Stele of Ankh-ef-en-Khonsu or Stele of Revealing
It was discovered in 1858 by François Auguste Ferdinand Mariette at the mortuary temple of Hatshepsut, and is the central element of the religious philosophy Thelema founded by Aleister Crowley. I flipped the tablets for the ease or American readers from right to left instead of left to right how it was written. How can you tell which way to read it? You simply read into the faces of the animals and people. So what does it say? You will need to download the Aegyptus: 05-11-2014 Unicode and install it to properly in order to view the Hieroglyphics. Other wise you will see a lot of □ . Pronunciation reconstruction using Coptic.
My translation
(top section under the winged solar disk)
𓄑𓂧𓏏𓊖 𓊹𓉼 𓎟𓏏 𓇯 bHdt aA nTr nbt pt Beḥdet, ā'a noutjer, nēbet pət Behdet, the Great God, Lord of Heaven (Under the red, blue, yellow and green divider) 𓂋𓂝𓇳𓏤𓀭 𓅃 𓅜𓐍𓏏𓇿 𓁷𓇯 𓊹𓊹𓊹 ra -Hr -Axty Hr nTr Rā-Ḥōrakhty, ḥar noutjer, Ra-Horakhty, Chief of the Gods, 𓁹𓊨𓊹 𓊹𓍛 𓏠𓈖𓍿 𓎟 𓌀𓏏𓊖 wsir Hm-nTr mnTw nb wst Usir(i) ḥam-nouter Montju nēb Waset The Osiris, God's Servant of Montu, Lord of Waset/Thebes, 𓃹 𓉿𓉿 𓏌 𓇯 𓅓 wn aAw nw m (i)pt uōn ā'au nu em (i)pət Opening the doors of heaven 𓇋𓊪𓏏𓊨𓏥𓊖 𓋹𓈖𓊖𓆑𓈖𓐍𓇓𓀻 𓊤 ipt swt anx.f-n-xnsw (mAa-)xrw apet sut Ānkhefenkhonsu khera in the Temple of Karnak, Ankh-ef-en-Khonsu, (true of )voice (Beneath the offering table, Under the red, blue, yellow and green divider L1.) 𓌃 𓆓 𓈖 𓁹𓊨𓀭 𓍛𓊹 𓏠𓈖𓍿 𓎟𓏏 𓌀𓏏𓊖 Dd mdw n wsir Hm-nTr mnTw nbt wst djud moudu en Usir(i) ḥam-noutjer Montju nēbet Waset Words spoken by the Osiris, God's Servant of Montu, Lord of Waset/Thebes 𓃹𓈖 𓉿𓉿 𓏌 𓏏𓇯 𓅓 wn aAw nw pt m uōn ā'au nu pət em Opening the doors of heaven in 𓇋𓊪𓏏𓊨𓏥𓊖 𓋹𓈖𓊖𓆑𓈖𓐍𓈖𓇓 ipt swt anx.f-n-xnsw Apet sut Ānkhefkhonsu in the Temple of Karnak , Ankh-ef-en-Khonsu (L2.) 𓀻𓐙𓊤 𓇋𓀞 𓈎𓀠 𓇼𓀢 𓏏𓅱𓆑 𓅨𓂋𓅢𓏥 𓅡𓏤𓉻 mAa-xrw i qA dwA tf wr bAw bA aA ma'ā-kheru ō qa dua tuf uēr bau ba ā'a true of voice "O elevated-one praised him, great manifestations of the great Ba/spirit 𓄅𓏥 𓂞𓂞 𓆂𓆑 Sfyt rdi rdi rmT.f shefyt redi redi rōmātj.ef respect is given to his people. 𓈖𓊹𓊹𓊹𓁷𓈍𓎼𓏏𓉐𓆑𓅨𓂋𓁹𓈐𓏏𓏥 n nTrw Hr xai nst.f wr iry wAtw en noutjeru ḥar khaē nost.ef uēr ïrā uotu to the gods face, and who appears on his great throne, make the pathway 𓈖 𓅡𓏤 𓈖 𓅜𓏤 𓈖 𓋺𓏏 𓇋𓅱 𓐢𓂋𓏛𓎡 𓅱𓇶𓀽 n bA n Ax n xAb iw apr.k wbn en ba en ikh n khaibə ȧu āper.ek ubin to the Ba/spirit, the Akh, and the shadow, for I am equipped so that might shine 𓇋𓅓 𓐢𓂋𓏛 𓁹 𓈖 𓏤𓈐𓏏𓏤 𓂋 𓃀𓏏𓉐 𓈖𓏏𓏏 im apr iry n wAt r bt ntt ȧm āper ïrā en out er but entə therein (as) an equipped-one. Make for me the path to the place in which 𓇳𓏤 𓏏𓍃 𓆣𓂋𓇋 𓉡𓏏 𓇋𓅓 ra, itm, xpri, Hwt-Hrt im Rā , Ȧtum, Kheperi, Ḥut-ḥōrut ȧm Re, Atum, Khepri, and Hathor are therein." 𓁹𓊨 𓊹𓍛 𓏠𓍿 𓎟𓋆 wsir Hm-nTr mnTw nb wAst Usir(i) ḥam-nouter Montju nēb Waset The Osiris, God's Servant of Montu, Lord of Waset/Thebes, 𓋹𓆑𓈖𓊖𓈖𓐍𓇓 𓊤 𓆇𓏤 𓏇 𓍇𓏌 𓅡𓏤 𓐠𓏤 𓈖 𓏏𓅐𓀼 anx.f-n-xnsw (mAa-)xrw sA mi nw bA-sA-n-mwt Ānkhefenkhonsu ma'ā-khera sa mi nu Basaenmut Ankh-ef-en-Khonsu, True of voice, son like this Ba-sa-en-Mut, 𓁹 𓈖 𓁙 𓈖 𓇋𓏠𓇳 𓎟 𓉐 𓄿𓏏𓈙𓁸𓁐 iry n iHyt n imn nbt pr t-nS ïrā en ȧḥyt born of the Chantress of Amun-Re, Lady of the House, Ta-nesh |
𓌃 𓆓 𓈖 𓁹𓊨𓀭 𓍛𓊹 𓏠𓈖𓍿 𓎟 𓌀𓏏𓊖
Dd mdw n wsir Hm-nTr mnTw nb wst djud moudu en Usir(i) ḥem-nouter Montju nēb Waset Words spoken by the Osiris, God's Servant of Montu, Lord of Waset/Thebes 𓋹𓈖𓐍𓆑𓈖𓐍𓇓𓀻 𓐙𓊤 𓄣𓏤𓀀 𓈖 𓏏𓅐𓀀 𓊕𓏮 anx.f-n-xnsw, mAa-xrw ib.i n mwt sp sn(w) Ānkhefenkhonsu ma'ā-kheru əbi.ē en mut səp sen(u) Ankh-ef-en-Khonsu, True of Voice: " my heart of my mother (2 times repeate), 𓄂𓏏𓏭𓄣𓏤𓀀 𓈖 𓃹𓈖𓈖𓀀 𓁷𓏤𓁶 𓇾 HAty.i n wnn.i tp tA ḥəti.ē en uōnn.ē təp tah my heart while I existed upon the earth, 𓅓 𓊢𓂝𓂻 𓂋𓀀 𓅓 𓂺𓏏𓀁𓀀 m aHa r.i m wtT em aḥi er.ē em utetj do not stand against me as a witness, 𓅓 𓍚 𓂋𓀀 𓅓 𓍑𓍑𓏌𓏏𓀭𓏪 𓅓 𓂋𓈎𓂢𓀝 m xsf r.i m DADAt m rq mē khasef er.ē em djadjaet, mē req do not oppose me among the magistrate, do not be turn against me 𓂋𓀀 𓅓 𓂺𓏛 𓊹𓉼 𓎟 𓋀𓏏𓏏 r.i m-bAH aA nTr nb imntt er.ē em-baḥ ā'a noutjer, nēb Ȧmənti. me in the presence of the Great God, the Lord of the West. 𓇋𓋴 𓄥 𓈖𓀀 𓇾 𓇯 𓏶𓅓𓅨𓂋𓏏𓈉 𓉻𓏏 is smA tA pt imy-wrt xAst aAt ïs soma tah pət ȧmy uēr khast ā'at Indeed I have united the land and the sky to the great west 𓇯 𓎝𓎛 𓀀 𓁶𓏤 𓇾 𓌃 𓆓 𓁹𓊨𓊹 pt wAH.i tp tA Dd mdw wsir pət ouaḥ.ē təp tah djud moudu of Heaven, may I endure upon earth!" Words spoken by the Osiris, 𓐧𓌀 𓋹𓈖𓐍𓆑𓈖𓐍𓈖𓇓𓀼 𓐙𓊤 smA-wAst anx.f-n-xnsw mAa-xrw sma-waset Ānkhefkhonsu ma'ā-kheru the priest Waset/Thebes, Ankh-ef-en-Khonsu, True of Voice: 𓇋𓀀 𓌡𓂝𓏤 𓊪𓊃𓂧 𓇶 𓅓 𓇋𓂝𓎛𓇹𓀭 𓉐𓂋𓂻 i wa psD m iaH pri ō uā psodj em ōḥ pera O one who is unique of Arm, who shines like the moon, goes forth 𓁹𓊨𓊹 𓋹𓈖𓐍𓆑𓈖𓐍𓈖𓇓 𓅓𓅓 𓆈𓏏𓀀𓁐𓏪𓎡 wsir anx.f-n-xnsw m m aSAwt.k Usir Ānkhefkhonsu em em ashut.ek to Osiris, Ankh-ef-en-Khonsu, among your multitudes, 𓏏𓅱𓇋𓇋 𓂋 𓂋𓏏𓅱𓏭𓇯 𓊠𓂝𓅱𓂡𓀀 𓏶𓅱𓏪 𓇶𓅱𓀭 twi r rwty wHaw imyw Axw tuē er ruty uḥāu ȧmyu ikhu (O) deliverer of those who are within the sun-light, 𓃹𓈖 𓉿𓈖𓆑 𓇼𓄿𓏏𓉐 𓇋𓋴 𓁹𓊨𓊹 𓋹𓈖𓐍𓆑𓈖𓐍𓈖𓇓𓀼 wn n.f dwAt is wsir anx.f-n-xnsw uōn en.ef duat ēs Usir(i) Ānkhefkhonsu open for him the Netherworld, indeed, the Osiris, Ankh-ef-en-Khonsu 𓉐𓂋𓂻 𓅓 𓉔𓂋𓇳𓏤 𓂋𓁹𓏏 𓌻𓂋𓂋𓀁 𓎟𓏏 pri m hrw r irt mrrt.f nbt pera em hru er ïrāt mərrit.ef nēbet who goes forth by day in order to do all that he desires 𓁷𓁶 𓇾 𓅔 𓋹𓅱𓏪 tp tA m-m anxw təp tah emem ānkhu upon the earth among the living-ones." |
Aleister Crowley’s Paraphrasing
Above, the gemmed azure is
The naked splendour of Nuit; She bends in ecstasy to kiss The secret ardours of Hadit. The winged globe, the starry blue, Are mine, O Ankh-af-na-khonsu! I am the Lord of Thebes, and I The inspired forth-speaker of Mentu; For me unveils the veiled sky, The self-slain Ankh-af-na-khonsu Whose words are truth. I invoke, I greet Thy presence, O Ra-Hoor-Khuit! Unity uttermost showed! I adore the might of Thy breath, Supreme and terrible God, Who makest the gods and death To tremble before Thee: -- I, I adore thee! Appear on the throne of Ra! Open the ways of the Khu! Lighten the ways of the Ka! The ways of the Khabs run through To stir me or still me! Aum! let it kill me! The light is mine; its rays consume Me: I have made a secret door Into the House of Ra and Tum, Of Khephra and of Ahathoor. I am thy Theban, O Mentu, The prophet Ankh-af-na-khonsu! By Bes-na-Maut my breast I beat; By wise Ta-Nech I weave my spell. Show thy star-splendour, O Nuit! Bid me within thine House to dwell, O winged snake of light, Hadit! Abide with me, Ra-Hoor-Khuit! |
Saith of Mentu the truth-telling brother
Who was master of Thebes from his birth: O heart of me, heart of my mother! O heart which I had upon earth! Stand not thou up against me a witness! Oppose me not, judge, in my quest! Accuse me not now of unfitness Before the Great God, the dread Lord of the West! For I fastened the one to the other With a spell for their mystical girth, The earth and the wonderful West, When I flourished, o earth, on thy breast! The dead man Ankh-f-n-khonsu Saith with his voice of truth and calm: O thou that hast a single arm! O thou that glitterest in the moon! I weave thee in the spinning charm; I lure thee with the billowy tune. The dead man Ankh-f-n-khonsu Hath parted from the darkling crowds, Hath joined the dwellers of the light, Opening Duaut, the star-abodes, Their keys receiving. The dead man Ankh-f-n-khonsu Hath made his passage into night, His pleasure on the earth to do Among the living. |
AIVAS = 78 number of Mezla, the influence from the highest unity (Crowley)
Aiwaz/OIVZ = 93 the number of Thelema (Actual Hebrew)
Aiwass : s/ת (tav) 400 + a/א (aleph) 1 + w/ו (waw) 6 + y/י(yod) 10 + a/א(aleph) 1 = 418
possibly was an Egyptian name
ỈꜤwꜢs 𓇋𓂝𓉴𓌀
/ia/ 'ascend, arise' /wAs/ 'dominion, have dominion'
AIVAS = 78 number of Mezla, the influence from the highest unity (Crowley)
Aiwaz/OIVZ = 93 the number of Thelema (Actual Hebrew)
Aiwass : s/ת (tav) 400 + a/א (aleph) 1 + w/ו (waw) 6 + y/י(yod) 10 + a/א(aleph) 1 = 418
possibly was an Egyptian name
ỈꜤwꜢs 𓇋𓂝𓉴𓌀
/ia/ 'ascend, arise' /wAs/ 'dominion, have dominion'
(Alef) י10
(Yod) ק100
(Qof) |
(Bet) כ20
(Kaf) ר200
(Resh) |
(Gimel) ל30
(Lamed) ש300
(Shin) |
(Dalet) מ40
(Mem) ת400
(Tav) |
(He) נ50
(Nun) 500ך
(F Kaf) |
(Vav) ס60
(Samekh) 600ם
(F Mem) |
(Zayen) ע70
(Ayin) 700ן
(F Nun) |
(Het) פ80
(Pe) 800ף
(F Pe) |
(Tat) צ90
(Tzadi) 900ץ
(F Tzadi) |
Law of Thelema
mry hp, mry Xr ib
"Love is the law, love under will."
pA mdw m hp Abi (Thelema/Abi)
"The word of the law is Thelema/Abi"
iry Hst.k iry wnn pA hp mi qd
do what you wish will be the whole of the law
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law"
"Love is the law, love under will."
pA mdw m hp Abi (Thelema/Abi)
"The word of the law is Thelema/Abi"
iry Hst.k iry wnn pA hp mi qd
do what you wish will be the whole of the law
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law"
𐦊 𓏛𓏏𓊪𓏲𓏥 𓁷𓏤 𓅮 𓊀
\ | | | /
nn Htpw Hr pA sbA
Keep in mind this was written before anyone had cracked Ancient Egyptian in 1586. The Rosetta Stone was cracked in the early 1800's. Instructions: "Inscribe upon iron, silver or bone thease symbols, and the watcher and guardian at the gate shall be most frendly unto the.... Wear is around they neck as a symbol unto the spirits. It hath the power to make many spirits frendly unto thee.
/nn/ this glyph is actually 'na' the Meroitic's n while, the Egyptian n can be written /nn/ or /nw/ this isn't a normal formation possible 'this?' or 'of?' (plur)
/Htpw/ 'peace/contentment', /Hr/ 'on/upon', /pA/ 'the', /sbA/ 'door'
\ | | | /
nn Htpw Hr pA sbA
Keep in mind this was written before anyone had cracked Ancient Egyptian in 1586. The Rosetta Stone was cracked in the early 1800's. Instructions: "Inscribe upon iron, silver or bone thease symbols, and the watcher and guardian at the gate shall be most frendly unto the.... Wear is around they neck as a symbol unto the spirits. It hath the power to make many spirits frendly unto thee.
/nn/ this glyph is actually 'na' the Meroitic's n while, the Egyptian n can be written /nn/ or /nw/ this isn't a normal formation possible 'this?' or 'of?' (plur)
/Htpw/ 'peace/contentment', /Hr/ 'on/upon', /pA/ 'the', /sbA/ 'door'
Various Occult and Magic
Hebrew Alphabet
Theban Alphabet
Theban Font download
Fontpalace Mac and PC
Fontpalace Mac and PC
Enochian Alphabet
Magi Alphabet
Angelic Alphabet
Malachim Alphabet
Transitus Fluvii Alphabet
Ogham Alphabet
Futhark Alphabet/Younger Futhark
ᚠ - f - /f/ - Fehu - "fay-who" - [wealth, cattle, money, mobile property, new beginning, the God Frey]
ᚢ - u - /u(ː)/ - Üruz - [Ox, water, horns, survival, endurance, physical power, independ, manifestation, resistance, life force] ᚦ - þ - /θ/ - þurisaz - [Thurs, Giant, thorn, strong one, conflict, tool, weapon, defense, protection, violence, the god Thunraz] ᚨ - a - /a(ː)/ - Ansuz - [order, breath, gods, meaning, sncestral sovereign, spirit, poetic inspiration, communication] ᚱ - r - /r/ - Raidō - [ride, journey, vehicle, righteousness, inner compass, nobility, the path] ᚲ - k (c) - /k/ - kaunan - [knowledge, craft, tradition, controlled fire, hearth, experience, torch] ᚷ - g - /g/ - gebō - [gift, exchange, sacrifice, sacred union/marriage, innate, talents, generosity] ᚹ - w - /w/ ; /u/, /v/ - wunjō - [joy, bliss, hope, harmony, fellowship, perfection, friendship, kindred, prosperity?] ᚺ , ᚻ - h - /h/ - hagalaz - [hail, catastrophe, crisis, radical change, acceptance, surrender, opportunity] ᚾ - n - /n/ - naudiz - [need, distress, fire, necessity, friction, restraint, innovation, life lessons, urgency, Constraint] ᛁ - i - /i(ː)/ - īsaz - [ice, stasis, stillness, self, control, identity, focus] ᛃ - j - /j/ - jēra - [good year, harvest, patience, cycles, time, orbits, right effort] ᛇ - ï (æ) - /æː/ - ī(h)waz - [initiation, death mysteries, the timeless, eternity, immortality, Yew-tree] ᛈ - p - /p/ - perþ - [Luck, chance, fate, the unknowable, recreation, amusement, play, games] ᛉ - z - /z/ - Algiz - [elk sedge, protection, higher self, divinity, teaching, spiritual connection, defense] ᛊ , ᛋ - s - /s/ - sōwilō - [sun, victory, guidance, mastery, wholness, seat of the soul, goals] ᛏ - t - /t/ - tīwaz - [God Tyr, justice, winning, sacrifice, sovereign order, laws, principles, spiritual warrior] (draw on hilt) ᛒ - b - /b/ - berkanan - [birch goddess, popular, rebirth, sanctuary, plantlife, mature wisdom, healing, safety] ᛖ - e - /e(ː)/ - ehwaz - [horse, trust, teamwork, love, partnership, animals, emtion] ᛗ - m - /m/ - mannaz - [mankind, mind, memory, learning, divine structures within humanty] ᛚ - l - /l/ laguz - [water, river, unconscious, subconscious, collective memory, unity, psychic powers, dreams, imagination] ᛜ - ŋ - /ŋ/ - ingwaz - [seed, creation, genesis, process, evolution, energetic burst, the God Ingwaz] ᛞ - d - /d/ - dagaz - [day, awakening, enlightenment, invisibility, incommunicable paradox, nonduality] ᛟ - o - /o(ː)/- ōþila-/*ōþala - [heritage, homeland, estate, possession, inheritance, legacy, greater peace, heaven on hearth] |
ᚠ - f, v - fé - [wealth]
ᚢ - u/v/w,y, - úr - [iron, rain] ᚦ - þ ,θ, ð/- Thurs - [thurs, Giant] ᚬ, ᚭ - ą o, æ - As/Oss - [god] ᚱ - r - reið - [ride] ᚴ - k, g, ŋ - kaun - [ulcer] - - ᚼ, ᚽ - h - hagall - [hail] ᚾ, ᚿ - n - nauðr - [need] ᛁ - i , e - ísa/íss - [ice] ᛅ, ᛆ - a, æ, e - ár - [plenty] - - ᛦ - r - Yr - [yew] ᛋ, ᛌ - s - sól - [Sun] ᛏ/ᛐ , t, d - Týr - [Týr] ᛒ - b , p - björk/bjarkan/bjarken - [birch] - ᛘ - m - maðr [man, human] ᛚ - l - lögr [sea] - - - |