me. Strictly in tribute to the netjeru. I do not take credit for anything other then the translation. For those who wish to say the rites in the Ancient Egyptian language instead of English. All rights reserves for the original by Rev. Tamara L. Siuda.
A great book to get is The Ancient Egyptian Prayerbook written by Rev. Tamara L. Siuda
Key for pronunciation
ȧ= iah
ḥ= Hard breathy h in the back of your throat
ā= long a as in plain
i= long e sound as in bee
(Words to be spoken over a bowl of water:) In a praise stance
Position henu 𓀃𓀢 dua or thanks, praise
position sahu𓀊gesture of praise and obeisance
Left hand placed over your body the glyph is backwards for American readers. Fist on heart.
menḥet en Tayet, ȧty nu renu,
Homage to Tayet, Sovereign of the Names,
ȧmy uāb neb netjeru.
Who purifies all Netjeru.
esuāb.en, seker.en, mi ḥesmen ten ḥenā seker renu.
Purify us, adorn us, as you purify and adorn the Names.
efdi bin neb, hep.en er nerut mi Ptaḥ ȧr.
Remove all evil, and free us from terror as Ptah does.
ȧ mu, efdi.ek ābu neb !
O water, may you remove all impurity!
ȧ Ḥāpy, ȧāi metutu nu ahu.
O Hapy, wash away the seeds of illness.
netet ȧmy ȧāi ḥer en Ḥeru,
You Who wash the face of Heru,
netet ȧmy ȧāi ḥer en Sutekh,
You Who wash the face of Set,
netet ȧmy ȧāi ḥer en Nit,
You Who wash the face of Nit,
netet ȧmy ȧāi ḥer en ḥā.es,
You Who wash the face of Her flesh,
ȧā ḥer.i,
May You wash my face, Yourself.
sefekh ȧu ȧnetj.i ȧm Ḥeru,
My fetters are untied by Heru,
uhi ȧm Sutekh ȧu netjetju.i
my bonds are undone by Set.
ȧnuk uāb, ȧmy uāb netjer.i
I am pure, my Netjer is pure,
ḥenā nen.i du er tshenu ȧsfet
and I will not succumb to evil.
(Words to be said over ten grains of natron: 5 for upper 5 for lower)
ȧu uāb, ȧu uāb, ȧu uāb, ȧu uāb
It is pure, it is pure, it is pure, it is pure.
netjeryt.i ni Ḥeru
My natron belongs to Heru,
netjeryt.i ni Geb,
My natron belongs to Geb,
netjeryt.i ni Djeḥuty
My natron belongs to Djehuty
netjeryt.i ni Heru-Dun-Anuy
And my natron belongs to Heru-Dunanwy.
er.i pa er en beḥes setsheret
My mouth is the mouth of a milking calf
ȧmytu meny en mut.i Auset
between the thighs of my mother Aset
ḥer ḥeru pa mesut.i
on the day that She gave birth to me.
(Mix the natron into the water, pour the bowl into the bathwater, wash out
the body and all its orifices and rinse.)
(with the incense burning.
Words to be spoken while lighting a lamp and incense:)
Beginning The Senut
(Words to be spoken while lighting a lamp and incense:)
kapu senetjer ḥenā seḥedju khet
Incense burns and fire shines.
ubedet khet ḥenā seḥedju senetjer
Fire burns and incense shines.
nef en netjer kai.i
The breath of Netjer lifts me up.
udja ȧb.ek senetjer
May the incense please You,
udja ȧb.ek akhet
May the flame please You,
netek meri.i, mi ui meri.ek
May you love me, as I love You."
*Performing the Senut*
(Make a libation of cool water, four times. Words to be said while making
the libations:)
qeb tepi. ḥenek.i er nay akhu qebbet. seqbeb unen.sen
The first libation. I offer cool water to the Akhu. May they be cooled.
qeb senenu. ḥenek.i qebbet er Upuaut, ȧmy upiu er uat
The second libation. I offer cool water to Wepwawet, Who Opens the Way.
seqbeb unen.ef
May He be cooled.
qeb khemet nu. ḥenek.i qebbet erer Sebau.i. seqbeb unen.sen
The third libation. I offer cool water to my Sebau. May they be cooled.
qeb fednuḥenek.i qebbet erer . ḥenek.i qebbet er Ma'āt. seqbeb
The fourth libation. I offer cool water to Ma'at. May She be cooled.
(Perform henu before the shrine and present the offering. Words to be said
while making the offering to Netjer:)
ȧ netjer, segereḥ.ek djes.ek ḥenā nay shabu
O Netjer, may you satisfy Yourself with the repast
er unemy ḥenā ȧaby
to the right and to the left.
(Make private prayer to Netjer, the words of which are your own. Spend time
in Netjer's presence.)
(Perform henu before the shrine and thank Netjer for Its presence. Remove
the foot as you leave.)
dua.ek netjer
'Thank you netjer'
ȧu sy er peḥuy, mi ma'a em sesh
It is come to an end, as shown in writing.
('blow candles out and' back out of shrine)
Excerpt from "The Ancient Egyptian Prayerbook" pg. 22 written
by Nisut (Rev. Tamara L. Siuda), and is available at
Translated by me
Recitation for those bitten by a scorpion
Dd-mdw Hr twt n itm Hr Hknw
rpyt ist twt n Hr
sS Hr drt n Xry ds
nsb in s
irw m mitt Hr Ssp n paqt
diw n Xry ds r xxy.f
smw pw smw wHa
nD Hr Hnqt irp r-pw
swri in Xry ds nt DAnry
Ss mAa HH n sp
Words spoken over an image of Atum Horus Hekenu,
an image of Isis, an image of Horus,
written on the hand of the bitten patient,
to be licked off by the man,
and drawn likewise on a strip of finest linen,
placed at the neck of the bitten patient.
The herbal remedy is the scorpion-herb,
ground into beer or wine,
to be drunk by the patient bitten by a scorpion.
An item a million time effective.
Isis and the Name of Ra
This translation from English to mdw nTr was done by me. Strictly in tribute to the netjeru. I do not take credit for anything other then the translation. For those who wish to say the rites in the Ancient Egyptian language instead of English. All rights reserves for the original by Rev. Tamara L. Siuda.
A great book to get is The Ancient Egyptian Prayerbook written by Rev. Tamara L. Siuda
Key for pronunciation
ȧ= iah
ḥ= Hard breathy h in the back of your throat
ā= long a as in plain
i= long e sound as in bee
(Words to be spoken over a bowl of water:) In a praise stance
Position henu 𓀃𓀢 dua or thanks, praise
position sahu𓀊gesture of praise and obeisance
Left hand placed over your body the glyph is backwards for American readers. Fist on heart.
menḥet en Tayet, ȧty nu renu,
Homage to Tayet, Sovereign of the Names,
ȧmy uāb neb netjeru.
Who purifies all Netjeru.
esuāb.en, seker.en, mi ḥesmen ten ḥenā seker renu.
Purify us, adorn us, as you purify and adorn the Names.
efdi bin neb, hep.en er nerut mi Ptaḥ ȧr.
Remove all evil, and free us from terror as Ptah does.
ȧ mu, efdi.ek ābu neb !
O water, may you remove all impurity!
ȧ Ḥāpy, ȧāi metutu nu ahu.
O Hapy, wash away the seeds of illness.
netet ȧmy ȧāi ḥer en Ḥeru,
You Who wash the face of Heru,
netet ȧmy ȧāi ḥer en Sutekh,
You Who wash the face of Set,
netet ȧmy ȧāi ḥer en Nit,
You Who wash the face of Nit,
netet ȧmy ȧāi ḥer en ḥā.es,
You Who wash the face of Her flesh,
ȧā ḥer.i,
May You wash my face, Yourself.
sefekh ȧu ȧnetj.i ȧm Ḥeru,
My fetters are untied by Heru,
uhi ȧm Sutekh ȧu netjetju.i
my bonds are undone by Set.
ȧnuk uāb, ȧmy uāb netjer.i
I am pure, my Netjer is pure,
ḥenā nen.i du er tshenu ȧsfet
and I will not succumb to evil.
(Words to be said over ten grains of natron: 5 for upper 5 for lower)
ȧu uāb, ȧu uāb, ȧu uāb, ȧu uāb
It is pure, it is pure, it is pure, it is pure.
netjeryt.i ni Ḥeru
My natron belongs to Heru,
netjeryt.i ni Geb,
My natron belongs to Geb,
netjeryt.i ni Djeḥuty
My natron belongs to Djehuty
netjeryt.i ni Heru-Dun-Anuy
And my natron belongs to Heru-Dunanwy.
er.i pa er en beḥes setsheret
My mouth is the mouth of a milking calf
ȧmytu meny en mut.i Auset
between the thighs of my mother Aset
ḥer ḥeru pa mesut.i
on the day that She gave birth to me.
(Mix the natron into the water, pour the bowl into the bathwater, wash out
the body and all its orifices and rinse.)
(with the incense burning.
Words to be spoken while lighting a lamp and incense:)
Beginning The Senut
(Words to be spoken while lighting a lamp and incense:)
kapu senetjer ḥenā seḥedju khet
Incense burns and fire shines.
ubedet khet ḥenā seḥedju senetjer
Fire burns and incense shines.
nef en netjer kai.i
The breath of Netjer lifts me up.
udja ȧb.ek senetjer
May the incense please You,
udja ȧb.ek akhet
May the flame please You,
netek meri.i, mi ui meri.ek
May you love me, as I love You."
*Performing the Senut*
(Make a libation of cool water, four times. Words to be said while making
the libations:)
qeb tepi. ḥenek.i er nay akhu qebbet. seqbeb unen.sen
The first libation. I offer cool water to the Akhu. May they be cooled.
qeb senenu. ḥenek.i qebbet er Upuaut, ȧmy upiu er uat
The second libation. I offer cool water to Wepwawet, Who Opens the Way.
seqbeb unen.ef
May He be cooled.
qeb khemet nu. ḥenek.i qebbet erer Sebau.i. seqbeb unen.sen
The third libation. I offer cool water to my Sebau. May they be cooled.
qeb fednuḥenek.i qebbet erer . ḥenek.i qebbet er Ma'āt. seqbeb
The fourth libation. I offer cool water to Ma'at. May She be cooled.
(Perform henu before the shrine and present the offering. Words to be said
while making the offering to Netjer:)
ȧ netjer, segereḥ.ek djes.ek ḥenā nay shabu
O Netjer, may you satisfy Yourself with the repast
er unemy ḥenā ȧaby
to the right and to the left.
(Make private prayer to Netjer, the words of which are your own. Spend time
in Netjer's presence.)
(Perform henu before the shrine and thank Netjer for Its presence. Remove
the foot as you leave.)
dua.ek netjer
'Thank you netjer'
ȧu sy er peḥuy, mi ma'a em sesh
It is come to an end, as shown in writing.
('blow candles out and' back out of shrine)
Excerpt from "The Ancient Egyptian Prayerbook" pg. 22 written
by Nisut (Rev. Tamara L. Siuda), and is available at
Translated by me
Recitation for those bitten by a scorpion
Dd-mdw Hr twt n itm Hr Hknw
rpyt ist twt n Hr
sS Hr drt n Xry ds
nsb in s
irw m mitt Hr Ssp n paqt
diw n Xry ds r xxy.f
smw pw smw wHa
nD Hr Hnqt irp r-pw
swri in Xry ds nt DAnry
Ss mAa HH n sp
Words spoken over an image of Atum Horus Hekenu,
an image of Isis, an image of Horus,
written on the hand of the bitten patient,
to be licked off by the man,
and drawn likewise on a strip of finest linen,
placed at the neck of the bitten patient.
The herbal remedy is the scorpion-herb,
ground into beer or wine,
to be drunk by the patient bitten by a scorpion.
An item a million time effective.
Isis and the Name of Ra