Egyptian names
Ranu em Kēmit
djod.ek ranu sanu entu uḥem ōnkh
When you speak their names may they live again.
What is in a name? Well to the Egyptians quite a lot. Names were very important to the Ancient people of Kemet and they normally always had a meaning, unless it was a foreign name. I have always been fascinated with the study of the meaning of names or onomatology. I have when ever at all possible put the meaning of the name in 'X'. If the name is male or female it will be indicated with a (F) for female and a (M) for male. Most female names have a ' t ' at the end, but not always especially with foreign and late Kingdom names. Sometimes even a male will have a ' t ' at the end depending ont he meaning. Fallowing the documentation of what sex had the given name will be what station they held if any. All names will be rendered in MDC if at all possible. I also have hand translated a good deal of the names. When ever there is a [?] it means that's the best educated guess, but can not find definitive proof. I have gathered these historical names really just for fun or if someone would like to use them for a story or RPG. Enjoy.
GoogleBooks The Great Name: Ancient Egyptian
Aa /aAaA/ (M) 𓉻𓂝𓄿𓉻𓂝𓄿 'doubly great' (architect)
Āahmetju /aAmTw/ (M) (Vizier)
Aaib (more accurate) Ā'ahib /aA-ib/ (M) 'great is the heart' (King)
Aakaes /aA-kA.s/ (F) 'Her ka is great'
Aakheperre /aA-xpr-ra/ (M) 'great manifestation of Ra' (King)
Aakheperenre /aA-xpr-n-ra/ (M) 'great manifestation of Ra' (King)
Aakheperkare /aA-xpr-kA-ra/ (M) 'great manifestation of the spirit' (King)
Aakhepesh /aA-xpS/ (M) 'Great of valor' (King)
Aaptah /aA-ptH/ (M) 'Ptah is great'
Aat /aAt/ (F) 'she the great one' 𓉻𓏏 (Queen)
Aatmeret/aAt mrt/ (F) 'She who is greatly beloved' (sister to High Priest of Amun)
Abana /ibAnA (M)
Abar /ibAr (w)/ (F) (Nubian Queen)
Ab-ib /Ab-ib/ (M), (F) 'whom the heart desired'
Abt-ib /Abt-ib (F) 'She whom the heart desired'
Abt-n-i /Abt-n.i (F) 'She whom I have desired'
Abykis /abq/ , Abukis/ Ἀβυκις (Greek) , Abōk/ⲁⲃⲱⲕ (Coptic)
Addaya (M) (Diplomat)
Adjedet-Aat /aDdt-Aat/ (F) 'Great Young girl' (Wife to Ramessesnakht )
Adj-mer /aD-mr?/ (M) (district administrator)
Adjut (M) (Overseer of the sculptors)
A'o-pekhty (M)
Ah , Iah , Yah, Jah /iaH/ (F) 'the moon' 𓇋𓂝𓎛𓇹 (Queen)
Ahaneith , Aha-Neith /aHa-nit/ (F) ' Stand by Nit/ Neith' (Queen)
Ahhotep , Ahhotpe , Aahhotep (more accurate) Ȧ'āḥḥotep /iaH-Htp(w)/ (M,F) 'the moon is pleased' (Queen) 𓇹𓊵𓏏
Ahhotep , Ahhotpe , Aahhotep (more accurate) Ȧ'āḥḥotep /iaH-Htp(w)/ (M,F) 'the moon is pleased' (King)
Ahmos , Ahmes , Ahmose, (more accurate) Ȧ'āḥmōs, ḤMS/𐤇𐤌𐤎 (Phoenician), Ámasis/ Ἄμασις (Greek) /iaH-ms/, /iaH-msiw/ Yohmos (Coptic), Amasis/ Ἄμασις (M, F) 'child of the moon' Queen) 𓇺𓄟
Ahmos , Ahmes , Ahmose (more accurate) Ȧ'āḥmōs /iaH-ms/, /iaH-msiw/ Yohmos (Coptic), Amasis/ Ἄμασις (M, F)
'child of the moon' (Prince and High Priest of Ra, Princess, Scribe who wrote Rhind Papyrus, Naval commander)
Ahmos , Ahmes , Ahmose (more accurate) Ȧ'āḥmōs /iaH-ms/, /iaH-msiw/ Yohmos (Coptic), Amasis/ Ἄμασις (M, F)
'child of the moon' King, Princess,) 𓇹𓄟𓋴
Ahmose-Meritamun /iaH-ms-imn-mryt/ (F) "Child of Iah/Moon god, Beloved of Amun"𓇹𓄟𓇋𓏠𓈖𓌸𓇋𓇋𓏏 (Queen)
Ahmose-Neithsa, Ȧ'āḥmōs-nitsa , Iaḥmos Net-za /iaH-ms-nt-sA/ (M) 'The Moon is Born, Son of Neith' (Sara) (King)
Ahura (F)
Ahwere (F) (Princess)
Akhenaten (more correct) Akhenaton /Ax-n-itn/ (M) 'Spirit of Aten' (Kin
Akhensen /Ax-n-sn/ (M) 'The spirit of brother'g)
Akheperre /aA-xpr-ra / (M) 'Great manifestation of Ra ' (King)
Akhmin /Ax-min/ (M) 'Spirit of Min'
Akhre /Ax-ra/ 'Spirit of Ra'
Aktisanes, Gatisen (more correct) /gAtisn/ (M) (Nubian King)
Amanishakheto Nubian based off Amun (M)
Amanitore Nubian based off Amun (M)
Amen , Amun , Ammon /imn/ (M) ' The hidden one' (God)
Amenemhat, Amunemhat, Amenemhet, Amenemḥēt /imn-m-HAt/ (nickname) Ameni , Ammenemes (Greek) 'foremost of
Amun' (M) (Prince, King, governor of 15th Nome of upper Egypt, Vizier, royal duaghter)
Amenemheb , Amenemhab /imn-m-Hb/ (M) 'Amun of the festival' (Retainer)
Amenemone /imn-m(A)ini/ (Full name of Aniy)
Amenemnisu /img-m-nisw / (M) 'Amun is king' (King)
Amenherkhepshef , Amun-her-khepeshef /imn-Hr-xpS.f/ (M) 'Amun upon his strength' (prince)
Amenhotep , jmn-ḥtp /imn-Htp/ 'Amun is pleased' 𓇋𓏠𓈖𓊵𓏏𓊪 (M) A-ma-an-ḫa-at-bi (Akkadian),
Amenophis/Ἀμένωφις (Greek) (King, architect, scribe, priest of Amun)
Ȧmeni / imny/ (M) (nickname of) Amenemhat (governor of 15th Nome of upper Egypt)
Amenia /imn-iA/ (F) 'O Amun' (Wife of Horemheb)
Amenirdis /imn-ir-di-s(i)/ (F) 'Amun with regards to gives to her, Amun gives to her' 𓇋𓏠𓈖𓂋𓏙𓋴 (God's Wife of Amun Nubian)
Amenirdisu , Ȧmunirdisu /imn-ir-di-s(w)/ (Demotic) 'The God Amun has given him' Amyrtaeus, Aμυρτεος, Aμυρταιος,
Aμυρταιου Aμουθαρταιος (Greek), 'mwrtys (Aramaic) (M)
Amenemib (M) 'The heart of Amun' (Head Doorkeeper of the Amun Domain)
Amenemope (M) (King's envoy, Treasury of Amun)
Amenemopet, (More accurately) Amunemȧpat /imn-m-ip(A)t/ (F, M) 'Amun of the secret chamber' 𓇋𓏠𓈖𓐝𓊒 (Princess,
Amenemopet, (More accurately) Amunemȧpat /imn-m-ipt/ (M) 'Amun of the Opet Festival' (King)
Amenemope, Amenemopet, Amenemipet, Amunemopet /ỉmn-m-ipAt/ 'Amun in Luxor' (M) Amenōphis/αμενωφις
(Greek) (King)
Amenemwaskhet /imn-m-wsxt/ (M) 'Amun in Waskhet' (Prince)
Amenemipet (M) (Vizier)
Amenmesse , Amenmesses , Amenmose /imn-ms.s , Jmn-msj-sw/ (M) 'Fashioned by Amun' (King, Vizier,
Amennakhte, Amennakht /imn-n-Axt/? (M) (draughtsman, Scribe)
Amennety /imnnti/ (M) 'Amun belongs to me' Amenkhau, Amonkhau (M)
Amentet imntt 'Goddess of the west or the underworld' (F)
Amentetwosret , Amentet-wosret /imntt-wsrt/ (F) 'she the strength of the west'
Amenu /imnw/ 𓇋𓏠𓈖𓏌𓏲𓀀 (M) (Scribe)
Ameny , Ameni , imni/ 𓇋𓏠𓈖𓇋𓇋 (M) (District-commandant)
Ameny /imny , iminy/ (M , F) (Vizier , High steward , general)
Ameny Antef , Ameni Antef /imn.i in-it.f/ (M) 'Ameny is his father'
Ameny Qemau /imny (sA) qmAw/ 'Ameny's (son) Qemau'
Amennetet , Amunnetet /imn-nt-t/ (F) 'She who belongs to Amun'
Amunenshi /amw-nnSi/ (M) (Ruler of Upper Retjenu)
Amunet /imnt/ (F) 'She the hidden one' (Goddess wife to Amun, rule as high priestess)
Amunetet /imntt/ (F) 'The west' (Goddess of the west/dead/ underworld)
Amunherseseneb /imn-Hr-ssnb/ (F) 'Amun Upon her Health?' (Slave)
Amunmose/ imn-ms/ (M) 'child of Amun'
Ānakhem /an-Ax-m/ 'bright of face of the spirit' (M)
Ānakhka /an-Ax-kA/ 'bright of face of the bull's spirit?' (M)
Ānakhā /anAxa/ 'a beautiful spirit bull'
Anchhap /anx-Hp/ (M) ''life is the Apis bull'
Anedjib , Adjib /aD-ib / (M) 'bold heart/force of will' (K)
Anen , Aanen /aA-ann/ (M) 'Great come back' or 'Great compassion' 𓉻𓂝𓈖𓈖𓂽 (Chancellor of LE, Second Prophet of Amun, sem-priest
of Heliopolis)
Aneqtawy, Ineqtawy /inq-tA.wy/ (M) 'who embraces the two lands'
Anet /an.t/ 'She who is beautiful' (F)
Anhernakht , Anhurnakht /anHwr-n-Axt/ (M) 'Anhur of the horizon' (Troop Commander)
Anhotep /an-Htp/ (M) 'beautiful face of peace' (Viceroy of Kush)
Ani /An(w)y/ 𓄿𓈖𓏥𓇋𓇋𓀀 , 𓄿𓈖𓏥𓇋𓇋𓀼 , 𓉺𓇋𓇋𓀭 (M) (scribe)
Antef III & I, Intef / jnj-jtj.f , ini-iti.f , jn(j) t=f/ (M) ' ' 𓏎𓈖𓏏𓆑 (Nomen, son of ra) (King)
Antef II, Intef, Initef / jnj(aA)-jt.f / (M) ' ' 𓏎𓉼𓈖𓏏𓆑 (Nomen, son of ra) (King)
Aniy /iniy(i)/ (nick name for) Amenemone (M) (from Memphis grandparent of Paser)
Ankhes /anx.s/ (F) 'she is alive'
Ankheseni /anx.s-n.i/ (F) 'she is alive for me'
Ankhef /anx.f/ (M) 'His is alive' (official at Asyut)
Ankhefensekhmet /anx.f-n-sxm.t/ (M) 'He lives for Sekhmet' (High Priest of Ptah)
Ankhenesmeryre /anx-n.s-mry-ra/ (F) 'She lives for beloved Ra' (Queen)
Ankhesenamun/ anx-s-n-imn (F) 'Her life is of Amun' (Queen orginal name Ankhesenpaaten)
Ankhesenpaaten/ anx-s-n-pa-itn (F) 'Her life is of the Aten' (Queen who later changed her name to Ankhesenamen)
Ankhenespepi /anx n.s ppy/ (F) 'Pepi lives for her' (Queen)
Ankh-Hap /anx-Hapy/, /anx-Hp/ Achoapis/ Ἀχοαπις (Greek), Ōnkh-Ḥapə (Coptic) (M) 'Life of Hapy (God)' (Chanter Ptolemaic)
Ankhhorpakhered /anx-Hr-pA-xrd/ (M) 'Life of Horu/Horus the child'
Ankh-ib /anx-ib/ (M) 'alive of heart' or ' heart lives'
Ankhkara /anx-kA-ra/ (M) 'life to the soul of Ra' (King)
Ankhkaenre /anx-kA-n-ra/ (M) 'life to the soul of Ra' (Neswt-Bity) (King)
Ankh-khaw /anx-xAw/ 'Living of apparitions' (M)
Ankhkheperure / ankh-xprw-ra/ (F) 'Living form/manifestation of Ra' 𓇳𓋹𓆣𓏫 (Prenomen, Nisut-Bity) (Queen)
Ankhmare /anx-ma-ra/ (M) 'over of life' (Prince, Vizier)
Ankhmen /anx-mn?/ (M) 'enduring life?'
Ankhnes /anx-n.s/ 'lives for her'
Ankhnesneferibre , Ankh-nes-nefer-ib-re, /anx-n.s-nfr.ib-ra/ (F) 'lives for her, beautiful heart of Ra'
𓋹𓈖𓋴𓇳𓄤𓄣 (High priestess of Amun, princess)
Ankhpakhered /Ankh-pa-khered/ (M) 'Life of the child' (priest at Karnak Min, Amun)
Ankhsheshonq , Ankhsheshonqy /anx-SA-SA-q/ (M) (scribe)
Ankhesenmeryre /anx n.s mry-ra/ (M) 'beloved Ra lives for her?' (Queen)
Ankhesenpepi /anx n.s ppy/ (F) 'Pepi lives for her' (Queen)
Ankhet /anx.t/ 'her life'
Ankhtify , Ankhtifi
Ankhu /anxw/ (M) 'the living' (Vizier)
Ȧnpu /inpw/ Anoubis/Ἀνουβις (Greek), Anoup /Ⲁⲛⲟⲩⲡ (S), Anoub /Ⲁⲛⲟⲩⲃ (B) (Coptic), (M) 'Royal child' 𓃣 , 𓇋𓈖𓊪𓅱,
𓇋𓆛𓈖𓊪𓏤𓆰, 𓇋𓈖𓊪𓅆
Ȧnpuḥotep /inpw-Htp/ (M) “Anubis is satisfied” 𓃣𓊵𓏏𓊪 , 𓇋𓈖𓊪𓅱𓊵𓏏𓊪
Ȧnpu-ȧu /Inpw-iw/, Anempeus /Ἀνεμπευς, Anompeus/Ἀνομπευς (Greek), (M) 'Anpu/Anubis has come'
Ȧnpu-ȧ / or /Ỉnpw-ỉ.ỉr-dỉ-s/ Anouportaios/ Ἀνουπορταιος (Greek)
Ȧnpuemḥeb /inpw-m-Hb/ (M) 'Anpu/Anubis is in holiday' or 'Anpu/Anubis of holiday
Ȧnpuemsaef /inpw-m-sA.f/ (M) “Anubis is his protection” 𓃣𓅓𓎂𓆑
Ȧnpuemsaes /inpw-m-sA.s/ (F) “Anubis is her protection” 𓃣𓅓𓎂𓋴
Ȧnpurekh /inpw-rx/ Inpou-rech (Greek)
Ȧnpusekhem /inpw-sxm/ (M) “Anubis is mighty” 𓃢𓌂
Antef /ant.f?/ (F) 'His beautiful of face?' (Queen)
Anubisemonekh , Ȧnpuemānkh /inpw-m-anx?/ (M) 'Anpu/Anubis is life' (Judge, scribe)
Ankeraserf , Ankara , Ankerfenedžef (M) 'life of his nose' (Prince)
Anuketemheb /anqt-m-Hb?/ (F) 'Anqet of the festival' (Princess-Queen)
Apeny (F) (Upper class)
Apepi /ippi/ (M)
Aperel, Aperia /apr-iA/ (M) (Vizier)
Arkamani Nubian name based off Amun (M)
Arrhidaeus, Arrhidaios/Ἀρριδαῖoς /pyrwpw/ 'Alexander the Great's generals' (M)
Arsinoe, Arsinoë; ΑΡΣΙΝΟΗΣ/ Arsinoes (F) (Queen) (Greek Ἀρσινόη)
Asinotic /ArsenA/ (M) (Scribe)
Arythotep (F) (Lady of the house and priestess of Hathor in Aryt)
Asa-kheperu /aSA-xprw/ (M) 'apparitions are numerous' (King)
Asenath (F) (Biblical Joseph's Egyptian wife who came from a line of priests of the city of On) 'Osnát/ אָסְנַת, ns-nt
some claim in Egyptian, Alt wAs-nt 'belongs to Nit/Neith' , possibly As(t)-n-at 'Isis belongs to a member of body?'
Aset, Iset /Ast/ 'Isis' (F) 𓊨𓏏𓆇𓁐 (Princess)
Ashakhet (High priest of Ptah)
Ashayet /aASyt/ (F) (queen consort, a lower ranking wife of Pharaoh Mentuhotep II)
Asetweret /ist-wrt/ 'Great Isis' (F)
Au-ib /Aw-ib/ (M) 'joyous'
Auibhor /Aw-ib-Hr/ (M) 'Horu/Horus is joyous' 𓄫𓄣𓅃
Au-ib-rā /Aw-ib-ra/ (M) 'Ra is joyous'
Aunt (M) (Prince)
Auserra aAwsrra (M)
Ay , Aye /iy/ (M) 'foreign' 𓇋𓀁𓇋𓇋 (King)
Aya /iy/ (F) (King's wife)
Ayri, Iyri /iyiry/ (M) 𓇋𓏭𓂻𓇋𓂋𓏭 (High Priest of Ptah)
Baba /bAbA/ (M)
Babaef /bA-bA.f/ (M) 'His Ba is Khnum' (vizier)
Baenre /bA-n-ra/ (M) 'The Soul of Ra' (King)
Baenre-Merynetjeru /bA-n-ra-mry-nTrw/ (M) 'The Soul of Ra Beloved of the Gods' 𓇳𓃝𓈖𓈘𓊹𓊹𓊹 (Nisut-Bity,
Prenomen) (King)
Baefra /bA.f ra/ (M) 'his soul of ra' (King)
Bak , Bek /bAk / (M) 'servant' (Chief sculptor)
Bakenamun , Bekenamun /bAk-n-imn/ (M) 'Servant of Amun' (scribe in the treasury of the Estate of Amun)
Baka /bA-kA/ , Bakare /bA-kA-ra/ (Bikheris (Hellenized) (M) 'His ba is in his ka' (Prince)
Bakenamun /bA.k-n-imn/ (M) 'Servant of Amun' (scribe in the treasury of the Estate of Amun)
Bakenanuy /bAk-n-anwy?/
Bakenkhonsu /bAk-n-xnsw/ (M) 'Servant of Khonsu' 𓅭𓎡𓈖𓐍𓈖𓋴𓀼 (High Priest of Amun)
Bakenmut /bAk-n-mwt/ (M) 'Servant of Mut' (priests of Amen)
Bakennefi , Bak-en-nefi /bAk-n-nf.i/ (M) 'servant of breath/the wind'(Berber Lower Egypt King &Brother of Pimay Prince of Heliopolis )
Bakenrenef , Bakenranef /bAk-n-ra-n.f/ 'he is the servant of Re'
Baket /bAkt/ (F) 'Female servant' (Slave)
Baketamun, Beketaten /bAkt-imn/ (F) 'She the great servant of Amun' (Queen)
Baketaten, Asenath /bAkt-itn/ (F) 'handmaiden/servant of Aten'
Baketamun , Beketamun /bAkt-imn/ (F) 'handmaiden/servant of Amon' (Princess)
Baketmut , Baket-Mut /bAkt-mwt/ (F) 'handmaiden/servant of Mut' (Chantress of Amun)
BaketenHor /bAkt n Hr/ (F) 'Servent of Horu/Horus' 𓅡𓎡𓏏𓈖𓁷𓂋 (royalty)
Baketweret, Baketuret /bAkt-wrt/ (F) 'handmaiden/servant of the great one'
Baketwerner , Baketwernel (F) /bAkt-wr-nw-rA/ 'She the great servant of the mouths' (Chantress of Amun , Great
Royal Wife, Queen)
Baki (M) (Royal, workman)
Bashau /bA-SAw/ (M) 'place of worth?' 𓃀𓆷𓄿𓏲𓀀 (worker)
Bastetiyt /bAstt-iyt/ 'Bastet has come' (Demotic)
Bata /bA-tA/ (M) 'Soul of the earth' (M) (scribe)
Baufra (M) (Prince)
Bay (M) (Syrian name possibly) (Egyptian Chancellor)
Bebankh /bbi-anx/ (M) 'Bebi (god) lives' (16th Theban Dynasty)
Bebusen /bbw-snw/ (M) (Inspector of Fallwers)
Behenu (F) (Queen)
Beludje /br-wDA?/ (F) (Nick name of Herankh)
Berenike (F)
Betrest /bA.ti / (F) 'May Bata be favorably disposed toward her ' (Queen)
Behnui-Ka/ bhnwi-kA? (M) (old Kingdom) (priest and the judge)
Benerib /bnr-ib/ (F) 'sweet of heart' (wife of pharaoh Hor-Aha)
Bent-Reshet /bnt-rS.t/ (F) 'Joyful harp' , Budge sugested 'daughter of joy'
from Semetic /bath/ 'Daughter' alt /bnt-nT-rS.t/ Bent-enth-Reshet (young sister of Queen Ra-neferu)
Bet /bt/ Shepherd(ess)? (F)
Biknebuhedj /bik nbw HD/ (M) 'radiant golden falcon' King
Biknebunefer , Biknebunoufer /bik nbw nfr/ (M) 'The perfect golden falcon' (Golden Horus name of Userkaf, King)
Bikuynebu /bikwy nbw/ (M) 'the golden double falcon' (Golden horus name of Sahure, King)
Binemwase , Bin-em-Wase /bn-m-wAs/ (M) 'evil in Thebes' (accused)
Binpu (Prince)
Bentanat, Bintanath , Bentanath /bAt-ant/ (F) 'Daughter of Anath' 𓃝𓏤𓊸𓈀𓏥𓏏𓊸𓂝𓈖𓍘𓇋𓁐, 𓃝𓏤𓈖𓏥𓂝𓈖𓍘𓍿 (Queen)
Blemmyann (M) (Egyptian citzen)
Bunefer /bw-nfr/ (F) 'the place of beauty' (Queen)
Bukha'nef (F)
Buto (M)
Darius /driwS/ (M)
Den /dn/ (M) 'brings the water' 𓂧𓈖 (Horus name) (King)
DjAty , Djati /DAty/ Zaty, Zati (M) (Prince)
Djau /Daw/ (M) 'fire drill?' (Vizier)
Djedefra /Ddfra/ 'words spoken by him Ra' (M)
Djedhor Djedḥōr /Dd-Hrw/ (M) 'Horu says' Téōs/Τέως, Teōs/Τεως, Táchōs/Τάχως, tachōs/Ταχως (Ancient Greek), Teos, Takhos (ALT)
(King, priest of Min)
Djed-Bast-Es-Ankh /Dd-Bast.s-anx/ (F) (Queen)
Djedefhor , Hordjedef (M) /Dd.f-Hr / '(He) Enduring Like Horus' (Prince)
Djedefra, Djedefre /Dj-f-ra/ (Radjedef/Ρετζεντέφ (Greek) , Ratoises (Hellenized) (M) 'he the stability of Ra' (King)
Djedefptah , Djedefptah or Ptahdjedef (possibly)/Dd.f-ptH/ 'he endures like Ptaḥ' (M) Thamphthis (Hellenized) (King)
Djedi , Dedi /DdDdi/ (M) 'he who endures' (Prince)
Djehuty , Thuty /DHwty/ (M) 'Thoth' (general, scribe)
Djeḥutyembeb ,Tehutiembeb /DHwty-m-bb/ (M) (royal scribe)
Djehutyemheb /DHwty-m-Hb/ (M) 'Djehuty/Thoth of the Festival'
Djehutyhotep , Djehutihotep , Djehuti-hotep /DHwty-Htp/ (M, F) 'Djehuty/Thoth in peace'
Djehutysenebu, Djehutisenebu /DHwty-snbw/ (M) 'Djeḥuty/Thoth make healthy' (Slave)
Djehuty-Sodjem /DHwty-sDm/ Θοτσυτμις, Θωθισύθμις Thotsytmis (Greek) 'Djehuty/Thoth hears' (M)
Djedji (M) (Magician)
Djedkara /DdkAra/ 'words spoken by the ka of Ra' (M)
Djedkhonsuefankh/ "High Priest of Amun in Thebes "
Djedkhonsuiuesankh / Djed-khonsu-iw-es-ankh 'Khonsu Said that She Will Live' (F)
Djedumose, Dedumose /didiw-ms/ /DDw-ms/ (M) 'who is given birth'
Djedmaatesankh/Dd-mAat-sanx / (F) 'Make to live and endure Ma'at' (middle-class woman and musician)
Djedmutesankh /Dd-mwt-sanx/ (F) 'Make to live and endure Mut'
Djedptahiufankh , Djedptahiuefanch , Ptahudjanchef /Dd-ptH-iw.f-anx (M) 'Ptah speaks and he lives' (prince,
2nd Prophet of Amun high priest of Amun)
Djedetnekhbet , Dedetnekhbet /Ddt-nxbt/ (M) (Prince regent, royal seal keeper)
Djedet-khau /Ddt-xaw/ (F) 'Stable of appearance' 𓊽𓏏𓈍𓋞𓅱 (Golden Horus) (Queen)
Djefatsen (F)
Djer /Dr/ Zer , Sekhty (M) 'Defender ' 𓇧 (King)
Djeserkare /Dsr-kA-Ra/ (M) (King)
Djeserkhāu /Dsr-xaw/ (M) 'Holy Diadems' (jeweled crown or headband worn as a symbol of sovereignty) (King)
Djeserkheperu /Dsr-xprw/ Holy Forms (M)
Djeserkheperu /Dsr-xprw-ra-stp-n-ra/ (M) 'Holy are the appearances of Re, chosen by Re' 𓇳𓂦𓆣𓏥𓇳𓍉𓈖(Nisut-Bity) (King)
Djesti /Dsti/ (M)
Djet /Dt/ (M) 'Serpent' (Horus name) (King)
Djet /Dt/ (M) 'words spoken by' (King)
Dedet /ddt/ 'dish' ' bowl'(F)
DidiA /di-di-i-A/, /di-di-A/ (M) 𓂞𓂞𓇋𓄿𓀀 (High priest of Ptah)
Djoserkheperure Setepenra /Dsr-xprw-ra-stp-n-ra/ (M) 'Holy are the manifestations of Ra, the chosen one of Ra' (King)
Djoser , Zoser /Dsr/ (M) = 'sublime/holy one' (King)
Djoserka /Dsr-kA/ (M) = 'sublime/holy soul' (King)
Djosertety /Dsr-tti/ (M) 'The blessed one, of true greatness' (King)
Djoserty /Dsr-ti/ (M) 'The blessed one comes' (King)
Duaenhor /dwA-n-Hr/ (M) 'praise of Horu/Horus' (Prince)
Duatentopet /dwA-nt-ipt/ (F) '' 𓇼𓏲𓏲𓍘𓋔𓏏𓇋𓊒𓊪𓏏 (Queen)
Duathathor-Henuttawy /dwA-Hwt-Hwr-Hn/ 'Adorer of Hathor; Mistress of the Two Lands' 𓉡𓇼𓆇𓏏𓎺𓏏𓇾𓇾
Duaenre /dwA-n-ra/ (M) 'praise to Ra'
Duakheti /dwA-Xty/ (M) 'praise the divine ruler?' (Scribe)
Duathathor / dwA-Hwt-Hrt/ (F) 'Adorer of Hathor ' (princess, queen)
Džefatsen (F) (Princess)
Ebana , Abana (F)
Esbanebdjed (M) /s-bA-nb-Dd/ He of the soul of the lord of Stability' (Divine father and prophet at the head of the king)
Gem-Hep / gm-Hp (M)
Gemefsikap ,Gemefesikap /gmfstkAp/ (M)
Geruef , Kheruef /g-r-w.f/ (M) (Steward to the Great Royal Wife Tiye
Grimya (M)
Hāāibrā, Haaibre, Haa-ib-ra /Haa-ib-ra/ (M) 'Jubilant is the Heart of Re Forever' 𓇳𓎛𓂝𓂝𓄣 (Niswt-bity) (King)
Haankhef /HA-anx.f/ (M) 'May he live'
Haankhes /HA-anx.s/ (F) 'May she live' (Queen)
Hadetkush /hd.t-kwS/ (F) 'She prevails over Kush' (Slave)
Hapu (M)
Hapuseneb (M) 𓐑𓊪𓅱𓋴𓈖𓃀 'Hapu is healthy' (High Priest of Amun)
Hapydỉes /Hapy-dỉ-s/ Hapi-di-s (F) 'Hapy gives to her'
Har /HAr/ (M)
Harai , Kharai /HA-rAy/ (M) '? ' (Slave)
Hardjedef (M)
Herumaatsekhepertauy /Hrw-Hr-mAat-sxpr-tAwy/ 'one who is satisfied with the Maat, who causes the two countries
to arise' 𓉔𓂋𓏛𓁷𓏤𓁦𓋴𓆣𓇾𓇾(Golden Horus)(King)
Harmhabi (M) (official)
Harpsenis /Hr-pA-Sri-n-Ast/
Harsiese , Horsaiset /Hrw-sA-Ast / (Demotic) /ḥr-sꜣ-js.t/ (M) 'Strong bull' 𓅃𓅭𓏺𓊨𓏏𓆇 ,
hōrsiēse/ϩⲱⲣⲥⲓⲏⲥⲉ (Coptic), Harsiêsis/Ἁρσιῆσις (Greek) (High Priest of Amun)
Harsiotef /Hr-sA-it.f/ 'Hor/ Horus the son of his father' (M) (Kushite King)
Harwa /Hr-wa?/ (M) (royal seal-bearer, friend to the King)
Hat (M) (High Priest of Osiris)
Hatiay (M) (High priest of Sobek, Priest of Nefertem)
Hatneferumut /Hat-nfrw-mwt/ (F) 'beautiful appearance of Mut' (God's Wife of Amun)
Hatnofer / HAt-nfr/ (F) 'foremost Beauty' 𓄂𓏏𓄤 (Mother of Senenmut)
Hatmehit (F)
Hatshepsut, ḥꜢt špswt, /HAt-Sps.t/ , /HAt-Spswt/ written /-HAt-Spst(w) (F) 𓄂𓏏𓀼 'Foremost of the noble ladies' (Queen)
Hay (M)
Heby /Hby/ (M) 'festival' (mayor of Memphis)
Hedjkheperre /HD-xpr-ra / (M) 'Radiant manifestation of Ra ' 𓇳𓋑𓆣 (King)
Hedjkheperre /HD-xpr-ra stp.n-ra / (M) 'Radiant manifestation of Ra ' 𓇳𓋑𓆣𓇳𓍉𓈖 (King)
Hedjret /hDrt/ (F)
Hekenuhedjet /Hknw-HDt/ (F) 'Praise of the White Crown' (Queen)
Hemaka /H-mA-kA / (M) (chancellor and second in power only to the king)
Hemdjert , Habadjilat , Hebnerdjent (F) 'Syrian name'
Hemetnetjer /Hmt-nTr/ (F) 'Servent of God'
Hemetre , Hemetrā /Hmt-ra/ (F) 'Servant of Ra'
Hemiunu, Hemon /Hm-ỉwnw/ 'Priest of Iunu' 𓍛𓉺𓅱 (architect of the Great Pyramid of Giza, vizier, prince)
Hemptah /Hm-ptH/ (M) 'servant of Ptah' (King)
Hemset , Hem-set /Hmst/ (M) 'goddess of the same name?'
Hem-ra /Hm-ra / (M) 'Servant of Ra'
Henhenet /hnhnt/ (F) 'she who dances' (Wife of Mentuhotep)
Henibi 'My box of wonders'
Henshene (F)
Hentmehyt /Hnt-mHyt/ (F) 'Lady of the North Wind' (Daughter of High Priest of Amun)
Henutemipet , Henutempet /Hnwt-m-ipt/ 'The lady of the Harem?' (Princess)
Henuti /Hnwty/ (F) 'Female servent'
Henutmehyt /Hnwt-mHyt/ 'Lady of the fish or lady' or 'the papyrus plant' (F) (Priestess)
Henutmire /Hnwt-ra-mi/ (F) 'Lady is life Ra' 𓎛𓏌𓏏𓎺𓇳𓏇𓇋𓊹 (Priestess, Queen)
Henutsen /Hnwt-sn/ (F) (King's Confidant, Queen consort)
Henuttamehu /Hnwt-tA-mHw/ (M) 'Mistress of Lower Egypt' (Princess, Queen)
Henuttaneb/ Hnwt-tA-nb/ (F) 'Lady of all lands' (Princess)
Henut Taui , Henuttawy, Henettawy, Henttawy, Henut Tauy, (F) /Hnwt-tAwy / 'Mistress of the two lands'
𓎺𓏏𓇿𓇿, 𓎺𓏏𓇾𓇾 (Princess)
Henuttawy, Henettawy, Henttawy, Henut Tauy, (F) /Hnwt-tAwy / 'Mistress of the two lands' (Priestess) 𓎛𓎺𓏏𓇿𓇿𓁐
Henutwati /Hnwt-waty/ (F) 'The soul/single mistress' 𓎛𓏌𓏏𓏯𓌡𓍘𓇋 (Royal Wife)
Henutweret /Hnwt-wrt/ (F) 'Great mistress'
Heqaib , Hekaib , Hekayeb /HqA-ỉb/ (M) 'He who controls his heart' (Pepinakht nick name)
Heqatneferu, Heqatneferut /HqAt-nfrwt/ (F) 'She the beautiful ruler of Mut' (Queen)
Heqatneferu, Heqatneferut /HqAt-nfrwt/ (F) 'She the beautiful ruler of Mut' 𓋾𓄤𓏏𓏥 (princess and high priestess of Amun)
Heqatneferumutmerit /HqAt-nfrw-mwt, mrit-mwt/ (F) 'She the beautiful ruler of Mut'
𓋾𓄤𓄤𓄤𓅐𓏏𓈘 (princess and high priestess of Amun)
Heqawast , Heqawaset (F, M) 'ruler of Thebes' (King)
Hera (M)
Herankh /Hr-anx/ (F) 'Horu/Horus makes live?' (sistrum-player of Ptaḥ)
Herer , Hrior (F)
Herhotep /Hrw-Htp/ (M) 'Horu in peace'
Herib /Hr-ib/
Herit /H-r-i-ti/ (F) 𓎛𓂋𓇋𓍘 (princess, prob daughter of Apepi)
Herihor , Hérihor /Hrw-Hry/ (M) 'Horus is Raised' 𓇯𓆇𓏤𓅃 (army officer and High Priest of Amun at Thebes, Chief of police)
Herihor , Hérihor /Hrw-Hry-sA-imn/ (M) 'Horus is Raised, Son of Amun' 𓇋𓅓𓈖𓇯𓆇𓏤𓅃 (High Priest of Amun)
Hermin, Ḥōrmin (More accurate) /Hr-mn/ Harminis /Ἁρμινις (Greek)
Hemnoutjertepienamun/Hem-netjer-tepi-en-Amun (high priest of Amun) 𓊹𓍛𓁶𓈖𓏤𓇋𓏠𓈖
Herneith , Her-Neith /Hr-nt/ (F) 'The face of Nit/Neith' (Queen)
Heruhermaat , Heruhirmaat /hrw-Hr-mAat/ (M) 'one who satisfies Ma'āt' (King)
Heryanpu /Hry-inpw/ Herianoupis/ Ἑριανουπις (Greek) 'Anpu/Anubis is upon' or 'Anpu/Anubis the master'
Hesire , Hesy-Ra , Hesy-Re /Hsy-ra/ (M) 'Blessed by Ra' (Scribe , Great one of the Dentists)
Hesy-su-neb-ef (M)
Hetep , Hotep (more accurate) /Htp/ (M) 'Peace' (Scribe)
Hetepet /Htpt/ (F)
Hetepti /Htp-ti/ (F) 𓊵𓏏𓊪𓍘 (Mother of Amenemhat IV)
Hetepheres, Hetephires , Ḥotepḥōres or Ḥotepḥōrues (More accurate) , /Htp-Hr.s/ 'She the peace of Horu/Horus' (F) (Queen)
Hetephernebti, Hotephernebty /Htp-Hr-nb.ti/ (F) '' (Queen)
Hetephires (M)
Hezethekenu (M)
Hor-Aha /Hr- aHA/ (M) 'the fighter ' (King)
Horbaef /Hr-bA.f/ Baefhor and Horbaf (M) 'Upon his soul' (Prince)
Hor-Djet /Hr-Dt/ (M) 'Serpent of Horus' (King)
Horemakhet , Haremakhet , Harmakhis (M) /Hr-m-yaxw.t/ 'prince and High Priest of Amun'
Horemheb, Haremhab /Hr-m-Hb/ (M) 'Horu/Horus is in jubilation' 𓅃𓋔𓐝𓎱 (Military Leader)
Horemheb, Haremhab /Hr-m-Hb/ (M) 'Horu/Horus is in jubilation' 𓅃𓋔𓐝𓎱, 𓅃𓐝𓎱 (Nomen, Son of Ra) (King)
Horemheb-merienamun, Haremhab-meryamun /Hr-m-Hb-mry-n-imn/ (M) 'Horu/Horus is in jubilation'
𓇋𓏠𓈖𓌻𓈖𓅃𓐝𓎱 (Full) (Nomen, Son of Ra) (King)
Horemkhauf , Horemkhauef /Hr-m-xaw.f/ (M) 'Horu/Horus of his appearance in glory' (Overseer of the fields)
Hori /Hr-i/ (M) 'I of Horu/Horus' 𓅃𓇋𓀼 (Scribe, pure priest of Ptaḥ, High Priest of Osiris, high priest of Anhur)
Hormin (M) (Overseer of the Harim)
Hormose / Hr-ms/ (M) 'born of Horu/Horus (Head Guard of the Treasury)
Hornakht, Harnakht /Hr-nxt / (M) 'Horu/Horus victorious' (Prince)
Hor-Nebmaat /Hr-nb-mAat/ (M) 'Horus, Lord of the Ma'āt' (King)
Hornebsekhem /Hr-nb-sxm/ 'Horu/Horus the lord of power'
Hōr-sa-Aset /Ḥr-sȝ-Ỉs.t / 'Horu/Horus son of Iset', Greek Arsiesis /Ἁρσιησις, Coptic Ḥōrsiēse /ϩⲱⲣⲥⲓⲏⲥⲉ or
Ḥōrsiēsios /Ϩⲱⲣⲥⲓⲏⲥⲓⲟⲥ (M)
Hor-Sekhemkhet /Hr-sxm-Xt/ (M) 'Powerful body of Horus' (King)
Hormeni /Hr-mni/ (M) 'Horu/Horus of the ship' (Scribe)
Horpais (M)
Horpasherenauset /Hr-pA-Sr-n-Ast/ Harpsenesis/ Ἁρψενησις 'Horu/Horus the son of Auset/Isis'
Horpsusennes , Hor-Pasebakhaenniut /Hr-pA-sbA-xa(i)-n-niwt / 'Horu/HorusThe Star Appearing in the
City' (King)𓅃𓅮𓇼𓈍𓈖𓊖
Hor-Qa'a /Hr-qa/ (M) 'Raised arm of Horu/Horus' (King)
Horudja (M)
Ḥōru-mes(-su) /Hrw-ms(-sw) /'Horu/Horus is born' Armesis/Αρμεσις (H/Armes-is) Armesses/Αρμεσσης
(H/Armess-es) (Greek),Ar-ma-a-aš /ḫa-a-ra-ma-aš-ši / Ḫaramašši / Ḫaramašša / ḫa-ra-ma-ša / Ḫar(a)-ma-a-aš (Semetic)
Horudidief /Hrw-(r)di-(r)di.f/ (M) 'Horus gives doouble to him' (Prince)
Hotepanpu /Htp-inpw/, Hetpanoubis/Ἑτπανουβις (M) 'Peace of Anpu'
Hotephermaat /Htp-Hr-mAat / (M) 'Joyous is Truth' (King)
Hotep-Hur-Noufret/ Htp-Hr-nfrt (F)
Hotephiryakhet (M) /ya xw.t-Htp-Hr/ (priest)
Hotepnetjeru, Hotep-netjeru, Hetep netjeru /Htp-nTrw/ (M) 'gods are satisfied' 𓏛𓊹𓊹𓊹 (Golden Horus) (King)
Hrere , Hrēre or Herere /H-rw-rw.t/, /Hrrt/ (F) 'flower' 𓄑𓏛𓃭𓏤𓃭𓏤𓁐𓆰 (Noble lady)
Hrms/ Hōrumes Greek Ὠριγένης, Ōrigénēs "child of Horus" (M) from Ὧρος, "Horus", and γένος, "born"
Hrunūfer /Hr-nfr/ 𓇳𓏤𓄤𓆑𓂋 (wife, daughter Sitsobk)
Hunefer /hw-nfr/ (M) 'beautiful utterance?' (scribe)
Huni /Hwy/ (M) 'smiter' (king)
Huy, Hui /Hw-y/ ( F) 𓄑𓏛𓇋𓇋𓁐 (priestess)
Huy, Hui /Hw-y/ (M) 𓄑𓏛𓇋𓇋 (High Priest of Ptah)
Huy, Hui /Hw-y/ (M, F) (priestess, Viceroy of Kush, Nickname for Amenhotep, high steward of Memphis,
Huynufer /Hwy-nfr/
Ḥut-Ḥōr-en-khet /Hwt-Hr-n-xt/ , (F) 'Hathor of the tree''
Hathorhotep , Ḥutḥōrḥotep /Hwt-Hr-Htp/ (F) 'Hathor is satisfied ' 𓉗𓏏𓁷𓊵 (Princess)
Huy /Hw.y/ 'command' (High Priest of Ptah, Prophet of Montu, commander of horse, commander of chariots, Royal scribe) (M)
Huynufer /Hii-nfr?/
Horion /HwryAn / (M) Greek Ὡρίων, Coptic Ϩⲱⲣⲓⲟⲛ or ⲱⲣⲓⲱⲛ
Iāḥ-āah /iaH-aA/ (M) 'Iah (moon god) is great'
Iāḥ-usir /iaH-wsr/ (M) 'Iah (moon god) is powerful'
Iāḥ-noufer /iaH-nfr/ (M) 'Iah (moon god) is fair'
Iāḥ-nekhet /iaH-nxt/ (M) 'Iah (moon god) is strong'
Iāḥ-ḥotep /iaH-Htp/ (M) 'Iah (moon god) is satisfied'
Iaret /iart/ 'She the Uraeus/cobra' (F) (Queen)
Iawy (F)
Ib /ib/ (M) 'heart/mind' (assistant of Ptaḥ)
Ibi /ibi/ Aba or Abe (M) (Egyptian Noble , chief steward of the God's Wife of Amun)
Iby /iby/ (F)
Iden /idn/ (F)
Ienet , Jenet (F) 𓇋𓆛𓈖𓏭
Ify /ii.f/ (M) 'He comes' (Royal acquaintance)
Ihi , Ihy /iHy/ (M) 'Ihy (god of sistrum)' (flute player)
Ihy-ankh /iHy-anx/ (M) 'ihy is alive' 𓇋𓎛𓇋𓇋𓋹
Ihyemsaf, Ȧḥyemsaef /iHy m sA.f/ 'Ihy is his protection' (M)
ii-anx-.t / 'the living one comes' (F)
Imhotep, Imhetep, Ēē-em-ḥotep (more accurate), Imuthes (Greek) /ii-m-Htp , Jj m ḥtp / (M) 'One who comes in peace'
𓇍𓅓𓊵𓏏𓊪 (Scribe, chancellor, architect, high Priest)
Ii-meru /ii-mrw/ 'The beloved comes'
ii-n-Hb 'who came during the holiday'
Iiti /ii.ti/ she has come
Iiwy-ptah /ii.wy-ptH/ 'Ptah is welcome'
Iki /iki/ 𓇋𓀁𓎡𓇋𓁐 (F)
Imeny /imny/ (M)
Impy (M) (High Priest of Ptah)
Imsu /Ymsw/ (M) (Scribe)
Imyremeshaw /Imy-r-mSaw/ (M) 'General' or 'Overseer of troops' (King)
Ineksenedjem (F)
Inenek , Inenek-Inti /inn.k/ (F) 'you the net?' (Queen)
Ineni , Anena /inni/ (M) 𓇋𓀁𓈖𓈖𓇋 (architect and government official)
Ini /in.n y, in.n i/ (M) 'The delayed one (for an overdue baby) The (one with bushy) eyebrows'
Inhapi , Inhapy , Anhapou /in-Hapi/ (M) 'Bring (God) Hapy' (Queen, Princess)
Inherykhau (M)
Inkaef /in-kA.f?/ (M) (Prince)
Intef , (more accurately) Initef, Inyotef /in-it.f/ (M) 'His father brought him' (King)
Iny /iny/ 𓏎𓈖𓇋𓇋
Ipepi, pronounced Ȧpepi /ippi/, Apophis/Ἄποφις (M) 𓇋𓀁𓊪𓊪𓇋 (Hyksos King)
Ipuki / (M) (sculptor)
Iput /ipwt/ (F) (Queen)
Ipuy /ipwy/ (M) 'Say this' (brother to Raweben, Sculptor)
Ipwer /ip-wr?/ (F) 'great counter?'
Ipy /ipy/ (M) (court official, Great Steward of Memphis, royal scribe)
Irene /hyrnAt/ 𓉔𓇋𓇋𓃭𓈖𓄿𓏏𓁘 (F) (Greek name)
Irenḥorneferuiri /Ir.n-Hr-nfrw-ir.i / (M) 'Horus made her fairness' 𓂋𓈖𓅃𓄤𓄤𓄤𓂋
Irmaat /ir-mAat/ (M) 'The one who has accomplished Maat' (Horus name of Userkaf, King)
Iretrau/ (F) (Female scribe)
Irin-akheti (M)
Irinufer , Irinefer / iri-nfr/ (M) 'make beautiful' (Servant in the Place of Truth)
Irsu /ir-sw/ Arsu, Iarsu, Yarsu (M) 'He who made himself' (King)
Irtisen / (M) 'their eyes' 𓁹𓁹𓋴𓈖
Irtyrau , Irterau /ir(w)t-ra/ (F) 'Eyes of Ra? ' (scribe)
Iry /iry/ (M) (Overseer)
Irymaat, Irimaat /iry-mAat/ (M) 'ensures harmony'
Isesi /issi/ (M)
Isesu , Isis /Ast/ (F) 'Isis' (Princess)
Isetemakhbit /aset-em-akh-bit/ (F) ‘Auset/Isis is in Chemmis'
Isetemkheb (High Priest of Amun)
Isetemkheb /ast-m-xb/ (F) 'Auset/Isis of dancing' (sister-wife of the Theban High Priest of Amun, Chief of the
Harem of Amun-Re)éféret
Isetnofret, Isis-Neferet, Isis-nofret, Isitnofret (more correct) Ausetnoufret /Ast-nfrt/ (F) 'the beautiful Isis' 𓊨𓏏𓆇𓄤𓂋𓏏
(Most prominent of the royal wives of Ramesses II)
Isi, Izi /isi/ (M) 'Become light?' (Nickname of Washptah)
Isidore Greek name Isidoros/Ισιδωρος 'gift of Isis' Possibly Ausetdyu 'gift of Auset' (M)
Istarajumi /is-tA-rA-iw-mi/ (F) '?' (Slave)
Isu /isw/ Semitic form of Jesus (M) M17-Aa14-M23-G43-A2-!
Isus , is (M) (Prince)
Isytrs / Isidoros Greek Ἰσίδωρος, Ἰσίσωρος, Coptic ⲓⲥⲓⲇⲱⲣⲟⲥ, Latin Isidorus (M)
Ita /itA/ (M) 𓇋𓏏𓄿 (King)
Itakayt (F) (Princess and Queen)
Itawy /i-tAwy/ (F) '(Oh) two lands' (High priest's daughter)
Itet , Atet /itt/ (F) 'she of her father?' 𓇋𓏏𓏏 (Royal women)
Itetj , Iteti (more accurate) / itti / 'A ruler' 𓇋𓏏𓍘 , 𓇋𓍘𓏏𓏭 (King)
Itetini (M)
Itisten (M) (Prince)
Itinetjer /it.i-nTr-iy/ (M) 'God's father, Ay'
Itjau /itAw/ (M) 'Overseer of sculpting
Itnefer /it-nfr/ (F) 'Who is beautiful of father' (Slave)
Itu /itw/ (M) 'fathers' (priest)
Ity /i-ti-y/ (M) 'Sovereign'
Iuf /iwf/ (M) (steward)
Iufaa /iwfaA/ (M) 'He comes greatly?' (Priest)
Iunmin , junmin , Yunmin, Iuenmin, Minuen /iwn-min/ (M) 'Pillar of Min' (prince, vizier)
Iun-mutef / jwn-mw.t=f (M), "His mother is the Pillar" ?
Iunre , Yunre /iwn-ra/ (M) 'pillar of Ra' (Prince)
Iuput , Auput /iwpt / (M) 𓃛𓅱𓊪𓏏 (High Priest of Amun)
Iuri /iwri/ (F) (Upper class)
Iuseneb (M)
Iuti , Iwti /iwti/ (M) (Physicians)
Iuwelot /iwwAr-mr.T (High Priest of Amun at Thebes)
Iuwlot , Iuwelot (M) (High Priest of Amun at Thebes)
Iuy (M)
Iy /iy/ (F) 'who has come?'
Iymeru, Aymeru /iy-mrw/ (M) (Vizier)
Iymeretnebes , Iy-meret-nebes, (F) (highest-ranking priestess of the Amun)
Iynefer , Iy-nefer /iy-nfr/ , /i(i)-nfr/ (M) 'the beautiful one has come' (Prince)
Iyneferti (F?) 'the beautiful one has come'
Iysen (M) /iy sn?/ 'brother has comes' (Overseer of ship's captains of Ptaḥ)
Ka /kA/ (M) 'Ka soul'
Ka /qa/ (M) 'raised arm of the two ladies (wiki)' (King)
Kaba /kAbA/ (M) (King)
Kaemsekhem /kA-m-sxm/ (M) 'Power of the kA' (Prince)
Kaemwaset /kA-m-wAst/ (M) 'Bull in Thebes' (King)
Kaha, Qaha /qAHA/ (M) (workman)
Kaha , Kahay , Ka-hay , KaHay (M) (Scribe, Director of Singers)
Kai-pu-ptah /kA-pw-ptH/ (M) 'He is the soul of Ptah'
Kaiu /ikAw , kAiw/ (M) 'Souls' (King)
Kakai /kA kA.i/ (M) 'my double ka/soul?' alt possibly throne name or a birth name meaning 'My Ka is a true Ka' (King)
Kakaia (F)
Kakat /kA-kat?/ (F) (Queen)
Kakent (M) (Prince)
Kam /km?/ (M) (Governor of the Cow Stronghold)
Kambut /kmbwt/ (M)
Kamose /kA-msiw/ (M) 'He who is born of the bull' (King) 𓂓𓂸𓄟𓋴𓀜
Kamutef /kA-mwt.f/ (M) 'Ka spirit of his mother'
Kanakht /kA-nxt/ (M) 'The strong bull' 𓃽𓂡 (Horus name) (King)
Kanakht Hāemma'at , Kanakht Haiemmaat /kA-nxt-Ha-m-mAat/ (M) 'The strong bull' 𓃽𓂡𓎛𓂝𓀠𓅓𓆄 (Horus name) (King)
Ka nefer nefer , Kay-Nefer-Nefer ,Ka noufer noufer (more accurate) /kA-nfr-nfr/ (F) 'The soul is doubly beautiful'
(noble women) 𓎡𓄿𓄤𓄤𓁐
Kapes /kApws/ (F) (Queen)
Kares /kArs/ (M) (herald)
Karoadjet (F)
Karomama /kA-rA-ma-ma/ (F) (high priestess, a God's Wife of Amun)
Kasa /KA-sA/ (M) 'soul back' (Servant in the Place of Truth)
Kasa /kAsA?/ (M) 'protection of the soul?' (chief draftsman)
Ka-Sobek-Re ,Ka-Sobek-Ra / kA-sbk-ra/ (F) 'The ka of Sobek-Re' 𓇳𓆋𓂓 (Prenome, Nisut-Bity) (Queen)
Kashta /kAS-tA/ (M) 'of the land of Kush' (King from Kush)
Kassa /kA.s-sA?/ (M) 'Protection of man's soul?'
Katjakadja (F) (Priestess of Min)
Katsenut (F)
Kawab /kA-wab/ His ka is pure (King)
Kawit /kAwit/ (Queen consort lower ranking , Mentuhotep II)
Kaurē , Kaura /kAw-rA/ (M) (Roalty)
Kanakhetsepedkheru /kA-nxt-spd-xrw/ 'Strong bull, effective'
Kay /kAy/ 'Ka in reality?' (vizier) (M)
Kebe /qbh/ 'He from the north (wiki)' (King)
Keki (M) (royal wab-priests, royal document scribe)
Kemsit /kmsyt/ (F) (Queen consort, of Mentuhotep II)
Ken-Amun /qn-imn?/ 'Brave man of Amun' (overseer of the royal records)
Kenhikhopshef (M) (scribe)
Kennebtiwer /ka-n-nbty-wr/ 'The great X of the two lands?' (King's Confidant)
Kentimere (Prince)
Kha /xa/ (M) 'appearing in glory (sun or god)?' 𓈍𓂝𓏛 (foreman at Deir El-Medina, architect )
Khabekhnet /xa-bxn-at/ (M) 𓈍𓂝𓏛𓃀𓐍𓈖𓏏𓉐 (artisan)
Khaemhat /xa-m-HAt/ (M) 'appear in glory of the foremost/Chief' (Scribe)
Khaemnebty /xa m nbty/ (M) 'Appearing of the two ladies' (King)
Khaemnun (M) (Workman)
Khaemteri , Khaemtir , Khaemtjitry /xa-m-? / (M) '?' (scribe of soldiers, Vizier, Viceroy)
Khaemweset , Khaemwaset, Khamwese, Khaemwese, Khaemwase /xA-m-wAst/ (M) 'He who appeared in
Thebes' 𓈍𓅓𓌀𓏏𓊖 (Prince, the first Egyptologist, Priest, Scribe of Sacred Books)
Khafra, Khafre, Kha'afre, Khefren, /xai-f-ra/, Χεφρήν/Chephren (Herodotus); Greek Khéphren,(M) 'He appears like Ra' (King)
Khahor /xA-Hr/
Khakau /xa-kAw/ (M)
Khakaura , Khakaure /xa-kAw-ra/ (M) 'The Kas of Ra have appeared' 𓇳𓈍𓂓𓂓𓂓 (Prenomen Nisut-Bity) (King)
Khakheperre /xa-xpr-ra/ (M) 'appearance of the manifestation of Re' 𓇳𓈍𓆣 (Prenomen, Nisut-Bity) (King)
Khakheperre-sonbe , Khakheperrē-sonb , Khakheperresenb , Khakheperresenb , Kha-Kheper-Rē'-Senebu,
Kha-kheperrē-sonbu /xa-xpr-ra-snb/ (M) (scribe)
Khamerernebty /xa-mrry-nbty/ (F) 'Appearance of the beloved of the Two Ladies'
Khammaat /kA-m-mAat/ (F) 'soul of ma'āt
Khamudi, Khamudy, ḫ3mwdi /xAmwdy/ 𓆼𓄿𓅓𓍢𓂧𓏭𓌙𓀀 (Hyksos ruler 15th D)
Khanefer (sculptor)
Khanub (F)
Khasekhem/xai-sxm 'whose power appears' (M) (King)
Khasekhemwy /xai-sxm.wi/ sometimes written Kha-sekhemui, Cheneres 'The Two Powerful Ones Appear'
Khawy /xAwy/ (M) 𓆼𓄿𓅱𓏭𓎱𓇳 (servitor of Amun of Opet, worker)
Khay /xay/ 'cause to appear?' (vizier) (M)
Khendje /xnDr/ (M) 'boar' (King)
Khenemetibamun /xnm(t)-ib-imn/ (F) 'She Who is One with the Heart of Amun' (God's Wife of Amun)
Khenemetneferhedjet II /Xnm.t-nfr-HD.t/ or /Xnmt-nfr-HDt/ '“united with the white crown” 𓎸𓄤𓋑 (Queen)
Khenemetneferhedjet III /Xnm.t-nfr-HD.t/ or /Xnmt-nfr-HDt/ '“united with the white crown” 𓎸𓏏𓄤𓋑𓅨𓏏 (Queen)
Khenemet imun, Amen Khenem /imn Xnmt/, imn ẖnmt 𓇋𓏠𓈖 (F) 'United with Amun' (Part of Hatshepsut's name Queen)
Khenthap , Khenet-Hapi /xnt-Hp (i)/ (Q) 'Musician of Hapi' (Queen)
Khentkaus , Khentkawes /xnt-kAw.s/ (F) 'She the foremost of the spirits' (Royalty)
Khenu (M) /xnw/ 'singer' (flute player )
Khenuka (M)
Khenut /xnwt/ (F) 'female musician' (Queen)
Kheper /xpr/ (M) 'Kheper' 𓆣 (golden Horus) (King)
Kheperkare /xpr-kA-ra/ (M) 'The Ka of Ra is created' (King)
Kheperkheperure /xpr-xprw-ra/ (M) 'Everlasting are the Manifestations of Ra' (Ephraim אֶפְרָיִם, ) (Pernomen of Ay)
Kheperkheprureirymaat /xpr-xprw-ra-iry-mAat/ (M) 'Everlasting are the Manifestations of Ra'
Kheredankh /Xrd-anx/ (F) 'child of life'
kheruef /Xrw.f/ (M) (Steward to the Great Royal Wife Tiye)
Khet-Hr? /kht-Hr/ 'attendant of Horu/Horus'
Khety , Kheti /Xty/ (M) 'Divine ruler?' (King, treasurer, nomarch, vizier)
Khons , Khonsu /xnsw/ (M) 'Khansu'
Khonsuemheb /xnsw-m-Hb/ (M) 'Khonsu of in jubilation'
Khnem-ib-re /Xnm-ib-ra/ (M) 'He Who Embraces the Heart of Re Forever' (Niswt-Bity) (King)
Khnemt /Xnmw.t/ or /xnmt/ (F) 'She of Khnum' or 'Kiss'
Khnum-Aa /Xnmw-aA/ (F)
Khnumheswef /Xnmw-hsw.f?/ (M)
Khnumhotep , Khnumhotpe /Xnmw-Htp/ (M) 'divinity peace'
Khnum-Khufu ui /Xnmw xwi.f wi/ 'Khnum protects me'
Khnummose /Xnmw-ms/ (M) 'Child of Khnum'
Khnumnakht , Khnum-Nakht /Xnmw-nxt/ (M) 'Khnum is Strong/Victorious' (Priest, wab priest)
Khu /xw/ (M) 'protected'
Khufu /xw(i)fw(i)/, /xw.f-wj/ Kheops/Χέοψ (Greek), Cheops (Latin) (M) 'I am protected/He protects me ' (King)
Khuiefuy /xwi.f-wi/ /Ḫwj=f-wj/ 'He the protected one'
Khui /xwi/ (M)
Khuit /xwit/ (F) (Queen)
Khunanup/xw.n-inpw/ 'protection of Anpu' (M) (peasant)
Khu-en-Anpu /xw-n-inpw/ (in glyphs inpw-xw-n) 'protection of Anpu' M17-N35:Q3-Z7-E15-Aa1:D43-Z7-Y1-N35
Khyan /xyAn/ (M) Hyksos name of Seuserenre
Khouninpou /xw(w)-n-inpw/, /xw-n-inpw/ (M) 'Protection of Anpu/Anubis'
Kiya /kyiA/ (F)= (Wife to Akhenaten) 'Jovial Lady'? Some say her name means monkey from /k(A)y/
Ky /ky/ 'Monkey'
Kyky /ky-ky/ 'Monkey
KyrgypA / Gilukhipa/ Kilu-Hepa (F)
Maāia, Maia, Matia /mAaiA/ (F) (wet nurse)
Maaninakhtef /mAA-n.i-n-Axt.f/ 'See for me he is victorious?'
Maat-Hor /mAAt-Hr(w)/ (F) 'She who sees Horus ' (Queen title)
Maatkare / MAat-kA-ra/ (F) 'the righteousness of the Ka of Ra' (daughter of High Priest of Amun, Queen) 𓊹𓇼𓏏𓇳𓁦𓂓
Maatnefer, Maetnefert , Maatnoufer (F) /mAat-nfr/ (Wife of a tomb builder)
Maatre /mAat-ra/ (M) 'Ra is Just' (King)
Maaynakhtef (M)
Mahu , Mehu /mHw/ (M) 'northern?'
Mahy, Mehy /mHy/
Mahytenweskhet, Mehytenweskhet , Mehtenweskhet /mHy.t-n-wsx.t/ (F) 'The guardian for court' (daughter of the
High Priest of Re)
Maianuy (F) (Mery's wife, daughter of Tjay)
Maiherpri /mAi-rw-Hr-pri/ , /mAi-Hr-pri/ (M) 'lion of the battlefield' (Nubain Nobel) 𓌳𓄿𓇋𓃬𓁷𓏤𓉐𓂋𓇋𓆵𓈅𓏤
Maketaten /mAkt-itn/ (F) 'Protected by Aten' (Might be form of mkt protection) (Princess)
Makhu /mAxw/ (M) (District-commandant)
Ma'nakhtuf /mA-nxt-.f?/ (M)
Manenakhte (F)
Masaharta, Masaherta /mA-sA-Hr.T/ (M) '? ' 𓅁𓐠𓉔𓏤𓂋𓍿 (High Priest of Amun at Thebes)
Maya , may (M) (Treasurer , Chanter of Amun, High Priest of Amun)
Mayamenti /my-imnty?/ (F) 'Cat of Amenty?' (Maya's daughter)
Mayet , Miiut , Miit (F) 'the cat' (royal daughter)
Medhu (F)
Medjedu /mDd.w/ 'He who crushes (the enemies)'
Medunefer /mdw-nfr/ (M) 'beautiful words' (eye-physician)
Meketaten /makt itn/ (M) 'Behold the Aten' 𓇋𓏏𓈖𓇳𓐝𓂝𓎡𓏏𓁐 (daughter of Akhenaten)
Mekten (M)
Mekiremetjef /mki-rmT.f/ (M)
Men (M) (Sculptor in Chief)
Menes /mni/ Ménes/Μήνης (Greek), Manetho (Ptolomic) (M) 'He who endures'
Menet /mnt/ 'The constant' 𓏠𓈖𓏏 (Princess)
Menkauhor /mn-kAw-Hr/ Ikauhor , Hor-A-Kau, Mencherês, Menkaouhor , Mencherês/Μεγχερῆς (M) (King, Menkauhor Kaiu)
Menkaure , Menkura /mn-kAw-ra/ Mycerinus (Μυκερίνος (Greek) (Menkheres (Herodotus) (Mykerinos (Hellenized)
(M) 'His remains like Ra's' (King)
Menkheperure , Menkheprura /mn-xprw-ra/ (M) 'Established in forms is Ra' King
Menmaatre /mn-mAat-ra/ 'enduring righteousness of Ra' (M) mi-in-mu-a-ri-a (Min-mji-a-ri-a,
Nim-imi-a-a-ri-ia (Akkadian), minmuʔˤɘ'riˤɘ (1,000 BCE) (King)
Menna /mn-nA/ (F) (official, scribe)
Menna'a (M) (Scribe)
Mentuemḥent /mnTw-m-HAt/ (M) (comander of troops)
Mentuhotep , Montuhotep (more correct) Montjuḥotep /mn-Tw-Htp/ (M) 'Montu is content' (King, General)
Mentuhotep , Montuhotep /mn-Tw-Htp/ (M) 'Montu is content' 𓏠𓈖𓍿𓅱𓊵𓏏𓊪 (architect)
Mentuherkhepshef , Montuherkhopshef , Montuhirkhopshef /mnTw-Hr-xpS.f/ (M) 'Montu and his sword?'
𓏠𓈖𓍿𓁷𓄘𓆑𓀼 (Prince)
Merbiape /mr-biA-p/ (M) 'Beloved one of the brazen throne' (King)
Merab (M) (child of Ahura and Neferkaptah)
Merankhre /mr-anz-ra/ (M) 'He whose life is beloved by Ra' (King)
Meratum /mr-itm/ (M) 'beloved of Atum'
Merenptah /mr-n-ptH/ (M) 'Beloved of Ptah' 𓎛𓊪𓏏𓌸𓈖𓀀 (Prince)
Merenptah /mr-n-ptH/ from Ramesses-Siptah (M) 'Beloved of Ptah' 𓎛𓊪𓏏𓌸𓈖 (King)
Merenptah Hotephermaat /mr-n-ptH-Htp-Hr-mAat/ from Ramesses-Siptah (M) 'Beloved of Ptah, Joyous is Truth'
𓆄𓏏𓂝𓌶𓁷𓏤𓊵𓏏𓊪𓎛𓊪𓏏𓌸𓈖 (Son of Ra)(King)
Merenptah Hotephermaat /mr-n-ptH-Htp-Hr-mAat/ (M) 'Beloved of Ptah,
Ma'at is Pleased/Satisfied' 𓎛𓊪𓏏𓁦𓈘𓈖𓊵𓁷𓏤 (Son of Ra)(King)
Merenra , Merenre /mrnra/ (M) 'Beloved of Re' (King)
Mereri /mrri/ (M) 'beloved one' (Overseer of Priests)
Mereret, Meret /mrrt/ (F) 'the beloved one' 𓌸𓂋𓂋𓏏 (Princess)
Meresankh/ mr-s-anx/ (F) 'she loves life' (Queen) 𓌻𓂋𓋴𓋹
Meresamun /mr.s-imn/ (F) 'Amun Loves Her' (singer-priestes of Amun)𓌻𓂋𓊃𓈂
Meret /mrt/ (F) 'beloved' (peasant women)
Meretnebty /mrt-nbty/ (F) 'beloved of the two ladies/Wadjet and Nekhbet' (Queen)
Meretseger /mrt-sgr/ (F) 'She who loves silence' 𓌸𓋴𓎼𓂋𓀁 (Queen)
Meriamun /mri-imn/ (M) 'beloved of Amun' 𓇋𓏠𓈖𓌸 (King)
Merib /mr-ib/ (M) 'who's heart is beloved' (Prince)
Meribastet /mry-bAstt/ (M) 'Beloved by Bast' (Chief Steward of the Lord of the Two Lands, Prophet of Amun )
Merietes /mrit.s? / (F) 'She who is beloved?' (Priestess of Hathor)
Meriiti /mri-iti/ (M) 'Beloved of the father ' ( official , priest)
Merit /mrit/ (F) 'Beloved' (Chantress of Amun)
Merit /mrit/ (F) 'Beloved' 𓌸𓇋𓇋𓏏𓁐 (wife of a tomb builder)
Meritamen /mryt-imn/ (F) 'Beloved of Amun' 𓇋𓏠𓈖𓌸𓇋𓇋𓏏𓁐 (Princesses)
Meritamen, Meritamon , Meritamun /mrit-imn/ (F) 'Beloved of Amun' (daughter and later Great Royal Wife of Pharaoh
Ramesses the Great.) 𓇋𓏠𓈖𓌸𓇋𓇋𓏏
Meritaten/ mryt-itn/ (F) (Queen) 'She who is beloved of Aten' 𓇋𓏏𓈖𓇳𓈘𓏏𓇋𓇋
Meritaten-Tasherit /mry-itn-tASrt/ (F) 'She who is beloved of Aten, the younger'
Meryenptah /mry-n-ptH/ (M) 'Beloved of Ptah' 𓊪𓏏𓎛𓌸 (Nomen, Son of Ra) (King)
Merenptah Saptah /mry-n-ptH-sA-ptH/ 'Beloved of Ptah, Son of Ptaḥ' 𓆇𓏤𓊪𓏏𓎛, 𓊪𓏏𓎛𓆇𓏥 (Nomen, Son of Ra) (King)
Meritites, Merytytes, Mertiotes, Meretiotes, Mertyote /mry.t-it.s/ (F) 'Beloved of her father' (Queen) 𓌸𓇋𓏏𓇋𓏏𓆑𓊃
Merit , Meryt /mryt/ (F) 'Beloved'
Merit-Ptah /mrit-ptH/ (F) 'Beloved of the god Ptah' (Chief Physician) 𓊪𓏏𓎛𓌸𓇋𓇋𓏏𓁐
Meritmut , Merytmut /mryt-mwt/ (F) 'She who is beloved of Mut' (Queen)
Mereruka , Merrioka , Mereruy-Ka /mrr.wi kA/ (M) 'My Ka loves me' (minister under King Tete)
Mermose /mr-ms/ 'beloved child'
Merneith , Meritneith, Merit-nit /mr(t)-nit/ (F) 'Beloved of Neith/Nit' (Consort of the King possibly Queen)
Merneptah , Merenptah /mr-n-ptH/ (M) 'Beloved of Ptah' (Son of Ra) (King)
Merneptah-Hotephermaat , Merenptah-Hotephermaat /mr-n-ptH-Htp-Hr-mAat/ (M) 'Beloved of Ptah Joyous is
Truth' 𓆄𓏏𓂝𓌶𓁷𓏤𓊵𓏏𓊪𓎛𓊪𓏏𓌸𓈖 (Son of Ra) (King)
Mernezem /mr-nDm/ 𓈘𓈇𓏤𓇛𓅓 (M) (overseer of prophets of thge lords of UE)
Mernuterseteni (M) /stny-mr-ntr/ 'distinguish and beloved of God?' (son of Westptah )
Merptahmes /mr-ptH-imn/ Mer-Ptaḥ-Amounis (Greek) 'beloved of of Ptaḥ and Amun'
Mersi /mr.s?/ (F) 'She is loved?' (Queen)
Mersuyotef (servant)
Mersyankh /mr-sy-anx/ (F) 'she loves life' (Queen)
Mertityôtes /mrtt-yt.s/ (S) (King's Wife)
Meru (F) 'love'
Mery (M) 'love' (Son of Aniy)
Mery (M) 'love' 𓌸𓇋𓇋𓀼 (High Priest of Osiris )
Meryamun /mry-imn/ (M) 'beloved of Amun' 𓇋𓏠𓈖𓀭𓌸𓇋𓇋 (King)
Meryatum /mry-itm/ (M) 'beloved of Atum' (Offical)
Meryaten/ mry(t)-itn/ (F) 'beloved of Aten' (Queen)
Merybiapen /mr-biA-pn , mr.ij-bj3-pn / (M) 'Beloved one of the brazen throne ' (King)
Meryhathor, Meryhuthor (More accurate) /mry-Hwt-Hr/ 'the beloved of Hathor' (King)
Mery-Re, Mery-Rā /mry-ra/ (M) 'Beloved of Ra' (King, superintendent of the queen)
Meryt /mryt/ (F) 'beloved' (wife of Maya, wife of architect Kha)
Merytamun, Merytamun /mryt-imn/ (F) 'beloved of Amun' (Queen)
Merytre /mryt-ra/ (F) 'Beloved by ra' (Chief of the Harem of Amun)
Merytre , Merit-Ra /mryt-ra/ (F) 'Beloved by ra' 𓇳𓏤𓌻𓏏 (Horusname) (Queen)
Merytre-Hatshepsut /mrt-ra-HAt-Spswt/ 'Beloved of Ra First among the nobles' 𓇳𓌸𓇋𓇋𓏏𓄂𓏏𓀼 (Queen)
Merymaat , Merimaat, mrj-m3ˁt /mry-mAat , mri-mAat/ (M) 'Beloved of Ma'āt' 𓌸𓁦 (King ,Wab-Priest of Maat)
Merymery, Meryre /mry-mry/ 'beloved love' (M)
Merynebtauy, Merynebtawy /mry-nb-tAwy/ (M)
Meryneith /mry-nt/ (M) (steward, priest)
Merynetjeru /mry-nTrw/ (M) 'beloved of the Gods' (King)
Meryptah /mry-ptH/ (M) 'beloved of Ptaḥ' (High Priest of Amun)
Meryre , Meryra /mry-ra/ (M) 'beloved of Ra' (King)
Mery-Seshen /mry-Ssn/ 'beloved of the lotus' Merytre-Hatshepsut
Mery-Seti /mry-stHy/ 'beloved of Set' (M) (King)
Mes , Mose (More accurate) /ms/ 'child'
Mesedsure /msDi.sw-re/ 'Ra Hates him' (Accused man)
Mesehti /msHti/ (M) 'Crocodile'
Mesetnedjmet /mstnDmt/ (F) 'Sweet mother'
Mesutira , Mesutire /mstiw-ra/ (M) 'offspring of Ra' (King)
Menkheperre /mn-xpr-ra/ (M) 'Enduring is the apparition of Ra' (son of Pharaoh Pinedjem, Prince, High Priest of
Amun at Thebes) 𓇳𓏠𓆣
Menkheperreseneb /mn-xpr-ra-snb/ (M) 'Enduring is the apparition of Ra, is healthy' 𓇳𓏠𓆣𓋴𓈖𓃀 (high Priest of Amun)
Menpehtyre /mn-pHty-ra/ (M) 'Established by the strength of Ra' (Pharaoh)
Mezer /mDr/ (M) 'wall in (treasure)?' (King)
Mindjedef /mn-Dd.f/ (M) 'Enduring like Min ' (Prince)
Minhotep /min-Htp/ (M) 'Enduring peace' ( High Priest of Amun?)
Minkhet , Minkhat /min-xt/ (M) 'Enduring throughout'
Minmose /min-ms/ (M) 'Enduring child' (high priest of Anhur)
Minnakht /min-n-Axt/ 'Endurance of the blessed dead/horizon?' (Troop Commander)
Minuser /mnw-wsr/ (M) 'Enduring power'
Mose /ms/ (M) 'beloved' (Soldier)
Mutemhat /mwt-m-ht?/ (F) (daughter of High Priest of Amun)
Mutemopet /mwt-m-Ipet/ (F) 'Mut of the Opet festival'
Mutemwiya , Mutemwia, Mutemuya, Mutemweya /mwt-m-wiA/ (F) 'Mut in the divine bark' (minor wife of Thutmose IV, scribe wife )
Mutnedjmet , Mutnodjmet , Mutnudjmet (more accrue) /mwt-nDmt/ (F) 'She the Sweet One of Mut' (Great Wife of King Horemheb.) 𓏏𓅐𓇛𓐝𓏛𓏏
Mutnofret, Mutneferet, Mutnefert /mwt-nfrt/ (F) 'Mut is beautiful' (King's Daughter and King's Sister)
Mut-Tuya (F) 𓅐𓏏𓅱𓇋𓄿𓁗 (Queen)
Mut-udj-ankhes /mwt-wD-anx.s/ (F) 'Mut entrust/commands her life ' (Great royal Wife)
Naharin /nhrynA/ 'twin rivers'
Nahuher (M) (official of Maya's tomb)
Naiam // (from Memphis grandparent of Paser)
Nakht /nxt/ (M) 'victorious' (scribe and astronomer of Amun, priest)
Nakht-Ankh /nxt-anx/ (M) 'victorious of life' (priest)
Nakhtdjehuty , Nakht-Thuty /nxt-DHwty/ (M) 'Djehuty/Thoth is victorious' (overseer of the carpenters of the northern
lake of the god Amun)
Nakhthorheb /nxt-Hr-Hb/ (M) 'Horus rejoices in strength'
Nakhtamun (M) /nxt-imn/ 'Amun is victorious' (Sculptor)
Nakhtasetiru /nxt-ist-ti-rw ?/ (F) 'Auset/Isis is strong/victorious towards them' Ni-iḫ-ti(-e)-ša-ra-u (Akkadian)
Nakhteftaneb (M) (Son of a tomb builder)
Nakhti /nxt.i / (M) 'I am strong'
Nakhtmin , Minnakht /nxt-min/ (M) 'Min is victorious' (scribe, troop commander)
nekhetnebef, nakht-neb.ef /nḫt-nb.f/, Nektanabis/Νεκτάναβις (Greek), Nectanabis (Latin) (M)
'strong/victorious one of his lord' (King)
Nakhtneith , Nakht-Neith /nxt-nit / (M) 'strong is Neith' (Queen)
Nakhtsobk /nxt-sbk/ (M) 'Sobek is strong'
Nakhy /nAxy/ (M) 𓈖𓄿𓐍𓏭 (High Priest of Ptah)
Nanesbastet /na-n.s-bAstt/ (F) 'her tongue of Bastet' (Husband official)
Naneferkaptah/ na-nfr-ka-ptH/ (M) 'the beautiful soul/ Ka of Ptah' (Scribe, Prince)
Nanefersobek /nA-nfr-sbk/ 'sobek is good' (Demotic)
Naneferibptah /nA-nfr-ib-ptH/ 'the heart of Ptah is good'
Nanefermenibptah /nA-nfr-min-ib-ptH/ 'The heart of Ptah is good and enduring'
Narmer /nar-mr / (M) 'Fierce catfish' (King)
Nastasen /nis-tA-sn?/ (M) (Kushite King)
Natakamani Nubain comes from the name Amun (M)
Nau-nakht , Naunakht , Naunakhte (F) (Citizen)
Nauny/ Nany 𓈖𓄿𓏥𓈖𓏭𓇋𓇋𓁐
Nayfaurud / nAy.f-aAw-rwD 𓈖𓄿𓇋𓇋𓆑𓉻𓏲𓌗𓏥 "his greatness is prospering" (M)
Nebamun (M) 'My Lord is Amun' (Vizier, Scribe and grain accountant)
Nebamentet /nb-imntt/ (M) 'Lord of the West'
Nebankh /nb-anx/ (M) 'lord of life' (Royal seal keeper and high steward)
Nebenmaat /nb-n-mAat/ (M) 'lord of truth'
Nebemakhet /nb-m-Axt/ (M) 'Lord at the Horizon' (prince, vizier)
Nebet /nbt/ (F) 'lady' (Queen)
Nebetah /nbt-aH/ 'Lady of the place' (F) (younger sister of Akhenaten, daughters of Amenhotep III)
Nebetiunet /nbt-iwnt / (F) 'Lady of Dendera' 'Title given to Hathor' (princess)
Nebetnehat (F) 'Lady of the sycamore tree'
Nebethetpet (M)
Nebetka /nbkA/ 'lady of the soul' (F)
Nebetta , Nebta /nbt-tA/ (F) 'Lady of the land' (princess)
Nebhepertra /nbHptra/ (M)
Nebḥotep /Nubhotep /nb-Htp/ (F) 'Lord of Peace'
Nebiriau , Nebiryraw, Nebiryerawet /nb-iry-ra-w , ra-nb-iry-(r)-Aw(t)/ (M) 'Ra is the possessor of all' (Theban King)
Nebkauhor /nb-kAw-Hr/ (M) 'Master of the souls is Horu/Horus' (King)
Nebkhau /nbw-xaw/ (M) 'Lord of appearances' (Horus name of Sahure, King)
Nebkhau /nb-xa-w/ (M) 'Lord of apparitions' alt 'Lord of appearing' (King)
Nebkheperre Intef (M)
Nebkheperure /nb-xpr-ra/ (M) 'Lord of the forms of Re' (King)
Nebmaatra , Nebmaatre /nb-mAat-ra/ (M) 'Lord of truth is Re' Ni-ib-mu-wa-ri-ia, Ni-ib-mu-a-ri-ia, Ni-im-mii-u-ri-ia,
Mi-im-mu-u-ri-ia, Im-niu-u-ri-an, Nam-mu-ri-ia, Ni-im-nu-u-ri-i (Akkadian), Nibmuria (King)
Nebmeḥyt , Nebmehyt /nb-mHyt/ 'Lord of the north winds' Ni-im-ma-ḫe-e (Akkadian), (King)
Nebmerutef /nb-mrw-tf/ (M) 'Lord of Merou?
Nebneḥshi /nb-nHsy/ (M) 'lord of the Nubians'
Neb-nen /Nubnen /nb-nn/ (M) 'They the lord?' (noble)
Nebneteru /nb-nTrw/ (M) ' lord of the gods' (Vizier)
Nebnofer , Nebnefer /nbnfr/ (M) 'beautiful lord'
Nebpehti /nb-pHty/ (M) 'Lord of strength, power' (Chamberlain)
Nebpehtire /nb-pHty-ra/ (M) 'The Lord of Strength is Re' 𓇳𓎟𓄇𓏏𓏏 (King)
Nebsenedjaashefit /nb-snD-aA-Sf.t/ (M) 𓎟𓅾𓉻𓆑𓄆 (Golden Horus) (King)
Nebtawy /nb(t)-tAwy/ (F) 'Lord?(Lady?) of the two lands' (Roy's wife)
Nebtawire /nb-tAwy-ra/ (M) 'Ra the lord of the two lands' (King)
Nebty-tepites /nbti-tp-it.s/ (F) 'The two crowns on the head of her father' (Princess)
Nebumḥeat / Nubemhat /nbw-mHAt/ (F) 'Gold is at the front' (Queen)
Nebusemekh (M) (overseer of the treasuries and military official)
Nebu-usir-rā /Nubwoserre /nbw-wsr-ra/ (M) 'Ra is the golden ruler' (King)
Nebwenenef (M) /nb-wnn.f/ 'Lord of what exist for him?'' (High Priest of Amun, Anhur and Hathor)
Nehri /n-Hri/ (M) (local governor)
Necho, Nekau (Greek Nekhos/Νεχώς or Nekho/Νεχώ) /n-kA.w/ (M) 'for/of 'belongs' to the bulls' (King)
Nectanebo , Nakhthor(en)hebit /nxt-Hr-(n)-Hbyt/ 'Strong is Horus of Hebit' (King)
Nedjeftet /nDf-tt/ (F) 'image of the town Nedjef?' (Queen)
Nedjem /nDm/ (M) 'Sweet' (Prince)
Nedjemib /nDm-ib/ (M) 'sweet of heart' (Princess)
Neḥshi /nHsy/ (M) 'Nubian' 𓌙𓋴𓏭𓀀 (worker)
Nodjmet /nDmt/ (F) 'She is sweet' (Sister of Aniy, Royal women, wife, mother)
Nodjmet, Nedjmet, Notmit /nDmt/ (F) 'She is sweet' 𓇛𓅓𓏛𓏏𓁗 (Nobel women)
Nefer, Noufr (more accurate) /nfr/ (M) Nouphis (Greek), 'beautiful' 'handsome' (Supervisor of Artisans, Director of Choir Singers)
Nefer-iah (M) 'Beautiful if the Moon'
Neferdjahor , Nefersahor /nfr-sA-Hr/ (Perfect is the protection of Horus)
Neferemsenut /nfr-ms-nwt/ (M) 'Beautiful child of Nut'
Neferenii /nfr-n-iy/ (M) (archer)
Nefere /nfr-ra/ (M) 'perfection of ra' (king)
Neferefre , Raneferef /nfr.f-ra/ (M) 'Re is his beauty' (King)
Neferet , Nefert , Nofret /nfrt/ , /nfr-t/ (F) 'beautiful' (Royalty)
Neferthenut /nfrt-Hnwt/ (F) 'beautiful lady' 𓄤𓏏𓎛𓏌𓏏 (Wife of Senusret III)
Neferetempet (more correct) Noufretempet /nfrt-m-pt/ (F) 'Beauty in Heaven'
Neferhebef /nfr-Hb.f / (M) 'He of the beautiful festival' (scribe)
Neferhotep , Neferhotpe /nfr-Htp/ more accurately pronounced Noufr-ḥotep (M) 'beautiful in peace' 𓄤𓊵𓏏𓊪 (Priest of Amun)
Neferhotepes, Neferhetepes /nfr-Htp.s/ (F) 'Her peace is beautiful' (Princess)
Neferibre /nfr-ib-ra/ 'Beautiful (is the) Heart (of) Re' (Niswt-Bity) (King)
Neferirkara , Neferirkare , Neferkare , Neferirkere /nfr-ir(w)-kA-ra/, /nfr-yr-ka-ra?/ Nefercherês/ Νεφερχέρης (Greek)
(M) 'Beautiful/Perfect is the Ka of Ra' (King)
Neferkau /nfr-kAw/ (F) (Royalty)
Neferkaptah/ nfr-kA-ptH/ (M) 'the beautiful soul/ Ka of Ptah' (Scribe, Prince)
Neferkara /nfr-kA-ra/ (M) 'beautiful is the ka of Ra'
Neferkheprr , Neferkheper , /nfr-xpr/ (M) 'Beautiful of forms'
Neferkhepruri /nfr-xprw-ri/ 'Beauty of Kheperi' Nepherkheres/Νεφερχερης (Greek), na-ap-ḫu-ru-ri-ia / nap-ḫur-i-ri-ia /
nam-ḫur-ri-ia (Akkadian)
Neferma'āt , Nefermaat , Nefermaet /nfr-mAat/ (F) 'Beautiful Ma'at' (Queen)
Nefermaat /nfr-mAat/ (M) 'justice is beautiful' 𓄤𓌶𓏏 (Prince , vizier , prophet of Bastet)
Nefermaatre/ nfr-mAat-ra / (M) 'Beautiful righteousness Ra'
Nefermaat /nfr-mAat/ 'Beautiful Ma'at' (Royalty, Vizier of Khafra)
Neferneferuaten/nfr-nfrw-itn/ (F) 'Most beautiful one of Aten' 𓇋𓏏𓈖𓇳𓄤𓄤𓄤𓄤 (Nomen, Son of Ra) (Queen)
Neferneferuaten-mery-Neferkheperure/ nfr-nfrw-itn-mry-nfr-xprw-ra (F) 'most beautiful of Aten, beloved, beautiful
form of Ra' (Queen)
Neferneferuaten-mery-uā-en-Rā /nfr-nfrw-mry-wa-n-ra/ (F) 'most beautiful of Aten, beloved, one of Ra' (Queen)
Nfr-s-Ab /nefer-s-Ab/ (F) ''
Nefert /nfr.t/ Νοφερετ (F) 'beautiful'
Nefertem /nfr-tm/ (M) 'Beautiful Tem' (God)
Nefertiti/ nfrt-ii-ti (F) 'Beautiful one has come' nafratíta>naftíta (Akkadian) (Greta royal wife)
Nefertari , Nofret-iry /nfrt-iri/ (F) 'Beautiful companion' Na-ap-te-ra (Akkadian) (one of the principal wives of Ramesses the
Great, royalty) 𓄤𓇋𓏏𓂋𓏭
Nefertkau /nfr.t kau/ (M) 'She beautiful of the souls' (Princess)
Neferu , Nouferu /nfrw/ 𓄤𓄤𓄤 (M, F) 'Beautiful' (King, Queen)
Neferubity , Nefrubity /nfrw-bity/ (F) ' The Beauty of Lower Egypt' 𓆤𓄤𓄤𓄤 (Princess)
Neferure, Nfrw-Rꜥ /nfrw-ra/ , Noufrurā (more correct) (F) 'Beauty of Ra' 𓇳𓄤𓄤𓄤 (Queen)
Nefruptah, Neferuptah /nfrw-ptH/ (F) 'beauty of Ptaḥ' 𓊪𓏏𓎛𓄤𓄤𓄤 (Daughter of Amenemhat III)
Nehi /nHy/ (M) 'Pray for, wish' (Viceroy of Kush)
Nehmes Bastet /n-Hm.s bAstt?/ 'dwel with in Bastet?' (F) (chantress of Amun)
Neith /nt/ (F) 'Nit/Neith (Goddess)' (Queen)
Neithhotep , Neith-hotep /nt-ḥtp/ (M, F) 'Nit/Neith is merciful' (wife of Narmer)
Neitiqerty (F) (King)
Nehmes /nHm.s?/ (F) 'She who is cheering/blessing?' (Singer)
Nehytweret /nhyt-wrt/ 'the geart sycomore'
Nekau /n-kAw/ 'for the souls' Nekhō , Nekhōs Νεχώς (M) (King)
Nekennebti (M)
Nekhbet /nxbt/ (F) 'she of Nekhen'
Nekhen /nxn/ (M) 'The youth?' (Chief inspector of priests of Horu/Horus)
Nekhetausetiru /nxt-As(t)-irw/ 'Auset/Isis is strong towards them' Ni-iḫ-ti(-e)-ša-ra-u (alt pronunciation) (F)
Nekonekh (M) (revered by great god)
Nekure /ra-n-kaw/ (M) (King's son)
Nemseti (M) (who successor Nes-hor-pakhered)
Nemti /nmti/ (M)
Nemtiemsef / nmti-m-sA.f/ "Nemty is his protection 𓅇𓅓𓎃𓆑
Nemaatra /n-mAat-ra/
Nemaathap , Nemathap /n-mAat-Hap/ (F) (Princess)
Newesirra , Nuserre /n-wsr-ra/ 'Strong of Ra'
Nemtyemsaf /nmty-m-sA.f/ (M) 'Nemty is his protection' (King)
Nenekhsekhmet /sxmt-n-anx/ (M) 'Power/Sekhmet? of life' (Chief Physician)
Nesbanebdjed; Smendes, Smendis (Hellenized) /nsw-bA-nb-Dd(t)/ (M) 'He of the Ba ram, lord of
Mendes' (Governed, King, High Priest of Amun at Thebes)𓄓𓈖𓃝𓊽𓊽
Neshorpakhered /ns-Hr-pA-Xrd/ (M) 'tongue (speech) of Horu/Horus the child'
Nesitanebetashru /ns-tA-nb.t-ỉSrw/ (F) 'belonging to the lady of the ashru' (High Priest of Amun)𓈖𓄓𓊃𓏭𓏛𓏏𓄿𓎟𓏏𓇋𓈙𓂋𓃭𓏭
Neskhons , Nsikhonsou /ns-xnsw/ (F) 'belongs to Khonsu' (Noble Lady) 𓄓𓊃𓐍𓈖𓇓
Nespachered /ns-pA-Xrd/ (M) 'the mouth of the child' (King)
Nesmin /ns-min/ (M) 'tongue of Min' (priest of Min)
Nesy (M) (fourth priest of Amun)
Nesyamun/ nsy-imn/ (F) 'she belongs to Amun' (Priestess)
Nesyamun , Nesamun /ns.y-imn / (M) 'tongue of Amun' (priest, incense-bearer and scribe, Prophet of Amun)
Netjer , Nefer Nuter /nTr/ (M) 'God'
Netjerkara , Netjerkare, Noutjerkara (more accurare), /nTr-kA-ra/ (M) 'Divine is the ka of Ra' (prenome) (King)
Netjerkheperu /nTr-xprw/ (M) 'divine form' (Horus) (King)
Netjermesut /nTr-mswt/ (M) 'divine of birth' 𓊹𓄟𓅱𓏏 (The two ladies) (King)
Netjerkheperre , Neterkheperre /nTr-xpr-ra/ (M) 'Divine is the manifestation of Ra' (King)
Netjerkhet /nTrXt/ (M)
Netjerikhaw /nTr.(i)-xAw/ (M) 'Divine of apparitions' (King)
Netjernakht (M) (father of governor Khnumhotep II)
Netjeruser /nTr-wsr/ (M) 'He whose strength is divine' (King)
Niankhkhnum /ni-anx-xnm/ (M)
Nikau /n-kA.w/ (M) 'for/of belongs to the bulls', ne̞/əχo̞h/נְכֹה (Hebrew), Νεκώ(ς), Νεχαώ (Greek) (King)
Nikauptah (M) (High Priest of Ptah)
Nikaure /n(i)-kAw-ra/ (M) 'The Ka of Re-associated forces' (prince, vizier)
Nimaathap /ni-mAAt-Hp/ 'Truth of happy'(Queen)
Nimaatre /Ni-mAat-ra/ (M) 'belongs to the righteousness of Ra?' (King)
Nimlot /n(w)-mr.T/ (M) 'Of her love?' (High Priest of Amun at Thebes)
Ninefertmin /ni-nfrt-min/ (M) 'belongs to the beauty of enduring' (Royal)
NisAuset /nis-Ast/ 'summon/invoke Auste/Isis'
Neitiqerty , Nitȧqerti /nit-iqrti/ 'Neith/Nit is excellent' 𓈖𓏏𓏯𓇋𓈎𓂋𓏏𓏭𓅆 (nomen, Son of Ra) (King)
Nitiyt /nit-iyt/ 'Neith has come' (F)
Nitiqreti /nt-ỉqrty/ (M) (last King of Egypt ?)
Nitocris, Nitokris, Nitiqret, Nitocret /nt-iqrt(y)/ Nitocris /Νίτωκρις, (Herodotus) (F) 'Neith is perfection' 𓈖𓏏𓏯𓇋𓈎𓂋𓏏𓏭𓅆 (Queen)
Niuserre , Nyuserre , Neuserre /n.wsr ra / Rathurês/´Ραθούρης (Greek) (M) 'who belongs to the power of Ra' (King)
Nodjemet /nDm.t/ (F) 'sweet lady' (wife of High Priest of Amun, Noble lady)
Nodjemmut /nDm-mwt/ (F) 'sweet Mut'
Nofret-iry /nfrt-iri/ (F) 'Beautiful thereof' (Queen)
Nofretkau /nfrt-kAw/ (F) 'Beautiful of the souls'
Nonekhsesi /n-anx-ssy/ , /N-Ꜥnḫ-śśy/ 'of the life of wall paintings?' (Scribe of the King's records)
Nubḥotepti , Nubhetepti /nwb-Htp-ti/
Nubkaura-Khered /nbw-kAw-ra-Xrd/ (M) 'The gold(Hathor) is content, the little one' 𓋞𓊵𓏏𓊪𓍘𓄡𓂋𓂧 (King's daughter)
Nubkhesbed /nwb-xsbd/ (F) 'Gold and lapis' (Queen)
Nubkheperre /nbw-xpr-ra/ (M) 'The golden apparition of Ra' (King)
Nubwenet , Nebuunet /nbw-wnt/ (F) 'She the golden rabbit' (Queen)
Nwi /nwi?/ (M) (old Kingdom) (His titles “chief of the great state,” “the overseer of the new settlements” “the purifier
of King Khafre.”)
Nynebu /ni-nbw/ 'He who belong to the golden one'
Onuris /in-Hrt/ (M) 'Onuris (The god)'
Onurisērēf /in-Hrt-iri.f/ (M) 'Onuris (The god) is his companion'
P-aa , Paa /pA-aA/ (M) 'The great'
Paakhem, Paākhom (more accurare) /pA-aXm/, pẖome /paẖum/𐦧𐦮𐦣𐦨𐦡, pẖeme /paẖəm/𐦧𐦮𐦡𐦨𐦡 (Merotic) ; pahōm/ⲡⲁϩⲱⲙ (S),
paxōm/ⲡⲁϧⲱⲙ (B) (Coptic); Pakhoumis/Παχουμις (Greek), (M) 'The falcon-image'
Pa-akhet /pA-Axt/ , Paches Pakhes/Παχης (Greek), Pakhē/ⲡⲁⲭⲏ (Coptic) (M) 'The horizon'
Pa-ankh-entef /pA-anx-ntf/ (M) 'This life belongs to him'
Paam /pA-aAm/ (M) ' The Asiatic' (Slave)
Paanmeni , Pa-an-meni /pA-an-min/ (M) 'the beautiful one' (priest and senior physician)
Paaust /pA-Ast/, /pA-ist/, Paesis /Παησις (Greek), Paēsə/ⲡⲁⲏⲥⲉ (Coptic) (M) 'The one of the Auset/Isis'
Paatenemheb /pA-itn-m-Hb/ (M) 'The festival of Aton' (King)
Pabasa (Chief steward to God's wife of Amun)
Padianpu /pA-di-inpw/ Peteanoupis/ Πετανουβις (Greek) (M) 'The giving of Anpu/Anubis'
Padiamenet /pA-di-imnt/ (M) 'The giving of Amunet ' (Chief Doorkeeper of the temple of Ra; Chief Barber of the temple
of Ra and Amun)
Padibastet /pA-di-bAstt/ Petobastis/Πετοβαστις (Greek) , Patoubastə/ⲡⲁⲧⲟⲩⲃⲁⲥⲧⲉ (Coptic) 'Bastet the giver'
Padiese , Petisis, Padiauset /pA-di-Aset/ /pAdjAst / 'this give to Isis' (F)
Padihorresnet /pA-di-Hr-rs-nt/ 'the giving of Horu/Hours of the south' (chief steward of Amun)
Padamen , Pa-di-Imen /pA-di-imn/ (M) (Known for the tomb with the Saqqara Bird)
Pageti (Princess)
Paherneptah (M)
Pahemnetjer /pA-Hm-nTr/ (M) 'servant of god', 'priest' 𓅮𓄿𓍛𓊹 (High Priests of Ptah)
Pahōr /ⲡⲁϩⲱⲣ 'Belongs to Hor' (M)
Pahusmeset, Pa-hws-mst (M) (Overseer of the Treasury)
Pairy /pa-iry/ Phaeris/Φαηρις (Greek), Paēr /ⲡⲁⲏⲣ (Coptic) (M) 'The Companion' (vizier, Scribe)
Pajabdju /pAy-AbDw/ (M) 'The Abydos' (Slave)
Pakharu /pA-XArw/ (M) (Priests of Amun)
Pamedjai / pA-mDAy/ (M) 'The Nubian' (Slave)
Pami /pA-my/ (M) 'The cat' 𓅮𓏇𓇋𓇋 (King)
Pami meryamun /pA-my-mry-imn/ (M) 'The cat, beloved of Amun' 𓇋𓏠𓈖𓈘𓅮𓏇𓇋𓇋 (King)
Pa-neb , Paneb /pA-nb/ (M) 'The lord'
Panehesy , Panehsy , Pinhasy /pA-nHsy/ (M) 'The Nubian' (Vizier , Chief servitor of the Aten in the temple of
Aten in Akhetaten')
Panuris (M)
Parahni /pArhny/ (Son of Aniy)
Pasenhor /Hr-pA-sn/ (M) 'The son of Horu/Horus ' (Priest of Ptah and Prophet of Neith)
Paser /pA-sr/ (M) 'This Noblemen'? (Viceroy of Kush , vizier, High Priest of Amun)
Pashed /pA-Sd?/ (M)
Pashedu /pA-Sdw/ (M) 𓅮𓄿𓄞𓂧𓍢𓂡 (artisan)
Pashedbast /pA-Sd-bAst/ (M) 'This reciting of Bast?' (Prince)
Pasherienamun /pA-Sry-n-imn/ (M) 'The Son of Amun' (High Priest of Amun)
Pasherienptah /pA-Sry-n-ptH/ (M) 'The Son of Ptah' (High Priest of Ptaḥ)
Patynis /pa-tn/ (M)
Pareherwenemef /Pa-ra-Hr-wnm.f/ 'Re is with his left arm' 𓅮𓇳𓏤𓁷𓏤𓂝𓆑𓀼 (Prince)
Parahotep /pA-ra-Htp/ Rahotep, Parahotep (M) 'The peace of Ra' (Vizier)
Parennefer /pr-n-nfr/ (M) 'house of beauty' (High Priest of Amun)
Pa-wab, P-wab /pA-wab/, puabis/Πυεβις (Greek) (M) 'The pure one'
Pawura , Pauru, Piwure, Puuru/Puwuru /pA-wr/ 'the Great One' (archer–commander)
Pasy (M?) (possibly Greek influenced)
Payeftjauemawyneith , Peftuaneith (M) (high official, physician)
Payni (M?) (possibly Greek influenced)
pAy-pA-nTr, pꜣy-pꜣ-nṯr, papnoute /ⲡⲁⲡⲛⲟⲩⲧⲉ (Coptic) , Paphnutius/ Παφνούτιος (Greek), Babnouda (Arabic),
Pafnuty/Пафнутий (Russian) (M) "belonging to God" , "he of God"
Pebatjma , Pebatma /pbATmA/ (Queen) (Nubian)
Pedebastet , Pede-Bastet /pd-bAstt / 'Wise one of Bast'
Pedi - Hor - Min / Peteharmotes/Πε𝜏εαρμώ𝜏ης /pA-dj-Hr-mtn , Padjhrmtn, / 𓊪𓂞𓅃𓉎 (M) (Priest)
Pedubast , Padibastet, Pedubastis /pA-di-BAstt/ 'The gift of Bastet' (UE King)
Penamun , Pen-Amun (M) (Master of sculptors)
Penbuy , Penbui /pn-bwy/ (M) 'He of the plave' (Ancient Egyptian artisan)
Pen-dua , Pendua /pn-dwA/ (M) 'He of the prayer'
Penebui / p-nbwy / (M) 'Seat of the Two Lords' (Queen)
Peniati /pn-iAti/ (M) 'he of the mound?' (overseer of works)
Penmaat /pn-mAat/ 'he of Ma'at'
Penmernabu (M) (Worker at village)
Pennekhbet , Pen-Nekhbet /pn-nxbt/ (M) 'He of Nekhbet (goddess)'
Pennesuttawy , Pennestawy /pn-nsw-tAwy/ (M) 'He of the King of the two lands' (Military Commander and Superintendent
of the Southern Lands (Kush)
Penrenu /pn-rnw/ (M) 'He of the names'
Pentawer , Pentawere, Pentaweret /pn-tA-wr/ (M) 'he of the great' (prince, son of Ramesses III, help murder
him) 𓊪𓈖𓏏𓄿𓅨𓂋𓏯
Pentware /pA-nt-war/ (M) 'The fugitive' (Accused)
Penthu, Pentju /pn-T-w/ (Seal bearer, Chief Physician)
Pentu , Pentju (Vizier)
Pepi /ppy/ (M) (King)
Pepinakht /ppy-nxt/ (M) 'Pepi is strong' (officer)
Peribsen , Perabsen /pr-ib-sn / (M) 'house of brothers heart' (monarch)
Perenmaat , Pereenmaat , Perenma'at /pr-n-mAat/ 'house of Ma'āt' (M)
Persenet /pr-snt/ 'House of senet?'
Peseshet /psSt/ (F) (Physician)
Petamenopet (M) (Prophet of Amun)
Petubasti /pA-tw-bAst?/
Phanesis /pA-n-As.t/
Piankh , Payankh /pA-anx/ (M) 'The life' (High Priest of Amun) 𓅮𓋹𓁐
Piay /pyiAy?/ (M) (sculptor of Rameses, Son of Aniy)
Pimay /pA-mAi/ (M) 'The lion' (Prince)
Pinedjem /pA-nDm/ (M) 'the sweet' (High Priest of Amun at Thebes)𓅮𓏭𓇛
Pinedjem Meriamun /pAy-nDm-my-imn/ 𓇋𓏠𓈖𓌸𓅮𓏭𓇛
Pinotmou , Pinot'mou (M)
Piye, Piy, /py/ (M) 𓊪𓇋𓇋 (Kushite king)
Prahotpe (M)
Pramessu (M)
Prehotep (M) /pA-ra-Htp/ 'The sun god in peace?' (Vizier, High Priest of Ptah)
Preherwenemef (M)
Psamtik, Psamtek, Psamtjek /psmtk/ , /psmTk/ (Greek Ψαμμήτιχος, Psammeticus, Psammetichus, Psammḗtikho) (M)
'Mixed wine seller?' 𓊪𓋴𓅓𓍿𓎡 (Sa Ra) (King)
Psamtikseneb /psmTk-snb/ '(King) Psamtik is healthy'
Psemmut (M)
Pasabkhaennisut, Psusennes /pA-sbA-xa(i)-n-niwt / Pasebkhanut , Psiousénnes /Ψουσέννης (M)
'The Star Appearing in the City' (King)
Pasabkhaennisut, Psusennes, Ψουσέννης /pA-sbA-xa(i)-n-niwt /(M) 'The Star Appearing in the City' 𓅮𓇼𓈍𓈖𓊖
(High preist of Amun)
Pasebakhaenniut Meriamun /pA-sbA-xa(i)-n-niwt mry-imn / "The star who appears in the city [of Thebes],
beloved of Amun" (King)
Psenosiris (M)
Ptahāah (M) /ptH-aA/ 'Ptah is great'
Ptahānkh (M) /ptH-anx/ 'Ptah is alive'
Ptahherdis , Ptah-Herdis /ptH-r-di.s/ (M) 'Ptah gives to him'
Ptahhotep /ptH-Htp/ (M) 'Ptah is satisfied'
Ptahirseankh /ptH-ir-sanx/ 'Ptaḥ make live?'
Ptahemdjehuty /ptH-m-DHwty/ (M) 'Ptah with Thoth?' (Scribe)
Ptahemheb /ptH-m-Hb/ (M) 'Ptaḥ of the festival' (magnate of the seal in the treasury of the Estate of Amun)
Ptahemwiya /ptH-m-wiA/ (M) "Ptaḥ of the sacred barque"(scribe)
Ptahnoufrsudjem /ptH-nfr-sDm/ 'Ptaḥ perfect of hearing'
Ptahmos , Ptahmose /ptH-ms/ (M) 'Born of Ptah ' (High Priest of Ptaḥ , Vizier)
Ptahneferkhu /ptH-nfr-xw/ (M) 'Ptah beautiful protection'
Ptahsedjem /ptH-sDm/ , Ptahsytmis (Greek) (M) 'Ptah hears'
Ptahshepses , Ptah-Shepses /ptH-Spss / (M)
Ptahwer /ptH-wr/ 'Great Ptah' (Overseer of Seal makers)
Puimre, Puyemrê /pwi m ra/ (M) (Second Priest of Amun)
Qa'a /qa/ (M) 'Raised arm ' (King)
Qait /qAit/ (M)
Qar (doctor)
Qaneith , Qa'-Neith /qAi-nt/ (F) 'Neith is sublime' (Queen)
Qebu /qbw/ (M) 'the pouring of libations'
Qen /qn/ (M) 𓈎𓈖𓂡 (Royal tomb builder)
Qenhirkhopeshef , Qenhirkhopshef (M) 'qn-Hr-xpS.f/ (M) 'brave man upon his strength' (Scribe)
Qenna (M)
Qenpakheqa /qn-pA-HqA/ (M) 'Brave man the ruler' (Slave)
Rahotep /ra-Htp/ (M) 'Ra is satisfied ' (King)
Rai /rai/ (F)
Rainet /rA-int/ (F) 'mouth of the valley'
Rames , Ramose /ra-ms/ (M) 'Born of Ra' 𓇳𓏤𓄟𓋴 (Prince , scribe, Senior scribe)
Ramessesnakht , Ramsesnakht / ra-ms-s-nxt/ (M) (High Priest of Amun)
Ramesses /ra-ms-s/, Ra'mses/ רַעְמְסֵס, Rhaméssēs/Ῥαμέσσης , Rhaméstēs/Ῥαμέστης (Ancient Greek),
(M) 'Ra the one who gave birth to him' 𓇳𓄟𓇓
Ramesses /ra-ms-s/ /ra-ms-sw/ (M)+ 'Ra the one who gave birth to him' 𓇳𓏤𓄟𓋴𓋴𓀼 , 𓇳𓏤𓄟𓋴𓊃𓀼, 𓇳𓏤𓄟𓋴𓇓𓀽
Ramesses, Ra-messes /ra-ms-sw/ (M) 'Ra the one who gave birth to him 𓇳𓄟𓋴𓇓𓅱 (Nomen, Son of Ra) (King)
RamessesMeryAmunII /ra-ms-sw-mry-imn/ (full) (M) 'Ra the one who gave birth to him' 𓇋𓏠𓈖𓈘𓇳𓏤𓄟𓋴𓇓 (Nomen, Son
of Ra) (King)
Ramesisu Heqaiunu, RamesseIII /ra-msi-sw-HqA-imnw/ (full) (M) 'Ra the one who gave birth to him' 𓁚𓄟𓊃𓊃𓋾𓈎𓉺
(Nomen, Son of Ra) (King)
Ramesses-Meryamun-Nebweben /ra-ms-sw-mry-imn/
Raneferu /ra-nfrw/ 'Beauties of ra' (F) (Queen, Prince from Bekhten's daughter)
Rau (F)
Raweben (more correct) Rāuben /ra-wbn/ (M) 'Ra rises' (son of the sculptor of the Place of Truth)
Rededjet , Ruddedet /rdDt/ (M) '
Rekhamun /rx-imn/ (M) (Faience maker/glass maker)
Rekhmire (more correct) Rekhmērā /rx-mi-ra/ 'Wise like Ra' (M) (noble and official, Governor of the Town, Priest of Annu, Vizier)
Rekhetre /rxt-ra/ (F) 'Wise women of Ra' (Queen)
Rekh-neswt /rx-nswt/ (M) 'Confidant of the king' (Scribe)
Renefankh /rn.f-anx?/ (F) 'his name of life'
Reneni /rnni/ (M) 'name belongs to?' (Scribe)
Reni /rni/ (M) 'my name' (scribe)
Reniseneb, Reni-seneb, Renyseneb /Rn(=j-)snb, rn.i-snb / (M) 𓋴𓈖𓃀𓌬𓏥𓂋𓈖𓆰 (Scribe)
Renmet-Setesh /rnmt-stS/ (F) 'She who carries Seth ' (Queen title)
Remen-Horu / Rmn- Ḥr.(w)/ (F) 'she who carries Horus' (Queen title)
Resseneb /rs-sn-nb?/ (M)
Rewedzawes (F)
Roma/ r(A)-ma/ (Roma-Roi) (M) 'True of mouth ?' (high priest of Amun)
Roma, Roy , Roi /rAy/ (Roma-Roi) (M) 'uttering? ' (Royal Scribe, high priest of Amun)
Roma, Roy , Roi /rma-mAat-xrw-Dd.f rAy/ (Roma-Roi) (M) 'Roma - true of voice - called Roy ' (Royal Scribe,
high priest of Amun)
Rudamun / rwD-imn/ "Amun is firm"or Amun succeeds" (M)
Rudet (F)
Rudidit (F)
Rui (M) (High of Amun)
Ruru/rwrw/ (M) (King)
Ruty (M)
Saaiunu /s-aA-iwnw/ from Ramesses-Siptah (M) 'Made great in Heliopolis' (King)
Sabef /sAb.f/ (M) 'He of the dappled Calf or He the Dignitary' (official, King)
Sabi /sAbi/ (M) 'Rejoice'
Sabni (M) (official)
Sachebu, Sachbu
Sadeh , Sadhe /zAdh/ (F) (Queen, consort)
Saefenkhatef /sA.f n Xt.f/ (M) 'His son of his body'
Sat , Sahte /sA.t?/ (F)
Sithathor , Sathathor, Sa-Ḥat-ḥōr /sAt-Hwt-Hr/ 'Daughter of Hut-Hor/Hathor' 𓉡𓅭𓏏 (princess, King's daughter)
Sahura, Sahure /sAH-w-ra/, /sAH-wi-ra/, Sephrês /Σϵϕρής (M) 'He who is dependent on Ra' Alt 'He who is close to
Ra' 𓇳𓃄𓅱 (Birth name, King)
Saast , Siese, Saiset, Si-Ese /sA-Ast/ (M) 'Son of Auset/Isis' (King)
Sankhkara /s-anx-kA-ra/ (M) 'life to the soul of Ra' (King)
Sanakht /sA-nxt/ the victorious protector 𓎃𓈖𓆱
Sankhtawyef /s-anx-tAwy.f / (M) 'He who invigorates his two lands' (King)
Samont , Zamonth /sA-mnTw/ (M) 'Son of Montju' (Vizier)
Samut , Simut , Si-Mut /sA-mwt/ (M) 'son of Mut 𓏏𓅐𓏤𓅭 (Second Prophet of Amun, Overseer of the Treasury of
Gold and Silver)
Sanehat , Sinuhe , Sanehat /sA-nht/ (M) 'Son of the sycamore' (official)
Saneit, Saneith, /sA-nt/ (M) 'Son of Nit/Neith'
Sapair , Sipair /sA-pA-ir/ (M) 'Daughter of the creator?' (prince)
Saptah /sA-ptH/ Siptais (Greek) 'Son of Ptaḥ' (Queen)
Saptah /sA-ptH/ Siptais (Greek) 'Son of Ptaḥ' 𓅭𓏤𓅆𓏏𓊪𓎛𓏤𓅆 (Nomen, Son of Ra) (King)
Saptah /sA-ptH/ Siptais (Greek) 'Son of Ptaḥ' 𓆇𓏤𓊪𓏏𓎛, 𓊪𓏏𓎛𓆇𓏥 (Nomen, Son of Ra) (King)
Sa-Rā /sA-ra/ (Nomen, Son of Ra) (King)
Sitdjehuti , Satdjehuti /sAt-DHwty/ (F) 'Daughter of Djehuty/Thoth' (Princess, Queen)
SAt-Ḥat-ḥor, Sit-Hathor /sAt-Hwt-Hr/ (F) 'Daughter of Hathor' (Wife)
Satamun , Zatamun, Sitamun (more correct) Satamun /sAt-imn/ (F) 'Daughter of Amun' 𓇋𓏠𓈖𓅭𓏏 (Queen)
Satip , Zatip /sAt-ip?/ (F) (mother of Zamonth)
Satkamos, Sitkamose /sAt-kA-ms/ (F) 'Daughter of the Ka/bull is born' 𓅭𓏏𓆇𓂓𓂸𓄟𓋴 (princess)
Satre, Satra, Sitre (more correct) Satrā /sAt-ra/ (F) 'Daughter of Ra'
Sat-Ra-merit-en-Amun /sAt-ra-mryt-n-imn/ (F)
Saty , Zaty (M) (Scribe)
Satsobek, Sitsobk /sAt-sbk/ (F) 'Daughter of Sobek' (daughter of Hrunufer)
Sat-Sekhem /sAt-sxm/ (F) 'The daughter of the powerful' 𓏏𓅭𓌂𓎟𓏏𓇾𓇾 (Mistress of the Two Lands) (Queen)
Satwosret /sAt-wsrt/ (F) 'Daughter Wosret'
Satkheperka (F) /sAt-xpr-kA/ 'Daughter of the soul of Kheper'
Sau (M) (scribe of grain-keeping)
Sawadjyt, Sa-Wadjyt /sA-wDyt/ 'Son of Wadjet , protectin of Wadjet?'
Sawesir , Si-Osire /sA-wsir/ (M) 'Son of Wesir/Osirus'
Sebtyemptah (Servent)
Sedjemesni /sDm.s.i/ (F) 'He listens to me' (Slave)
Sedjmnetjeru /sDm-nTrw/ (M) 'The gods are sweet' 𓊹𓏥𓄔𓅓 (draughtsman, painted tombs Horemkhauef & Sobeknakht)
Sehertawy , Seherḥoteptawy (more accurate) , /s-hr-(Htp)-tAwy/ (M) 'make contentment in the two lands' 𓋴𓉔𓂋𓈀𓈀
(Horus name) (King)
Sehetep , Sehotep (more accurate) /s-Htp/
Sehotepibre , Sehetepibre /sHtp-ib-ra/ (M) 'He who satisfies the heart of Ra' (King)
Sehetepkare /sHtp-kA-ra/ (M) 'He who pleases the Ka of Ra' (King)
Sehetep Tawy /sHtp-tAwy/ (M) 'to appease the two lands' (King)
Sekhamaat /s-xa-mAat/ (M) 'The one who has caused Maat to appear' 𓋴𓈍𓂝𓏛𓐙𓂝𓏏𓆄 (Nebty) (King)
Sekhaenre /s-xA-n-ra/ (M) 'He who appears through Ra' (King)
Sekhet 'she who is powerful' (F)
Sekhemankhptah, Sekhem-ankh-Ptaḥ, Sekhemankh-Ptaḥ, Sekhem-ankh-Ptaḥ /sxm-anx-ptH/ (M)
'The power and strength of Ptah' (high official)
Sekhemib, Seth-Peribsen, Sekhemib /sxm-ib/ (M) 'Power/strength of heart'
Sekhemkha /sxm-xA/
Sekhemkheperre /sxm-xpr-re/ (M) 'Power/Strength of Kheperrā'
Sekhemkhet , Sechemchet /sxm-Xt/ (M) 'powerful body'
Sekhempahty /sxm-pHty/ (M) 'Powerful of strength' (King)
Sekhempet /sxm-pt/ 'Power in heaven' (M)
Sekhemre /sxm-ra/ 'Powerful is Ra' (M)
Sekhenu-akh /sxnw-Ax?/ 'Embrace the Spirit?' (M) (mortuary priest)
Sekhemt-Noufret /sxmt-nfrt/ Sechmet-nouphis (Greek) 'Sekhmet is beautiful'
Sekhm /sxm/ 'Powerful one' (M)
Sekhmet /sxm.t/ 'Powerful female' (F)
Sekhmet-merit-Ptaḥ-heret /sxmt-mryt-ptH-hrt/ 'Sekhmet beloved of Ptaḥ in satisfaction'
Sema /smA/ (M) 'The uniter' (King)
Semat /smAt/ (F) 'The Companion' (Queen)
Sementawy /sm-n-tAwy/ (M) 'establishes the two lands' (high priest of Hathor)
Semerkhet /smr-Xt / (M) 'Friend to the people?' 'Companion of the divine community' (King)
Senaa /sn-aA/ (M) 'great brother/eldest brother' (Steward to the Great Royal Wife Tiye)
Senbuy /snbwy/ (M) 𓋴𓈖𓃀𓅱𓏭 (High Priest of Ptah)
Senebi/snbi (M) 'Healthy?' (Overseer)
Seneb-Kay /snb-kAy/(M) 'make healthy the kA in reality?' (King)
Senebnebef /snb-nb.f/ (M) 'His lord make healthy' (Slave)
Senebni / snb-n-i/ (M) (Scribe)
Senebtisi /snbtsy/ 𓋴𓈖𓃀𓏏𓋴𓏭
Senefru , Snefru /snfrw/ (M) 'He who makes things perfect' Soris /Σώρις
Senet-Aamet /snt-aAmt/ (F)
Senetsenebtysy, Senet-senebtisi (F) 𓊃𓈖𓏏𓈀𓋴𓈖𓃀𓏏𓋴 (king's daughter, Senusret III)
Sen-Hotep /sn-Htp/ 𓌢𓊵𓏏𓊪𓀀 (M) 'brother/husband in peace' (artisan)
Seniotef (M) (flute player)
Senisonb /sn.i snb/ (F) (King's Mother)
Seneferkara /s-nfr-kA-ra/ (M) 'He who embellishes the Soul of Re' (King)
Seneferu /s-nfrw/ (M) 'He who makes things perfect' (King)
Seneferukhaf /s-nfrw-xA.f?/ (M) (prince)
Sennefer /sn-nfr/ (artist on Royal tombs)
Senenmut, Senemut /sn-n-mwt/ (M) 'Mother's brother' 𓌢𓈖𓅐 (Steward to Hatshepsut, architect)
Sennebty /sn-nbty/ (M) 'have kissed' (King)
Sennedjem /sn-nDm/ (M) 'sweet brother' 𓌢𓈖𓇛𓐝𓏛 (artist on royal tombs)
Senseneb /sn.s-nb/ 'Her brother of all ' (mother of Thutmose I ) (F)
Sensonb (F)
Senuonekh (M) (priest)
Senusret , Senwosret , Senewosret /s(i)-n-wsrt/, Sesostris/Σέσωστρις, Sesoösis (Diodorus Siculus) (M)
'Man of Wosret' 𓄊𓋴𓂋𓏏𓊃𓈖 (Nomen, Son of Ra) (King)
Seny (M) (Steward)
Senakhtenre /snxt.n-ra/ (M) 'Perpetuated like Ra' (King)
Seqenenre , Seqenera , Skenenra /sqny-n-ra/ (M) 'He who strikes like Ra' (Ruler)
Serethor /s-rt-Hr/ (F) (Wife to King Den) 'Ram of Horu/ Horus?'
Serfka , Sergeant, (M) (Prince)
Seuserenre /s-wsr-n-ra/ 'he one whom Re has caused to be strong.' royal name of Khyan (Hyksos King) (M)
Sesh(t) /sS(t)/ (F) 'female scribe' (Queen)
Seshemtawy /sSm-tAwy/ (M) 'The one who has guided the Two Lands' 𓋴𓌬𓇾𓇾 (Horus)(King)
Seshemetka /sSm.t kA/ (F) 'who led the Ka ' (Queen)
Seshen /sSn/ (F) Shōshen in coptic, probably more correctly pronounced Sushen. In origin became Hebrew name Susan
'Graceful lily'
Sesheshet /sS sS.t/ (F) 'scribe female scribe' (Queen)
Sesostris /s-n-wsrt/ Sésōstris/Σέσωστρις (Greek) (M,F) (King, Royal wife)
Setau, Setaou /s-tAw / 𓋴𓏏𓍔𓏲𓁻 (M) 'of the kilns?' (Viceroy of Kush, Scribe)
Setnekhet-Mereramunre, Setnakhte-Mereramunre /stX-nxt-mrr-imn-re/ (M) 'Seth is Victorious, Beloved of Amun-Re'
(Son of Ra) (King)
Setekh-per-ib.sen / (M) 'Set, their will has come forth' or 'He who comes forth by the will of Seth'
Setepenamun /stp-n-imn / (M) 'the chosen one of Amun ' (King)
SetepenAnhur /stp-n-inHr/ 'Chosen by Anhur) (King) (M)
Setepenmut / stp-n-mwt/ Thuoris (Greek) , (F) 'chosen of Mut' (Queen)
Setepenra , Setepenre, šá-te-ep-na-ri/e-a (Cuneiform) /stp-n-ra/ (F, M) 'Chosen of Ra'
𓍉𓇳𓈖 (Princess, King)
Seti /stHy/, Sethos (Greek) (M) 'He of the god Set' (King)
Setibhor /st-ib-Hrw/ (F) 'the heart of the throne of Horus?' 𓎛𓁷𓂋𓊨𓏏𓄣 (Queen)
Setka /st-kA/ (M) 'His ka is init's place' (prince)
Setnakhte , Setnakht, Sethnakht /stx-nxt / (M) 'Seth is Strong/Victorious' 𓁣𓂡 (Son of Ra, Nomen) (King)
Setnakht Meryamunra /stx-nxt-mry-imn-ra/ (M) 'Seth is Strong/Victorious, Beloved Of Amon-Re'
𓇳𓁫𓁣𓂡𓈘𓂋𓂋 (Son of Ra, Nomen) (King)
Setne (M) (Nickname)
Sety Merenptah /sty mry-n-ptḥ/ (M) 'Man of Sutekh/Set, beloved of Ptah'
Setut , Senen /z-nn/ (M) 'Of the image?' (King)
Setutra /stwt-ra/ (M)
Seti Meryenptah /stXy-mry-n-ptH/ (M) 'Set, Beloved of Ptah' 𓊪𓏏𓎛𓌸𓁣𓇋𓇋𓈖 (Nomen, Son of Ra) (King)
Sewadjkare /swaD-kA-ra/ (M) 'causes the Ka of Ra to flourish' (King)
Seximy 'who is in power'
Shaushka/Šauška/ Goddess Ishtar
Shebitku, Shebiku, Shabataka, Shebitqo, Shabako, Sethos, Sethōn/Σεθῶν (Greek),
šapatakuʾ/𒃻𒉺𒋫𒆪𒀪 (Neo-Assyrian), /SA-bA-tA-kA/ (M) (Nubian King)
Shedwaset /Sd-wAst/ 'savior of Thebes' (King) (M)
Shedy-Ptah /Sdii-ptH/ (M)
Shematawy /SmA-tAwy/ 'He who unifies the two lands' (King) (M)
Shenwy/ Snwy/ (M)
Shepenupet , Shepenwepet /Sp-(n)-wp(t)/ (M) 'blind of the horns?' (God's Wife of Amun)
Shepses , Šepseska /Spss/ 'noble, honorable' (Ruler)
Shepseskaf /SpsskAf/ (M) 'his noble soul' (Prince)
Shepseskare , Shepseskara /Spss-kA-ra/ 'Noble is the Soul of Ra' (King)
Shepsesneb , Šepsesneb /Sp 'Lord of the noble kA'
Shepset (F) 'Nobelwomen'
Shepset-ipet 'Nobelwomen of the haram' (F) (princess)
Shepesibptah /Sps-ib-ptH/ 'Noble heart of Ptah'
Sherit (F)
Sheritenhor /Srit-n-Hr/ tA-Srt-n-Hr (demotic) 'The daughter of Horu/Horus)' (F)
Sheritre /Srit-ra/ (F) 'daughter of Rā' (Wife of Ptahmose)
Sherhoteptawy /shr-Htp-tAwy/ 'Maker of peace in the two lands' (King) (M)
Shezmetet , Shesmetet/ Szmtt (F) 'malachite?' (goddess)
Shmut /S-mwt/ Shmout , Sh-mout (Greek)
Shoshenq , Sheshonk , Shoshenk , Sheshonq /Ssnq/ (M) 𓆷𓆷𓈖𓈎 (Libyan King ,High Priest of Amun in Thebes)
Shoshenq Meryamun Sabast Netjerheqaiunu /Ssnq mry-imn sA bAst nTr hqA iwnw/ (M) 'Shoshenq, beloved of
Amun, son of Bast, divine ruler of Iunu' 𓇋𓏠𓈖𓈘𓆇𓎯𓆷𓆷𓈖𓈎𓈎𓊹𓋾𓉺 (Libyan King)
Siaib /siA-ib/ (M) 'knowledge/ perception of the heart'
Siamun , (more accurate) Saamun /sA-imn/ (M) 'Son of Amun' (King)
Siamun / sA-imn/ 𓇋𓏠𓈖𓅭𓏺 (M) "Son of Amun"
Siatum, (more accurate) Saatum /sA-itm (M) 'Son of Atum' Prince
Siatib /siAt-ib/ (F) 'knowledge/ perception of the heart'
Sisobek , Sasobek /sA-sbk/ "Son of sobek"(M)
Smendjari (M)
Smenkhkare , Smenkhare / s-mnx-kA-ra (M) 'vigorous of the soul of Ra' 𓇳𓋴𓍊𓂓𓂦𓆣𓏥 (Nome, Son of Ra) (King)
Sneferu , (more correct) Senouferu , Snofru /s-nfr(w) , snfr-wi/ Soris (Hellenized), Sõris/Σῶρις (Koinē Greek)
'He who makes things perfect' 𓋴𓄤𓆑𓂋𓅱 (King)
Sobekdjedju /sbk-didiw/ /sbk-DDw/ (M) 'Sobek who has given' (Chamberlain)
Sobekemsaf /sbk-m-sA.f/ (M) 'Sobek is his protection' (King)
Sobekhotep , Sebek-Hotep /sbk-Htp/ 'Sobek is pleased' a common name during second intermediate period (M)
Sobekmes /sbk-ms/ (M) 'Born of Sobek' (Slave)
Sobekneferu /sbk-nfrw/ (sometimes written) Neferusobek (F) 'The beauty of Sobek' 𓄤𓄤𓄤𓆊( (Nomen, daughter of Ra) (Queen)
Sobek-Nekhet /sbk-nxt/ (M) 'Sobek victorious'
Sokmenios , Sokmenis /skr-mn?/ (M) (Greek influence)
Sobek-shedet-neferu /sbk-Sdt-nfrw/ (F) 'Beauty of Sobek, of Shedyt' 𓆊𓄞𓏏𓄤𓄤𓄤 (Daughter of Ra) (Queen)
Su /sw/ (M) 'He' (King)
Suemniwet /sw-mni-wt?/ (M)
Suner /swnr/ 𓇓𓏲𓈖𓂋 (M)
Suti /swti/ (M) (overseer of the works of Amun)
Sy-Ȧnpu /sy-inpw/ Sianoubis (Greek) 'She of Anpu/Anubis'
Sy-Net/ sy-nt (she of Neith?) ACĔNATH (אסנת, אָֽסְנַת ): Hebrew name of Egyptian origin, meaning "belonging to the goddess Neith." In the bible, this is the name of Joseph's Egyptian wife. (F)
Taa (M) (Vizier)
Taa /tA-A/ 'land?' (F) (Slave)
Tao /tA-aA/ 'Thoth is great' (Ruler)
Taāmetj /tAamT/ (F)
Taametju /tA-Aa-m-Tw/ (F) 'The Great land of Tju' (Slave)
Taaset , (more accurare) Taase (F) /ta-Ast, tyesi /tayəsi/𐦴𐦤𐦡𐦯𐦢 (Merotitc) , 'She of Isis'
Tabaketanpu /tA-bAkt-inpw/ Tbokanoupis/Τβοκανουπις (Greek) 'She the servant of Anpu'
Tabaketenanpu /tA-bAkt-n-inpw/ Tbokanoupis/ Τβοκανουπις (Greek) 'She the servant of Anpu'
Tabeheset /tA-bHst/ 'female cow' (F)
Tabest /tA-bst?/ (F) 'The Bast?'
Tadisetdiankh /tA-di-st-di-anx?/ (F)
Tadiwesir /tA-di-wsir/ (F) 'She who is given by Osiris'
Ta-haa /tA-xAa/ (F)
Ta-Hemdjert (F) 'Syrian name' (Queen)
Tahemet , Taḥemet /tA-Hmt/ (F) 'The Wife/Women'
Taheret /tA-Hrt/ (F) 'She of heave?'
Taimhotep /t3ỉ-ˁỉỉ-m-ḥtp/ , /tAi-ay-m-Htp/ Taimuthis/ ταιμουθης
Tairerdjeret (F)
Tais (F)
Taamun /tA-imn/ 'The one of Amun' (M)
Tabiry /tAnir/ (F) (Nubian Queen)
Takelot /Tkrti/ , /Tklt/ , /tikrti/ (King, High Priest of Amun)
Tabubuit (M)
Tadiamenkherwas (F)
Taemwadjsy , Taemwadsji / (F) (chief of the harem of Amun)
Taenetauset ,Taenetiset /tA-n.t-ist/ 'The one of Isis' , Tanēsis/Ταησις (Greek), Taēse/ⲦⲀⲎⲤⲈ (Coptic) (F)
Taenetheru , Taenethoru /tA-n.t-Hr(w)/ 'the one of Horus' Taurēs/Ταυρις , Taurēn/Ταῦριν (Tahyris) (Greek) >
Taḥōr/ⲧⲁϩⲱⲣ (Coptic) (F)
Tashapset /tA-Spst/, /sipesiye /sipsiyə/𐦯𐦢𐦧𐦡𐦯𐦢𐦤𐦡 (Meroitic) ; šapši/ϣⲁⲡϣⲓ , capci/ϭⲁⲡϭⲓ (Coptic); Tsepsis/Τσεψις,
Sepsis/Σεψις (Greek) (F) 'The Noblewomen'
Taqari (F)
Tausret, Taousert /tA-wsrt/ (M) 'The Mighty One' 𓏏𓄿𓄊𓂋𓏏𓂡 (Son of Ra) (King)
Tausretmerienmut, Taousert Setepenmout /tA-wsrt-mry-n-mwt/ (M) 'The Mighty One, loved by Mut'
𓏏𓄿𓄊𓂋𓏏𓂡𓅐𓋔𓌸 (Son of Ra) (King)
Takhat , Takhet , (F) /tA-xt?/ 'The appearing in glory?' 𓏏𓄿𓈍𓏏𓁗 (Princess & Queen)
Takhentdjehuti (F) (Queen)
Takhuit /tAxwt/ (F) 𓏏𓄿𓐍𓅱𓏏 (Queen)
Takushit /tA-kwSt/ Takousit/Τακουσίτ (Greek) (F) 'the Ethiopian' (priestess)
Tamedjat /tA-mDA.t/ Tmatoi/ⲦⲘⲀⲦOⲒ (Coptic) (F) 'the Papyrs-roll'
Tamerit /tA-mrit/ (F) 'The beloved' (daughter of Ramessesnakht)
Tamshas (F)
Tamut (F) (Nick name for Singer Tayesmutengebtiu)
Tanebet (F)
Tanedjemet (F)
Tanefert (F)
Tanehasy (M)
Tanetsepeh (F) (Queen)
Tanwetamani Nubian comes from Amun's name
Ta-Neferet /tA-nfrt/ (F) 'beautiful land'
Tao , Taa , Ta'a /tA-aA/ (M) 'Djehuty/Thoth is great'
Taperôs (F)
Taremetetbastet (Demotic) Taremetjetbastet (MK) /tA-rmTt-bAstt/ (F) 'The woman of Bast'
Taremetjenbastet /tA-rmT-n-bAstt/ (F) 'The Egyptian of Bast?'
Tashaiu /tA-SAyw?/ (F)
Tashebenneit , Tashebneith , Tashepenneit /tAsbjt/ 'she the bee?' (F)
Ta-sheret-Khonsu /tA-Srt-xnsw/ 'The nostrils of Khonsu' (F)
Tasis /tA-syA/ (S)
Tasentnofret /tA-snt-nfrt/ (F) 'The perfect sister'
Tasheretenanpu /tA-Srt-n-inpw/ Senanoupis/ Σενανουπις (Greek) 'The nose of Anpu/Anubis'
Tausret, Tausert, Twosret, Tawosret /tA-wsr.t/ (F) 'Mighty lady'
Tawe /tAwy?/ (F) 'the two lands'
Tawi/tAwy?/ (F) 'the two lands' (Chantress in Amun's temple)
Taweret , Tawosret /tAwrt/ (F) 'she who is great'
Tawerettenru /tA-wr-ti-t-n-rw/ 𓏏𓄿𓅨𓂋𓏏𓏛𓍘𓈖𓏥𓂋𓍢𓅆 (Queen)
Tayesmutengebtiu (F) (Singer) (Nick name Tamut)
Tefnakht /tAy-f-nxt/ (M) 'His victory' (King)
Tefnut /tfnwt / (M)
Tetian /ttian/ 𓏏𓏏𓇋𓂝𓈖 (might be foreign) (M)
Tehuti (F)
Tenamun / tn-imn/ (F)
Tentamun /ti-nt-imn/ 'she belongs to Amun' (F) Princess 𓍘𓈖𓏏𓇋𓏠𓈖𓁐
Tent-desheret (F)
Tentsepeh (F)
Tepemkau 'Best of soul'
Teta (Prince)
Teti , Tety, /tti/ , Tyreis, Othoes, Tata, Atat, Athath (M) 'of true greatness' (King, Scribe/tomb artist)
Tetian /ttian/ (Egyptian man)
Tetiankhkem (M) 'Tetiankh the Black' or 'Black Teti lives' (Prince)
Tetisheri /tti-Sri/ (F) Queen
Tetosiris /tAi-di-Wsỉr / (F)
Theshen /Ts.Hn/ (M) (Treasurer of God)
Thethi /TTy/ (M) (King's Confidant)
Thonufer , Tjanufer (M) (Chiseller of Amun in the Khenu)
Thutemhab, Djehutyemhab /DHwty-m-Hb/ (M) 'Thoth of the festival' (overseer of the marshland of the Estate of Amun, scribe in the temple of Amun)
Thutmose,Tuthmosis, Thutmoses, ThothmesDjehutymos, Thoúthmōsis/Θούθμωσις , ḏḥwtj-ms /DHwty-msi/
[tʼaˈħawtijˈmisˌaw], (M) 'born of Djehuty/Thoth' 𓅝𓄟𓋴 (Prince)
Thutmose,Djehutymes, Djehutymes, ḏḥwtj-ms /DHwty-msi/ (M) 'born of Djehuty/Thoth' 𓁟𓄟𓋴𓀽 (court sculptor Akhenaten)
Ti/ Ty/ Tjy/ 𓍿𓇋𓇋 (M) (King)
Ti /Twiw/ (M) (Prince)
Tia, Tiya (F) (Queen)
Tia, Tiya (F) 𓍿𓇋𓄿 (Princess)
Tiaa, Tia'a (F) 𓍘𓉼𓁗 (Great Royal Wife)
Tiaa, Tiā'a /ti-aA/ 'great she' (Princess)
Titi, Tete /titi/ تتي (M) (King)
Titi(a) (Child of Nebneteru_Tenry)
Titi Ankh /titi-anx/ تيتي عنخ
Titkheperure, Tyetkheperre /twt-xpr-ra/ 'image of the transformations of Ra ' 𓇳𓂇𓆣𓏪𓍉𓈖𓇳
Titpu it/t(daughter of Aniy and Nodjemet)
Tiy /tiy/ (F) 𓍘𓇋𓇋 (Queen)
Tiye, Taia, Tiy, Tiyi /ti-y-y/ Te-i-e,Te-i-i (Akkdian, possibly of Mitanni origin) (F) (Queen, helped kill Ramesses III)𓍘𓇋𓇋𓏭𓁐
Tiye, Tyti, tỉyty /ti-y-t-y (F) (Queen)𓍘𓇋𓇋𓏏𓏭𓁗
Tiye /tyy/ (F) (Queen)
Tiy-Merenese,Tiy-merenese,Teye-Merenaset,Tiye-Mereniset,Tiy-Mereniset,Tiye-Mereniset /tiy-mr-n-Ast /, /tiy-mr-n-st / (F)
'Tiy, Beloved of Isis/Auset' (Queen) 𓍘𓏭𓇋𓇋𓈘𓈖𓊨𓏏𓆇
Tjankemit/TAy-n-kmt?/ (M) 'Male of Egypt?'
Tjainufi (M)
Tjanuni , Thanuny , Thanuny /TA nw ny / (M) 'child because of us? ' (Royal Scribe, and Army Commander)
Tjaty /TAti / Tjati, Tjaty (M) 'Vizier' (Vizier)
Tjay ,To , Thay /TAy/ (M) 'Male, man ' (Royal Scribe)
Tjayasetimu /TAy-Ast-imw?/ (F) (Singer of the Interior of Amun)
Tatiaset /tA.t-Ast/ (F) 'She of the land of Auset/Isis?' (Chantress in the Temple of Amun)
Tjeztawy /Ts-tAwy/ "He who knots together the Two Lands" 𓋭𓊃𓇿𓇿
Tjeniaa , Tjeniāah (more accurate) (M) 'greatly distinguished?' (Blind Singer)
Tjery ,Tadihor, Tadehor /tAdiHr , tAdjHr ?/ (F) 'Horu/Horus gives the land?' or 'The giver Horu/Horus'
Tjeset /Tst?/ (F)
Tjenna , Cenna, Senna (King)
Tjenry ,Tenry /Tnri/ (M) (Nick name of Nebneteru)
Tjesbastperu (M) (Prince)
Tjetji (M) (Official)
Tjia (F) (Princess, Official)
Tjuia /TwiA/ (F) Nobel women)
Tjuyu /Twiw/ Tjuiu, Thuya, Thuyu (F) (Nobel women)
Thuya, Thuyu, Tjuyu , Touiyou (F) 𓍿𓅱𓇋𓅱 (Queen)
Tumerisy /tw-mr-is-si?/ (F) (from Amose-Tumeriszi 𓇹𓄟𓋴𓏏𓅱𓂋𓊃𓁗) (princess)
Turi /twri/ (M) (Prince)
Turo /twri/ (M) (Viceroy of Amenophis I)
Turo, Thuwre (M) (Commander of Buhen)
Tutankhamun /twt-anx-imn/ (M) 'Living Image of Amun' (King)
Tutkhaumitatjenen /twt-xaw-mi-tA-Tnn/ 𓏏𓅱𓏏𓀾𓈍𓂝𓏥𓏇𓁯 (Nisut-Bity) (King)
Tuthotep (M) 'living image of peace' (Beloved Royal Scribe, Steward of the Southern City)
Tutmos, Thutmose , Djehutymos (More correct) /DHwty-ms/ DHwtj-msjw (alt spelling); (Greek) Tutmosis,
Thutmosis/Θοτμωσις (M) 'Thoth/Djeḥuty is born' (King)Tuthmosis/DHwty/ 'Thoth' (M) (King)
Tutmoset, /twty-mts/ "The (very) image of (re-)birth" 𓏏𓏏𓀾𓄟𓏏𓅱
Thutmosis/Θοτμωσις (M) 'Thoth/Djeḥuty is born' (King)Tuthmosis/DHwty/ 'Thoth' (M) (King)
Tutnefer /twt-nfr/ 'living image of beauty' (Royal Scribe, Overseer of Treasury)
Tutmesut (M) 'Perfect of Birth' (King)
Tutu /twtw/ (M) 'Named after the God Tutu?' (Egyptian official)
Tuy, Tuya /twiA/ (F) 𓏏𓅱𓇋𓄿𓁗 (Queen, Chantress of Hathor)
Tuy /twy/ (F)
Tyetyeb (M) (Royal Ornament)
W, U
Wabet /wab.t/ (F) 'She who is pure'
Wabentasachmet , Wabentasekhmet /wab.n-tA-sxmt/ (M) 'pure of the land of power' (Slave)
Wadji /wAD/ (M) 'paprus' 𓇅 (Horus name) (King)
Wadjkheperre, Wadjkheperra /wAd-xpr-ra/ (M) 'Flourishing is the Manifestation of Re' 𓇳𓇅𓇩𓆣
Wadjmose /wAD-ms/ (M) 'born of happiness, fortunes, healthy' (Prince)
Wadjshemsu /wAD-Smsw/ (M) 'The happy elder'
Wah (M) (wab-priest and overseer of the Phylae)
Wahib /wAH-ib/ "He whose heart is constant" 𓎝𓄣 (Horus) (King)
Wahỉbptah /wAH-ib-ptH/ 'the heart of Ptaḥ is enduring'
Wahibre, Wahibra, Uaḥibrā, /wAH-ib-ra/ (M) 'Enduring is the heart of Ra' 𓇳𓎝𓄣 (chamberlain)
Wahibre, Uaḥibrā, Apries (Herodotus), /wAH-ib-ra/ (M) 'Enduring is the heart of Ra' (Nomen) (King)
Waḥḥotep /wAH-Htp/ (M) 'contentment endures'
Waḥka /wAH-kA/ (M) 'The ka endures'
Wahem-Ib-Re, Uḥemibrā /wHm-ib-ra/ (M) 'Carrying out the wish of Ra' (King)
Washptah , Uashptah ,Uasptah , Ouash-Ptaḥ /wAs-ptH/ (M) 'Ptah is strong' (Vizier)
Webkhet (F) 'Clarity/ brightness of eyes' (NeferHotep's Wife) (Queen)
Wedjahorresnet , Udjaḥorresnet , Wedjaḥorresnet /wDA-Hr-rsy-nt/ (M) 'protection/strength of Horu/Horus of the southern'
(Chief Physician)
Wehemka/Uehemka (M) (Prince)
Wesir Kara , Auser Kara /wsr-kA-ra/ (M) 'The power of the spirit of Ra' (King)
Weser-rā , User-rā /wsr-ra/ 'Wesir/Osiris with Rā '
Wesirwer , Userur , Ōsoroērēs/Οσοροηρις/ wsir-wr ' Wesir/Osiris the great (M)
Wenamun , Wenamon /wn-imn/ Úna-mu-nu 'open Amun' (Alt Pronunciation)
Wenensenu /wbn-snw/ (M) 'sunrise of brother'
Wenher (F) (Mother of AmenHotep)
Weni , Uni /wni/ (M) 'I make to live/exist' (court official)
Wenis , Unas , Unis, /wnis/ Oenas, Onnos (Hellenized), (M) 'One who truly exists?' (King)
Wennefer , Unnoufer (more accurate) /wn-nfr/ (M) 'be beautiful' became Onofrio> Humphrey
Wennefer /wnn-nfr/ (M) 'the one who continues to be perfect'𓃹𓈖𓈖𓄤𓀼 (High priest of Osiris)
Wennefer /wnn-nfr/ (M) 'the one who continues to be perfect' (epthets of Wesir/Osiris, priest of Min)
Wente /wnt/
Weny /wny/ (M) (Official of the state)
Wepmaat /wp-mAat/ (M) 'he who judges righteously' (King)
Weptaatef /wpy-tA-At.f/ (M) 'He has judged, the one who is upon his back'
Werbau /wr-bAw?/ (M) 'great of souls?' (flute player)
Werbiautenipetsut /wr-biAwt-m-iptswt/ (M) 'Great in miracles in Ipetsut' 𓅨𓂋𓍄𓏏𓏥𓅓𓇋𓊪𓏏𓊨𓊨𓊨 (Prenome Nisut-bity) (King)
Werkherephemut /wr-xrp-Hmwt/ (M) 'The Greatest of the Directors of Craftsmanship' (High Priest of Ptah)
Werpehty /wr-pHty/ (M) (Golden Horus) (King)
Weret /wrt/ (F) 'She who is great' (Princess)
Wesir, User /wsr/ (M) 'Powerful/strong' (Scribe, Viceroy)
Wesiramun, Useramun /wsr-imn/ (M) 'Powerful/strong of of Amun' (Prince)
Wesirib , User-ib /wsr-ib/ (M) 'Strong heart' (Prince)
Wesirra , Usera /wsr-ra/ 'Powerful/strong of Ra' (M) (King)
Weseramen , Useramen /wsr-ra-mn/ (M) 'Powerful/strong of Ra Established' (Vizier)
Weseratet , Useratet /wsrtt/ (Viceroy, Overseer of the South Lands)
Weserhet , Userhet, Userhat (M) 𓄊𓄂𓏏𓏤 (noble)
Wesermaaatra , Usermaatre , Usermaatra, Userma'ātrā /wsr-mAat-ra/(M) 'Powerful is the Maat of Ra' 𓇳𓄊𓁦
(Prenome Nisut-bity)(King)
Wesermaaatra-meryamun, Usermaatre Meriamun /wsr-mAat-ra-mry-imn/(M) 'Powerful is the Maat of Ra' 𓇳𓄊𓁦𓈘𓇋𓏠𓈖
(Prenome Nisut-bity)(King)
Wesermaatrenakht , Usermaatrenakht /wsr-mAat-ra-n-axt/ (M) 'Powerful is the Maat of Ra horizon'
Wkhhotep/Ukhhotep (M) ( nomarch of the 14th of Upper Egypt)
Wsermontu , Usermontu , Usermontju /wsr-mnTw/ (M) 'Powerful is Montu' (King, Vizier, Prophet of Montu, dignitary,
High Priest of Sobek.)
Wshebtikasten/Ushebtikasten (F) wSb 'She answers that of her kA?' (singer)
Weshptah /wSA-ptH?/ 'reciter of Ptaḥ?' (High official)
Wesimarenakth , Usimarenakth /wsi-mr-nxt?/ (M) 'very beloved and strong?' (the Chief Steward)
Wenis , Unis /wnis/ (M) (King)
Weserkaf , Wesirkaf , Userkaf /wsr-kA.f/ (Usercherês/Ούσερχέρης (Greek) (M) 'His ka is strong' (Birht name, King)
Weserken , Userken, Osorkon /wsrkn , wAsAirkn , , wsr.qn/ (M) '? ' (King)
Weserkara/Userkare /wsr-kA-ra/ (M) 'strong/powerful is the soul of Ra' (King)
Weserkhau/Userkhau /wsr-xaw/ (M) 'Strong of appearances' (Horus name of Neferirkare, King)
Weserkhaure-setepenre, Userkhaure-setepenre (M) 'Powerful are the forms of Re, Chosen of Re'
𓇳𓄊𓈍𓏥𓇳𓍉𓈖 (Nisut-Bity) (King)
Weneshaa, Ounesh-aa (Unish-āah more accurate) wnS-aA / Wnš-ʿȝ (M) 'Great wolf'
Wia (nick name for Mutemwia)
Wosnakhte (F)
Ya'ammu /ii-aA-mw/ Ya'amu, Jamu , Jaam (M) 'Come greta water' (King)
Yakareb /ya-k-a-r-b/ (M) (foreign?) (King)
Yakbim , Yakbmu /y-k-b-mw/ Yak'reb, Yekeb-Baal, Yakba'al(?), Yekeb-Bor, Ykb-l (M) (foreign?) (King)
Yarcha , Yar-khaw , Yarḥāʿ, Jar'-ha , Jarha , Jarcha , Yar-ḥā‘/יַרְחָע , Iokhel/Ιωχηλ (F) (Slave mentioned in the Bible)
Yhuah /yhwAw/ 𓇌𓉔𓍯𓅱(M) = Yahweh,YHWH /יהוה Name of the Jewish god
Yen (M) /yn/
Ysef ?
Yesu isu (M) = (Early version of Jesus Hebrew Yeshua (ישוע) = iSw) Jesus the-christ the-son of-god
Coptic: Ⲓⲏ︦ⲥ︦ Ⲡⲭ︦ⲥ︦ Ⲡ⳰ϣⲏⲣⲓ ⳰ⲙ⳰ⲫϮ Yes/Pkhs/Pshery/mpsti (Iseus pi-christous ep-sheri em-phiti),
ⲓ̅ⲥ̄ ⲡⲉⲭ︦ⲥ︦ (Ⲓⲏⲥⲟⲩⲥ ⲡⲉⲭⲣⲓⲥⲧⲟⲥ Yesous/Iesous PeKhristos (S), ( ⲓ̅ⲥ̄ ⲭ︦ⲥ︦ ; shortened), Hebrew Yeshua/ ישוע,
Greek Iesous/ Ἰησοῦς > Coptic Iesous/Ⲓⲏⲥⲟⲩⲥ, Latin Iesus, Syric Isho or Eesho,
Greek Christos /Χριστός from Meshiakh/ מָשִׁיחַ meaning anointed.
Yuia /ywiA/ (M)
Yupa /yw-p/ (M) (scribe)
Yuti (M) (sculptor)
Yuya, (M) 𓇋𓇋𓅱𓏭𓀼 (High Priest of Osiris)
Yuya, Yuya, Iouiya, Yaa, Ya, Yiya, Yayi, Yu, Yuyu, Yaya, Yiay, Yia, Yuy /ywiA, iAy, ywiA, yw, iyA, yiA, ywiw/ (M)
𓇋𓇋𓅱𓇋𓄿𓀀 (foreign) (King’s Lieutenant)
Ytwa Bar (M)
צָפְנַת פַּעְנֵחַ Zaphnath paaneah reveler of secrets Zaphenath-Paneah savior of the people ? Supposedly the name of the Biblical Joseph.
(Zoph-ent-pa-ankh) the one who furnishes the nourishment of life , the chief steward of the realm
(spH-nt-pA-anx?) attain belong to of the life
was originally Zat-en-aph, for in ancient Egyptian was pronounced Djed(u)en-ef (‘he who is called’)
ṣe(d)-p-nute(r)-ef-onḫ "the god speaks, [and] he lives" ~Georg Steindorff
Ψονθομφανήχ/Psionthomphanékh, Ψομθομφανήχ/Psiomthomphanékh ~Septuagint and Hexaplaric Greek >
ⲡⲥⲟⲧ ⲙⲫⲉⲛⲉϩ /psot mpʰeneḥ (from ⲥⲱⲧⲉ/redeem, rescue, to save) Coptic
Zeho (M) (possibly Greek influenced)
Zekhe /sxi?/ (M) 'Smite or recall?'
Zezemonekh (M)
ftk-tA 'bearer/presenter of bread' (Butler or the Cupbearer of the Sun God Re,Pyramid Texts) (M)
My-Shriuy /my Sriwy 'Little cat', 'pussy' (F)
Creepy names
am Swyt - 'eater of shades' D36-G17-F10-A2 S36-X1:Z1-A41
seD qsw - 'Breaker of bones' S29-D46:F18-Z9:D40 T19-Z1:Z2
im snef - 'eater of blood'
aAy/ ā'ay = 'donkey, stubborn'
abwtiw/Abuwtiyuw, abutiu
Ankh-psmTk, anx-psmtk
Ankhu/ anxw- 'The lively one'
Degem/ dgm = 'Gloomy'
Hebny/ Hbny- 'ebony'
Hekenen/ Hknn = 'joyful of or our joy'
Hknw = 'Praise' (M)
Hemu-ma/ Hmw-mA ='Nick name for the tail Rudder or literal Steerer of Lions ' (M)
Hotep-kA.i M (Old Kingdom)
Ikeni ikni M (Old Kingdom)
Ikenhet iknht (Old Kingdom) 'Owner Iti'
Ikhernofret /i-Xr-nfrt/ 'I possess what is good'
Iki (M)
Ikhi /yxy/ (M)
Ikhnoubet /yax-nbt/ (M) (King's confidante)
Inheb inhb M (Old Kingdom) Possibly Libyan
Ireyemsheser Ir(y)-m-Ssr (Old Kingdom) - 'Master of the tongue or Master of the Arrow'
iwiw- 'dog'
Khaf /xA.f 𓐍𓆼𓄿𓆑𓁸
Kepesh/ kpS- 'strong arm, strength, might'
Khabsti /xAbstyw/- 'digger, rooter up'
Mennu /mnnw/ 'that belongs to Set'
Miniu-pw mniw-pw = 'He is a Shepherd'
En-mereni /n-mr.n.i = 'I don't like anyone'
Nefer/ nfr = (M) Beautiful
Pesesh/ psS- (M) 'Shares (with)?'
Seneb-neb-ef snb-nb-f M -'The well being of his master'
Teqer= 'Sphinx?'
Tjau-en-ankh-en-Senbi- 'Senbi's breath of life'
Tjauenmaya (F) (daughter of Maya)
Unesh/ wnS- 'wolf'
Wetu /wtw- 'cub, fox or wolf pup'
Miw- cat (M)
Miwt- female cat (F)
Miu-Kem/ miw-km = (M) 'black cat'
Miut-Kemet /miwt-kmt = (F) 'female black cat'
My-Shriuy /my Sriwy = (F) 'Little cat', 'pussy'
Nedjem - 'Sweetie'
tA-miwt - 'The cat' (F)
Ȧmundiefpakhepesh/ imn-di-f-pA-xpS 'Amun gives him the foreleg/strong arm' (Seti's fav horse)
Muthertiu/ mwt-hrtiw 'mother of Hertiu' (Ramses II's horse)
Nekhtut em Uaset/ nxtwt-m-wAst 'strong, victorious of Thebes'
Qen-Ȧmun/ qn-imn 'Brave Amun' (name of Seti I horse)
Reri rri - 'Pig'
Adw- 'Who size through strength'
Depy-'raiser of shadows'
kApw- 'Hidden one'
Merytu mrytw- 'bank dweller'
MeseHet- 'Crocodile'
Sheny - 'Who steals opportunity'
Suy swii - 'dangerous one'
desher- 'the red one'
kApw- 'Hidden one'
sedA- 'the trembler'
Kerer/ qrr- 'Frog'
Penu/ pnw- 'mouse'
#egyptiannames #ancientegyptiannames #ancientegyptianpetnames

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